God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 940: First overseas order

Liang Hongbo said: "Brother Dong, guess what."

Wang Xudong is very strong, guess it. After thinking about it for a while, Wang Xudong said: "It's definitely not the exploration result of Yinhai Oilfield."

The No. 3 oil zone has been exploring for oil resources. As time goes by, the situation has become more and more clear, and the official and comprehensive exploration results will soon come out.

Even if the results of comprehensive exploration have not yet come out, Liang Hongbo already roughly knows the situation there, and he should not be so happy.

It is not the result of comprehensive exploration of Yinhai Oilfield. What is it?

Wang Xudong thought for a while, and then laughed, "Could it be that someone came to the door to order our oil?"

It's really possible.

With such huge oil reserves in Yinhai Oilfield, the No. 1 oil field has even begun to extract oil. With such a rapid progress, it should not be too long for the No. 2 and No. 3 oil fields to produce oil.

As the world’s largest oil field, Yinhai Oilfield is becoming more and more famous. People in many countries are aware of this oilfield, and some well-informed people know that Yinhai Oilfield will have a third oil exploration area. In the future, a large amount of oil will be exported.

Oil is a scarce resource, so there is no need to worry about its sales in the domestic and foreign markets. As long as you have oil, there will be many people rushing to ask for it. What's more, the oil produced by Yinhai Oilfield will be very high-quality crude oil. It is also top internationally.

The quality is so good, there will be people rushing to ask for it.

Liang Hongbo looked at Wang Xudong with admiration, "Brother Dong, you are so amazing. You are really good at it. You really came here and you are an overseas customer."

Oversea customer!

The names of many countries immediately appeared in Wang Xudong's mind, including Western countries and Asian countries. Wang Xudong said: "Which country is going to order our oil?"

Liang Hongbo no longer sells the goods, and said happily: "Brother Dong, is a country T in Southeast Asia. They have sent us an official letter. One of their heavyweight officials will personally come to negotiate with us about oil ordering. We do a good job of reception."

It turned out to be country T.

Wang Xudong is no stranger to this country. He knows that T country is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world, and it is a country of Buddhism. Most people in T country believe in Buddhism, and Buddhists account for more than 90% of the country's population.

Country T implements a free economic policy and has a relatively rapid economic development. It is one of the world's emerging industrial countries and emerging market economies. Manufacturing, agriculture and tourism are the main sectors of the economy.

Last year, country T’s domestic oil production was 17 million tons, oil consumption was 56 million tons, and oil imports were about 40 million tons.

Wang Xudong smiled and said, "Country T is pretty good. Didn't they happen to have officials visiting our country? I guess it should be one of these officials."

Liang Hongbo said: "Brother Dong, so you have agreed to sell oil to country T?"

Wang Xudong nodded and said: "Yes, you can sell oil to them. If it is another country, I really have to consider it, such as Fusang. Even if their prime minister comes to the door, we will not sell oil to them."

Whether to sell oil or not, it depends on the target. Those who are pleasing to the eye, obedient, and have a good relationship with China Xia will sell oil. For those who are not pleasing to the eye, disobedient, and have a relatively stale relationship with China Xia, we will implement a ban. Waving banknotes to the door, I will not sell you oil.

Liang Hongbo said: "Brother Dong, then I will reply to them and agree to sell oil to them."

Wang Xudong said: "Of course, this will be our first overseas order. We will make good contact with them. When they come, I will talk to them personally."

This is the first overseas order and it is very important. Wang Xudong will definitely come forward to discuss with the other party personally. Certain rules must be erected.

Liang Hongbo said, "Brother Dong, there is no problem. You don't have to worry about everything. I will do a good job of contacting them. I will notify you when they come."

The matter was settled. The two talked about other things, such as the construction progress of Qinglong Port and Yinhai Oilfield, and also talked about some things about the international iron ore market.

Liang Hongbo said: "Brother Dong, just a few days ago, representatives of several large steel companies in Fusang quietly approached an iron ore company in South America. They wanted to buy iron ore at a high price. They began to discuss the issue of iron ore trading. It happened that a super explosion occurred outside of Kyoto in Fuso, and the Kimura family was wiped out. The executives of this iron ore company in South America were so scared to death that they immediately terminated the negotiations."

Wang Xudong said: "So, Fusang people didn't buy iron ore."

This super big explosion has produced a huge deterrent. Even if there is no evidence that this is related to Xudong Mining Group, some speculations are inevitable.

Many people can't help linking this incident to the Xudong Mining Group, which can make the Kimura family wipe out in an instant. Afterwards, no one can find any clues. Many people are really scared and dare not make enemies with the Xudong Mining Group.

Liang Hongbo said: "After this super explosion, the influence of our group has increased invisibly. Fusang people never want to buy iron ore."

Without iron ore, their steel companies would face shutdowns, the entire industrial system would be affected, and the initial consequences have already been reflected.

Wang Xudong and Liang Hongbo were chatting about this matter in the office, but in Fusang, large steel companies have already shut down.

A large blast furnace that continued to smelt steel day and night finally came to a complete stop. After such a stop, it was basically abolished.

Fuso's domestic steel prices began to soar, and the manufacturing industry was the first to bear the brunt, especially the automobile manufacturing industry. Because of the increase in steel prices, the cost of automobile manufacturing increased significantly.

The automobile manufacturing industry is also one of Fusang's pillar industries. Except for some of the cars manufactured to meet their domestic needs, most of them are exported or even exported to Western countries.

Fusang’s cars were in fierce competition with Western countries’ cars. Automakers in these Western countries noticed the sharp increase in the price of Fusang’s domestic steel products, and they were almost happy.

With high manufacturing costs, Fuso Motors estimates that it will no longer be able to compete with Western cars. In this era of the weak and the strong, if this continues, if there is no sufficient iron ore to start the steel plants in Fuso, In the long run, Fuso's automobile manufacturing industry will be hit hard.

Liang Hongbo and Wang Xudong talked about the situation that the domestic steel plant in Fusang had started to shut down and the price of steel had started to soar. After listening to it, Wang Xudong felt that he was very happy for some reason.

"Pay close attention to the actions of some Fusang people. Once they find that Fusang people have quietly found an iron ore company, they immediately remind the company that they are strictly prohibited from selling iron ore to Fusang people."

Liang Hongbo said confidently: "Brother Dong, you can rest assured that even if we don't remind you, I believe that no iron ore company dares to sell iron ore to Fusang people."

Fusang is an island country with very scarce resources. Iron ore needs to be imported, oil needs to be imported, most mineral resources need to be imported, and they often clamor that they should taste the bitter fruit.

Itan Teng Guangzheng deserves to be Wang Xudong's loyal watchdog. Even if Wang Xudong didn't ask anything, he took the initiative to send some messages to Wang Xudong, and fully informed Wang Xudong about the predicament that Fusang faced due to insufficient iron ore.

At the same time, he also told Wang Xudong that several politicians in Fusang had quietly approached the Itanium consortium, and wanted the Itanium consortium to use its huge influence to help Fusang domestic steel companies buy iron ore from the international market. Itan Hiroshige casually found an excuse and refused.

Just kidding, helping Fusang Steel Company to buy iron ore, wouldn't it be against Wang Xudong, he wouldn't do such a foolish thing.

Even if Wang Xudong didn't give instructions, Itan Teng Guangzheng took the initiative to say that he would pay close attention to the movements of the steel companies in Fusang and those politicians who jumped up and down. If there is a situation, he will immediately send a message to Wang Xudong.

Not bad.

Wang Xudong is more satisfied with the Itanium Guangzheng. With Itanium Guangzheng, Wang Xudong’s movements to Fusang Steel Company will be clear. Even if they are hidden, they probably cannot hide Wang Xudong’s eyes because of Itanium Guangzheng. Zheng is watching for himself.


A heavyweight official of State T visited China. After the three-day visit, most of the officials returned to State T by plane from the capital. A few officials, led by T State Petroleum Minister Jiaxin, did not rush back to T. Country, but came to Donghai City by plane.

There are a total of four people in country T. In addition to Jiaxin, there are two other officials, and they are accompanied by an interpreter. On the Chinese side, they are accompanied by a director of the Ministry of Commerce, which represents the official meaning. , Xudong Mining Group sells oil to T country, there is no problem, the official permission.

On behalf of Xudong Mining Group, Su Jianglong went to the airport to greet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang Xudong, Liang Hongbo and Xu Jie were waiting in the office.

In Wang Xudong's office, I made a pot of good tea, and the three of them were drinking tea and chatting while waiting for Jiaxin and the others to arrive.

At about ten in the morning, Su Jianglong called.

"Boss, we have arrived at the International Finance Building and are preparing to go upstairs..."

After answering the call, Wang Xudong smiled and said: "They are here, we will pass in a few minutes."

If it goes well, this will be the first overseas oil export order of Xudong Mining Group.

This will also be the first export of Yinhai Oilfield oil, and the exporting country, if there is no accident, will be this country T.


The third one is sent!

That's all for today's update, thank you everyone! ! !

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