God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 115: Sea of ​​blood

Chapter 115 The Sea of ​​Blood

Yaozu had already planned everything, whether it was the matrix smoke bomb in the city, or the route to evacuate the Prince's Mansion to the secret place.

No one knows this mountain better than him. The secret door was discovered as early as 10 years old, but without the key, he didn't know what was behind the mossy stone door.

Since Dad told him there were all the ancestors' corpses and funeral teams there, he never went there again. No way, when Yaozu was 10 years old, "Ghost Extinguishing Lamp" and "Grave Stealing Notes" were not yet popular, and people had primitive awe of the ancient tombs.

But now, he has long forgotten his childhood warning and runs faster than anyone else. The wound on the shoulder was simply bandaged during the raid.

The charm of catching up is also running along Yaozu's footprint. The injuries to her hands have affected her sense of balance, and she can no longer play the 2500m 6-minute extreme mountain running ability. The dark forest, the status quo that dare not use lighting, also limited her speed.

Charm is not in a hurry, every 30 meters forward, a mark will be engraved on a large tree around him, leaving it to the young master who may be coming behind.

The mystery is farther than imagined. It is 12 kilometers away from the village of Belle in the mountains. Even the hunters in the village of Belle will not run such a deep valley. The surrounding forest can be described as a virgin forest. Any vine can trace back several hundred. Thousands of years of history.

All kinds of rocks along the way are as sharp as knives, and the plain depressions contain deep ponds that eat people and don't spit out bones. Even the flat land also hides the terrible fire ant nests. Once you step into the fire ants, you might die.

It is also this natural environment that has kept Baylor Village's secret place undisturbed by the outside world for nearly 200 years, and has killed most of the laborers who participated in the construction here.

The more Charm walked, the more carefully she walked. The inconvenience of her arm made her unable to cut the poisonous snake between the treetops. After walking for more than ten minutes, her head was covered with sweat.

Two hours later, the breathless Yaozu finally came to the entrance to the secret realm. The 4-meter-high stone gate was an exhausting project in the era when heavy machinery was lacking.

The gate is made of thousands of gold megaliths integrated with the rock, which is thick enough to withstand the frontal bombardment of today's armor-piercing shells. When the key is opened, the built-in mechanism lock will drive the chain to pull the stone door. .

Yaozu also tried to open the door with modern technology, or looked for other entrances and exits, but in the end it was all in vain. In the absence of tanks, Yaozu could only find an old man to get the keys.

Taking a deep breath, he inserted the key into the keyhole and twisted the huge stone lock until the pattern was pieced together into a dragon picture symbolizing their love for Xinjue Roche. With a click, the ancient institution lock was activated, and the huge chain was stirred. The heavy stone door pulled up.

"Wen Jing, I can take revenge on you soon ..." Yao Zu lit the tactical flashlight and walked towards this dark secret place.

However, within half an hour after Yaozu left, Feng Quan was trapped in a depressed quagmire in the Prince's Mansion, because no matter how he persuaded, Zhenting summoned all the hunters in the village and the police in the police station on the 30th. All of them gathered on the school grounds of the Prince's Mansion with guns.

"Dear people, these incidents today are caused by my village chief's dereliction of duty. The family has a bad son and evil animal as a disaster for Belle Village. Today I have invited you to help me. I want to take away the evil animal for me to destroy the family and recapture the village leader's token. Tomorrow's I will abdicate the sacrifice ceremony, and I will be elected by several nobles as the head of the village. "Zhen Ting had planned to surrender the position of the village head at this year's celestial celebration. This is Yaozu. The real reason for having to shoot before the offering.

"Get off!" As a result of Zhen Ting's life order, many modern guards in Belle Village rushed to Houshan. They are all descendants of exquisite marksmanship and shouldering the responsibility of protecting the village.

"Uncle, just let them go out, just stay in the village." Feng Quan looked helpless again, persuading again.

"How can my family's misfortune be completely faked, and my nephew rest assured that I have written a testament, even if I die today, it has nothing to do with you. You only need to take the testament to your father to ensure your thoroughness. "Zhenting smiled and patted Feng Quan's shoulder.

"I'm not worried about your safety, I'm worried that you can't stand the heart of Ling Lang's body. Shen Ming is very strong. He turned on the killing mode so Lang could not survive." Feng Quan finally admitted.

"Rest assured, all the results, aging is already expected." Zhen Ting went off with the team after speaking.

Both Feng Quan and Thai housekeeper stayed at home. Feng Quan took care of Xiao Yi, but Thai housekeeper knelt in front of the Aixinjue Luoshi's shrine and confessed his ancestors. After all, he lost the key to the secret.

After walking along the long cave for 5 minutes, Yaozu came to a huge cave full of football stadium, full of bright red poppy flowers, like a sea of ​​blood like a paradise.

This closed position is not dark at all. The top of the five-story cave is equipped with a huge bumpy crystal ball. The rock wall of the cave is also inlaid with mirrors, and the crystal ball will brighten the outside world. The moonlight guided into the cave, making the mystery as if it were deep outdoors, like a day.

The environment here is worthy of the name of the secret place. The mountain stream flowing in from the peak of the stone is clear and sweet, and the catfish are also kept in the small pond.

In the center of the sea of ​​flowers, a two-story wooden house is built. The shape of the courtyard house is a residence for those workers in the hidden world.

Yaozu sprinkled the gasoline that helped the combustion around Huahai and walked into the house. He just wanted to destroy the old man's most beloved secret, but did not want to kill the villagers, so he planned to "please" the villagers here and give them freedom.

However, until he walked into the house, Yaozu immediately found something wrong. According to the old man, Secret Realm should only be a traditional workshop for processing crude opium, but the production equipment here has been significantly upgraded. Many high-end equipment found in chemical factories are now used to process and purify modern drugs.

Obviously, the escalation of modern drugs in recent years has made the crude drug opium no longer popular, and the consequences of the severe crackdown on the Silver Triangle have led Baylor Village to worry about drug sales.

The method that Zhen Ting thought of was to keep up with the times and upgrade the product, turning the opium that was originally transported by truck into a No. 4 that can be transported only in a suitcase, which undoubtedly increased value and increased security.

However, with the village's level of knowledge, those dying old men and women who are terminally ill can't operate these complex machines and master the complicated chemical equations.

Yaozu wondered with a gun and checked that each room was empty, and many of them could see that no one had lived for a long time. It stands to reason, how many old people are brought in here every year, can it be completely empty?

When Yao Zu opened the last room, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. The furnishings in the room were so familiar, and the faint scent was like the taste in a dream. He stepped in and picked up the one on the bedside. Fingers, that's ... that was the treasure that was lost to Wen Jing when she was in the third grade of primary school, and it was also a token that she put on her hand and called her "husband" when she was parting.

"Yaozu ?!" Suddenly, a voice shouted from behind Yaozu. He turned tremblingly and saw Wenjing in sackcloth with a wooden stick in his hand.

The girl who settled with him for life is still alive. After 9 years, she is still alive.

"I thought ... I thought I would never see you again." Yaozu cried and became a teardrop, and even her tongue was shaking.

"..." Wen Jing couldn't say a word, lost the wooden stick in her hand, just covered her mouth and shook her head to cry. I couldn't believe or deny that the man in front was her husband.

"Sorry, I'm late." Yaozu stepped forward and hugged Wenjing tightly.

"Asshole! Let me go!" Wen Jing struggled like crazy, even biting Yaozu's shoulder until bleeding. Unlike the encounter in the movie novel, Wen Jing's hate is indescribable. For many years, she has been locked in this secret place by her father who loves men. She has been living a life of refining drugs and losing her freedom.

In the mysterious realm, there is no electricity, no way out, no time, only uninterrupted work every day. Every year, Wen Jing watched a group of terminally ill old people die, and watched a new group of old people be sent in. She needs to teach the new old man how to purify the poison, and then bury the old old man. The door to the mystery only opens once a year, and she repeats this work every year.

She has long forgotten what love is, and the backlog in her heart is just hatred. She needs to vent, even if the man in front of her makes her like it once.

"Why ... why let me see you again ... why didn't you let me die sooner? They all died ... none survived ... all died ..." Wen Jing cried and collapsed in Yao Zu's arms. They are coworkers in her mouth. The old people who were sent in in recent years are not very tough. Just 3 months ago, the last old man also died. She lived alone for 3 months and even felt like Almost losing the ability to speak.

"It's over! The nightmare is over! I'll take you out of here, to the outside world, and I'll marry you as a wife! We're going to live a normal life together!" Yaozu didn't expect to see the old days again Love, suddenly full of hope for the future ...

"No ... we will all go to hell. How can we, sinful, live in a normal world?" Wen Jing looked up at the familiar roof, eyes blurred, "Yaozu, our child is dead."

"Sorrow will pass ..." Yaozu clenched his teeth, holding Wenjing.

"I killed it with my own hands ..."

This book was first published from Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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