God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 142: Blood night

Chapter 142: Bloody Night

"This time is really beautiful. I can protect Miss Kanako in such a close personal way. I have always been a fan of her." A patrolling police officer said sternly.

"So you too? My family has her full set of photo albums! In the final analysis, the k cup is indeed a gift from God to the world. Which man wouldn't like it? And if you look closely, it always feels bigger than the picture album! "On the other side, the policeman's eyes were almost mosaic-like.

"Speaking of Group C, Yilian Yilang was the coolest. When Ms. Kanako participated in the health long-distance running publicity, he was a personal guard and watched the picture of the giant swaying up and down. His nosebleeds came out. He was so happy!"

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao! Isn't that Jijiro?" The patrolling police officer found another group of colleagues, "Kojiro!"

The shaking Jijiro was standing in front of the gate of the dean's office, and he turned back and cried, "Run away!"

Immediately after the words were spoken, a black iron fist blasted through his stomach, the spine joints were blown out of the body, the thrush bird exposed a monster-like muscle, and a pair of iron fists became more smelly. Will the horse never wash it?

"Don't move!" Raised his hand ... "two police officers 5 meters away yelled as they pulled their guns.

Just how idiotic is it? Will it really kill someone? The thrush's beaky corner rushed forward with a smirk, **** hands were drawn from the police officer's belly, and the distance of 5 meters seemed to shrink. He came to them immediately before the two trained police officers aimed. before.

Thrush birds grabbed their heads one by one, and slammed into each other like that. The horrible impact caused the two heads to burst like watermelons, splashing his bronze muscles with blood. Counting the other police officer who was killed first, the four patrol sergeants were killed without screaming. This is the strength of Sakurao's median killer thrush.

"Is it awesome to take a gun?" The thrush bird sneered with a thick sputum on the face of the police officer with only half his head left, and walked across the body toward the auditorium.

In the auditorium, Kanako's kind speech has just begun, but many of the old people in the audience are yawning and tired, and many people just fall asleep and snoring.

Kanako had not encountered such a scene, and it was quite embarrassing for a while.

And among the many sleepy listeners, only the carer and an old gentleman listened.

"Miss Kanako, I actually agree with your political opinion." The old man suddenly interrupted Kanako, smiling.

"Thank you for your support." Kanako was not angry and interacted kindly.

"If I can, I want to vote for you, but it's a pity that you can't live that time." The old man who was originally in a wheelchair stood up, and as many as 20 caregivers instantly took out all kinds of puppet weapons. Go up. Three police officers in front of the podium had just pulled out their guns and had been laid to the ground. The difference between a killer and a hooligan is that they never fear killing, nor are they afraid of the police holding a gun.

"Headquarters! We were attacked!" The last police officer shouted at you in the headset, but only a busy voice came across.

"Miss Kanako! Take Xiaokui out of the back door!" The police officer was very responsible, blocking Kanako and Xiaokui who had stepped down behind him, and he took out a pistol and fired wildly at the group of assassins. stand up.

The policeman's marksmanship was good, but the killers responded more quickly, and when he raised his gun, he quickly found a shelter and hid.

Kanako didn't even have a chance to say thank you, so he just ran out of the back door holding Xiaokui.

At the moment when the policeman shot an empty magazine, a short gun pierced his heart socket. The policeman widened his eyes and wanted to live, but could not live.

"Escape, there is no place to escape in this nursing home?" The old man sneered forward, twisted a short gun pulled out of the police officer's chest, twisted in his hand, the sharp muzzle at the top retracted and turned into a crutch shape. This old man is the old man who talked to the thrush bird on the first day. In the world of the next killer, he is also a famous "smiling man". Counting "dart brother", "bomb guy" and "long tongue woman", it is exactly The strongest killer combination in this mission.

"Come here! Help! Someone's killed!" Kanako held Xiaokui tightly in her arms and shouted as she ran.

Xiaokui hid in her mother's arms, afraid of shivering but very obedient and didn't bark, even if she cried, she didn't say anything.

The running Kanako pushed open a ward and saw several nursing workers standing next to the nursing elderly's bed. When she wanted to call for help, she watched them holding props in their hands and bleeding the elderly one by one.

They are cleaning up witnesses, and they usually perform their tasks. This is a must-do homework, just like washing a bowl after eating. It's just that the size of this cleanup is slightly larger. The 90th killer must also divide most of the people to kill.

After they quietly assassinated the hospital administrators one by one, they put a large amount of sleeping pills in the diet of the old people, making them quieter and easier to die.

"Ah? Haven't you died yet?" A killer wondering, wearing a mask and a knife in his hand, covered with blood, Kanako ran away in fright.

"Leave it alone, someone will deal with it. Concentrate on dying. There are half-floor people waiting to be killed. It's so tiring and the knife is blunt." The colleague next to him hit his shoulder.

Dashing Kanako stepped onto a pool of blood around the corner and fell to the ground.

"It hurts, mother! Are you okay! Stand up!" Xiaokui first stood up and went to pull the mother on the ground.

Kanako looked back, the shadow of the pursuer had been cast on the corridor.

"Run! Xiaokui run! Find a place to hide!" Shouted Kanako. Xiaokui refused to leave, but was pushed out by her mother.

Xiao Kui, who is more sensible than children of the same age, knows what her mother wants to do, but she can do nothing but run obediently away.

So thinking, she suddenly saw the cartoon watch on her wrist, which was the gift that Shen Mingshu gave him. Xiaokui quickly opened the surface and pressed the red button below.

"Kanako sauce, don't run, I've booked your head!" The long-skinned woman in **** nurse clothes dragged the double-edged wood saw and came around.

Kanako climbed up from the pool of blood, and ran in a different direction than Xiaokui.

"At that moment, Xiao Yi had arrived. She tiptoed to the two security personnel's cars in front of the parking lot. The two lower killers were carrying the car's body. The police killed by the dart brother was okay. At least, it can still be used, and the sat maneuver in the car was so tragic that he died. He wore this bulletproof vest and was sieved by steel nails. He was bleeding all the way down and down. To clean up, they suddenly felt big.

No way, who told them to join the trade for only a few months, belongs to the newcomers among the newcomers, the killer's behavior also bullies the newcomers, haha.

"Have a little energy! Hold on! The blood is coming out and it's time to wash the floor! It's troublesome!" Cried the lower killer with his head in his head.

"Do you think I think? This plastic cloth is too slippery to exert force!" The lower killer behind opened his brain wide, and wrapped the body's feet with a plastic cloth.

Xiao Yi took a deep breath ten minutes after the big tree on the side of the road. He had no weapons in his hands, and there was no immersion around him. For the first time, Xiao Yi was so close to danger.

Don't take a shot. This is Shen Ming's instructions to her, but the current situation does not allow her to stand by and Kanako and Xiaokui are still inside. The security personnel believe that they have been cleaned up.

Xiao Yi dialed Shen Ming's phone and said softly, "Shen Ming, for the last time, I can't stop you from waiting for you. I will definitely not disobey your orders after today."

Shen Ming said nothing. After a few seconds of pause, "Be careful, I must not die before I get there."

The situation of the Yanshou Sanatorium has been understood by Pan Da, who is hovering in the air, and he agrees with Xiao Yi's judgment.

"Even you **** is alive, how could I die!" Xiao Yi hung up the phone after speaking, and suddenly turned and rushed out towards the two lower killers.

Xiao Yi's speed was astonishing. When the two found out, she had already reached a position less than 2 meters away, and her long legs of 105 cm jumped forward with a single blow, and her knee hit one of her throat The eyeballs and tongue of the guy were spitting out, and the throat knot was probably about to break. In the future, she can only be sissy?

The next killer next to him pulled out the short knife, and before Xiao Yi landed, he had passed away.

Xiao Yi didn't even think about landing, and she kicked straight in the air. The 105 cm long legs were longer than the guy ’s arms and a short knife, and kicked directly on the guy's face.

The next killer was kicked and flew out in pain. Xiao Yi stepped forward to make up for it. In just one second, Xiao Yi killed two killers. Even Xiao Yi couldn't believe that she could do such a beautiful job?

You should know that a few months ago, she would never be able to use this type of fighting, she has been with Shen Ming for a long time, and she has begun to think in the way of Nirvana warriors.

Compared with Shen Ming, she also learns this new fighting concept like a sponge.

For example, how to make yourself faster, how to make the attack action more concise, how to ensure that your strength is transmitted to the vital points of the human body ...

"I seem to be stronger?" Xiao Yi also made this change, but there was no time to be happy for herself. Xiao Yi searched and grabbed the equipment on the car. Most of the firearms were either destroyed in the explosion or were soaked in too much. More blood is no longer available.

Barely figured out two usp pistols, plus four spare magazines. Xiao Yi put on a ceramic bulletproof vest and carried a pistol, accompanied by the shadows of the night, rushed towards the Yanshou Sanatorium.


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