God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 879: Top spot

Seeing this scene, many people's first reaction was a blowout!

Immediately, one by one became rejoiced. So much oil was sprayed out. What did that mean? It means that there is a large amount of oil below. In the future, oil extraction areas will be built here.

"Quickly, let's go and take a look!"

Kong Changan was the first to run over there, where there was a big boss, his happy appearance was like a young man who won a lottery prize.

When other people saw it, they followed suit. Some people were still yelling excitedly. Seeing this situation, Wang Xudong smiled happily and waved: "Let's go, let's take a look."

In the oil extraction industry, the moment when oil is extracted is often the most gratifying and exciting moment, and this situation is exactly that moment.

Everyone has been worried for so long. At one point they thought that there was no oil in Yinhai City. They didn’t think about it. Not only was oil discovered in the Shapo area, but oil was spewed out during the exploration process. No wonder this gratifying situation Like Kong Changan, he ran toward there like a young man with joy.

This is one of the many drilling sites in the Shapo area, and the first one to eject oil. A large amount of oil is ejected from the drilling site. Several workers are working hard to kill the well. Oil suppressed.

There was already a lot of oil on the ground, Kong Changan squatted down, touched a little with his finger, looked at it, and smelled it again. Guo Xiping and Gu Jun are basically similar. Everyone has been in the oil industry for so many years, and naturally they can see some ways.

Kong Changan said: "This is heavy oil."

Guo Xiping nodded, "Well, and it should still be a good quality heavy oil."

Generally speaking, the quality of light oil is better than that of heavy oil, but it is not absolute, just generally speaking, some oil fields in the world also have first-class heavy crude oil, such as the crude oil here. That's good.

Gu Jun waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Quickly, quickly sample and analyze. We need to see its detailed analysis data."

Knowing that this may be a very high-quality heavy crude oil, not only Gu Jun wants to know its quality, but also Kong Changan and Guo Xiping. Kong Changan also said: "Yes, take a sample and analyze it quickly."

At this time, Wang Xudong walked over with a smile on his face, just when he saw a technician taking samples and preparing to analyze the crude oil, Wang Xudong smiled again.

These are naturally very high-quality heavy crude oils. Can the quality of the products produced by the "God-level Big Miner" system be poor? This should be one of the best heavy crude oils in the world.

Gong Qiaoping came with several officials from Yinhai City. Seeing the crude oil spewed out, he was very happy and said: "I didn't think about it. We in Yinhai not only have oil, but also spew it out automatically. Could it be possible to build a spouting well in the future."

Wang Xudong said loudly: "I think it can be built here. The entire Shapo area will be the first oil extraction area of ​​our Yinhai Oilfield."

Kong Changan laughed with joy, "Mr. Wang, we had said that whoever discovered the oil should carry out the development and construction of the oil production area, right?" After finishing, he took a smug look and walked over. Han Xinguang and others took a look.

Wang Xudong nodded and said, "This is natural. This is the No. 1 oil area of ​​our Yinhai Oilfield. Let it be handed over to your three oil groups for planning and development."

Han Xinguang also nodded in agreement, but his eyes were full of envy. The oil exploration team formed by the three major national oil giants has taken the lead in finding oil, and the oil exploration team formed by them has not found any discovery so far. It was once thought that there was no oil in Yinhai City.

Han Xinguang secretly said in his heart that we must not give up, we must also discover oil, and must develop and build a large-scale oil exploration area.

Oil found!

The news spread throughout Shapo, and even many nearby villagers rushed to watch the excitement. All kinds of good news came one after another.

The drill points here are in full bloom, and all of them are discovering oil one after another. These drill points are scattered in a range of several square kilometers, and the distance between each other is as little as two or three hundred meters, and the distance is thousands of meters.

Even if the distance is relatively long, oil was found in the two or three drill sites in the marginal area. More than that, oil was also found at the drill site closest to the sea.

Some oil exploration technicians speculate in their hearts that there is oil in the offshore waters here, um, you will find out after exploring.

Even if it reaches a distance of 1 or 2 kilometers from the coast, the water depth does not exceed 10 meters, and the seabed is flat. If oil exploration is to be carried out, it is not difficult.

With so many drilling sites discovering oil one after another, Kong Chang’an and others knew that the oil reserves here must be huge. What makes people happy is that the crude oil sampling and analysis results have also come out. Here is the top quality heavy crude oil, which is definitely in the world. One of the best quality heavy crude oil.

The crude oil is of good quality and large reserves, which is enough to make people happy.

Kong Changan looked at the direction of Qinglong Bay, and said to Wang Xudong: "Mr. Wang, your luck is really great. It is only more than ten kilometers away from Qinglong Port. The oil extracted here can be transported very conveniently. Qinglonggang."

This is not good luck, but a special arrangement of Wang Xudong. Wang Xudong has gathered so much oil here. Not only is the open and flat terrain here, away from Yinhai City, but also the only ten kilometers away from Qinglong Port. .

Wang Xudong said: "Mr. Kong, your luck is also very good. Oil was discovered here, and it seems that the reserves are not small."

The reserves are certainly not small, a full 6 billion tons, and the reserves are amazing!

Kong Changan nodded and said: "According to the current situation of the drilling sites, the oil reserves in this area must be very huge. I will not go back. Staying in Yinhai City these days, I want to know the real situation of the oil reserves here for the first time."

Even if there is no accurate data yet, Kong Changan has already speculated in his mind that the oil reserves here may be more than 1 billion tons, maybe 2 billion tons.

Thinking of the amazing reserves of 1 billion tons, or even 2 billion tons, Kong Changan would not be willing to go back. He wants to stay in Yinhai City, come here to take a look every day, and watch the official and comprehensive exploration results come out with his own eyes.

Upon seeing this, Wang Xudong smiled and said nothing. The oil reserves here are a full 6 billion tons. If he knew so much oil, would Kong Chang'an faint with his heart.

6 billion tons is too huge!


The oil was discovered, and the oil was still gushing out by itself. The news spread in Yinhai City. In the workshops of Yinhai City, the style of painting changed. No longer talking about the absence of oil in Yinhai City, but hot discussion about the Shapo area. A large amount of high-quality oil was discovered.

"It's incredible, oil has been discovered!"

"I just heard the news, which made me stunned, but I was also happy in my heart. We really have oil in Yinhai City. I heard that it is still very high-quality heavy crude oil."

"Well, I heard that the reserves may be huge. I really look forward to the final exploration results, how much oil reserves are there."


Everyone in Yinhai City talked about the discovery of oil in Shapo. Many citizens talked about it with joy. Some people even geared up, waiting for Yinhai Oilfield to recruit workers, hoping to enter the oilfield and become an oil worker.

Everyone is so happy, but there are a few people who are under great pressure, such as the CEOs of oil companies such as Han Xinguang.

They also formed a strong joint exploration team and selected multiple exploration areas within Yinhai City. However, so far, there has been no discovery.

The joint exploration team formed by the three major national oil companies has taken the lead, and has discovered amazing oil reserves in the Shapo area.

If oil were not discovered in the Shapo area, Han Xinguang and others might have given up, saying that there is no oil in Yinhai City. However, under the current situation, they have gritted their teeth and must explore for oil.

Oil has been discovered in Shapo!

Kong Changan personally commanded that all the exploration teams of their joint exploration team gathered in the Shapo area to prepare for a comprehensive exploration of this area.

For example, in Xilong Village, there was originally an exploration team. The local villagers discovered that the exploration team had packed its things and left. The hood was removed, the derrick was removed, and the drilling rig was hoisted on the truck and started to be transported. Everyone had to go to the sand. The **** area.

In the Shapo area, it has become more lively and popular, with more prospecting personnel, more drilling rigs, and more erected derricks. Even offshore, preparations for oil exploration have begun.

There will be new discoveries every day and new results every day. Kong Changan and others are here almost every day. Simply reluctant to return to Beijing.

After staying in Yinhai City for a few days, Wang Xudong returned to Donghai City first, then went to Beijing again a few days later, and then came to Yinhai City again.

In addition to Liu Yu and Lin Hu, there was also Zheng Xiaotong. Wang Xudong came to Yinhai City again, still worrying about the construction of Qinglong Port and the oil exploration situation in Yinhai City.

Coming to Yinhai City again, Wang Xudong took Zheng Xiaotong to see the Qinglong Port under construction, and also went to Shapo to see the oil exploration situation.

There, not only derricks have been erected in the land area, and comprehensive oil exploration is being carried out. In the offshore waters, some derricks have also been erected to explore the seabed oil resources.

These offshore derricks have also discovered oil one after another, even at a drilling site more than a thousand meters from the coast.

Looking at the scene in front of me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang Xudong thought to himself, it looks so gratifying. The three major national oil giants have discovered oil and are rushing to conduct comprehensive exploration. Han Xinguang and the others.

Thinking of the joint oil exploration team set up by other oil companies, Wang Xudong shook his head lightly, thinking in his heart, they seem to have no news. The one-month deadline is less than ten days.

Han Xinguang and others just couldn't explore for oil, and Wang Xudong had nothing to do. He couldn't tell Han Xinguang directly. You go directly to Round Table Island and explore there for a try.

After taking a look around Shapo, Wang Xudong returned to Yinhai City with satisfaction, got out of the car in front of the hotel where he was staying, and took Zheng Xiaotong, Liu Yu and Lin Hu into the lobby of the hotel.

After a hall, Wang Xudong was slightly stunned, because he saw Han Xinguang, he seemed to have been waiting for himself here for a long time.


The third one is sent!

That's all for today's update, thank you everyone!

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