God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 908: Please wait 1

Gradually approaching!

Wang Xudong felt the tremendous changes here more clearly. I remember when I came here before, it was just a beach. Now, it's a hot land, a huge oil exploration area, which has begun to take shape.

This construction speed is not so fast!

It is worthy of being the three powerful oil giants. Once construction starts, this speed is completely unstoppable. In such a short time, the first oil well has been completed and oil will be produced soon.

This is like a huge construction site.

Excavators waved their long arms and were doing excavation everywhere. A muck truck is full of mud and rocks running back and forth, a cement tanker is driving with concrete, and a cement pump truck is pouring concrete.

Construction workers wearing work clothes and hard hats can be seen everywhere, and some construction managers are also holding walkie-talkies, directing the construction here.

The motorcade drove into the Shapo area, entered the No. 1 oil zone under construction, and stopped in an open area. Before Wang Xudong got off the car, someone came over and politely opened the door for Wang Xudong.

Holding Zheng Xiaotong's small hand, Wang Xudong got out of the car and first saw the large construction in this area, a large number of construction machinery, and a large number of construction workers. I also saw oil wells under construction.

Kong Changan pointed to a distance and said, "That is our No. 1 oil well. It has been constructed and only waiting for Chairman Wang's arrival."

Wang Xudongxing came: "Then let's go over and take a look and witness the first barrel of oil produced in our Yinhai Oilfield."


Everyone was a group of people with great interest. Under the leadership of Kong Changan, like the stars Gongyue, they gathered Wang Xudong to the front of the oil well.

The construction of this oil well has been completed, and some preparations are in place. As long as the order is given, the oil layer can be penetrated and oil production can be started immediately.

Wang Xudong also saw the number of this oil well. The large number "1" is very conspicuous. This is not only the first completed oil well in the entire No. 1 oil region, but also the first oil well to extract oil. It is worthy of 1. Well.

Kong Changan said with joy: "In the No. 1 oil zone, there are endless surprises every day. We already know that not only is there huge oil reserves, but the oil is buried at a moderate depth and pressure, and it is also very convenient for mining. Like our No. 1 well, It is a self-blowing well."

Not only Well 1, but every oil well that will be built in the future will be all self-blowing wells. The oil deep underground will gush out along the vertical oil pipeline under the action of pressure. Oil pumps are not needed, but more. No pumping unit.

Self blowout!

After hearing the words, Gong Qiaoping was rejoiced again. It is indeed a spouting well. Such an oil well is good. It is almost standard for super large oil fields. Almost all of the world's high-yielding super large oil fields are spouting wells. If it is a pumping well, the output is much lower.

A leading manager walked over quickly and asked for instructions: "Mr. Kong, all preparations are ready, whether to proceed with oil extraction."

Yinhai Oilfield’s first oil well is today also the day when the Yinhai Oilfield will formally extract oil. On such a big day, several media outlets in Yinhai City naturally dispatched teams of reporters, including several media outlets in the provincial capital. come.

At this time, these reporters have taken up a favorable position, set up their long guns and short cannons, and aimed their cameras at the oil well.

Many reporters are a little bit excited to think that Yinhai Oilfield will produce oil. This is big news. You must obtain first-hand news materials and send this news as soon as possible.

After listening to the request, Kong Changan turned his attention to Wang Xudong, which meant to inquire and solicit Wang Xudong's opinions. Wang Xudong nodded gently.

After obtaining Wang Xudong's consent, Kong Changan waved his hand and said, "I will start oil extraction now!"


The manager responded loudly, and then ran all the way, directing the workers under his hands to get busy. After just ten minutes, a large amount of dark brown oil was ejected from the oil well under everyone's delighted eyes. .

Out of oil!

The spectacular scene not only attracted the attention of many people, but more people cheered loudly and rushed to tell each other. The great news spread across the entire No. 1 oil extraction area in an instant.

The reporters, one by one, like stimulants, pointed the camera at the oil well with great excitement, and recorded the gratifying scene of the oil jet.

Some reporters inevitably splashed some oil on their bodies because of their relatively high positions, but they completely ignored them. Facing the camera, behind the oil-spraying oil well, they were reporting on the spot.

Out of oil!

Wang Xudong was also happy, watching the dark brown oil spray out, Wang Xudong, like everyone else, was excited with joy.

The oil production from the oil wells in the oil field was a milestone. Cheers and thunderous applause rang out. Even, because everyone was so happy, it seemed that they had forgotten to connect the oil pipeline to the oil well interface and let the oil spray.

Like a huge fountain, oil spurted out of a large wellhead, spraying up to a height of more than ten meters, and then falling on the ground in a clatter, centered on the wellhead, within a radius of 20 to 30 meters, it was all oil.

This oil is getting more and more and it starts to flow on the ground. The scene was so gratifying, it took a few minutes before anyone reacted.

Under the command of the manager just now, several oil workers finally connected the oil pipeline to the interface of the oil well. The sprayed oil used to be like a wild horse running off the rein, but now it is like a rein. After the oil is sprayed from the wellhead, it is transported to the distant oil storage area through the connected oil pipeline.

Shen Changan was excited, "Chairman Wang, our first oil well has successfully delivered oil!"

"Well, it's getting oil!" Wang Xudong nodded vigorously.

The smooth oil output of the first oil well seemed to be a shot in the heart, and every builder here seemed to be full of soaring energy.

Those reporters filmed the exciting scene just now. Needless to say, today's Yinhai News, or the news of Western Guangdong Province, must be heavy reports.

Kong Changan tried his best to calm his own excitement, and invited him: "Chairman Wang, we have several oil wells that have been constructed similarly. After about three or five days, oil will be produced one after another. I will take you to take a look. ."

Wang Xudong and Kong Changan led the way, and a large group of people followed. Everyone saw several other oil wells. These oil wells have been constructed similarly. The super stainless steel steel pipes with a diameter of 150 mm are vertically downward to pass through the underground oil layer. .

Around the steel pipes, the cement has solidified. Look like this, within a few days, these oil wells will also produce oil one by one.

After watching these oil wells, everyone came to the distant oil storage area. Here, there are also a large number of workers working on construction, and there are also several oil pipelines leading here, one of which is transported by oil, which is No. 1. Oil extracted from a well.

Several super large oil storage tanks are already in place, each with a diameter of 80 meters and a height of more than 20 meters, which are very huge, each of which can store about 100,000 tons of oil.

This is the oil storage area of ​​No. 1 Oil Field. After the construction is completed, there will be dozens of such super huge oil storage tanks, which can store more than 30 million barrels of oil.

Two large oil pipelines, each with a diameter of 1500 mm, lead from here to the distant Qinglong Port. The oil extracted from the No. 1 oil field is temporarily stored here and then transported to Qinglong Crude Oil Port through this pipeline.

Progress is so fast!

After seeing everything here, Wang Xudong sighed again. The progress made in less than a month from the start of construction to the present is simply amazing.

The No. 1 oil well successfully produced high-quality oil, which is something to celebrate.

In the evening, the Yinhai Municipal Government organized a grand celebration banquet. Whether it was Kong Changan or Gong Qiaoping, they were almost drunk again.

Today, Wang Xudong is going to find a place for his No. 3 oil zone.

There are more than 5,800 ordinary energy points in the system. If you say it is too much, it is not too much. First, find a good place to gather hundreds of millions of tons of oil.

As for choosing where to go, Wang Xudong basically has a plan, certainly not on land. The entire land area of ​​Yinhai City has long been overturned by two joint oil exploration teams formed by the three major oil groups and the Donghai Petrochemical Group.

People have already explored, but no oil has been found. You have discovered a lot of oil in places where they have explored ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is unreasonable. Wang Xudong is going to places where they have not explored.

Such as sea.

The No. 3 oil area of ​​Yinhai Oilfield will definitely be an offshore oil exploration area. Wang Xudong must carefully consider where the specific site is located. It should not be too far from the Qinglong Crude Oil Port to facilitate the transportation of oil, and the water depth should not be too deep. The seabed terrain It must be flat enough to facilitate the construction of offshore oil well platforms.

If the No. 1 oil zone and the No. 2 oil zone are half on land and half in the sea, then the No. 3 oil zone will definitely be all in the sea.

That would be a typical offshore oil extraction area.

With such a plan in mind, Wang Xudong was ready to go for a walk. It is best to go for a round at sea. The yachts are ready. Beihai is a coastal tourist city and there is no shortage of yachts. Knowing that Wang Xudong is going to sea, Gong Qiaoping prepares for Wang Xudong. A nice big yacht.

At the entrance of the hotel where he was staying, there was already a car waiting for Wang Xudong. It was a staff member of the Yinhai City Government. Gong Qiaoping originally said that he would accompany Wang Xudong throughout the process. However, Wang Xudong declined and there was no need to let Gong Qiaoping accompany him throughout the process.

The car left the hotel and arrived at the yacht pier shortly afterwards. Wang Xudong saw a large yacht. Although it was not as good as his own luxury yacht, it was still standing out here. It was much larger and upscale than the yachts next to him. many.

Wang Xudong took Zheng Tong, followed by Lin Hu, and boarded the big yacht, accompanied by the staff from Yinhai City.

Standing on the deck of the yacht, Wang Xudong looked at the sea in the distance, and was about to give an order to set sail. A panting voice rang, "Wang...Chairman Wang, please... please wait!"


The third one is sent!

That's it for today's update. Today is Monday, I would like to ask you for recommendations. Thank you for your support!

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