God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 965: Big changes in the system

First, take a look at the scanning situation.

Wang Xudong issued an order: "Miner One, scan the reserves and distribution of natural gas resources."

This time I came to Xijiang Province, mainly to look at the reserves and distribution of natural gas resources in this area, and also to select the site for his first large gas field. Now that the system upgrade is completed, Wang Xudong's first thing to look at is the situation of natural gas.

The system's scanning of natural gas resources was quickly completed, and the holographic three-dimensional map appeared in front of Wang Xudong. Wang Xudong was surprised to find that, as he expected, the scanning radius was expanded by 1,000 kilometers and the scanning depth reached 4,500 meters.

The radius is 1000 kilometers!

What is this concept? How big is this circle with a radius of 1,000 kilometers? About 3.14 million square kilometers, about one-third the size of China.

Xijiang Province is big enough. After the system is upgraded, not only the entire Xijiang Province is within the scanning range of the system, but several nearby provinces and even several neighboring parts are all within the scanning radius of the system.

Too bullish!

Wang Xudong was very pleased with the huge scanning radius of the system, and what made him even more pleased was the result of the scan. The voice of Miner No. 1 rang in Wang Xudong's mind.

"Brother Dong, after scanning, a total of 1.256 million tons of natural gas resources have been discovered!"

so much!

One ton of natural gas is about 1,400 cubic meters, and 1,256 million tons is about 17 trillion cubic meters. Wang Xudong remembered that when the system had an 8-level scanning radius of 500 kilometers, the natural gas resources scanned were about 4.5 trillion cubic meters, a sudden increase of more than 30 times.

Immediately, Wang Xudong understood why there were so many natural gas resources. After the main scanning radius was expanded, not only the several large basins in Xijiang Province were all within the scanning range of the system, but also several nearby provinces and several neighboring countries were scanning. Within the scope, natural gas resources have soared.


Wang Xudong was immediately overjoyed. With so many natural gas resources, he could create a super large gas field in the outskirts of Bayin County.

With such a large scanning radius, what about the radioactive energy in this range? Thinking of this in his mind, Wang Xudong immediately acted to scan the radioactive energy within a radius of 1,000 kilometers.

Exciting moments appeared. Wang Xudong saw that the data behind the system's No. 1 energy slot began to beat, that is, there were extremely high-grade natural radioactive minerals in the scanning range.

As the system absorbs radioactive energy, Wang Xudong began to check other changes in the system. First, he opened the system's database. Wang Xudong discovered that the contents of the database more than doubled.

There are many kinds of things, divided into civilian and military. There are many types of missiles in military equipment, the first aircraft carrier, and many military radars.

There was no such thing in the database before, and there was no one missile, but now there are many. Although there were various types of guided missile frigates, destroyers, and even advanced 10,000-ton class destroyers, there were no aircraft carriers.

The aircraft carrier actually appeared!

Wang Xudong first read the introduction of the aircraft carrier. This is a large aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 100,000 tons. It is electromagnetically ejected and has excellent performance. Just taking a look at it, Wang Xudong knows that it is definitely the most advanced and comprehensive performance in the world. Excellent aircraft carrier.

After looking at those missiles, there are not only short- and medium-range missiles, but also long-range and even intercontinental missiles. There are not only anti-aircraft missiles, but also surface-to-surface missiles, and air-to-air missiles, each of which is definitely the best in the world today.

Looking at the military radars, Wang Xudong found that they are indeed the products of the system. These radars are too advanced, especially a large radar. If it can be manufactured, it will definitely become the military's eye-catching eye.

Looking roughly at military equipment, Wang Xudong looked at civilian equipment again.

These civilian equipments were dazzling and varied, which made Wang Xudong dazzled and delighted. I sighed that the system is too good, and any of these things are top in the industry.

There are too many things in the database, Wang Xudong just took a look at it, and then started to check the grade improvement function.

When the system is upgraded from the 7th level to the 8th level, a mineral can be selected for upgrading. At the beginning, Wang Xudong chose iron ore, raising the grade to a high grade of 61.

In fact, Wang Xudong has always hoped to upgrade the uranium ore. When he was in Australia, Wang Xudong gathered a lot of uranium ore, all buried deep underground, with a grade of 1%. If the grade of these uranium ore can be increased to 2% Taste, then no longer have to worry about ordinary energy points.

The system can absorb radioactive energy from uranium ore with a grade of more than 2% in nature. It would be great if the uranium ore with a grade of 1% could be increased to 2%.

It really works!

After Wang Xudong inquired about Miner One, he got an affirmative answer. He was pleasantly surprised and chose to upgrade the grade of uranium ore.

In other words, if you gather uranium ore from nature in the future, you can choose to accumulate at the highest grade of 2%. That is to say, the grade of the gathered uranium ore can reach up to 2%, and the uranium ore at this sample position can already be used by the system. Although the absorption of radioactive energy points is an ordinary energy point, it is also a little bit against the sky.

There are as many ordinary energy points as you want. From then on, you don't have to worry about ordinary energy points anymore. It's almost like hanging up. As long as Wang Xudong is willing, you can use these ordinary energy points to gather minerals and gather as many as you want.

Because ordinary energy points are sufficient, Wang Xudong can even transfer other people's ores away, so that they cannot mine a small amount of minerals.

Just think about it and find that it’s cool.

Wang Xudong vigorously checked the upgraded "God-level Mine Owner" system. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became, and the more he looked at it, the happier he was.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, what about those terrorists?" Wang Xudong remembered this incident and immediately began to scan with the system, and then search on the holographic three-dimensional map.

First zoomed in on the top of the hill more than 30 kilometers outside of Huozhou City, "Hey, it's not there, I have already left." Wang Xudong said in his heart.

The conspiracy of the group of people failed and failed to detonate the nuclear bomb. In desperation, they had to evacuate. This time has gone away.

But this could not be troublesome for Wang Xudong. The scanning radius of the system reached 1,000 kilometers, and it was impossible for them to run out of this range. It didn't take long for Wang Xudong to find the trace of the group on the holographic three-dimensional map.

The group of people had already left the mountain for dozens of kilometers by car, and began to flee overnight, away from Huozhou City, looking at the mountainous area where they fled.

Pay attention to these people from time to time, and then pay attention to the absorption of radioactive energy in the system. The data change behind the No. 1 energy slot has stopped and it is displayed as "1125/5000", which means that it has absorbed part of the upgrade energy points, reaching 1125.

It's better to upgrade. The radius is expanded to a terrifying 1,000 kilometers. Within such a huge range, there are always some extremely high-grade natural radioactive minerals, and the system has also absorbed hundreds of upgrade energy points.

As for ordinary energy points, there are more. The system is rapidly absorbing. The data behind energy slot No. 2 fluctuates rapidly, basically three times per second, that is to say, 3 ordinary energy points are absorbed per second. .

Wang Xudong can safely let the system absorb the radioactive energy. At the end, you can see the result. There are originally more than 30,000 energy points behind the No. 2 energy slot. If you continue to absorb it, I don’t know if it will reach the full point, which is a full 8 Ten thousand ordinary energy points.

Have a little look forward to it!

Without continuing to pay attention to the system's absorption of radioactive energy, Wang Xudong began to focus on where the group of people escaped, and their escape is clearly displayed on the holographic three-dimensional.

Two hours later.

Wang Xudong yawned. It was more than two o'clock in the middle of the night. The group finally did not run away. Instead, they entered a secret base in the hinterland of the mountain. It was very secretive, and was larger than the base where nuclear bombs were stored. Much larger.

Could this be their nest?

After thinking about it in his mind, Wang Xudong secretly wrote down the location. As long as Wang Xudong is willing, Wang Xudong can blow these people into the sky, just like flying the Kimura family.


The tension in Huozhou City does not seem to have completely subsided.

Although I don't know what happened and the nuclear bomb did not explode, no one can rest assured unless the nuclear bomb is found. Yu Jun dared not take it lightly and ordered the police to conduct a carpet-like investigation all night.

the next day.

Wang Xudong was awakened by a knock on the door. He slept very late last night and was busy until two o'clock in the middle of the night. In addition to the system upgrade, Wang Xudong slept very sweetly~www.wuxiaspot.com~Boss, breakfast is ready All right. "

Hearing Lin Hu's voice from outside the room, Wang Xudong couldn't help laughing when he saw the time. No wonder Lin Hu knocked on the door. It was almost 9 o'clock in the morning.

Wang Xudong got up, washed himself, had breakfast in the hotel, wiped his mouth, and thought to himself, I wonder if Yu Jun will come to him today.

If there were no major events like yesterday, Yu Jun would not only accompany Wang Xudong to dinner, it is estimated that he would be here early this morning.

It is more difficult to tell if something as big as yesterday happened.

Lin Hu said, "Boss, what are the arrangements today."

Take a look at the time, it’s half past nine, Wang Xudong said: "Don’t worry, wait a minute. If Yu Jun and others are not here, let’s go out for a stroll. If Yu Jun and others come, I’ll talk to them. Let’s talk about the exploration of natural gas resources and the subsequent construction of large gas fields."

Exploring first. If natural gas resources are discovered, large gas fields must be built to exploit natural gas. Of course, the exploration of Shenma is just a look, and there will definitely be a lot of natural gas resources in Huozhou City.

It was about 10 o'clock in the morning when Yu Jun and others arrived. It seemed that he must be thinking about Wang Xudong's investment in the construction of large gas fields.

Yu Jun came over and said apologetically: "Chairman Wang, something has happened and I am a little late."

Wang Xudong smiled without saying a word. He naturally knew what the so-called "something happened" was. At the same time, Wang Xudong also noticed the bloodshot eyes in Yu Jun's eyes. He might have stayed up all night.

I wonder if they found the nuclear bomb?


The fourth one is sent!

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