God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 126: Try to be my dad than

Chapter 126: Trying to Be My Dad Than

A long room of no more than 20 square meters, this is the new home of the mother and daughter. The yellow tatami on the ground, the slightly cracked walls, and a bit of musty air all indicate that the environment here is not suitable for a 6-year-old girl to grow.

Xiaokui didn't mind at all, came to the warming table, started to clean up his little clothes and daily necessities, and watched a 6-year-old child sort out skin lotion, cleansing liquid, and mask from the suitcase. You know how powerful the children of Lao Guo are.

"Come in and sit down, I'll make tea for you." Although Kanako didn't like Shenming, this basic courtesy was still there.

Shen Ming took off her shoes and sat at the warm table, watching Xiaokui packing, and suddenly found that Xiaokui was stuffing a magazine with a picture of her mother's bikini in her schoolbag.

"You?" Shen Ming just wanted to say what Xiao Kui immediately raised his finger in front of his mouth to signal Shen Ming a little point.

"Don't say it! This is Xiaokui's small business! My mother didn't know that a thousand cigarettes are very popular in school, especially for seniors. They have booked many issues with Xiaokui, and they are patrons. It's like Xiaokui's appearance as a female cadre, which makes Shen Ming look angry and funny.

"Where did you come from?" Shen Ming wondered.

"There are many scrap mothers who can't sell. They are in the closet. You can take them if you like, but put them back after reading them." Xiaokui said generously.

"You are so young, why do you want money?"

"Of course it was buying back our old house. My mother was too capricious. She even sold the house for the campaign. Fortunately, she has a talented baby daughter, Xiaokui, so do n’t worry, wait for Xiaokui to sell those magazines. It should be enough to buy back the house! "Xiaokui thought seriously.

"Why not tell your mother, you don't want her to run for election?" Shen Ming could see, and the little loli in front of her was strong but lonely.

"No, my mother is a stupid mother. The things she decides will never change. If she listens to persuasion, she will not be cheated by Xiaokui's **** father. Of course, there will be no Xiaokui me , So silly mother is fine. "Xiaokui smiled with a small face on Apple.

"Tea is here." During the talk, Kanako had brewed the tea and brought it over.

"Thank you very much today." Kanako finally thanked him from the bottom of her heart. "But it's too late now. After drinking tea, Mr. Shen Ming will leave. The money you gave Kyoko will be returned tomorrow. Yours, now I can write an IOU to you. "

"Are you really so stubborn and wouldn't ask me?" Shen Ming said, holding a tea cup.

"Are you really stubborn and must protect me?"

"Yes, well, I admit that I have received the message that someone will plot against you, and that person happens to be the one I'm looking for. There is a Chinese saying" Shou Zhu Lao Tu "." Shen Ming said frankly.

"You said I was a pig?" Kanako frowned.

"Mom, it's 'strain', not 'pig'." Xiaokui smiled.

"Whatever it is, I believe a police station is enough." Kanako was so stubborn.

"You can be fearless, but Xiaokui will also be implicated. Would you like to use her safety to bet on the police's efficiency?" Shen Ming said a word and stunned Kanako, looking worriedly to her side. The daughter next to him stroked the curly hair of this little sunflower.

"Well, for the time being, I agree to accept your preservation, but only if you cannot influence my work and election arrangements, and that is, you cannot use violence to control violence!" Kanako finally compromised.

"Okay, I try." Shen Ming didn't pack the tickets.

"That's great! Mom also has bodyguards! Xiaokui feels like a young lady!" Xiaokui clapped her hands happily.

At this moment, there was a sudden popping against the wall next door, and there were calls from library to library. Kanako's face was ashamed.

"Now you know why I sent Xiaokui to a friend's house?" Kanako said helplessly.

"Come on! Auntie Kyoko and his boyfriend are noisy!" Xiaokui really seems to know a lot, "Well, Xiaokui is going to wash and sleep, Mom, good night!"

Shen Ming got back to the car with the satisfaction he wanted. Kanako's room was too small, and even the closet was full of magazines. There was no place for him to rest. He could only live with the car.

Shen Ming tried to lean the seat back, but the small smart could not let him lie down completely. With the light of the mobile phone, Shen Ming made a phone call to Xiao Yi and beeped for ten full beeps. , The opposite is connected.

"Hello." It was Xiao Yanjian's voice that spoke.

"You wait." Shen Ming took the phone strangely down and put on the pair of black-framed glasses connected to the demon pupil. The picture in front of the hotel room was exactly the same. Saving personnel, Xiao Yanjian was nervous and then called.

The order received by Pan Da was to stare at Xiao Yi all the way, even the rolling sheets must be watched inhumanely.

"Well, now you say it." Shen Ming continued after Xiao Yi was sure that there was no danger for the time being.

"Mr. Shen Ming, hello, I'm Xiao Yanjian, a campaign adviser to Miss Kanako, I saw you just tonight." Xiao Yanjian introduced it again.

"No more nonsense, you are very daring, even dare to drunk my assistant and take her to open the room. Don't blame me for not reminding you that she is 'thorny rose'. When she wakes up, your life is not guaranteed. Shen Ming was kind.

"Mr. Shen Ming, you misunderstood! This is not the case!" Xiao Yanjian blushed and explained quickly.

It turned out that Xiao Yi was full when she went to the ramen restaurant, but she was very interested in a kind of sweet rice wine in that store. After drinking a pot after pot, Xiao Yanjian didn't listen to it and ended up drinking. 3 pots, which was okay at first. Xiao Yi from a storefront vomited almost unconsciously.

Because of the popular “picking up” custom in Lao Guo, Xiao Yanjian did not dare to leave drunk Xiao Yi on the street and had to take her to the nearest hotel to open a room. This time she received a call from Shen Ming.

"That's the case, it's not enough to take advantage, it's really like what Xiao Yi will do. Well, today you can say hello to him, but I'd advise you to be calm, if you dare to move her, little ... I will Kill you. "Shen Ming finally threatened cold, just like defending his wife.

"Mr. Shen Ming, please rest assured, I am by no means a mean and shameless villain!" Xiao Yanjian almost swears in the name of Grandpa.

This night, everyone slept very comfortably. Maybe this day is only today?

In the early morning of the next day, Little Xiaokui knocked on the window of Shenming, smiled and handed a sandwich, "It's for you, mom. In fact, mom likes you very much, and added two eggs. Efforts Work hard, maybe you can make Xiaokui your father! "

"You're so smart, how can I match your dad?" Shen Ming took the sandwich and put a toy watch on Xiaokui's hand. "Give you a gift, wear it."

"So pretty, what is this?" Xiaokui opened the surface in surprise, not the time displayed inside, but a red button.

"If you are in danger, just press this," Shen Ming explained.

"Then Kamen Superman! Will come to save Xiaokui?" Xiaokui was surprised.

"Almost." Shen Ming smiled slightly, the school's school bus has also been driven over, and without the mother's escort, Xiaokui got on the school bus alone, Kanako came out of the house at this moment, holding the sandwich early, this is her Get used to preparing breakfast for the staff in the headquarters.

"Let's go to the headquarters." Kanako was still a little uncomfortable with the bodyguard Shen Ming.

"Observe, Miss Kanako." Shen Ming started the engine with a smile, and steadily drove to the campaign headquarters.

In the hotel, Xiao Yi opened her eyes with the morning sun, and saw a dark-haired man sitting on the floor against the mattress to snore. Xiao Yi instinctively called, "Shen Ming?"

"Miss Xiao Yi! You finally woke up." Xiao Yanjian quickly stood up.

"Is it you?" Where is this? "Xiao Yi was also awakened. Looking around, it was obviously the Clock Hotel, and she was lying on the bed," Bastard! " What did you do to me? !! "

"Please listen to my explanation. I didn't do anything!" Xiao Yanjian explained in a panic, but Xiao Yi's character is always faster than his head.

When Xiao Yi and Xiao Yanjian arrived at the headquarters, Xiao Yanjian's eyes had swollen into a panda shape. After a brief introduction, everyone accepted Shen Ming and Xiao Yi as members of the headquarters.

"Okay guys, our team has expanded by 50% again. I believe that now is the best time for us to win and chase. The publicity plan of the Sundown Street begins now!" Kanako clapped her hands with confidence.

"Ms. Kanako, are you serious?" Akita, who had just eaten a sandwich, was frightened.

"Miss Kanako, if you can't play like this, you will die." Fat girl Leia horrified.

"Hey, is there anything terrible about the sun falling off the street, is it hell?" Xiao Yi asked Xiao Yanjian beside him.

"It's a well-known slum in Dongjing. It lives in many people at the bottom of the society, and it is also one of the most chaotic neighborhoods in Dongjing. There are as many as 16 gangsters' headquarters set up there. The three-member Dongjing Office is also there.

Ms. Kanako's campaign slogan was ‘anti-gangster’, she simply went to a tiger cage to sell vegetarian food. "Xiao Yanjian's head hurts. I don't know if it was because of Xiao Yi's hit or because of what happened next.

"I know that everyone is scared of falling in the streets. Imagine the feelings of the residents who live there. Our anti-gangster bill proposal is that they are the most direct beneficiaries, and they will naturally become our candidates. The biggest ticket cabin. Believe me, as long as you talk hard, you will definitely get everyone's understanding and support. Justice should not be afraid of violence, and gangsters should be afraid of light. "Kanako was full of confidence.

"It seems this sale is far more troublesome than I thought." Shen Ming sighed softly.


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