God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 968: 2 do not say anything

This is a big pipe!

The visual diameter is about 1500 mm. It stretches from west to east, like a "great dragon", leading to the distance. After looking at it, Wang Xudong knew that this is not an oil pipeline, but a pipeline that transports natural gas.

Gas from West to East!

The natural gas produced in the northwest region, as well as the natural gas imported from a neighboring country, is transported to other provinces in China through this main gas pipeline, and the southernmost point can reach several southern provinces.

What is rare is that this gas pipeline is so close to Wang Xudong’s No. 1 and No. 2 natural gas production areas, especially only a few kilometers away from the No. 2 natural gas production area.

Originally, Wang Xudong thought that during the construction of his first large gas field, hundreds of kilometers, or even hundreds of kilometers of natural gas pipelines would need to be built, but now it does not seem necessary.

Such a trunk pipeline is close at hand. As long as you build a short natural gas pipeline from your own large gas field and connect to this pipeline, the natural gas you produce can be sent to all parts of the country and enter millions of households.

While rejoicing, Wang Xudong strengthened his idea of ​​choosing the location of his first large gas field in Bayin County, the two natural gas mining areas, just in the two places that he had just seen.

Wang Xudong touched the thick pipeline and said happily: "Lin Hu, this is the main pipeline of the West-East Gas Pipeline. We can save a lot of things. There is no need to build a long and huge gas pipeline. Just repair a short gas pipeline to connect with it."

Lin Hu said, "Boss, this gas pipeline is really spectacular. It's an unexpected surprise to be so close to our first large gas field in the future."

This is a huge surprise!

Almost Wang Xudong was reluctant to leave. The more he watched, the more he liked it. After watching for at least half an hour, he looked up at the sun gradually west, and then got on the bus.


Huozhou Police Station.

Director Cao Sankui is presiding over the meeting. The atmosphere in the entire meeting room is solemn, and many people have realized the seriousness of the matter.

A certain terrorist organization that was once severely cracked down has revived. Everyone thought that this organization should have been wiped out, but after a few years, it has gradually developed again, and it has been relatively active in the Huozhou City area recently.

Cao Sankui stayed still just to prevent the horror.

This time, we must eradicate the roots and uproot this organization. Cao Sankui will not act rashly until he has a thorough understanding of the situation.

"Cao Ju, there is a man nicknamed "Scar" with a few horses. He has been very active in Bayin County recently. He injured an ordinary citizen the other day."

"Well, there was such a thing. At first, the Scar group bullied a woman on the street, and an old man next to him was not used to seeing him and said two fair words. As a result, the Scar group was beaten into the hospital."

Cao Sankui nodded, he knew all these things. Just in order to be able to catch all these people in one swoop, he did not arrest them for the time being.

What worries him even more is that according to secret and reliable information, this organization will carry out a major terrorist activity and it is said that it has also obtained a secret weapon.

What kind of secret weapon was Cao Sankui still concentrating on secretly investigating. He guessed that it might be a powerful bomb, or some explosives.

The target of this organization may be Huozhou City or even the capital of Xijiang Province. If there is a big explosion in these two places, the matter will be big and it will definitely become major news in the country. Of course, if they succeed, the casualties of ordinary people will be very high.

If dozens of people were killed or injured, Cao Sankui would definitely not be able to help him. Therefore, Cao Sankui's face was more solemn, lit a cigarette and smoked slowly, thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

What the gang got was not a bomb, but a nuclear bomb, ready to be detonated in the capital of Xijiang Province. If Cao Sankui knew this, he would probably be scared out in a cold sweat again.

Nuclear bomb, my goodness!

If it were detonated in the capital of Xijiang Province, the entire city would be reduced to ruins.

Someone knocked on the door and came in and reported a situation. The person nicknamed "Scar" from this organization appeared in Bayin County today with a group of his horses. To report to the police, Bayin County Police also asked for instructions on whether the arrest was achieved.

After thinking for a while, Cao Sankui instructed: "Surveillance secretly, pay close attention, and arrest if necessary."

Someone reminded: "Cao Ju, will you be stunned?"

Cao Sankui said: "This'Scar' is too arrogant. It is so high-profile in Bayin County that I caught him."


Lin Hu drove an off-road vehicle and the two returned to Bayin County together.

After driving for several kilometers along a sandy gravel road, you can gradually see the county town in the distance. Now this location belongs to the suburbs, and there are some sparse houses. These are some local residents.

It is basically a house, some with front and back courtyards, which are a little different from courtyards in other parts of the country. These houses or courtyard buildings have obvious characteristics of Western Xinjiang.

"Boss, look ahead!"

Wang Xudong nodded and saw that beside the road leading to the county seat, a few people gathered in front of one of the houses not far in front, seeming to be arguing about something.

The distance was a little closer, his eyes condensed, and he recognized that these people were the ones who intercepted themselves on the highway this morning and clamored to buy their own car. The leader was a scarface, not far away. The three off-road vehicles with Scarface and others were still parked.

This road is not too wide. Let's check the width of the two or three lanes visually. The three of them stopped in such a random way, basically blocking the road, and Lin Hu could only stop gradually.

This was the group of people waiting for Scarface, who looked not only arrogant, but also fierce. Obviously, just now they beat the besieged young man.

Wang Xudong also recognized it at a glance. This young man was distracted while crossing the street, and was almost hit by Lin Hu.

This off-road vehicle is too conspicuous. The military’s new military off-road vehicle is not good for unattractive eyes. The Scarface group saw Wang Xudong’s car.

"Boss, the target we were looking for appeared."

Scar nodded and walked over with a few horses. At this time, Wang Xudong and Lin Hu were getting out of the car. When they saw these people coming, Wang Xudong only sneered.

"Boy, you have a nice car, we want it."

Last time I asked Wang Xudong to make an offer, but now I am ready to grab it directly and say they want it. Wang Xudong responded with a sneer. I don't know how high the sky is, and I dare to ask for Lao Tzu's things blatantly.

"Boy, what is our boss asking you?"

There is a horse, two steps forward, with a very arrogant attitude.

Wang Xudong is too lazy to talk nonsense. To deal with such people, only force is the most effective. It's impossible for you to reason with them, so Wang Xudong gave Lin Hu a look.

Lin Hu understood, without saying anything, he kicked it out.

This group of people never thought that there were seven or eight people on their side, and Wang Xudong’s side had only two people, so Wang Xudong dared to start a fight without saying a word.



This horse was kicked directly into the air, flew up several meters, and fell heavily to the ground. It seemed that the injury was not light, and it was no idea to get up.

"Brothers, copy guys!"

Scar's face stern, and he yelled fiercely. Almost everyone, including him, rushed towards Wang Xudong and Lin Hu. Some of these people took out iron rods, some took out machetes, and others took out daggers. .

Wang Xudong has a light wind and no intention of doing it.

If Lin Hu can't handle these few people, then he is not Lin Hu.

Sure enough, there was a crackling fight, and a few screams. In less than two minutes, the world was quiet, including the scar, all lying on the ground, groaning in pain from time to time.

"Lin Hu, call the police and call the police to deal with it."

"Yeah." Lin Hu nodded, picked up the phone and started calling the police.

Wang Xudong took a few steps forward and walked towards the young man, who also walked over with a look of gratitude, "Brother, hello, thank you, or I will be beaten by them."

Wang Xudong said with concern: "How about it, are you okay?"

The young man said: "I'm fine. Fortunately I met you, or I will definitely be beaten into the hospital by them. This group of people is too nasty. They bullied a woman in the street a few days ago. My father said two fair words out of justice. They were beaten into the hospital."

"It is estimated that I saw me, and then quietly followed. When I was almost at the door of my house, these people surrounded me. Fortunately, you passed by here."

The youth looked grateful, and there was a private house with a yard nearby, which was the youth's home. Wang Xudong knew from the youth that his name was Zhong Zhe.

Through brief exchanges, Wang Xudong realized that Zhong Zhe’s speech and behavior were unusual, and he looked like a highly educated person who had seen the world. Wang Xudong wanted to talk with him further to learn about Zhong Zhe’s situation. The police sirens sounded and the police arrived.

Wang Xudong said in his heart that the police came here very quickly, and originally thought they would be late.

A total of two police cars arrived, three side three-wheelers, more than a dozen policemen, and the leading policeman was tall and tall. It can be seen from the police rank that he should be the chief of the Bayin County Police Department.

Even the chief came here in person. Wang Xudong was a little bit astonished. He thought he was just a few patrolmen. He didn't think that the road formation was so big~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it was not much like it. The leading policeman came over. Who of you called the police!"

Wang Xudong went up the first two trails: "It's the police we called."

The leading policeman nodded and began to verify Wang Xudong's identity, "What is your name, can you show me your ID card?"

Wang Xudong said: "My name is Wang Xudong, this is my personal bodyguard, Lin Hu."

Wang Xudong?

The chief of the Bayin County Police Department looked up and down Wang Xudong, thinking in his heart, such a young man, with a private bodyguard, this should not be Wang Xudong, the president of Xudong Mining Group, if he is really him, it would be too scary.

Hope it's just the same name and last name.


The third one is sent!

That's all for today's update, thank you everyone! ! !

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