God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 137: I am a butcher

Chapter 137 I Am Butcher

Shen Ming won again, but did not kill one person but survived the death of the blockade. After landing, Kanako vomited again. This time, she even vomited the bitterness. For the parachute without parachute, mortal people only had the opportunity to experience it once in a lifetime, and it was a miracle that she could vomit alive.

As for Shen Ming, the left arm sleeve of the fire axe was wrapped around the reinforced body with a fire belt to ensure that he would not disintegrate his arm in the air due to gravity, but the injuries caused by pulling were also serious. I just let go of the axe. It is estimated that the strain of the tendon should not be pinched with the left hand in 3 days.

I do n’t know what resentment there is. He came here only a few days ago. Shen Ming injured his right hand and changed his left hand. His left hand hurt his right hand, and he was destined to be “One-Handed Man”.

Xiao Yi, Xiao Yanjian and others immediately rushed to the side of the building and surrounded them. The scene of Shenming jumping off the building was filmed again by the people, as the second season of the madmaniac, now he has become The jumping maniac. The torn marks on the wall must not be repaired by Dongjing TV staff, and it will certainly attract a lot of heavenly tourists to visit as attractions as a memorial.

This time, the incident of Cangko Kanako being chased and killed could no longer be concealed. After Shen Ming checked and treated his injuries at the hospital, he and Kanako were directly invited to the police station to assist the police in their investigation. Xiao Yi and Xiaokui went home to rest first.

The major news media also made headlines about the killing of Kanako. This woman was really a fire for a while, effectively stripping away the afterglow that Shen Ming brought to her, and really got into the hearts of voters.

Politicians have never been hunted down because of the bills they have implemented. In the society of Laos, from the Meiji Restoration to the Plaza Agreement, many policies are finalized by killing.

It is just that there are far fewer examples of assassination failures than successful assassinations. Politicians who can survive the assassinations, and their political opinions are in line with popular values, will become national heroes when they change. The support rate for the Ghanaian polls increased for the second time.

The assassination of Dongjing TV station killed as many as 27 innocent people and injured more than 60 people. The injuries were caused by stomping during the evacuation, and the dead were witnesses who were cleared by the killer. The only surviving witnesses were Kanako and Shen Ming ...

All the surveillance videos inside the television station were deleted. No fingerprints, corpses, weapons were left behind. Even the blood of some suspected murderers were sprinkled with chemicals to destroy them.

When the brothers of the police station rushed into the building, they also touched many of them to bury traps that were used to deal with the deep, killing and wounding 30 people, but those killers were long gone.

"Ms. Kanako, can you tell us about the killer? For example, some basic characteristics, hairstyles, scars, face shapes, even men and women." The head of the task force, the chief inspector of the police, Xinyouweimen, is very kind. Asked.

He is already a senior official of the police department. He rarely participated in the inquiry in this way. He even carefully switched the inquiry place to the conference room, brewed coffee, bought delicious snacks, and the artist sat waiting to outline the prisoners. Sketch illustration.

But after asking for half an hour, Kanako kept her head down, and said tensely, "It was too dark at the time."

"We also found traces of fighting on the way you left, should you have seen those killers? After all, there are green exit signs at the base of the corridor, should you see them?" Xinyouwei, 50 Distressed brow was almost broken.

"I was so scared at the time, I really can't remember anything, can I go?" Kanako's discomfort was noticeable even by an idiot.

"Miss Kanako, I hope you understand that this group of killers is likely to be members of the Sakura organization who has been a disaster for my country for many years. They have been murderous and never missed. In order to assassinate you, there are dozens of people. Our brother lost his life.

We want to help you. Only by working with the police and bringing them to justice can you and your daughter live safely. Xinyou Weimen Xiaozhi moved with affection.

"Mr. Police Officer, I know you're helping me, but I ... I don't really remember." Kanako was really not good at lying. The truth was written on her face, but she just didn't say it.

"Well, I'll go through the security formalities for you. You are our important witness now, and I will arrange personnel to protect you." Xinyouweimen sighed and left the conference room, but did not complete the formalities in his mouth, but Turned to another conference room.

The inquiry here has become more like an interrogation. The four senior police officers who have taken off their suits are scorching their heads. They are specially equipped with two painters who are cramped by painting. There are countless pieces of waste paper rubbed into paper balls. The finished product on the table next to it was either Bikachu or Godzilla. The only one that looked like a human was Bumpman!

"His Excellency!" A senior police officer inquiring, as soon as he saw Xinyouweimen, he stepped forward to bow and salute his greetings.

"How's the situation?" Kanako didn't cooperate at all, and Xinyouweimen could only hope to make a breakthrough here.

"The slang words of Chao people are so slippery that they can talk about cross talk, and it's endless, it's not useful at all." The senior policeman looked like he ate, and handed a portrait. To Shinyouemon, "Because the wound on his chest is an archer, it is inferred that there is an archer now. This is the portrait of the archer he just described ..."

"Well? Where does this woman seem to have seen!" Xinyouweimen was surprised, and saw the portrait of a cold and gorgeous girl wearing a traditional sorceress-like witch suit and holding a long bow of the Warring States Period.

"Of course you have seen this. This is the bellflower in the" Inuyasha "animation, the heroine." The senior police officer was almost crying, "The boy said it all, all the characters in the animation of Lao Guo, the painter Fortunately, otherwise, we can't draw so many weird suspects. "

"You listen to me! The bosses of the guys in gold suits are extremely spicy. The first trick is to kill them! I saw him shouting, plasma light fist! I was blinded by the light and time. The titanium alloy dog ​​eyes, if I had n’t jumped off the floor, I would have been beaten up! ”Shen Ming said bluntly.

"Hey, is your head sick? You were still talking about" Iron Armor ", and now it's changed to" Saint "!" The painter snapped the pencil in his hand with a click.

"Have me be honest! Do you think we would believe this?" Thought the young police officer had gone violently.

"I believe it or not, I am a witness and not a prisoner, afraid that you dare not hit me?" Shen Ming quipped while eating a sandwich from the police station.

"Little brother, are you called Shen Ming, right?" Xin Youwei smiled on the opposite side and stopped the young police officer who ran away. "I know you're Miss Kanako's bodyguard, and she's very good Well, at least I'm so big, I haven't seen anyone who can survive a 30-floor jump.

In fact, to a certain extent, our goals are the same, we all want to protect Miss Kanako. I guess you don't know yet. The organization that chases Miss Kanako is called "Sakura", and it has been a killer in the country for many years. In recent years, their activities have become more rampant, completely ignoring the law, and rarely missed.

I hope you can help us become a breakthrough point to break down the cherry blossom organization. "

"This uncle, I want to know what is the situation. You are right, uncle Sakura. It has been hundreds of years since the development of the Warring States Period, and has led 90% of the assassinations in Southeast Asia. The people who died in their hands are connected. I can go around the earth a few times. "Shen Ming finally no longer looked like a mule, and said coldly," If the police can deal with them, I will not be used to sacrifice the country. For the sake of you, let us go now, otherwise They will dare to come to the police station for more time to live in trouble. "

"Mr. Shen Ming ... I'll ask another question." Xinyouweimen said with a dignified face, "Why did you come to Lao Guo?"

"Ginger is still old and spicy, and finally found the point of the problem. This can tell you." Shen Ming chuckled naturally. "I want to slaughter the cherry blossom headquarters and cut his neck with their intestines."

"I can understand it, are you here to kill people in Laos?"

"It's not human ... it's a beast. I think I'm a butcher." Although Shen Ming was laughing, no one in his words was a joke. The strong killing made the police couldn't help but touch their backs. With a gun.

"I see. You don't intend to solve the problem by baekdo. But as the chief of the Beijing Metropolitan Police Department, I must warn you that Laos is a society ruled by law and all crimes will be punished by law. If you kill people , I will definitely bring you to justice. "

"Can we go now?" Shen Mingqi calmed down.

Ten minutes later, Shen Ming drove the smart car and drove Ganako towards home. Now they are no longer lonely, and they are followed by a black business car in front of them, all of which are security police officers assigned to them.

In the car, Ganako leaned against the window and was listless. The story of the night was too thrilling. There was no hysterical madness, even if she was strong.

"They didn't embarrass you, right?" Shen Ming drove in one hand, asking Kanako worriedly.

"Why? Why don't you let me tell the truth to the police? Do you want to solve it alone? Many innocent citizens are dead. They can help as long as they have enough information." Kanako finally Can't help but question Shen Mingdao.

Do not disclose information to the police, this is Shen Ming's order to Ganako. Kanako was so convinced of this man, even to ignore his own judgment.

"Do you want to hear the truth or the truth?" Shen Ming whispered softly.

"Truth.": Kanako doesn't need a lie.

"I don't want the police to intervene too much. This may cause Sakura to abandon the pursuit of you. After all, you are just an order. There is no need to be an enemy for you and the police. Cannot be lost. "

"Are you using me as a bait?" Although Kanako knew this result from the beginning, he never expected that Shen Ming would intentionally expose himself to danger for this purpose.


"Slap!" Kanako slaps on Shenming's face with a slap in the face, "You say it again!"


"Slap!" Shen Ming took another blow, and it was Kanako who hit him, but she cried.


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