God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 968: Start exploration

The call was from Chen Yuehui.

He knew that Wang Xudong had gone to Xijiang Province and was full of hope for Wang Xudong's trip to Xijiang Province. After paying attention to relevant reports in newspapers and the Internet, he called.

"Xudong, I heard that you have reached an agreement with Huozhou City in Xijiang Province to conduct comprehensive exploration of oil and gas resources within Huozhou City."

Wang Xudong smiled and said: "Minister Chen, your news is really well-informed. We just signed the agreement yesterday. After we return, we will set up an exploration team to conduct a comprehensive exploration of the whole area of ​​Huozhou City."

Chen Yuehui asked tentatively: "Xudong, what do you think of the prospects of Huozhou City's oil and gas resources?"

Wang Xudong did not hide it. Anyway, as the exploration progresses, a very large oil and gas field will be discovered, so he said: "Minister Chen, I personally like Huozhou City. To be precise, it is the Huozhou Basin. In the basin, I believe there should be extremely rich oil and gas resources."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yuehui felt light.

If Wang Xudong is optimistic about things, then stick to it. Wang Xudong said that the Huozhou Basin has abundant oil and gas resources, and it is estimated that they will be there.

Chen Yuehui smiled heartily, "Xudong, hearing what you say, I have a bottom in my heart, like taking a reassurance pill."

At this time, a big rock in his heart has completely fallen to the ground.

The postponement of negotiations with a certain country is to place hopes on Wang Xudong. If Xudong Mining Group can discover abundant oil and gas resources in Huozhou City, then negotiations with a certain country will be more confident.

Sorry, we have enough natural gas and no longer need to import it from you. It can be so hard!

Conversely, if Xudong Mining Group fails to discover abundant oil and gas resources in Huozhou City, it will reluctantly return to the negotiating table and negotiate with a certain country on the import of natural gas. It is certain that it will be threatened by a certain country.

Chen Yuehui did not want to return to the negotiating table, and was full of hope for Wang Xudong's trip to the west.

"Xudong, I prepared a good drink in the capital. After coming back, our brothers will have a good drink."

Wang Xudong readily agreed, "This is naturally no problem."

After more than three hours of flying, the plane successfully landed at the Beijing Airport around noon. Zheng Xiaotong and Zheng Weiwei came to pick up the plane together.

"Brother Dong!"

At the moment when Wang Xudong's figure appeared, Zheng Xiaotong cheered, and almost ran all the way into Wang Xudong's arms. Wang Xudong hugged Zheng Xiaotong's slender waist, kissed gently, and whispered in her ear: "Do you want to miss me these days."

Zheng Xiaotong whispered in Wang Xudong's ear: "Yes!"

Wang Xudong smiled and heard Zheng Weiwei's voice, "Brother Dong, sister, don't show your affection, I am so envious to see it, I have the urge to find a girlfriend immediately."

Wang Xudong laughed, let go of his girlfriend, and gave Zheng Weiwei a soft punch, "How about the development of Eastern Petroleum Group."

Zheng Weiwei proudly said: "Everything is going well. With the construction of our large oil refinery in Western Guangdong Province, I am already considering the layout of the two provinces in Western and Eastern Guangdong."

Wang Xudong said: "Well, in the construction of gas stations in these two provinces, you are in charge of the construction of gas stations, without asking me for instructions."

Zheng Weiwei nodded, and then said softly: "Brother Dong, He Xinjia from the He family came to look for you yesterday. Hearing that you went to Xijiang Province, he left with disappointment."

"Oh, He Xinjia took the initiative to come and look for me?" Wang Xudong was slightly confused, thinking that from now on there should be little overlap with He Xinjia, he didn't think about it, he actually took the initiative to find me.

Wang Xudong asked: "Did He Xinjia say, what is it for me?"

Zheng Weiwei said: "He didn't say that. He left when he heard that you went to Xijiang Province. However, I noticed that my brows were frowning slightly. It is probably something troublesome."

Wang Xudong waved his hand and said, "Leave him alone, let's get in the car and go back first."

Wang Xudong came back. After returning to Zheng Xiaotong's house, Wu Yaping was very happy. Even Zheng Ming rushed back at noon. After the meal, the two of Weng and Son talked in the study for nearly half an hour.

Zheng Ming asked Wang Xudong about his plans and plans for the development of oil and gas resources in Xijiang Province. He was very happy to know that Wang Xudong would immediately send an exploration team to explore the oil and gas resources in Huozhou City.

Zheng Ming even said, great. I don't think it is necessary to negotiate with a country's natural gas import. Xudong, I am totally optimistic about you.

In the afternoon, Wang Xudong was called away by Chen Yuehui, and it took a long time to come back.

Because of the immediate formation of a geological exploration team, Wang Xudong stayed only one night after returning to Beijing. Early the next morning, Wang Xudong took his own plane back to Donghai City.

Not long after Wang Xudong left, He Xinjia came back, but he was still a step late and could not find Wang Xudong.

Xudong Mining Group.

Wang Xudong returned, returned to Donghai City, and returned to his office. In the office, there was not only Liang Hongbo but also Xu Jie.

The three brothers are talking about the large-scale exploration of oil and gas resources in Huozhou City. Liang Hongbo said: "Brother Dong, there is no problem. It's just a matter of forming an exploration team. Small things will be formed soon. But where should we start first?"

Yes, the Huozhou Basin is so big, 50,000 to 60,000 square kilometers, it can’t be like headless flies, it must have clear exploration targets.

Wang Xudong turned on the computer and called up the map of the Huozhou Basin, and said to the map: "Look, this is the Huozhou Basin. I feel that this large basin should have rich oil and gas resources, and Bayin County is in the fire again. In the hinterland of the continent basin, look at these two places."

This is a satellite map with high resolution. Wang Xudong zoomed in on the map and pointed to the northwestern location of Bayin County, which is about 10 kilometers away.

Wang Xudong said: "Look at this area, the terrain is open and flat, and it is in the hinterland of the Huozhou Basin. Let's start the exploration of oil and gas resources from here."

"Look at this place again. It is located in the northeast of Bayin County, about 10 kilometers away from the county seat. The terrain is open and flat, and it is also a good place. This is where we can start exploration first."

These two places each have an area of ​​tens of square kilometers, and they are more than ten kilometers apart from each other. The terrain is the same open and flat. Wang Xudong has gathered a large amount of oil and gas resources in these two places.

These two places are key areas with the richest oil and gas resources and are highly enriched. In fact, in the north of Bayin County, starting from nearly 10 kilometers from the county seat, to nearly 100 kilometers, covering an area of ​​nearly 1,000 square kilometers, Wang Xudong has accumulated nearly 9 trillion cubic meters of natural gas and about 1.6 billion tons of high-quality crude oil.

The two hurriedly remembered the two places mentioned by Wang Xudong. After the formation of the exploration team, they must first explore these two places.

After the three talked about the exploration of oil and gas resources in Huozhou City, they talked about the Qinglong Port under construction.

Liang Hongbo said joyfully: "Brother Dong, you are not here these days, and you may not know the progress of Qinglong Port construction very well. I will give you a good introduction."

I first stayed in the capital for a few days, and then went to Xijiang Province. More than a week passed. Wang Xudong really doesn't know much about the recent situation of Qinglong Port.

After listening to Liang Hongbo’s introduction, Wang Xudong knew that the construction of Qinglong Port is progressing gratifyingly. Two more berths have been built at Pier 1. Now Qinglong Port can not only transport crude oil, but also begin to provide berths for large oil tankers. Make a docking.

It is expected that by the eve of New Year’s Day, the Qinglong Port Pier 1 will be completed. This way, there will be a large number of official berths, the largest of which can reach 350,000 tons, which can provide a large number of large ships to dock, and large ships from all over the world can come to Hong Kong. Transport crude oil from here.

The situation is gratifying!

Wang Xudong was a little impulsive, and wanted to visit Qinglong again.


On the highway from Huozhou City to Bayin County in Xijiang Province.

This road generally has fewer vehicles. After all, this is only a county-level road in the Northwest. But today is different. There is a long fleet of 20 to 30 large vehicles.

Some people driving past here, seeing this scene, will have a big question mark in their minds, thinking in their hearts, what are they going to do, so many cars.

Some people will stop ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to take a look at this slow-moving team. Some knowledgeable people have already seen that these vehicles are all exploration equipment, some of which are large drilling rigs.

This is an exploration team for oil and gas resources established by Xudong Mining Group. The goal is very clear. First, it will explore the two areas designated by Wang Xudong in the outskirts of Bayin County.

The convoy entered the county seat and passed through the main street in the county seat. After exiting the county seat, it was divided into two, one part headed northeast of the county seat, and the other part headed northwest of the county seat.

"Wow, for such a large-scale fleet, many of them are engineering vehicles. What are they going to do!"

"It seems to be a geological survey team."

"I see, it should be the exploration of oil and gas resources in our county."

With the arrival of this geological exploration team, the news spread in Bayin County, and then quickly spread throughout Huozhou City!

Xudong Mining Group's exploration of oil and gas resources in Bayin County is about to begin...


Xudong Mining Group.

In the office, as soon as Wang Xudong read some reports on the latest progress of Qinglong Port and Yinhai Oilfield, Liang Hongbo knocked on the door and came in.

Wang Xudong thought that Liang Hongbo was here to report on the situation of the geological prospecting team, such as whether he has arrived in Bayin County, whether he has already selected a drill site to start drilling, and so on.

What Liang Hongbo first said was not so, but said: "Brother Dong, there is a middle-aged man outside who claims to be He Xinjia. He said he wants to see you."

He Xinjia, he actually went from Beijing to Donghai City and also to Xudong Mining Group. Want to see me? Wang Xudong looked confused.


The third one is sent!

Today’s update ends here. On the last day of this month, friends who have monthly tickets in hand, I hope you will vote for our "God-level Mine Owners", thank you for your support!

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