God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 119: Torn wound

Chapter 119 The Ragged Torn Wound

At dusk, the black BMW z4 returned to Shen's Security Office with the roar of a turbo engine. The face of Shen Ming's mouth was hurt, as if he had been beaten. Xiao Yi was also unhappy, after all, she was insulted by perverts.

The most unpleasant should be Pan Da, who obviously helped Shen Ming complete the peeping peeping thing, but he was also thrown into the trunk and locked up. The trunk of the z4 was as small as it was when it was stowed away from the hard roof. Box, Pan Da made trouble all the way. If I could talk to people, I would go to the Animal Protection Association to complain about this abusive animal abuse!

And when a bad man and a bird came back, he suddenly met a sad man at the door of his house, standing next to the 001 police car at the door ...

"Director Zhao?" Xiao Yi quickly got out of the car and stepped forward, saluting a military salute instinctively.

"Are there any official jobs? Sorry, now Grandpa is rich. You still have to look for someone else for 50,000 yuan in half a month!" Shen Ming is so capricious when he is rich, he gets out of the car and opens it with a smile Trunk. Pan Da fluttered out of the sky and flew out of the sky to return home directly from the skylight, smarter than a dog.

"It's not a job for you, but a case involving you." Director Zhao looked straight at Shen Ming.

"Isn't it? Are your police officers too efficient? I just peeped at Xiao Yi's fruit. Did you know about it?" Shen Ming shouted and looked at Xiao Yi, "Hey! You have been hit It's too outrageous to report to the police! "

"No more bullshit, do you want me to kill you!" Xiao Yi's face turned red, not sure if she was angry or ashamed.

"It wasn't you who committed the crime, but a case ten years ago that involved you. As the only victim, I feel it necessary to inform you." Zhao Bureau sighed softly.

Shen Ming's smiling face became iron-blue instantly. In his mind, there was only one case that could involve him ten years ago ... the tragedy of the Shen family ...

Z4 followed the police car at the fastest speed and returned to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Zhao Bureau reminded Shen Ming several times to calm down and took Shen Ming and Xiao Yi to an observation room connected to the interrogation room. There were 4 special policemen with guns standing in the room. They were not here to guard the prisoners. Anti-sinking ...

Seeing such a posture, Shen Ming basically knew that what would happen next was definitely not a good thing! Breathing was disturbed again, the heartbeat became faster and gradually tense, everything was like returning to the roof of that dark factory ten years ago, and Shen Ming turned back to the teenage killer who was angry and slaughtered hundreds of people.

Xiao Yi standing next to him found that Shen Ming was wrong. For some reason, he instinctively held Shen Ming's hand and felt that he wanted to pull him back from the painful memories.

Sure enough, with the tight grip of the warm palm, Shenming's heart calmed a little.

Not long after, through the single-sided transparent glass in the observation room, two police officers taking notes in the interrogation room saw a prisoner wearing sportswear with short plates and short hair brought to the interrogation table.

The comer is 180 tall, but looks very enchanting, wears lipstick and strong makeup, but has a face of Hu Zhezi, his hands and feet handcuffed together, a relaxed look.

"Do you know him?" Xiao Yi asked softly in Shen Ming's ear.

Shen Mingyao Yaotou head, if the person he met, even if one side, even 10 years apart, it is impossible to recognize.

"Name." The transcript officer opened the book and began questioning seriously.

"Leader, it has been reviewed 6 times in the past 3 days. Don't you know my name?" Chen Qiang smiled sullenly.

"Be serious! What do I ask, what do you answer, name?" The policeman snarled at the metal table with a pen.

"Yes, yes, my name is Chen Qiang, 35 years old, native of Ushi, gender male, although I want to be a female. Leader, do you see me cooperate so well, can I smoke a cigarette?" Chen Qiang was extraordinarily honest.

The white-faced policeman sang half a cigarette and a lighter and pushed it to Chen Qiang. Chen Qiang lit the cigarette with joy and lowered his head.

"Do you know why you were arrested here?" The black-faced policeman continued to ask.

"I know, I did something. Ten years ago, I was mixed with the eight emperor of the city of Wuliang. Don't look at how I look now. I was the best of the two emperors, and I had a good look." , Happiness recalling the past.

"Show me less! What underground emperor, isn't it a bunch of hooligans? Say, why are you wanted?" The black policeman pulled Chen Qiang back to the reality of the prisoner.

"Yes, yes, yes, what the leader educated was that I also deeply realized my mistake. This is not a surrender." Chen Qiang nodded again and again.

"Are you going to surrender? You were arrested when we checked the duck shop."

"Leader, can you not talk about the duck shop? That was a real life. Although I am a guy, I have always been attacking. I have been wanted by you all these years, so I ca n’t do anything serious. , You can only go to the duck shop to sell chrysanthemums. You must know that inserting people and ** are completely two concepts! "

"Let me slap wild cotton here, don't you want the police to apologize to you? Say, why is it wanted?" The black-faced policeman was angry or disgusted.

"Yes, I honestly explained that because I caused several life-related lawsuits when I followed the eighty two gold, that day, just when the devil had almost killed my brother, I happened to be out, so I picked up a small Speaking of which, that guy is so terrible, it is not human at all, but fortunately he has been shot. "The devil in Chen Qiang's mouth was Shen Ming of that year." When I first started to abscond, I was awakened by nightmares every night. In the dream, the kid was covered with blood and came to me with a rifle to ask for his life! "

"Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of knocking on the door. Today's fate is your own self-explanation. You should honestly explain and strive for generosity." The white-faced policeman sighed.

"I know, from the moment I confessed, I didn't intend to hide. Leaders, can I promise to say anything that will allow me to become a stain witness?" Chen Qiang talked about the sale.

"Have you watched too many Hong Kong films? What tainted witness system is there in the Mainland? That's called reporting meritorious service and can only reduce the sentence. In addition, the former eighty two gold and his men were almost all dead, and you who fled One, who else will report it to you? "The black-faced policeman satired.

"Of course there is! In the case that led to the annihilation of the eighty two gold gangs, the Shen family's bodyguards were killed and the daughter was hit half dead. The real behind-the-scenes killer has never been caught!" When Chen Qiang spoke, the glass passed behind the interrogation room There was a loud noise.

Shen Ming punched the glass. If it wasn't for 3 layers of tempered glass, it had been bombarded. Shen Ming exposed canines in the corner of the mouth, a gesture of killing, and the special police behind him were all pulled out. When the gun came, Xiao Yi grasped Shen Ming's arm tightly.

She had never seen such a fierce look like Shen Ming, like a wounded beast, the wound was torn, the tooth was cracked, and she could not wait to break everything.

It turned out that for ten years, Shen Ming has never come out of the pain in the past, but he has learned the most advanced camouflage skills, hiding his heart and pain under his face.

Heilong once said that Xiao Yi should look at Shenming's eyes, probably because Heilong is also the girl hiding the pain, so she smelled the concealment of Shenming's body.

"What's going on?" Chen Qiang wondered.

"Don't diverge from the topic, let's talk about it. The murderer was qualitatively murdered early, and the murderer was Ba Liang Jin. Who is the mastermind behind the scenes you fabricated?" There was almost nothing to shake. The wealthy merchants protected by Shen Chongyang and his wife Shen Lily were the enemies who had business disputes with Bayan Jin. In addition, the wealthy merchants collected a large amount of the crimes of Bayan Jin and gave it to the police. This kind of hatred can make him kill.

"Yes, I admit that the two-two money is really trying to kill the wealthy merchant, but everyone is not a fool for murder. Of course, it is better to keep the case as low-key as possible, not to mention the bodyguards, let alone later. A 6-year-old girl doesn't let it go? "Chen Qiang said quite reasonably.

"Actually, at that time, three foreigners in suits and leathers found eighty two gold and me. They were so strong that they quietly sneaked into our arsenal and pointed our guns at our heads to talk about business.

They brought in 50 million cash and wanted to buy the life of Shen Chongyang's family. Such a sale had a gun pointed at his head, and the idiot refused.

In this way, Ba Liangjin brought in his brother, killed the couple, and seriously injured the little girl. "

"Say, what are their names and what do they do?" The black-faced policeman asked.

"We didn't know their names at all, but we felt that they didn't speak like Tianchao people with the accent of Lao Guo. I thought that the sale would be over here. I didn't expect that day, that is, the day when the Eight Two Gold Group was killed. They suddenly found me and said that they had changed their minds and wanted to take the girl away and let me get a safe van to pick up at the entrance of the hospital.

They were amazing. They got a cart of medical equipment. I also saw a few doctors in white coats.

When they took the little girl who had stopped heartbeat back into the car, they ordered me to drive directly to the airport.

From the rearview mirror, I saw that they were rescuing the little girl, and I didn't know what medicine they were using. It really made the little girl breathe again! "

At this moment, a loud bang, the three layers of special tempered glass connecting the observation room and the interrogation room, was still bombarded by the Shenming punch into countless splashing particles.

Like a demon running out of a nightmare, Shen Ming stepped on the edge of the window and came to the interrogation table. Before the astonishment on Chen Qiang's face took shape, he took his neck by the arm and would reach 180 cm. Chen Qiang lifted his hand and hard-topped it on the wall.

"Come, tell me, who are they?" Shen Ming said tremblingly.


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