God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 951: It's amazing!

Huaxia is the organizer. Whether it is in the indoor exhibition area or the indoor exhibition hall, it has the best location and the largest exhibition area. This is the case for the outdoor exhibition area and the indoor exhibition hall.

When entering the huge indoor exhibition hall, the first thing you see is the China's exhibition area. The area is huge and very domineering. There are also many domestic aviation companies participating in the exhibition, and naturally there are many exhibitors.

Not only is there a lot of exhibits, it is estimated that some of the exhibits are not ordinary, otherwise there will be no such big reaction.

Wang Xudong walked fast, and finally led everyone to the Huaxia exhibition area and saw many things exhibited here.

There are various types of aero engines, various types of unmanned aerial vehicles, various types of aerospace equipment, and even ejection seats, radars and other accessories.

The most attractive is an aero engine. This should be a prototype. Even if Wang Xudong is not a professional, he can tell at a glance. This is a small turbofan engine, a kind of military aero engine, mainly used as a fighter aircraft. power.

"Huh, so familiar!"

At first glance, Wang Xudong felt that this engine was very familiar. After a closer look, he finally laughed. No wonder it was so familiar, because this is the engine in the "God-level big mine owner" system. Wang Xudong once used a The technical data of the advanced fighter was given to the military. The power of this fighter was the engine of this model. The set of technical data contained a full set of technical data of this engine.

It is the most advanced military aircraft engine in the world, none of which is much more advanced than the F22 and F35 engines.

Such an engine, the first prototype has been manufactured, it is too bullish!

It is generally difficult to produce the first prototype for an aero engine in less than ten or eight years. The early design and development and various verifications will consume a lot of manpower and material resources.

With the full set of technical information provided by Wang Xudong, all preliminary design and development, and various verifications are not required, and parts can be manufactured according to the process technical information. With the guarantee of China’s strong aviation industry strength, within a few months, It seems not impossible to make the first prototype.

"Brother Dong, this engine seems unusual!"

When Liu Yu realized this, he shouted with joy.

In addition to this engine prototype, there is also a large introduction material next to it, with pictures and texts, not only the color photos of this engine, but also the main performance parameters.

"I, God, it's incredible!"

There were many blond and blue-eyed foreigners who were onlookers. When they saw this engine, they exclaimed, and many people looked extremely shocked.

Some people are even thinking that China has done a really good job of keeping secrets. They haven't heard any noise in the past few years. All of a sudden, this engine was unveiled.

Don't say that a few years ago, it was just a year ago. This engine was not a shadowy thing. It happened in recent months.

It took only a few months from the start of manufacture to the completion of the first prototype. This engine was too late to be tested for a long time. After several basic verification tests, it was moved to this air show. on.

Some foreigners gave thumbs up.

Today is a professional day. All professionals who participated in the air show have seen this engine and then the introduction of basic performance parameters next to it. These professionals know that this should be the best aero engine in the world.

"Brother Dong, here!"

After Liu Yu took a few photos, he seemed to have discovered the New World and quickly pulled Wang Xudong's clothes. This area is the aero engine exhibition area, and in the distance, there is the airborne electronic equipment exhibition area, including all kinds of airborne radars.

Wang Xudong looked over there and saw a lot of onlookers. He waved his hand and said, "Go, let's go over and take a look."

After walking past and squeezing into the crowd, Wang Xudong finally saw that this is an airborne radar, which seems to have become a star.

Upon seeing this radar, Wang Xudong laughed again. This is exactly the radar used by the fighter he gave to the military. That set of technical data is very detailed. It not only includes the design data and process data of the fighter plane itself, but also has detailed technical data for everything that the fighter plane has, such as engines and radars.

In a few months, the military was unable to manufacture the first fighter aircraft, but after digesting these technical data, it was possible to manufacture some of them, such as engines and radars.

"I, it's incredible!"

"Huaxia's technical strength is so powerful!"


Many foreigners exclaimed. In their opinion, China's aero engine and radar research and development capabilities can barely be regarded as world-class, and definitely not the world's top.

This time the air show, Huaxia greatly surprised these foreigners. Without thinking, Huaxia did not say anything, and actually developed and manufactured the world's most advanced military engine and the most advanced military airborne radar.

Too bullish!

The same is true for Wang Xudong, secretly surprised by the military's bullishness and secretly admiring the strength of the domestic industry. If there is no strong industrial strength, it is estimated that it is impossible to manufacture these things so quickly if they have their own technical data.

On the first day of the air show, Wang Xudong sighed secretly. It was an eye-opener. The surprise for himself at the air show was too great.

On the second day, the air show became more lively. Starting today, there were more people, and many people came from all over the world.

With enough time, Wang Xudong looked carefully, and no longer wandered around. Liu Yu "acted alone", took his camera, looked around and took pictures everywhere.

The air show at the air show has also begun. The air show has always been the highlight of the air show that everyone pays most attention to. In addition to a large number of participating military and civilian aircraft performing performance demonstration flights, a number of world-class aerobatic performance teams will also present breathtaking "air ballet" performances to the audience.

Wang Xudong took Zheng Xiaotong, followed by Lin Hu, and watched a wonderful flying show in the outdoor exhibition area.

Just now, the China Military Air Show team performed a wonderful flight and skydiving performance at the air show. The performance team has not only increased the number of pilots, but also more aircraft, and the action arrangement has been further upgraded. This time, five or six more complex actions have been added, the actions are more complex, the connection is more compact, and the viewing experience will be stronger.

This kind of flight show is completely a visual feast.

Liu Yu, who had disappeared for most of the day, ran over panting and said loudly, "Dong... Brother Dong, come with me quickly, no... otherwise you won't see it."

"Oh." Wang Xudong was slightly puzzled, thinking in his heart, is there any highlight to begin? Could it be more exciting than the flight show just now.

Under the leadership of Liu Yu, everyone hurriedly walked to the position of the Huaxia exhibition area in the world outside exhibition area. All the aircrafts on display here are all kinds of aircraft manufactured and manufactured by Huaxia.

Not far ahead are the large arches. The doors of these arches have always been closed, making them very mysterious. They are different now.

A small group of soldiers appeared in front of each arch, obviously preparing to maintain order and prevent onlookers from getting too close. When Wang Xudong rushed over, the first arch shed slowly opened its door. Everyone, including Wang Xudong, looked into the large arch shed.

military helicopter!

As soon as Wang Xudong saw what was inside, he immediately recognized it, and also recognized that it was the latest armed helicopter of the military.

This helicopter, in the eyes of everyone, was slowly towed out, onto the open concrete pavement in front of the arch shed. Many people gathered around and squeezed in front of the helicopter. Fortunately, there was a group of soldiers in order. To prevent getting too close.

"It's so beautiful, it's still a tandem seat layout design!"

Liu Yu also shouted happily, this helicopter, he has seen pictures on the Internet, it is the first time that he has seen this armed helicopter so close.

The emergence of this armed helicopter brought the atmosphere of the entire outdoor exhibition area to a small climax. Many people who heard the news were rushing over here, and more and more people gathered in this area. Except for the Chinese, most of them were blond and blue-eyed. Foreigners.

"Brother Dong, look!"

Needless to remind, Wang Xudong also saw it. After the gate of the second arch was opened, an airplane inside revealed its true face. At first glance, he knew that it was a drone.

China's most advanced drone in China!

This unmanned aerial vehicle is very advanced, with relatively large wingspan, not smaller than an ordinary fighter plane, beautifully designed, and its streamlined exterior design has attracted the attention of many people at once.

The atmosphere of the whole scene became warm again.

Liu Yu even took his camera and kept taking pictures. At this time, taking pictures is allowed, but you need to keep a certain distance. It’s too close. There are soldiers maintaining order.

The same is true for this drone. It was pulled out of the arch and parked on the open concrete floor in front of the arch, basically side by side with the armed helicopter just now.

There are still a few arches!

In the first arch are advanced gunship helicopters, and in the second arch are advanced drones. What is in the third arch, many people are looking forward to it.

Without asking everyone to wait for long, several ground staff slowly opened the door of the third arch, and almost all the eyes of the scene were on the slowly opening door.

Through the wider and wider gates, many people saw that there was something in the arch shed, which looked like an airplane, covered with a large cloth, and could not see its true content.

So mysterious!

Many people became more eager in their hearts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The armed helicopters and drones in front were not covered. As soon as the gate of the shed was opened, they immediately saw their true colors. This aircraft seems to have a little Different.

What kind of plane is this?

The same is true for Wang Xudong, guessing in his mind, even thinking, is this the world's most advanced fighter that he provided technical information?

Soon, Wang Xudong denied that his own technical information has only been given to the military for a few months. The military can manufacture the engine and airborne radar of this aircraft is already shocking the world. It must not be in such a short time. The whole machine is manufactured inside.

So what kind of plane is this?


The third one is sent!

That's all for today's update, thank you for your support! ! ! !

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