God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 965: Suspicious energy source

The order is issued and "Miner One" will be executed immediately.

Soon, the holographic three-dimensional map in front of Wang Xudong's eyes changed. With the distribution of natural gas resources, some places are more dense, some are more scattered, some are deeply buried, and some are relatively shallow.

"Brother Dong, after scanning, a total of 346.71 million tons of natural gas resources have been discovered!"

With so much, Wang Xudong was pleasantly surprised!

I thought with joy that, as I expected, the Northwestern Region has extremely rich natural gas resources, more than 340 million tons, which is about 480 billion cubic meters. Even if tens of billions of cubic meters are mined each year, it is enough to mine for 10 years. the above.

That's a lot, it's really not less!

Why are there so many natural gas resources, mainly in the basins of Xijiang Province, which store abundant oil and gas resources.

The most, the most important, the most important point, the "God-level big mine owner" system is really too bad. As long as it is natural gas resources, whether you are buried deep or shallow, whether you are a recoverable resource or an unrecoverable resource, All are within its scanning range.

These resources are all recoverable natural gas resources from the perspective of the system. If it is a modern exploration method, it is estimated that the exploration results will not be one-third or even one-fifth of the system scan.

Many natural gas resources with deep buried, scattered, or complex geological structures cannot be explored and will not be counted. Even if huge manpower and material resources are spent on comprehensive exploration within 500 kilometers of the capital of Xijiang Province, the conclusions drawn will not be too high.

The system is different!

More than 480 billion cubic meters of natural gas resources, as long as they are gathered, they will all be recoverable resources, even if tens of billions of cubic meters are mined every year, it is enough to be mined for more than 10 years.

If the system can be upgraded to another level, the scanning radius will be larger, and more natural gas resources will be discovered. If you want, you can gather more natural gas resources.

By the way, what about the radioactive energy in this area?

Thinking of this in his mind, Wang Xudong gave instructions to "Miner One", ordering it to scan for radioactive energy and absorb all the absorbable radioactive energy in this area.

"Brother Dong, the radioactive energy distribution has been scanned and a suspicious source of radioactive energy has been found!"

What, suspicious source of radioactive energy, what is this stuff? There was a big question mark in Wang Xudong's mind.

On the holographic three-dimensional image in front of me, the distribution of radioactive energy is clear. It is basically the radioactive energy contained in the radioactive minerals in nature.

It can also be seen from the holographic three-dimensional map that these radioactive energy distributions form ore vein-like distributions, which must be naturally occurring things. There is a point where the emission energy is highly concentrated and has a high radioactive energy distribution, that is, Miner One The suspicious source of energy.

The "God-Level Big Miner" system has reached level 8. The "Miner One" already has a certain degree of artificial intelligence, knows the basic discrimination of radioactive energy sources, artificially manufactured radioactive energy sources, such as various nuclear weapons, nuclear warheads, or It is the fuel rods of nuclear power plants, etc. It is fully aware that they are non-absorbable energy sources.

what is this!

Wang Xudong also didn't understand a little bit. He ordered the "Miner One" to zoom in and zoom out, and finally he could see clearly.

This should be something like a nuclear warhead or a nuclear weapon, with some foreign words written on it that Wang Xudong couldn't understand at all. This is definitely not something made by China itself, but something abroad.

Foreign nuclear warheads are in Xijiang Province?

Thinking of this, Wang Xudong was shocked.

Realizing that the problem is more serious, Wang Xudong did not allow the "Miner One" to absorb the radioactive energy in the nuclear warhead, but watched the situation in that area.

After partial magnification, Wang Xudong discovered that the nuclear warhead was placed in a place similar to a basement, with a guard at the entrance of the basement.

One left and one right, fully armed. The strange thing is that these two armed men are not wearing military uniforms. They are obviously not soldiers, and their weapons are not military standard weapons.

This seems to be a place like secret bases everywhere. Not only a few simple buildings were discovered here, but also more than a dozen armed men and two vicious wolfhounds were discovered.

That place is located in the northern mountainous area of ​​the Huozhou Basin. There are high mountains in the north and south of the Huozhou Basin. The northern part belongs to the mountainous area. A sandy and gravel road leads to the northern mountainous hinterland. This secret base is located in the northern mountain hinterland, which is very secret.

If it hadn't been for "Miner One" to discover this suspicious source of radioactive energy, Wang Xudong would not have found it there.

This is really concealed enough, there must be a secret stronghold of a certain force, Wang Xudong inferred roughly like this in his mind.

Wang Xudong wanted to absorb light from the radioactive energy in that nuclear warhead. This is high-concentration uranium, and the radioactive energy in it belongs to upgrade energy points.

The data behind the No. 1 energy slot in the "God-level big mine master" system shows "1831/2000", which means there are 1831 upgrade energy points, which is only one step away from the 2000 energy points required for the upgrade.

This is a nuclear warhead. After absorbing the radioactive energy in it, it is estimated that the system will definitely be upgraded to the ninth level, and the system will be upgraded to another level. This is what Wang Xudong dreams of.

It's just that the situation of possessing that nuclear bomb is unknown, Wang Xudong doesn't want to take it rashly, anyway, you can't run, let's let it go, and wait until I figure it out before absorbing it.

After thinking this in his mind, Wang Xudong temporarily let go of this suspicious nuclear warhead, and chose to absorb the natural radioactive energy scanned by the system.

The absorption of radioactive energy points begins!

The data behind the No. 2 energy point slot of the "God-level Big Mine Owner" system began to beat quickly, and Wang Xudong didn't need to worry about the absorption of energy points, and finally checked the results.

It was too early to see, Wang Xudong pulled the quilt and turned off the lights to sleep.

Early the next morning, Wang Xudong woke up from the sweetness and took a look at the time. It was exactly 7 o'clock in the morning. The first thing you do when you wake up is naturally to take a look at the absorption of radioactive energy points.

Turning on the system, Wang Xudong was pleased to see that the data behind energy slot No. 2 was "37906/60000", which means that more than 37,000 ordinary energy points were absorbed last night.

Not bad, very good!

With the capital of Xijiang Province as the center, the natural gas resources within a radius of 500 kilometers and a depth of 4000 are more than 400 billion cubic meters. Now Wang Xudong has more than 37,000 ordinary energy points, which is enough to cover all the more than 400 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Gather here.

As soon as he arrived in Xijiang Province, he not only discovered more than 400 billion cubic meters of natural gas resources, but also harvested more than 37,000 ordinary energy points. There was also a suspicious nuclear warhead waiting to be absorbed by himself. Wang Xudong felt this time. By the way, the harvest here is huge.

I was in a good mood, humming a little tune, and after washing up, at about 7:30, Lin Hu knocked on the door and came in, "Boss, breakfast is ready, and our car is refueled. Wait where we go."

Lin Hu knew that Wang Xudong came to Western Xinjiang Province to investigate natural gas resources. He must be traveling a long distance today. He had made preparations to go out early, and even the car was filled with gas.

Wang Xudong nodded and said: "Let's eat first, and then go to Huozhou City to take a look at the situation in the Huozhou Basin."

Lin Hu is no stranger to the Huozhou Basin. I know that it is an intermountain basin on the eastern south **** of a famous large mountain range in Xijiang Province, covering an area of ​​about 50,000 to 60,000 square kilometers.

There is rich light and heat, and the grapes, melons, and long-staple cotton are famous products. The basin is rich in oil and gas resources, and there are major railway lines passing through the basin.

Lin Hu said, "Boss, that's a good place. Unlike some basins, it's all deserted, and there are no people for thousands of miles. The Huozhou Basin is obviously full of life."

Wang Xudong also said: "Our first stop is the Huozhou Basin, and we will leave after breakfast!"

The two didn’t have much time for breakfast. They got in the car at about 8 o’clock in the morning. Lin Hu drove the off-road vehicle and left the capital of Xijiang Province, heading towards the Huozhou Basin. There was a good road there. .

In recent years, the state has vigorously developed the western region. The infrastructure in Xijiang Province is very good. Not only has a railway network, but also a good road network. For example, the road to Huozhou City is very good. , This is a high-grade highway.

Seeing that there are not many cars on the road, Lin Hu drove the speed to about 100 kilometers. At this time, the superior comprehensive performance of this military vehicle is reflected. Not only is the speed fast, the driving is stable, and the driving performance is first-rate. Lin Hu likes to drive it at high speeds. The feeling of driving.

"Boss, the performance of this car is really good. I guess we can reach Huozhou City in less than two hours."

The largest city in the Huozhou Basin is Huozhou City, which can be regarded as a prefecture-level city. Of course, it is incomparable to the prefecture-level cities of other provinces and cities in China. Xijiang Province is vast and sparsely populated, and Huozhou City is only a few prefecture-level cities. A population of 100,000 is similar to a large county in some developed provinces and cities.

In the car, Wang Xudong also felt very stable, knowing that this car is really good, especially it uses the engine of Sunward Power Company, which is full of power and fuel-efficient. It is a military off-road vehicle, which is fully equipped with a luxurious city off-road vehicle. The comfort.

Its off-road performance is naturally first-class, but here is a road with good road conditions, its excellent off-road performance has not been reflected at all ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is reflected in its stability and high speed.

"Well, this car is really good. It's worthy of being the best military off-road vehicle in the world."

Wang Xudong was also satisfied, chatting with Lin Hu, and the time passed quickly along the way, more than 100 kilometers passed in a flash, and the journey was already halfway through.

At this time, Wang Xudong even remembered that when he arrived in the Huozhou Basin, he had to drive around and take a look around, determine the specific location of his large gas field, and then gather a lot of natural gas resources there and build his first one there. Big oil field.

Just thinking about it, Lin Hu interrupted Wang Xudong’s thoughts. Lin Hu reminded: "Boss, look at the cars behind us."

Not one car followed, but a total of three cars. Wang Xudong clearly felt that these three cars were abnormal, no wonder Lin Hu reminded himself softly.


Send the second more!

That's all for today's update, thank you everyone!

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