God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 912: Come to ask for debt

Seeing the coldness at the corner of Wang Xudong's mouth, He Xiaoyun thought secretly, this Kimura Liangpin actually dared not pay the debt, the boss was obviously angry and he was in trouble.

Sure enough, Wang Xudong said: "Secretly figure out the whereabouts of this Kimura Liangpin, and after confirming it, tell me immediately."

He Xiaoyun thought in his heart, is it possible that the boss is planning to come and ask for debts. After thinking about it in his heart, he immediately nodded and said: "Okay, I will immediately find out his whereabouts and determine his location."

Donghai City can be regarded as He Xiaoyun's one-acre three-quarters of land. Here you need to investigate a person, even if the other party is not simple, no matter how secretive his whereabouts are, He Xiaoyun is sure to investigate clearly within a short time.


Australia, Reinhardt Mining Group.

In the meeting room, there was smoke. Several senior executives of this company were in a meeting. They had received a formal warning letter and issued it in the name of the International Iron Ore Federation. They had to take it seriously.

There is no doubt that those activities between them and Fusang State Steel Corporation have already been known, and these nasty things, they also know that they are not seen, and they immediately discussed together.

"Gentlemen, I think it is better to interrupt the business relationship with the steel companies in Fusang. Xudong Mining Group is not easy to mess with."

"Yes, I also agree with this point. We also want to order a joint mining truck from Sunward Heavy Industry Group. It is not good to offend Xudong Mining Group at this time."


These people have basically the same point of view, and they dare not offend Xudong Mining Group. Even if there are a few objections, they are not mainstream voices.

Following the principle of the minority obeying the majority, this matter was settled. The president of Reinhardt Mining Group said: “Then it is settled, Weiqi, you will come forward and tell the Fusang Guogang on behalf of our group. Enterprises, starting from the next week, interrupt the supply of iron ore to them."

Such a decision is considered wiser and they know how to stand in line.

The steel companies in Fusang quickly learned about this matter and responded quickly. They immediately sent people to Australia to contact the Reinhardt Mining Group in secret. With a lot of profit, they could increase the price of iron ore. Points.


In just two or three days, He Xiaoyun finally figured out the whereabouts of Kimura Liangpin. Now he is at the branch of the Kimura Consortium in Donghai City, and he will fly to Australia at noon.

Wang Xudong didn't know what Kimura Liangpin was going to do in Australia, nor did he instruct He Xiaoyun to find out. Wang Xudong didn't want to care about his troubles. What he wanted to do now was to get back his arrears.

Without further ado, Wang Xudong called Lin Hu into his office.

Lin Hu knocked on the door and said politely: "Boss, you are looking for me!"

Wang Xudong nodded and said: "Yes, you still remember the last time we went to the sea in Yinhai City, we went to gamble and won a lot of money."

Of course Lin Hu remembers this matter. That time, not only Wang Xudong won a huge sum of nearly 1.1 billion US dollars, but Lin Hu also made a fortune. Wang Xudong was happy and gave Lin Hu a 1 million US dollars in bargaining chips.

Lin Hu said: "Boss, I remember, I also want to thank you for the one million dollars. In addition, I still remember that Kimura Liangpin still owes you 65 million dollars. So far, he has not paid back the money."

At the beginning, Lin Hu was a little worried that this Kimura Yipin would fall back on his debts. He didn't think about it. It really was like this.

Wang Xudong was not worried at all about the debt, and said with a smile: "This Kimura Liangpin did not pay the money, but he happened to be in Donghai City. I already know his specific location, dare you come with me to ask for debts? "

Lin Hu was loyal to Wang Xudong, not to mention going to ask for debts together. He would not frown when he went up to the sword mountain and down the sea of ​​fire. Lin Hu said, "Boss, you too underestimate me, don't say it is in Donghai City. Even if I go to Fusang Country to ask for a debt from Kimura Liangpin, I won’t hesitate."

"Okay!" Wang Xudong stood up and waved his hand: "It shouldn't be too late, then we have to go into debt now and get back the 65 million US dollars owed."

The two went out of the office together, out of the International Finance Building, and Lin Hu drove towards the branch of the Kimura Consortium in Donghai City.

It is a branch or an office. It is located in a famous office building in Donghai City. The place is relatively large, but the number of people seems to be small.

In a certain luxurious office, it is the fellow Kimura Ryopin.

He was sitting in a comfortable boss chair, with his legs resting comfortably on the large desk in front of him, and a cigarette in his hand was puffing out mist.

This time he came to Donghae City. He was on behalf of the Kimura Consortium to check this office in Donghae City. He said it was a check. In fact, he spent more time in Donghae City. Wait a minute, he will also go to Australia to represent the Kimura Consortium. , To put pressure on the Reinhardt Mining Group.

These steel companies of Fuso State secretly sent representatives and had preliminary contacts with the Reinhardt Mining Group, but they were rejected. Some steel companies asked the Kimura Consortium for help.

The Kimura Consortium has an unusual relationship with several large steel companies in Fuso, and they also own some of the shares of these steel companies. These steel companies asked for help. The Kimura Consortium sent Kimura Yipin and ordered him to go to Australia as soon as possible to meet with Reinhardt. The approach of the mining group is to put pressure on it.

Kimura Yipin swallowed the clouds and mists, and felt comfortable. The past few days in Donghai City seemed to be relatively comfortable.

Of course, Kimura Liangpin remembers his $65 million arrears. However, he thinks he is behind the Kimura Consortium and is not afraid at all. He has already figured it out. Even if Wang Xudong asks him for an account, he will not repay the money. .

"Huh, you want me to pay back, dream." Kimura Yipin spit out a big smoke ring, thinking like this in his heart.

Not only did he think about not repaying the money, but also thinking that if Wang Xudong dared to ask him for an account, he would teach Wang Xudong a meal. The bodyguards he accompanied were all masters. In addition, there were super masters in the Kimura Consortium. It is rumored that Wang Xudong is more skilled, and he does not think that Wang Xudong is better than his bodyguard. Even if he is better than his bodyguard, he is not afraid, because he can ask Super to come over.

Even if this is Donghai City, which belongs to Wang Xudong's territory, he does not have any pressure in his heart, on the contrary, he is more arrogant.

He was thinking, fortunately, Wang Xudong didn't come to his house to ask for the account. Otherwise, he must embarrass Wang Xudong and ask his bodyguard to teach Wang Xudong a meal, so that Wang Xudong retreats and voluntarily abandons the debt.


The phone on the desk rang. After answering the call, Kimura knew that he was leaving ahead of schedule. The matter was far more serious than originally thought. Reinhardt Mining Group seemed determined, and it was completely interrupted from next week. Iron ore supply to Fuso State Steel Corporation.

The phone instructed not only to put pressure on the Reinhardt Group, but also to give Kimura Liangpin a new task. There is a large iron ore for sale in Australia, and Kimura Liangpin needs to buy it.

It seems that the steel companies in Fusang have prepared for the worst. In case the Reinhardt Mining Group stops supplying iron ore, they plan to purchase large iron ore by themselves, mine the iron ore, and then transport it back. Fuso domestic.

Got to go. After answering the call, Kimura squeezed out the cigarette in his hand and got up and went out of the office. As I walked, I was thinking. Wang Xudong didn't ask himself to ask for an account. Could it be that his whereabouts were secretive enough, Wang Xudong didn't know that he had come to Donghai City.

As the adopted son of the leader of the Kimura Consortium, Kimura Liangpin has many enemies. Not only does he carry master bodyguards 24 hours a day, his whereabouts are generally strange and hidden.

He was still proud that his whereabouts were concealed enough, in fact, he had been known for a long time, and even He Xiaoyun had even found out that he was in the office here.

When he got out of this office building, his bodyguard had already prepared his car, and Kimura Liangpin got on the car and headed for Donghai International Airport.

On the opposite side of this office building, there is an unremarkable car. Someone in the car is paying attention to the situation here. It is He Xiaoyun's person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing Kimura Liangpin leaving in the car, this car is also It started to kick off, following far behind, Kimura Liangpin didn't even notice it.

Wang Xudong was on his way. Before he reached this office building, Wang Xudong received a call from He Xiaoyun, "Boss, something has happened. Kimura Liangpin has left early and is heading towards Donghai International Airport. Following far behind, I guess he went to Australia early."

This kid left early?

Could it be that I knew I had come to ask for debts, and chose to run away. Wang Xudong just thought about it, and immediately denied himself, Kimura Liangpin would never know that he had come to ask for a debt. He left early, there must be an urgent matter and he needs to go to Australia immediately.

Seeing that Wang Xudong had finished answering the call, Lin Hu said, "Boss, what should we do? Are we going to Australia afterwards?"

Wang Xudong has a hunch that it is definitely not a good thing for Kimura Liangpin to go to Australia. It's better to follow it and ask him for the money by the way.

Wang Xudong said: "Let's also go to Australia."

The idea had been decided, Wang Xudong was not in a hurry to chase after him, but first returned to his big villa in Ziyuan, settled in Zheng Xiaotong, and called Liang Hongbo to talk.

at dusk.

In the sunset, a Gulfstream G650 aircraft took off from Donghai International Airport and flew to Australia. This point is the most comfortable.

I slept on the plane. The next morning, after more than 10 hours of long-distance flight, the plane arrived in Australia. What is strange is that the plane did not fly directly to Perth, the capital of Western Australia, but headed towards Wang Xudong. The second territory flew away.

Fly to Territory Two?

Could it be that there is an airport there, which can accommodate this plane's take-off and landing? No, it should be just a vast and barren land, most of which are deserts.


The first one is sent!

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