God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 929: 1 punch on 7 inches

In the ward.

Lin Hu was packing things for Wang Xudong, and Zheng Xiaotong was feeding Wang Xudong with soup. She cooked the soup by herself and delivered it at noon today.

Wang Xudong said: "Xiaotong, today's soup is good, let's have another bowl."

Zheng Xiaotong smiled and was very happy. Put another small bowl of soup and feed Wang Xudong bite by bite. After drinking the second bowl of soup, Wang Xudong thought to himself that by this time, Hong Bo should have finished the press conference and formally announced at the meeting that the sale of Fusang would be completely banned, whether it was iron ore or future oil.

Sanlian Special Steel Group, Shanhe Heavy Industry Group, China Iron and Steel Association, etc., everyone's press conference should also be ongoing or completed.

The same goes for everyone. Through the press conference, it was officially announced that Fusang’s products would be banned. Wang Xudong thought in his heart, hum, he was so courageous, he wanted to send a killer to assassinate himself, I want you to see my power And influence.

Fusang is a resource-poor island country. Resources need to be imported, such as iron ore and oil. Almost all are imported.

Iron ore is the food of the iron and steel industry. Without iron ore, Fuso's steel companies would not have rice to cook. Wait for the shutdown.

Without steel, Fusang's entire industrial system would be affected, and then their entire economic system. It can be said that Wang Xudong punched them seven inches above.

Oil is the blood of industry. Without oil, factories cannot be started, cars cannot be driven, and ships have to be stopped. This is also fatal.

Xudong Mining Group has not yet entered the international crude oil market, and is currently mainly based on the domestic market. Even so, Xudong Mining Group officially announced that its oil will not be sold to Fusang.

Wang Xudong thought of these things in his heart, and also considered Fusang's reaction. Regardless of their reaction, Wang Xudong firmly imposed a ban on their sales.

"Boss, everything is packed."

There are not many things, and it doesn't take long for Lin Hu to pack everything up, carrying these things and preparing to leave. Wang Xudong waved his hand and said, "Go, let's go home."

Wang Xudong was shot in the arm, only a little skin trauma. Even Wang Xudong didn’t understand it. A bullet hit his arm at such a close distance, and it only hit the muscles. The depth was not too deep. The doctors didn’t even need to cut the wound. They could clamp the bullet with tweezers. come out.

Could it be that the bullet is not powerful. Wang Xudong thought so. In fact, this bullet is specially made, and it is much more powerful than ordinary pistol bullets. If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that the entire arm was pierced.

The bullet only shot into the muscle a little bit, mainly due to Wang Xudong's strong physical fitness. After the "God-level mine master" system has been strengthened time and time again, although it has not yet reached the point of being able to resist bullets, it is necessary to penetrate Wang Xudong. That’s a delusion, it’s totally impossible.

Wang Xudong didn't know this yet. He thought that the bullet was not powerful enough, and those doctors thought the bullet was so shallow.

The strong physical fitness is reflected. It is estimated that it takes several days for ordinary people to completely heal such a wound. However, Wang Xudong is different. Today is the second day. It has only been 24 hours since the shot. Wang Xudong’s wound has basically been healed. It is estimated that it will be fully recovered in three to five days.

Seeing that the wound healed so quickly, Wang Xudong thought that it might be because of his strong physical fitness. He didn't want to be too shocked and insisted on leaving the hospital at noon today.

Anyway, it will be better soon, and there is no need to stay in the hospital all the time. So, Lin Hu went through the discharge procedures, packed his things, and prepared to be discharged.

Wang Xudong waved his hand and said, "Go, let's go home."

After finishing speaking, he walked outside, showing no signs of injury at all. Zheng Xiaotong was still a little worried, and quickly stepped forward to help Wang Xudong.

Out of the hospital and got in the car. Drive by Lin Hu back to the big villa in Ziyuan.

In the afternoon, Liang Hongbo personally went to Wang Xudong's villa and reported to Wang Xudong about the morning press conference.



Several cabinet officials in this country are discussing about the Xudong Mining Group's ban on sales. Someone sneered and said: "A mining company in a small area dared to ban the sale of us, it is dead."

"Baga, we must sanction Xudong Mining Group."

These people clamored one by one, thinking which green onion they were, they were not ashamed, and wanted to sanction Xudong Mining Group.

How to sanction it depends on them?

Xudong Mining Group is based in China, where the iron ore market accounts for a large proportion, and oil currently meets domestic needs. Whether it is iron ore or oil, customers are rushing to ask for it. How would they punish such a group?

Are sanctions available?

Finally, there is a more reasonable person. This person cautiously said: "Everyone, things are not that simple. I am a little worried. If our iron ore is really insufficiently imported, it will affect our steel industry and cause a series of problems. chain reaction."

Someone laughed and said without worry: "Mr Nishio, you don’t have to worry about this. We have two big iron mines in Australia and one big iron mine in America. With these three big iron mines Stone can basically meet 70% of our domestic iron ore needs. If you import a little bit more casually, iron ore will be worry-free."

That's good.

Hearing this, other people were relieved, and some even laughed arrogantly, "Xudong Mining Group's ban on the sale of iron ore on us is simply a joke."

Someone also said: "We must face each other, formally speak out, and make it clear that we do not need the iron ore of Xudong Mining Group, and will never buy iron ore from Xudong Mining Group."

"Well, I think Ohno-kun's suggestion is good. We will make an official announcement like this and tell Xudong Mining Group that we don't need their iron ore."

Several other cabinet ministers all agreed.

These idiots probably don't know that their two large iron mines in Australia have been abnormal, but the managers of the two iron mines have not reported the problem.

Thousands of miles away in Australia, one of the big iron mines of Fusang people.

Compared to a few days ago, there seems to be a little bit different here. If it was a few days ago, it was very busy, a large number of workers, and a large number of mining equipment were mining iron ore here, and the huge iron ore processing workshop was also undergoing a series of processing.

A large amount of finished iron ore is transported away from here, loaded on board after arriving at the port, and finally transported back to Fusang, where it enters their steel plant and is smelted into various steel products they need.

Today is different. The entire mining area seems to be shut down, and many people seem to have nothing to do, in small groups, doing nothing.

In the mining area, some people wearing protective clothing are fiddling with instruments and conducting careful tests. From their looks, it can be seen that the problem is serious.

Radiation is severely exceeded, and iron ore mining is completely impossible.

They still don't believe in evil, and use mining equipment to dig deep to a certain extent, and then measure, the radiation is even more serious. In other words, the more mining is carried out, the more and more severe the radiation will be as the iron ore is stripped.

A Fusang person in charge of the radiation test came over with a heavy face, bowed his head and said to the person in charge of this iron ore: "Your Excellency Ueda, the more you mine, the more radiation you have. I suggest you evacuate here immediately and abandon this iron ore, because It can no longer continue mining."

"Baga, you must have made a mistake. Give me a retest. I don't believe it, how can a good iron mine be like this."

"Your Excellency Ueda, there is no need to test it anymore. The result is very clear and there is nothing wrong."

This situation not only occurs in this iron ore, but also in another iron ore owned by Fusang people far away from here. The radiation is seriously exceeding the standard and it is completely impossible to continue mining.


Kimura Consortium.

Kimura Yipin is proudly reporting to his adoptive father, Nobuo Kimura, "Father, at this time, Wang Xudong should be dead. We must consider entering the international iron ore market and controlling as much of the share as possible."

Nobuo Kimura said: "You don't need to remind me about this. I'm already thinking about this matter. Without Wang Xudong, Xudong Mining Group will definitely be over."

Kimura Yoshipin said: "This morning, Xudong Mining Group was still brazen, saying that it would impose a permanent ban on the sale of iron ore, which is really a joke."

Nobuo Kimura also smiled, "We have three big iron ore mines. Even if we don't buy iron ore, the iron ore gap that our domestic steel companies need will not be large based on the ore mined from these three iron ore mines. "

The two were happily chatting about these things. One of his staff knocked on the door and came in. Hui reported: "Your Excellency, reliable news, Wang Xudong has been discharged from the hospital and returned to his big villa in Ziyuan, Donghai City."


Nobuo Kimura almost stood up, looked at Kimura Liangpin sternly, and asked loudly: "Aren't you saying that Wang Xudong will die?"

Kimura Yipin was also stunned. After reacting, he said: "This...it's impossible. Jun Mingming shot Wang Xudong with a bullet, and the bullet was very poisonous. It is impossible for Wang Xudong to be fine!"

The reporting person whispered: "The news is true~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The news that our people in Donghai City just sent back, there is no mistake."


Nobuo Kimura was furious, his entire face turned black. Wang Xudong is fine, and Xudong Mining Group must be fine. Their plan to enter the international iron ore market and control a large amount of iron ore share has completely failed.

Fuso is an island country with scarce resources. Not only Nobuo Kimura, many people dream of wanting to control some resources, such as iron ore and oil, in their hands.

Now, it is completely impossible to control iron ore resources, because Wang Xudong has been discharged from the hospital and went home without anything.

Just at this time, a phone call came to China. After answering the call, Nobuo Kimura's face changed drastically, and he was so angry that he dropped the phone to the ground.

Kimura Yoshipin was startled at first, and then looked at his adoptive father puzzled. He really couldn't figure out why Nobuo Kimura was so angry that even the phone broke.


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