God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 963: Can the savior appear

A tense atmosphere filled Huozhou City.

The people in Huozhou City finally realized something. Some people talked, especially the police cars and policemen that appeared on the streets and intersections. This kind of talk became more and all kinds of gossip were flying.

"With so many police officers, what happened?"

"Not only ordinary police, but special police are dispatched. I heard that nearby garrisons are beginning to enter the city."

"Could it be that terrorists have appeared and are arresting the entire city."


All sorts of discussions abounded. At nearly 10 o'clock in the evening, some soldiers began to appear in the urban area of ​​Huozhou, and military vehicles also appeared in some sections of the road. These soldiers were all armed with live ammunition.

Huozhou Police Station.

For the first time, Yu Jun took out his handkerchief and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was almost 11 o'clock, and it was only an hour before 12 o'clock.

And until now, even if a large number of police forces are deployed, even some nearby garrisons have rushed over to strictly control every intersection and every section of the road. It is almost a carpet-like investigation, but the results have been minimal and no useful clues have been found.

A Huozhou City leader said: "Secretary Yu, if the news is wrong, there is no nuclear bomb at all, we are just a false alarm."

Cao Sankui immediately said: "Impossible. Our comrade risked his life to spread the information. It will definitely not be wrong. Besides, our comrade has exposed and sacrificed, and this information is even more unlikely to be wrong."

Yu Jun slowly said: "I also hope it will be a false alarm, but it shouldn't. There must be a nuclear bomb. At this time, this nuclear bomb should have entered our urban area. The tricky thing is how can we find such a bomb? Nuclear bombs, our time is running out."

Time is really running out, only 1 hour from 12 o'clock in the evening.

Cao Sankui took a look at the time, and suggested: "Leaders, you should leave the city first. It's fine to have me here."

Many people are more excited about this suggestion. If they continue to stay here, they may be bombed to death. But the thought of leaving had just emerged from the bottom of my heart, and it was immediately pinched out.

Yu Jun firmly said: "Hundreds of thousands of people in Huozhou City have not evacuated. How can we evacuate? We must stay here. Even at the last moment, we will never leave."

After seeing what Yu Jun said, no one thought about evacuation. It can also be seen from Yu Jun's words that Yu Jun is a good leader. He didn't want the leader to go first, but wanted to coexist and die with the people of Huozhou City.

In the conference room, it gradually became quiet, only the big wall clock on the wall was ticking, and each ticking represented another second of time, and another second close to 12 o'clock in the evening.


In the room.

Wang Xudong fully realized the seriousness of the matter and did not dare to take it lightly. He has been paying close attention to the situation of the nuclear bomb.

It can be seen from the holographic three-dimensional map that the nuclear bomb was pushed into the tunnel, and finally pushed to the end along this several kilometer-long tunnel. That location is the central city of Huozhou City, and the nuclear bomb is two to thirty meters underground in the central city. depth.

Wang Xudong nervously saw that someone was starting to debug the nuclear bomb, and the nuclear bomb was also activated. The nuclear bomb was on standby. As long as the remote detonation button was pressed, the nuclear bomb would explode.

The explosion of the nuclear bomb is terrifying, and the entire Huozhou City will be razed to the ground!

After all this was done, the armed men who had sent the nuclear bombs began to evacuate, almost trotting all the way out of this tunnel, Wang Xudong said in his heart, it seems that the nuclear bomb will soon be detonated.

Hurry up, I'm anxious!

For the first time in his life, Wang Xudong eagerly hopes that the upgrade will be completed as soon as possible, the upgrade progress bar is still a little bit, and the remaining time for the upgrade is about 1 hour.

Wang Xudong raised his hand to take a look at the time. It was 11 o'clock, and he secretly prayed in his heart, don't explode now, God bless, at least wait until the system upgrade is completed.

The armed men evacuated and returned along the original road to the basement of the private house, and then quickly came out of the basement.

When Wang Xudong saw them moving so fast, he knew in his heart that the explosion time would not be too long, otherwise, these people would not be so hurried, they almost ran out of the tunnel all the way, the first thing they came out was to get in the car and start immediately. The car, leave quickly.

The armed men drove a semi-old pickup truck and left quickly and quickly moved away from the house. Wang Xudong followed closely.

On the holographic three-dimensional map, I can always see these people and this semi-old pickup truck. As long as they are not out of 500 kilometers, Wang Xudong can always see them.

At this moment, Wang Xudong wanted to see where they were going, and kept watching where they were going. This pickup was also fast, flying for more than 20 kilometers, and reached the top of a small hill far away from Huozhou City.

Hey, there are people on the mountain.

Wang Xudong saw that there were several people on the top of this mountain. There were armed men on guard at the foot and the side of the mountain, and there were a few cars parked on the back of the mountain.

After the pickup arrived at the foot of the mountain, a few people in the car trot all the way towards the top of the mountain. When they ran to the top, they were almost panting.

The leader immediately reported: "Boss, everything is ready, you can start the explosion at any time."

This is the No. 1 leader of the organization. He planned the terrorist attack. He heard the report and smiled triumphantly, "Okay, great, we can see a huge, gorgeous firework later."


He made an exaggerated action, making a "bang" in his mouth, a face of triumph, and a bit of stern expression in his eyes. This is a cruel character with a cruel heart and hundreds of thousands of lives in his eyes. There was no mercy in it.

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can overlook the Huozhou City dozens of kilometers away, and the Huozhou City at night, with little lights, and a prosperous city. This is a city with a population of hundreds of thousands.

The people next to him all had the same smug look. They all wanted to see how Huozhou City was wiped out by the explosion of this nuclear bomb.

As soon as the leader stretched out his hand, someone next to him immediately placed a high-power military telescope in his hand. He picked up the telescope and looked at the city of Huozhou for several minutes. Then there was a cold face on his face and said slowly. : "In the countdown, the nuclear bomb will be detonated at 12 o'clock."


The few men next to him answered loudly, for them, everything is ready, only waiting for the time.


Huozhou Police Station.

Yu Jun took out his handkerchief again and gently wiped the cold sweat on his face. There was no sound in the entire conference room, except for the sound of the big wall clock on the wall ticking and moving. The time was almost 11:50, and it was only 12 o’clock. 10 minutes.

The atmosphere in the conference room was extremely solemn. Many people felt it was very difficult to breathe. Some people, like Jun Yu, took out a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads.


Seeing that the time was only 10 minutes, Yu Jun's face changed, and he looked at the direction of the conference room door. At this time, he very much hoped to see Cao Sankui's figure, and even more hoped to hear Cao Sankui say that the nuclear bomb had been found.


The door of the conference room was really pushed open. Cao Sankui really came in. Yu Jun stood up and asked eagerly, "Director Cao, how is it?"

Cao Sankui finally brought good news and said with a little joy: "Secretary Yu, we caught two people and saw a suspicious vehicle in the suburbs. After interrogation, it has been basically confirmed that the two people in the car are members of that organization. Also participated in this terrorist attack."

Many felt a little lighter and finally made progress.

Yu Jun asked eagerly: "Has a nuclear bomb been found in the car?"

Cao Sankui shook his head lightly, and sighed slightly, "No nuclear bomb was found on the car. Our interrogation expert is undergoing a surprise interrogation, hoping to find a breakthrough in these two populations, but..."

Without going on, Yu Jun knew what this "just" meant, that is, there was not enough time, only 10 minutes.

Yu Jun said: "I hope a miracle will happen. We still have 10 minutes. We will never give up until the end!"

It is very difficult, very difficult to have a miracle in 10 minutes!

But under the current circumstances, they can only rely on the appearance of a miracle, and there is no other way. If a miracle occurs, everything will turn to safety~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the miracle does not occur, then...

No one dared to think about it!

It is estimated that miracles will not happen. After all, 10 minutes is too short. Even if the interrogation experts can pry something out of the mouths of the two, it is difficult, too difficult to find a nuclear bomb on this basis!

No one knew that the savior was about to appear, and the savior was Wang Xudong.

In the hotel room.

Wang Xudong was also nervous, worried that the nuclear bomb would explode without warning, especially watching the time passing by minute by minute, Wang Xudong's heart was also very stressed.

On the one hand, pay attention to the nuclear bomb, on the other hand, pay close attention to the people on the top of the mountain, especially the person who looks like the leader.

Of course, Wang Xudong is more concerned about the upgrade of the "God-Level Big Mine Owner" system. Once the upgrade is completed, the first thing Wang Xudong does is to absorb the radioactive energy in the nuclear bomb, leaving nothing left.

Around 11:50.

There was a very pleasant voice in Wang Xudong's mind. He had never noticed that the voice of "Miner One" could be so beautiful.

"Brother Dong, the system upgrade is complete!"

The "God-Level Mine Owner" system flashed gold, and it was upgraded from level 8 to level 9. Wang Xudong didn't even have time to take a look at the upgraded system, but immediately ordered.

"Miner One, immediately absorb the radioactive energy from that suspicious energy source!"

The so-called suspicious energy source is the nuclear bomb.


Send the second more!

Today I want to change four. It’s the end of the month. Everyone understands that Shell is so hard code word, and there is only one purpose, that is, I am still thinking about the monthly pass in your hands. Anyway, this month is about to pass. It will be invalidated, then it is better to vote for our "God-level Mine Owner", what do you think!

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