God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 936: Like mystery 1

Itanium Guangzheng's heart was extremely shocked, completely sluggish!

The same is true for the confidants next to him. In their hearts, the Kimura family is an unattainable existence, and now there is no such thing.

It took a long time for Itan Guangzheng to come back to his senses, and he became extremely awed by Wang Xudong in his heart. Wang Xudong did what he said, saying that today the Kimura family will be wiped out.

If it was said that Itan Hwangjung had a little bit of disobedience to Wang Xudong before, it is completely gone now, and he dare not have the slightest dissent. Wang Xudong once said that the Kimura family is a good example. Teng Guangzheng is a little bit dissident, Wang Xudong can also make Itanium Guangzheng disappear, this point, Itanium Guangzheng is now convinced.

"Your Excellency Itanium, the Kimura family is finished, and the backbone of the consortium is basically finished. We can start to act."

A confidant next to him, after regaining his senses, began to remind An Teng Guangzheng. His words were filled with excitement. As a confidant, he knew An Teng Guangzheng's ambition.

Itan Teng Guangzheng also knew that it should not be too late, and said loudly: "Go, let's go back to the consortium!"

The Kimura family is dead, and the backbone of the consortium that is close to the Kimura family is also dead. If Itan Hiromasi cannot control the entire Kimura consortium, then he is not Itan Hiromasi.

Get in the car and leave, and quickly return to the Kyoto Empire Building, where the Kimura Foundation headquarters is located.

This is Fusang Kyoto. With such a big movement, the police and others responded very quickly. Many police cars were sounding sirens, and a large number of policemen swarmed!

Not only the police came, but also the army, a large number of reporters were also moved by the wind, and many blasting experts, anti-terrorism experts and the like came.

These people were immediately shocked when they saw this unrecognizable valley!

Many people took a breath before they went to work. First, rescue, life detectors, search and rescue dogs, etc. were put into use, but no signs of life were found.

Some experts are investigating the scene carefully, and what makes them think they can't understand is that there are no traces of explosives.

There is no TNT, no black gold, and no trace of other gunpowder. Some people suspect that it was a nuclear explosion, but the instrument could not detect the slightest radioactive material, and the radiation did not exceed the standard.

Suddenly, I was in a dilemma, without any idea what the explosion was here.


In the hotel.

Wang Xudong turned on the big TV, made a cup of tea, and sat on the sofa, drinking tea leisurely while watching the news on the TV.

Any channel basically broadcasts news, with only one content, and that is the big bang. Some TV channels were originally broadcasting TV dramas or other programs, and immediately suspended news of the big bang.

In the TV, the camera is facing this unrecognizable valley, exactly the same as Wang Xudong saw from the holographic three-dimensional map of the "God-level Mine Owner" system.

Standing next to Wang Xudong, Lin Hu was also watching the news on TV, watching TV and then watching Wang Xudong, his eyes gradually admiring.

At this moment, Lin Hu casts ground on the five bodies that Wang Xudong admires. Hades wants you to die for the third watch, but he won't keep you until the fifth watch. The boss said that he wanted the Kimura family to disappear today, and this family that had a huge influence in Fusang disappeared, especially even Lin Hu didn't know what method Wang Xudong used.

Wang Xudong said happily: "This Kimura family is over. Nobuo Kimura, Ryoko Kimura, etc. estimate that there will be no residue left, and the Kimura consortium will no longer exist, and it will be the Itanium consortium."

Under such a terrifying explosion, not to mention the flesh and blood, even the steel will be severely deformed. Nobuo Kimura, Yipin Kimura, etc. have disappeared, and no body will be left.

Wang Xudong watched the news for a while, drank the tea in his cup, got up and said, "Go and book two tickets. We will return to Donghai City."

Lin Hu nodded and went to book a ticket right away.

In the afternoon, Lin Hu was helping Wang Xudong to pack his things, and he arranged them quickly. There were not many things, just a small gift box.

Lin Hu said, "Boss, everything has been packed, we can go to the airport in a while, the plane is at 5:30 in the afternoon."

Wang Xudong took a look at the time and said: "It's still early, no hurry, I think someone should come over."

Someone here? who is it?

Lin Hu knows that in Fusang, the boss should have no friends. Who will come to find the boss? Soon, Lin Hu wondered who this is. He is not a friend of the boss, he should be raised by the boss. A dog will bite whoever wants him to bite in the future.

It has been several hours since the big bang. With the ability of Itanium Hiromasa, he should have completely controlled the Kimura Consortium, and now he should come over and report to himself.

Sure enough, Wang Xudong's expectation was not bad. About ten minutes later, Itan Hwangzheng came over, and after knocking on the door, he was very humble, no, with a little awe.

The scene of the Kimura family's disappearance was deeply imprinted in his mind, and he no longer dared to have the slightest ambiguity. When he entered, he bowed almost 90 degrees first.

"Mr. Wang, the Kimura Foundation is completely under my control. Starting today, there will be no Kimura Foundation, only the Itanium Foundation."

Wang Xudong sat down with a golden sword, and An Teng Guangzheng naturally stood and reported. He did not dare to sit, but stood consciously.

Report on the situation of the Itanium consortium, such as how many assets, what industries, which forces it controls, and which Fuso politicians take orders from the Itanium consortium, etc.

Wang Xudong just listened. On the surface, he couldn't see anything. In fact, he was slightly surprised. He didn't think that this consortium was so rich and had such a big influence in Fuso. No wonder Nobuo Kimura was so arrogant. He felt like a big joke.

It turned out to be dependable, but the Kimura family and the Kimura consortium no longer exist, and now only the Itanium consortium.

After the Itanium Guangzheng report was completed, he said: "Mr. Wang, I will transfer all the deposits in the secret account of the Itanium consortium to your account."

Wang Xudong thought for a while and said: "First transfer 10 billion US dollars." After finishing speaking, he wrote an account to Itanium Guangzheng. The other money will be temporarily managed by Itan Guangzheng. Wang Xudong believes that this guy dare not have the slightest ambiguity, because Wang Xudong has seen awe in his eyes.

With 10 billion U.S. dollars, no matter whether it is the construction of Qinglong Port or the large-scale construction of Yinhai Oilfield, you do not need to pay a penny out of your own pocket. This money is enough to build Qinglonggang and Yinhai Oilfield very well, and it is more than enough.

Itan Hiroshige took the blank paper with the account in both hands, folded it, and put it in his pocket carefully.

Wang Xudong said: "Well, I also want to go back to Donghai City, and the Itanium Foundation will manage it for me. I will contact you when it is needed."

Itanium Guangzheng assured: "Mr. Wang, you can rest assured that I will develop the Itanium consortium more and more, and the influence will also increase. I will report to you on the consortium once a week."

Wang Xudong waved his hand and said: "You don't need to report, everything about the Itanium consortium is yours. When I need you, I will contact you."

Hearing this, Itanium Guangzheng was overjoyed. He was still a little worried. He was just a puppet and needed to be completely at the mercy of Wang Xudong. Wherever he thought, Wang Xudong had no idea of ​​intervening in the specific affairs of the Itanium consortium. It was for Itanium Guangzheng to make his own decisions.

Itanium Hiroshige bowed again, almost bent to 90 degrees, and promised again: "Mr. Wang, you can rest assured that I will be loyal to you and will not be dissatisfied. I will manage the Itanium consortium. The Teng Consortium is all your industry, I just manage it on my behalf."

Just understand this, Wang Xudong nodded, took a look at the time and said: "Lin Hu, go, let's go to the airport and return home!"

On a trip to Fusang’s Kyoto, everything that should be done was done, and the results were good. Wang Xudong was in a good mood and walked forward with ease, and Lin Hu followed behind with his suitcase.

Itan Guangzheng arched slightly, followed behind in a low posture, and sent Wang Xudong out of the hotel. Outside, he had already prepared the car, and personally escorted Wang Xudong to the airport.

With the influence of the Itanium consortium, it is natural to take a special channel. I went straight into the airport. What made Wang Xudong happy was that the two tickets booked by Lin Hu were completely unnecessary, and Itanium Guangzheng prepared a charter flight.

This guy, promising, knows that I'm going back, and even the charter flight is ready. Wang Xudong thought so in his heart, and glanced at Itan Hiroshige with satisfaction.

This is a Boeing 747 passenger plane. The only guests are Wang Xudong and Lin Hu. Soon after boarding the plane, the plane began to take off and flew towards Donghai City...


Yinhai City, a certain sea area.

It is about a hundred kilometers away from the coastline of Yinhai City. This sea area has always been quite lively. As early as 20 days ago ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ offshore oil resource exploration ships appeared here, and offshore drilling platforms were also established. , The exploration of petroleum resources has already begun.

Several such drilling platforms have been established. These drilling platforms are several hundred meters close to each other, and in principle several kilometers away.

On one of the drilling platforms, several engineers and technicians frowned and were analyzing the drilling data. So far, the situation is not optimistic at all.

Someone said: "Our drilling depth here has exceeded 300 meters. It seems that there is no need to drill down. There should be no oil here."

A leading technician said: "This is our fourth drilling in this sea area with a depth of more than 300 meters. Up to now, there is no trace of oil. It seems that there is little hope of finding oil."

This is one of the two sea areas selected by Wang Xudong, which is also the fastest-growing area. In the other sea area, which is farther away, the progress there is a bit slower, and the deepest well has not reached 100 meters.


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