God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 957: Opening of Qinglong Port

Xudong Mining Group.

Liang Hongbo accompanied Wang Xudong into the office. After coming in, Liang Hongbo made two cups of tea, one for each, and the two also sat down on the sofa, drinking tea and talking.

"Brother Dong, you are really domineering. You upgraded your car from Gulfstream G650 to A380. You are the first person in China to use an A380 as a private car."

Wang Xudong smiled proudly: "Speaking of which, I haven't spent a cent on this plane."

"Oh, there is such a good thing." Liang Hongbo said: "Brother Dong, tell me what is going on. This is an airplane worth hundreds of millions of dollars."

Liang Hongbo is his brother, some things can be disclosed to him appropriately. So Wang Xudong said, "Do you know the Ando Foundation of Fusang?"

"Of course." Liang Hongbo nodded and said, "This was established on the basis of the Kimura Foundation, which is equivalent to a change of dynasty. The assets and related resources are still the previous Kimura Foundation, but the head is replaced by Hiromasa Ando."

The Kimura family was wiped out, and Hiromasa Ando took charge of the consortium with Wang Xudong's permission. Wang Xudong said: "Actually, this Ando consortium is under my control, and Hiromasa Ando is completely at my disposal."


Liang Hongbo was surprised. He didn't even think about it. Even the Ando consortium is under the control of Wang Xudong. This is too bullish. You know, the Ando consortium has a lot of influence in Fusang, and some politicians in Fusang are under the command of the Ando consortium. .

To be an exaggeration, the Ando Foundation can influence Fuso's politics. Liang Hongbo was inexplicably surprised, "Brother Dong, if you don't tell me, I would never dare to think like that."

Wang Xudong said: "Just know this, don't spread it everywhere, this A380 aircraft is the bill that Ando Hiromasa paid."

It turned out that this is the case. Liang Hongbo gave a thumbs up, "Brother Dong, you are really awesome. This is a plane worth hundreds of millions of dollars."

Wang Xudong said: "By the way, you want me to go back to the office. There should be something."

Liang Hongbo patted his head lightly, "Brother Dong, you see, I almost forgot, that's it, our Yinhai Oilfield No. 3 oil block is progressing very smoothly, and there are already several drilling platforms under construction, which is gratifying. Yes, the submarine oil pipeline is already being laid."

The exploitation of offshore oil has a characteristic. Once the oil well produces oil, it cannot be interrupted. Some oil wells even use burning methods to burn the oil that cannot be transported away in time.

In this case, the submarine oil pipeline is particularly important. Only the submarine oil pipeline can transport the crude oil from the oil wells. For example, in the No. 3 oil zone, the submarine oil pipeline can transport the oil extracted from the oil wells to the Qinglong Crude Oil Port. .

"Oh, progress is so fast."

Wang Xudong was slightly surprised that the construction progress of the entire No. 3 oil zone was a little bit beyond his expectations.

Liang Hongbo said: "The main reason is that we have sufficient funds. The seabed topography of the other sea area is too good. The entire seabed is flat and the water depth is about 20 to 30 meters. In this way, construction is not difficult."

After speaking, Liang Hongbo turned on Wang Xudong's computer. In the computer mailbox, there were a lot of information about the No. 3 oil area of ​​Yinhai Oilfield, as well as planning and design drawings and many photos.

Combining these things, Liang Hongbo gave a good introduction.

After listening to the introduction, Wang Xudong said happily: "It is estimated that in a few months, our No. 3 oil zone will also be able to extract oil."


Judging from the current construction progress, a few months is enough. By that time, the first phase of Qinglong Port has also been completed, and large oil tankers can dock. As for crude oil, it must have been transported from Qinglong Port long ago.


Yinhai Oilfield, No. 3 oil exploitation area.

This is a vast sea, about 100 kilometers away from the coastline of Yinhai City. Oil rigs have appeared on the sea.

Among them is a huge drilling platform that is particularly eye-catching. This is an offshore oil well platform the size of a football field. If completed, it will be sufficient for helicopters to take off and land.

Several huge legs are deep into the water at a depth of 20 to 30 meters, firmly rooted in the mud layer under the water, and the bottom of the legs reaches directly above the rock layer on the seabed, which is very stable.

On the platform, many workers are busy building other auxiliary facilities of the platform, such as the installation of drilling rigs, the installation of electrical wiring, and so on.

Here is under construction, and No. 1 oil zone is even more lively.

It seems that another oil well is producing oil here, and it is still an offshore oil well. Half of the entire No. 1 oil zone is on land and half in the sea. There are offshore oil wells on the offshore surface.

"Connect the oil pipeline!"

Under the command of a technician, several workers skillfully connected the oil pipeline. The oil from the seabed was sprayed along a 150 mm steel pipe. The oil sprayed from the seabed immediately got a place through this. The oil pipeline is transported to the oil storage area of ​​No. 1 oil area.

With the smooth output of oil from oil wells, the output of No. 1 oil area has also been rising, from tens of thousands of barrels per day, to tens of thousands of barrels, to hundreds of thousands of barrels, and now it is approaching 600,000 barrels.

The situation is gratifying!

The happiest one is the executives of the three major domestic oil giants. They are happy one by one. Although the initial investment is huge, the return is huge.

With hundreds of thousands of barrels of high-quality oil a day, this is just the beginning. Everyone is confident that sooner or later the output here will exceed 1 million barrels, 2 million barrels, 3 million barrels...


Construction has been carried out day and night, and large-scale unprecedented construction has been carried out. There are thousands of construction workers here, and various construction machinery are everywhere. The progress here is also rapid.

Today's Qinglonggang seems to be a little different.

The colorful flags fluttered throughout the port area, and many workers looked towards the sea in the distance.

A few small cars with a license from the Yinhai Municipal Government took the lead, followed by a few luxury cars, and this convoy was driving towards the port area.

In the car, Wang Xudong looked out the window with satisfaction. This newly constructed asphalt road leading to the port area seems to be good. Although it is still under construction, half of it has already been constructed. The 8-lane road has 4 lanes.

After hearing Liang Hongbo's talk about the construction of Yinhai Oilfield and Qinglong Port, Wang Xudong couldn't help but want to come and take a look.

I have a plane, everything is very convenient, less than two hours of flying, the plane landed at Yinhai Airport. When Wang Xudong arrived, he naturally received a grand welcome from Yinhai City.

One of Wang Xudong’s stop is Qinglong Port, because today is a very special day for Qinglong Port. Wang Xudong did not even go to Yinhai City, and arrived at Qinglong Port from Yinhai Airport.

Riding in the car, I gradually arrived at the port area. As soon as I entered, I could clearly feel the warm atmosphere here. Large constructions were being carried out everywhere, and a large number of construction workers, a large number of construction machinery, etc. could be seen everywhere.

Many excavators are waving their long arms to excavate earth. Many bulldozers are leveling the ground, many muck trucks full of earth and rocks are running back and forth, many small hills in the port area have been flattened, and concrete is being poured in many places.

Wang Xudong said with joy: "From the beginning of the construction to the present, it has not been a long time, but the construction is progressing so fast, and everything looks decent."

Zheng Xiaotong was riding next to Wang Xudong, and she also said happily: "Brother Dong, I can't believe it. Compared with the last time I came here, it has changed a lot."

The convoy drove slowly into the port area. When it arrived at the seaside, the convoy stopped. In front is Pier 1 under construction. The place where everyone got off was an open area near the pier, which was the size of several football fields.

Pier 1 is like a giant arm, extending straight toward the sea of ​​Qinglong Bay, with a length of about four to five hundred meters. The infrastructure has been completed and the cement concrete is being poured.

The first oil pipeline from the oil storage area of ​​the port area has been built here and temporarily connected to Pier 1.

Even if the wharf has not been built, the first interface has been built, and the first berth has begun to take shape, which can temporarily be used for the parking of giant oil tankers. This is a 150,000-ton berth.

While the large-scale construction of Pier 1 is being carried out, it is the current model for giant oil tankers to dock. Today also happens to be the day when Qinglong Port opens.

Looking at everything in front of him, Wang Xudong said with satisfaction: "Everything looks decent. Even if Pier 1 is not built, it does not prevent us from seeing that it is a super large terminal."

Such a wharf has a length of nearly 500 meters and has more than a dozen berths. The largest berth can accommodate a giant oil tanker of 350,000 tons.

Gong Qiaoping personally accompanied Wang Xudong. At this moment, he was completely happy and said with emotion: "Everything is so gratifying. What is rare is that today is the day when the port opens here."

The whole port area is fluttering with colorful flags and is filled with joy. Everyone knows that today is a very important day. So many people are doing great construction here and fighting for so long for today.

In front of Pier 1, a festive rostrum was erected, covered with a festive red carpet, festive celebration banners, and flying colorful flags.

Wang Xudong invited: "Secretary Gong, please."

Gong Qiaoping said modestly: "Chairman Wang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Please first!"

Wang Xudong was not welcome, and walked in the forefront. Everyone followed suit, stepped onto the rostrum, and sat down in the middle position.

Today is the official opening of Qinglong Port!

After Wang Xudong sat down, he raised his hand to take a look at the time, thinking in his heart, it was 11 o'clock in the morning. It was almost the appointed time, and Liu Yu should be there too.

Ten minutes later, not only Wang Xudong, but many people in the port area saw the figure of a huge ship, which was slowly driving towards this side.

The loud siren resounded throughout Qinglong Bay, seeming to announce the arrival of this huge ship.

On the bow deck of the tanker, facing the slight sea breeze, Liu Yu saw the huge Qinglong Harbor and seemed to see Wang Xudong sitting on the rostrum.


The third one is sent!

That's all for today's update, thank you everyone! ! !

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