God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 147: Xiao Yi's Confession

Chapter 147: Xiao Xiaoyi's Confession

It's been a long time since I tried this feeling of dying, and Shen Ming has to admit that he has returned to the city for too long, and the training intensity is seriously insufficient, which has made his body more delicate.

When switching to Nirvana, he could at least stand by, even if he had more severe pain than now, ready to bite off the person who came to check the neck.

But now, he couldn't even stand up to support, and after struggling for 20 seconds, he just turned his body over and sat down against the cherry tree, his eyes drifted away, and he seemed to be hit by unconsciousness.

"Just right, 9 moves." The president is about to win the gamble, because the current state of Shen Ming can't support the next move of the peacock. But even if he wins, the chairman is not happy, because this victory is by no means a complete victory, just like you killed someone, but the person drew a big mouth from you before death.

The chairman spent more than ten years, consuming more than half of the wealth of the cherry blossoms, so that all the high-level killers accepted the human body transformation of the General Staff, and added mechanical prosthetics. Even a tenth of the top killers were killed by rejection during the transformation.

It is not for the sake of "victory" that such great effort is used.

"That kid, that ’s awesome! Even the elephant ’s nerve center will have a block in the impact strength, but he can clearly control the body to fight back, and expand as planned. Does his brain neuron use Are diamonds made? Why are they so tough? "The chief sergeant became more curious. The nature of the scientist made him keenly interested in all the unknown, even if this was no longer his research topic, even if Shen Ming was about to die, It also made him unable to suppress the desire to dissect the kid in his heart.

"Why come to Lao Country, why don't you listen to my advice, you didn't have to die." Shen Wan'er stood blankly in front of Shen Ming, and the heart that had been lost made her sad and unable to find why. Is it stubborn or stupid?

"Because I'm your elder brother ... Dad's gone ... Mom's gone ... I'm your only elder, and of course only you listen to me. My sister learned badly with the bad guys, and I also have a responsibility." Shen Ming slumped Forehead, blood mixed with saliva and connected to the ground dripped into a line, just like all lonely heroes, most of them died young early.

"Let ’s go, I want to worship, I ’ll wait for you to bury it." The peacock who came up pushed Shen Waner aside, standing like Shen Hang in front of Shen Ming.

The blood made the hands a little greasy, and the peacock took off his soaked coat, exposing a thin but muscular body with sharp lines and sharp corners. The scars on it were only a lot more than Shen Ming. To live to this day, the peacocks came all the way to kill, and the black unicorn is just the icing on the cake. It is by no means a gift in the snow.

When the peacock tore off the imitation artificial skin on his right arm, the full picture of the black unicorn was exposed. The black arm with a matte metal was like a product of a science film. The position of the shoulder was laser-engraved with a unicorn. pattern.

"Any last words?" The peacock whispered softly.

"Yes ..." Shen Ming leaned against the trunk and raised his head.


"Will your unicorn arm pinch Xiao Dingding?"

"Look for death!" The peacock stood sideways, and the black mechanical unicorn drew behind him, charging hard, and even let the arms emit the roar of an aircraft engine. The air intake opened on the upper arm compressed the surrounding air into the black unicorn. Through the high-pressure air mass to increase its instantaneous explosive power, under high pressure, the eyes of the unicorn pattern on that arm showed a bright red halo.

Everyone is waiting for this deep death, with all kinds of emotions, watching the joy of the lively killers, Waner's inexplicable sorrow, the president's vengeance, and the regret that the chief staff member collected the dead body ...

But there is only one person who never wants to see this happen ...

"Stop!" The clear Chinese shout echoed over the atrium, causing the peacock to look sideways.

Xiao Yi, who was supposed to leave, is back, and still holding the blunt fruit knife in his hand, this thing can't hurt anyone, except Xiao Yi herself.

Xiao Yi put the knife holder on her neck, the movement, the look, just like Shen Ming had done to Yasha Anqi to save her.

"What are you doing?" Shen Ming finally showed a tense look, even if he was not so afraid, "why don't you listen to my order?"

"Because I want you to live." Xiao Yi breathed deeply, nervous enough to shake the hands holding the knife, but said firmly to the peacock, "Remember what you said to me while eating?"

"I remember everything I said to you." Of course Peacock remembers that under the candlelight dinner, he once joked with Xiao Yi in a half-joking way and said that if he could, he would like to switch Xiao Yi so beautiful girl as a girlfriend.

Xiao Yi just smiled and despised, "Unfortunately, I don't care about everything ..."

"Let him live! I'm your girlfriend!" Xiao Yi couldn't believe she could say such a thing.

"But you don't like me."

"Yes, do you have a rule that your girlfriend must like you?"

"Why! Why is he! For this kind of man! You can do that! He is a nirvana, he is also a killer! A killer like me! Why do you like him! Not me!" Please forgive the peacock He has never experienced such a heartbroken first love in hysterics.

"Who said he liked him? He may not be a good boss, he never pays, works weekends, he dares to wipe out your account without money, and occasionally peeping at you to change clothes ... but he is Good guy! He saved me more than once. He has been working very hard and trying to return to normal urban life, but bad guys like you always pull him back to the **** abyss. "

"Excuse! Excuse! Man is selfish! How can a man give up his life for others!" Peacock growled.

"Well ... I admit ... I have such a little bit, I like this bodyguard." Xiao Yi has never been so frank, smiling and letting two lines of tears slide across her face, "I'm afraid to watch him die, I don't know what expression to use to face his body.

It ’s hard for me to like someone, do n’t erase it, okay? "

"The pain is the only way for people to grow. He was hit by me and he doesn't even have **** left. You don't need to face it. Believe me, you will like me again soon." Peacock worked hard to reveal With a smile, sweat was crawling on his forehead. Black Kirin's stored power has reached the extreme, and in this state, it will explode if it is not launched.

"If you really want to do it, do it! Maybe I've been the last assistant. I can't help him without listening to Shen Ming. The only thing I can do is to accompany him to Huangquan, right? "Xiao Yi's hands no longer trembled. Thinking of this, death doesn't seem terrible.

"Ah !!!" The peacock roared exhausted, his crazy fist banged on the deep head, but the dark unicorn flickered his head, directly on the huge cherry tree behind him.

With a bang, the wind pressure shattered all the glass in the surrounding buildings, and the horrifying force blasted the big tree into roots, and sawdust mixed with cherry blossom petals floated in the air.

Shen Ming is still alive, and even Xiao Yi herself can't believe what she has done. She cried worriedly, smiled gratefully, thanked God for kneeling on the ground, or simply because she was afraid that her feet would be weak. She couldn't say a word, all that remained was crying.

"Don't be afraid, it's all over." Shen Ming comforted Xiao Yi in the rain of falling cherry petals, "I will come back to find you wherever you are, and take you home, this is my Shen Ming Commitment, death is effective. "

"Well!" Xiao Yi nodded with all her strength, convinced.

"Shen Ming, if there is still a chance to meet, I will make you dead without a corpse." Peacock warned coldly, no longer care about the enemy on the ground, turned to walk towards Xiao Yi, gently lifted her, and forcibly held Xiao The instrument walked towards the exit.

The large atrium has once again become the stage for Shen Ming and Waner, a pair of siblings.

"Is that my sister-in-law? Very beautiful, affectionate, righteous, long legs and big breasts, you don't deserve her." Waner smiled and hurt.

"Yes, I know I don't deserve her." Shen Ming agreed with her sister's evaluation.

"It's a pity, if you die, maybe you will be happier? It will be more painful to fall into the hands of Sakura, alive." Waner sighed with regret. I'm interested in you, and most of the things he's interested in are incomplete limbs and missing five internal organs. "

"If I die, will you cry for me?" Shen Ming looked at Waner in doubt.

"My tears ran away on the night when I was starving, and I do n’t forget the love between my siblings, I ca n’t live today. Brother, I have a steel heart. What emotions are there?" Waner Lizu smiled lightly.

"The things you forget will eventually come to mind, and in a few days it will be your parents' birthday. Remember to worship." Shen Ming reminded.

"You are so mean, go to bed." Wan'er chopped a knife on the back of Shen Ming's neck, which was enough to beat a person, only to make Shen Ming pass out.

In this big trouble in Beijing, he threatened to find the cherry blossom headquarters and cut off the man whose head was the head of the night pot, so he was transported away like a zoo beast.

Life is impermanent, and there are victories and defeats. What matters is how to return after a failure. Just like Nirvana that Shen Ming has experienced ...

"What are you going to do with him?" President Sakurachi asked the chief counselor, drinking tea that had become cold and smelling bad.

"Of course it was sent to my good friend. In his hands, Shen Ming will be used to the maximum, and even the bones will be sliced." The general counsel smiled chuckled.

"Where are your good friends?" President Sakurao only knew that the chief faculty member was the super scientist of the "Black Technology Research Institute", but did not know who his good friends were? This organization is far more mysterious than the Nirvana camp and their cherry blossoms themselves.

"Have you heard of 'Paradise Lost'?"

"Forbidden zone-Paradise Lost?" The chairman frowned.

This book was first published from Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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