God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 963: Try your luck

What is it estimated to be?

Thinking like this in his mind, Wang Xudong pressed the call button, "Minister Chen, you are looking for me!"

Chen Yuehui's hearty voice came from the phone, "Xudong, I heard that you have arrived in the capital. I think about it, and I'm still going to talk to you."


Seeing what Chen Yuehui said, Wang Xudong knew that Chen Yuehui must have something to find himself, and it should be a relatively important matter.

Anyway, I have time, so Wang Xudong readily agreed: "Minister Chen, I am in the capital, and I just have time."

Chen Yuehui was obviously happy, "That would be great, so let me send my secretary to pick you up, where are you?"

"No, I have a car myself, I will come right away."

"Also, I am waiting for you in the office."

After the two ended the conversation, Wang Xudong said, "Xiaotong, Weiwei, it seems that I am going to the Ministry of Mines. Minister Chen seems to have something to do with me."

Zheng Xiaotong was sensible and immediately said, "Brother Dong, you go."

Zheng Weiwei also said: "Brother Dong, business matters, we have time between brothers."

Wang Xudong nodded, got on his own military off-road, and Lin Hu drove to the China Mining Ministry. When he arrived at the entrance of the mining department, Chen Yuehui's secretary had already been waiting there.

Sending a secretary to wait at the gate early shows that on the one hand Wang Xudong's position in Chen Yuehui's heart, on the other hand, it also shows that Chen Yuehui's approach to Wang Xudong must be very important.

"Chairman Wang, Minister Chen is in the office, I will take you there."

Wang Xudong nodded, and after getting off the car, led by Chen Yuehui's secretary, he entered the office building of the Ministry of Mining, and soon he came to the door of Chen Yuehui's office.

The secretary knocked on the door and said softly: "Minister, Chairman Wang is here."

"Xudong, I'm here so soon." Chen Yuehui opened the door personally, greeted Wang Xudong and entered his office, then greeted Wang Xudong to sit down, his secretary made two cups of hot tea, and then gently Exit and quietly close the door of the office.

There was no third person in the office, and the two sat down and chatted.

Chen Yuehui said: "Xudong, the progress of Yinhai Oilfield construction is very gratifying. I heard that the daily output of the No. 1 oil exploration area is approaching 1 million barrels. Qinglong Port has already opened, and oil is shipped from there every day. ."

It can be seen that Chen Yuehui is very concerned about the situation of Yinhai Oilfield. Also, as Minister of Mining, he must pay attention to Yinhai Oilfield.

Wang Xudong knew that Chen Yuehui was definitely not asking about Yinhai Oilfield or Qinglonggang. Sure enough, the two had a little chat about Yinhai Oilfield and Qinglonggang. Chen Yuehui changed the subject.

"Xudong, you should have heard that our country is negotiating with a certain country on the import of natural gas."

For this natural gas import negotiation, the state has set up a negotiation team. Chen Yuehui and Zheng Ming are all members of this team. Chen Yuehui guessed that Zheng Ming may have mentioned the natural gas import negotiation with Wang Xudong.

Wang Xudong nodded and said, "I have heard a little bit, but the specific situation is not very clear."

Chen Yuehui said: "The first round of negotiations has been completed, but the country we are negotiating with has put forward high demands. If we want to import their natural gas, the price will be relatively high. In a few days, the first round will be launched. For the second round of negotiations, I still don’t know what will be the outcome of the second round of negotiations."

Because of the issue of confidentiality, Chen Yuehui did not mention the specific content of the negotiations, but Wang Xudong already knew that the negotiations are estimated to have reached a deadlock. If you want to import a large amount of natural gas from a certain country, it is estimated that the price will be relatively high.

In recent years, the domestic demand for natural gas has grown rapidly. The natural gas consumption last year was around 150 billion cubic meters. This year it is estimated to exceed 180 billion cubic meters, and it is predicted that it will exceed 200 billion cubic meters next year.

The domestic natural gas production is far from much, about 100 billion cubic meters to 120 billion cubic meters, mainly relying on oil and gas field natural gas, gas field gas, mud volcanic gas, coal bed methane and biogenic gas, etc.

Last year's natural gas imports amounted to 37.6 billion cubic meters. This year it is close to 50 billion cubic meters. Next year, it is estimated that it will reach 60 billion or even 70 billion cubic meters. The dependence on imports is increasing.

You have to rely on imports. It’s not enough if you don’t import natural gas. Some natural gas exporting countries have taken a fancy to this point. For example, a major natural gas exporting country, they use this as a threat and demand various benefits and conditions to force China to make profit. Sacrifices and concessions.

Compared with other energy sources, natural gas has many advantages.

For example, natural gas is a clean and environmentally friendly high-quality energy source, which contains almost no sulfur, dust and other harmful substances. It produces less carbon dioxide when burned than other fossil fuels, resulting in a lower greenhouse effect and fundamentally improving environmental quality.

For example, natural gas is economical, safe and reliable, and can also improve the lives of ordinary people.

It is precisely because natural gas has many irreplaceable advantages, and the domestic dependence on natural gas imports is very high, Chen Yuehui is unable to do anything.

Chen Yuehui sighed and said: "Xudong, if you can extract a lot of natural gas every year, that would be great, and we won't get stuck in our necks."

Wang Xudong smiled relaxedly, took a sip with the teacup, without hiding it, and said truthfully: "Minister Chen, it turned out that it was this thing that looked for me. If you don't look for me, I will also take the initiative to look for you."


Chen Yuehui looked at Wang Xudong a little puzzled, thinking in his heart, could it be...

Could it be that Xudong has the intention to enter the field of natural gas extraction, um, it should be possible, Xudong Mining Group has amazing performance in the field of iron ore mining, in the field of oil mining, and it is logical to enter the field of natural gas mining.

After thinking about it in his mind, Chen Yuehui's heart raised a hope. If this is the case, it would be great. If it is not done well, it is no longer necessary to import natural gas from abroad.

Well, it must be so!

Chen Yuehui's eyes gradually became eager and looked at Wang Xudong hopefully.

Wang Xudong noticed the change in Chen Yuehui's expression, from slightly sighing and frowning, to gradually full of hope, and then eagerly looking at himself.

Wang Xudong nodded and said: "Yes, we do intend to enter the field of natural gas extraction, but..."

"Xudong, what you said, as long as I can help, I will go all out." Chen Yuehui immediately shouted.

Wang Xudong smiled and said, "It's just that we lack a large gas field."

Chen Yuehui also lacks large-scale gas fields. The large-scale gas fields with large reserves are already well-known. Even if the small-scale gas fields are handed over to Xudong Mining Group, it is estimated that they will not be able to extract a large amount of natural gas. problem.

Chen Yuehui, who was full of hope, was suddenly lost.

Wang Xudong said: "Minister Chen, don't be too disappointed. I heard that there may be a large amount of natural gas in the Northwest. If possible, we are going to try our luck there."

Of course, it’s not to try luck, it’s a matter of decree. Wang Xudong has a “God-level big mine owner” system, and there must be natural gas in the northwest region. Even if the distribution is relatively sporadic, Wang Xudong can gather these natural gas to create a large gas field. .

Wang Xudong continued: "I believe I have always been a lucky person, maybe I have made amazing discoveries."

Seeing what Wang Xudong said, Chen Yuehui's feeling of loss gradually heated up again, and endless hope rose again, "Yes, Xudong, you are a person with super luck, otherwise you will not find so many in Yinhai City. Oil, I believe you, you can definitely find a lot of natural gas in the Northwest."

Natural gas is mainly distributed in large basins. Cathaysia's natural gas is distributed in 10 major basins in China, forming many gas fields, but the gas fields are mainly small and medium-sized. Most of the gas fields have complex geological structures and difficult exploration and development.

There are several large domestic basins in the Northwest. Even if he has never been there, Wang Xudong is sure that he can definitely create a large gas field in the Northwest.

Wang Xudong said: "Minister Chen, I think there must be undiscovered large or even super large gas fields in the Northwest. Our Xudong Mining Group has set up a geological exploration team that can go to the northwest for exploration, but if we find a gas field, we must Give us the mining rights of the discovered gas fields."

Without even thinking about it, Chen Yuehui promised, "This is natural, if you find it, it belongs to you, and no one can take it away."

With that said, Wang Xudong was relieved, "Minister Chen, then it is settled. We will go to the Northwest for exploration immediately."

Chen Yuehui said: "Go prospecting right away, the sooner the better. In addition, I will greet the local government and ask them to fully cooperate with you."

It doesn't matter if you are worthy of cooperation, but Chen Yuehui's kindness, Wang Xudong couldn't bear to refuse, "Minister Chen, thank you, and we will send an exploration team soon."

Chen Yuehui stood up happily, "In this way, there is no need to talk about the second round of natural gas import negotiations in a few days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang Xudong smiled and said: "Minister Chen, you are so optimistic about us. , my country’s annual natural gas imports can reach tens of billions of cubic meters. "

Chen Yuehui confidently said: "Xudong, I am optimistic about you, otherwise, you will not create miracles. Fuchuan Oilfield and Yinhai Oilfield are good examples. This time, I think your performance must be very amazing. Yes, it will certainly not disappoint us."

After discussing these things with Chen Yuehui, Wang Xudong left the Ministry of Mines in a good mood, especially Chen Yuehui personally said that no one can take away the gas fields you found, which made Wang Xudong feel unprecedented.

At the same time, Wang Xudong also knew that the gas field discovered by the Xudong Mining Group should not dare to come over to grab it, unless he has the courage to grow hair.

What Wang Xudong didn't expect was that some people really have the courage to grow hair. Of course, this is something later.


The third one is sent!

That's all for today's update, thank you everyone! ! !

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