God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 877: Officially started

Guo Xiping did not speak.

Gu Jun also sank and said nothing.

After a long time, it was Kong Changan who made the decision. Then mobilize some personnel and exploration equipment, and then continue to explore, adopt a wide-spread network, and select multiple exploration sites, hoping that a miracle will happen.

After making such a decision, Kong Changan murmured: "Mr. Wang, our hopes must not be lost. We hope that Yinhai City has huge reserves of oil."

Whether it is Kong Changan or Gu Jun and Guo Xiping, everyone has placed great hopes on Yinhai Oilfield. They hope to discover a large amount of oil here, build a world-famous oilfield, and also end the import of oil from the three major national oil giants. History.

Now, it seems that the situation is a bit serious.

Guo Xiping sighed for a long time, "At present, it seems that this is the only situation. We can only continue to explore, and it is still a larger-scale exploration."

Gu Jun also agreed with this view and nodded.


Today is the day when Qinglong Port officially started.

Compared to two days ago, there is a lot more lively here. Not only has various types of construction machinery increased significantly, various building materials have piled up like mountains, the number of construction workers has doubled, and there are many more media reporters.

The world's largest crude oil export port!

There was no need for invitation at all, and reporters from major media who heard the news almost flocked to them to seize the position early.

By the bay, a large open area is festive and lively. In front is the vast blue Qinglong Bay. Not far from it is a large number of construction machinery, neatly arranged in rows, which is very spectacular.

A little further away, it was a large concrete mixing plant, where a large amount of cement, sand and other construction materials were accumulated.

A rostrum with a height of about one meter, a length of 20 meters, and a width of 10 has been erected, covered with a red carpet, and the positions are neatly arranged, the microphones are ready, and there are names in front of each position.

Wang Xudong didn't want to show his face, but sat with Liu Yu in the center of the guest seat under the rostrum. He looked very low-key. If he didn't pay attention, it would be hard to spot Wang Xudong.

Today, Liang Hongbo will represent the Xudong Mining Group to attend the groundbreaking ceremony, while Wang Xudong will stand behind the scenes, just take a look, not appear in front of the public, just come and take a look in a low-key way to feel the festive atmosphere.

The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing, and a few white clouds floated in the blue sky. At nine o'clock in the morning, the groundbreaking ceremony officially began. The loud sound of a salute seemed to tell everyone that Qinglong Port officially began construction today, and it will be the world's largest crude oil export port.

A major leader from Western Guangdong Province gave a speech. As the contractor, Zhenbang Group Liu Bin made a speech, and Liang Hongbo spoke on behalf of Xudong Mining Group.

After the speech, everyone walked to the construction site not far away. Each took a shovel tied with red silk and shoveled down the first shovel of dirt.

Qinglong Port officially started construction!

With the shaking of cheers, thunderous applause, and the sound of various construction machinery, Dajian opened the curtain. Liu Yu said: "Brother Dong, the scene is really spectacular!"

It's really spectacular!

A large number of excavators are waving their long arms, a large number of muck trucks are loaded with earth and rock shuttles, a large number of construction workers are busy, and a huge pile driver stands up and pounds the ground piles.

With his technical team members, Qiu Jingsheng looked at the front with excitement. The long-cherished wish for many years will finally be realized. This is a super large seaport planned and designed by Qiu Jingsheng, specially designed for crude oil output.

Zhou Chunliang said happily: "Teacher, your wish has finally come true."

Qiu Jingsheng said, "I have no regrets in my life, and finally I have no regrets in my life!"

A large number of reporters, facing the camera, backed by the beautiful and vast Qinglong Bay, began to report on the spot. Needless to say, with such reports, Qinglong Port will gradually be known to the Chinese people.

Wang Xudong followed Liu Yu and Lin Hu, walked around, looked around, I can fully feel the heat and celebration, the whole mood, invisibly improved, especially when he saw the spectacular construction scene, Wang Xudong even thought After the completion of the first phase of the construction project, we will be able to dock the giant ship here, and the oil from the Yinhai Oilfield will be transported out.

As heavyweight guests, Kong Changan, Guo Xiping and Gu Jun also participated in the groundbreaking ceremony of Qinglong Port today. Now, they temporarily forgot the irritability in their hearts and looked at everything in front of them with joy.

At noon, as the host, the Yinhai Municipal Government held a grand celebration lunch, which was very festive. Even Wang Xudong also attended.

At the luncheon, various congratulations continued to flow in. Many people carried their wine glasses to express their congratulations to Wang Xudong. Even the main leaders of Western Guangdong Province also came to clink glasses with Wang Xudong to congratulate the early completion of Qinglong Port.

The prelude to the construction of Qinglong Port has been fully kicked off today. The next construction matters basically don't need to worry about Wang Xudong. Xudong Mining Group has just formed a supervisory team composed of more than a dozen people to supervise and serve the construction of Qinglong Port.

Regarding the technical issues of large construction projects, there are Qiu Jingsheng's technical team and Zhenbang Group's engineering and technical personnel. Zhenbang Group will also be fully responsible for the specific construction affairs.

While Qingyang Port is under construction in an all-round way, more large-scale oil exploration within Yinhai City is also being carried out, but the situation is not optimistic.

As a result, Yinhai City also held a special meeting.

This meeting was personally chaired by Gong Qiaoping, and all the main leaders of Yinhai City participated. The meeting specifications were high, but it was relatively low-key, which was equivalent to a closed-door meeting.

The people attending the meeting, including Gong Qiaoping, looked solemn, and some were even full of worry.

Xudong Mining Group wants to develop and build a large oil field in Yinhai City. This is great news for Gong Qiaoping. Many people estimate that they were so excited that they did not sleep well for several days. The same goes for Gong Qiaoping, as if watching It is the rapid economic development of Yinhai City.

Now, the news from the various oil exploration teams has not found any trace of oil until now.

Could it be that there is no oil in Yinhai City at all!

This is the most worrying thing for many people. No, one official said: "Secretary Gong, Xudong Mining Group has invested such a huge investment in Qinglong Bay, and if there is no oil in Yinhai City, then... …"

The meaning is obvious. Then there will be a big joke. Not only will Xudong Mining Group make a big joke, but the Yinhai City will also be the same, and it will be laughed at by many provinces and cities.

Gong Qiaoping's expression became serious, and he slowly said, "This is the end of the meeting. Please keep it confidential and don't disclose the content of the meeting. We will wait and see if there is a surprise."

Many people nodded. If there is really no oil in Yinhai City, it is definitely a shame. Many people know that they must keep their mouths tight.

However, after the meeting, in less than a day, Yinhai City began to circulate that there was no oil in Yinhai City. Xudong Mining Group, the three major national oil companies, etc. would all be busy.

"It's a pity, it turns out that our Yinhai City has no oil at all!"

"I just said, our Yinhai is a tourist city, how can there be oil."

"Hey, I originally hoped to be able to work in Yinhai Oilfield in the future, but now it seems to be a failure."


Various versions went viral in Yinhai City, and Liang Hongbo had already returned. These days, Wang Xudong has been in Yinhai City, and these comments naturally spread to Wang Xudong's ears.

Even Liu Yu became worried, and asked Wang Xudong more than once, if there is really no oil, then he will be really busy, and there may be a big joke.

However, Wang Xudong has always been calm, which made Liu Yu, who was full of worry, relieved a lot. He even thought in his heart that Dong Ge was so sure that there is really oil in Yinhai City.

Wang Xudong's ability to be so calm does not mean that other people can sit still on the Diaoyutai.

These days, Kong Changan and others are not in a hurry to leave Yinhai City. In their opinion, there is nothing more important than the exploration of oil in Yinhai City. They are naturally uneasy before the final conclusion of exploration is made. go away.

Basically, they visit various exploration sites every day, personally observe the situation of each well, and ask exploration technicians and exploration workers to learn more about the situation on the front line of exploration.

While staying in Yinhai City to check the exploration situation, various versions of the discussion naturally passed to the ears of Kong Changan and the others, so they became more anxious and couldn't sit still.

No, the leaders of the three national oil companies, Kong Chang’an, Guo Xiping, and Gu Jun, as well as the bosses of other domestic oil companies, as well as many experts and technicians from the exploration team, gathered together in Yinhai City. The five-star conference room is holding a meeting.

Several exploration experts explained and reported on the exploration situation these days, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room was dull and depressing.

One of the experts said: "Dear leaders, based on my many years of experience and our exploration situation, it is impossible for the Yinhai City area to have a large amount of oil."

"Yes, I also hold this view. I don't think there is any need to continue to explore. We can make the final conclusion."

Kong Changan frowned, thinking in his heart, how could this be?

No, Wang Xudong is not an adventurous person. If he is not sure, he will not invest huge sums of money to build a harbor in Qinglong Bay.

When Qinglong Port started construction ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kong Changan visited and knew that it was a huge crude oil export port with an investment of tens of billions. Wang Xudong shouldn't throw so much money away.

Kong Changan was thinking about this, did not speak, and the other bosses were the same, silent, there were many people in the entire conference room, but it was quiet, no, it should be said that it was dull, there was a kind of dullness that made people breathless.

On the conference table, a mobile phone vibrated and the buzzing sound was obvious. Many people looked at the mobile phone.

The owner of the mobile phone is an expert from the oil exploration team. He saw a call coming, picked up the phone and looked at it. It was the person in charge of the geological exploration team below. A few days ago, this exploration team moved into one. Shapo, where oil exploration is conducted.

After thinking about it, the expert pressed the call button. Soon, the expert's expression showed obvious excitement, and even after the reaction was too big, the phone fell to the ground with a "pop".

What's happening here!


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