God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 914: Knowing the current affairs is important

The IOU has Kimura's signature and the bright red handprint he pressed.

Gale took the initiative to ask for the debt, and Wang Xudong naturally couldn't ask for it. If you want debts, it's natural to let your own men take care of it.

Before going to ask for the debt, Wang Xudong reminded: "This Kimura Yipin is not easy. He is the adopted son of the head of the Fuso Kimura Consortium. He just arrived in Australia today and should be in Perth."

Western Australia is Gael’s one-acre three-quarter land, his world, and Gael said grandiosely: "What about the Kimura Consortium, this is Australia, not the country of Fuso."

Gail really has such confidence, he has not only a large group of people, but also a lot of masters. Besides, Gail is the king's person, behind which is the powerful Xudong Mining Group.

Seeing that Gail was full of confidence, Wang Xudong assured Gail with the loan note, and exhorted: "According to what we know, there are several masters around Kimura Liangpin. Be careful."

Gale nodded without further ado. After he collected the IOU, he immediately made a few calls. In addition to mobilizing the staff, he also found out the specific location of Kimura Yipin in Perth. Soon after, Gale personally took a few The sturdy man boarded a helicopter.

Wang Xudong also went to Pace with Lin Hu, and took another helicopter. Two helicopters, one behind the other, left the second territory and flew directly to Perth.


Kimura Liangpin arrived in Australia earlier than Wang Xudong. He took a flight from Donghai International Airport to Perth, the capital of Western Australia, and was ordered to pressure Reinhardt Mining Group.

Reinhardt Mining Group estimated that it had anticipated the purpose of Kimura Liangpin. The president of the mining group avoided seeing him, and was received by an executive named Witch.

Kimura Liangpin expressed its intentions, and at the same time, the fox faked tigers and carried the Kimura consortium to pressure Reinhardt Mining Group to restore iron ore supply.

Weiqi is a talent, playing football and Tai Chi should be the most proficient thing in China. Unexpectedly, Witch was very proficient in this way. He played a thousand kilograms in four or two, making Kimura Liangpin almost vomit blood, as if he had hit the air with a charged punch.

The discussion naturally yielded no results, and Kimura Liangpin was depressed to death and could only temporarily return to the hotel where he had collapsed. After returning to the hotel, he made a series of calls asking for detailed information about several senior executives of the Reinhardt Mining Group. He started thinking of kidnapping threats.

Pace is worthy of Gael's three-acre land. After he arrived in Pace, it didn't take long to figure out the situation of Kimura Yipin and the hotel he was staying in.

A big hotel.

Wang Xudong has moved here and opened the room. In Wang Xudong’s room, Gail happily said: "Boss, the guy Kimura Liangpin stayed at the **** hotel. He also went to the Reinhardt Mining Group today. According to what we learned, Kimura Liangpin carried him out of the Kimura Consortium. Put pressure on this mining group to restore iron ore supply to the steel companies in Fusang."

Wang Xudong sneered, want iron ore, dream!

The Reinhardt Mining Group had previously dared to supply iron ore to the steel companies in Fusang Country quietly because it thought it was done in a concealed way, thinking that Wang Xudong did not know it.

Now Wang Dongxu not only knows, but he also asked Liang Hongbo to issue a formal warning letter in the name of the International Iron Ore Federation.

The Xudong Mining Group cannot afford to be guilty of getting mixed up in the iron ore industry. The executives of the Reinhardt Mining Group know this well and understand the huge influence of the Xudong Mining Group in the iron ore industry. They made a wise choice.

Undoubtedly, he chose to stand on the side of Xudong Mining Group and completely abandon the steel companies of Fusang Country. It is precisely because of this that Wang Xudong’s attitude towards Reinhardt Mining Group has changed. Otherwise, he will definitely Punish them severely.

Those who firmly choose to stand on their side are all allies, and all the previous ones, then there is no need to pursue them anymore and they will be wiped out.

Wang Xudong said: "Help me make an appointment with the executives of Reinhardt Mining Group. I am in this hotel. I will meet them."

To completely cut off the iron ore supply of the Reinhardt Mining Group to Fusang State-owned Steel Enterprise, they must be given a sweet date.

Gail nodded and said, "Okay, I'll send someone over to inform."

The headquarters of the Reinhardt Mining Group is in Pest, so everything is convenient. After Gail picked up his cell phone and made a call, he basically got things done. Wang Xudong only had to wait for the other person to come to his door in this hotel.

After the call, Gal said: "Wang, we have also figured out the hotel where Kimura Liangpin stayed. We will go over now."

Wang Xudong urged: "Be careful in everything."

Gal said: "Wang, just wait for my good news."

Gail left with two strong men. These two big white men are also masters, once mercenaries, with good combat effectiveness.

After watching Gail go, Wang Xudong thought in his heart, I don’t know whether Gail can complete the task. If even Gail didn’t get the money, then he would be on the stage. Not only would he want to return the principal, but also what to do. Need a little "interest".

After about half an hour.

The president of Reinhardt Mining Group came here in person, and Wang Xudong received him in a reception room of this hotel to learn more about the situation.

When the president first came here, he was very nervous and nervous. He thought that Wang Xudong was very angry and was going to trouble him.

Where did I know that Wang Xudong could not see the slightest anger, but calmly inquired about the relevant situation, and learned that Reinhardt Mining Group would steadily interrupt the iron ore supply to Fusang State Steel, Wang Xudong was also pleased to praise Up them.

In this way, Mr. President was completely relieved, and repeatedly apologized to Wang Xudong, and promised that he would never supply any iron ore to Fusang's steel companies in the future.

Of course, they also knocked on the sidelines, euphemistically expressing that they wanted to order 10 joint mining vehicles. Export-oriented joint mining vehicles are very popular in the international market, and many powerful mining groups have ordered this mining tool.

For example, Lito Mining Group first ordered 20 units at one go, and then added 10 more. Some of the combined mining vehicles have already arrived at the Lito Mining Group’s mines, and a large amount of high-quality iron ore is mined every day.

I want to order a joint mining truck, no problem!

For the obedient comrade, there is no problem with giving a few sweet jujubes. Wang Xudong readily agreed to his request. In this way, the president was even more happy.

He has repeatedly stated that he must stand with Xudong Mining Group. At the same time, he also explained in detail what Kimura Liangpin had found.

This is a person who knows current affairs well!

Wang Xudong has always admired people who are aware of current affairs, and did not mean to embarrass him, but intends to give him some support.

Wang Xudong said, don’t be afraid of the Kimura Consortium, we have Xudong Mining Group to support you all.

In the international iron ore market, there is no turn for the Kimura Consortium. Wang Xudong has this confidence. With the support of Xudong Mining Group, Reinhardt Mining Group’s life will not be sad.

With Wang Xudong's support, the president completely opened the chatterbox while he was happy, and told Wang Xudong all the things he knew.

For example, there are two large iron ore mines in Australia that belong to the Fuso State-owned Steel Corporation, and all the iron ore produced there was shipped back to Fuso. In addition, Kimura Goods came over and intended to purchase a large iron ore called'Sava' in the Pilbara area iron ore. "

This is an important news.

Kimura Liangpin actually wants to acquire the Sava Iron Mine. Wang Xudong knew that the iron ore belongs to a well-known large iron ore in the Pilbara area, with an annual output of about 12 million tons of finished iron ore.

This must not allow Kimura Liangpin to succeed, Wang Xudong thought in his heart.

If they are allowed to have a big iron ore, the steel companies of Fusang will not be short of iron ore, and then they will definitely jump more fiercely, and they must get their necks stuck.


xxx hotel.

Gail brought two of his men over and knocked on the door of the room where Kimura Liangpin was staying. After entering, he showed his identity and purpose.

Debt collection!

Seeing the IOU in Gail's hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kimura Ryopin's face turned black, and remembered the last time he was aggrieved on that ship. In just over two or three hours, he actually lost. After paying so much money, he owed Wang Xudong a large sum of money and layed an IOU.

Kimura Liangpin never thought of repaying this money. Facing the door-to-door Gail, he naturally relied on the account, saying that Wang Xudong was drunk by the old thousand, anyway.

At the same time, Kimura Liangpin was so angry that he didn't think that Wang Xudong didn't put him in his eyes so much and sent his subordinates to collect debts.

In Wang Xudong's eyes, what kind of green onion Kimura Liangpin is, he really looks at himself too highly.

Don't pay back!

This is not okay, Gale is very determined, the money must be paid back. The words between the two parties became fierce, and Kimura Liangpin relied on the several masters around him, did not put Gael in his eyes at all, and was so angry that he ordered his men to do it.

The war inevitably broke out, and the fighting between this room was very fierce. Many things in the room were beaten up. In this room, Kimura Liangpin would not want to live anymore.


Wang Xudong sent away the president of Reinhardt Mining Group, returned to the room he was staying in, turned on the computer, and checked the information on the two iron mines of Fusang State Steel Corporation in Australia and the Sava Iron Mine on the Internet. information.

After reading it, Wang Xudong got up, thinking about starting so that the Fusang country steel companies would not be able to get any iron ore from Australia.

After roughly having a plan, Wang Xudong raised his hand to check the time, thinking in his heart that Gail should be back too, not knowing if the money will arrive.

Soon after.

Gale came back, but Wang Xudong was shocked when he saw Gale!


The third one is sent!

That's all for today's update, thank you everyone! ! !

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