God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 160: Crazy scientist

Chapter 160 The Mad Scientist

"Who are you? What do you want to do to me?" Shen Ming lay on the table, looking sideways at the goatee, gray hair, and a white coat wormer. Obviously, this old man who is nearly six years old is non-friend and non-enemy. It seems that the "white mouse" in his mouth will not happen too well.

"I'm going to forget the name, so please call me Worm Master. Whatever I want to do, it's definitely not about you. You now have two choices, either follow me or stay here for a turn. Can't I go? "Zushi laughed.

"Leave! I won't leave without brain pumping!" No matter if Shen Ming is going to Longtan or Tiger's Cave next, as long as he puts on his pants first, he is willing to do anything.

"No one will help you deliver it, take it yourself." Nicholas waved his hand, letting the guards around him spread out, and it was obvious that it was difficult for the insect division.

"Thank you." The Worm Division disapproved, and stepped forward to help Shen Ming put on his pants, only to see him whistle, and from the jacket pocket of his jacket, an adult slap-sized black ant crawled out, the pliers mouth It's almost as big as a crab clip, it just makes your scalp numb when you look at it.

The giant ant crawled to the ground along the white coat of the worm division, and then plunged into the legs of Shenming's pants and climbed up the calf.

Shen Ming's sniper training requires motionlessness. In the past, there have been strange things that have penetrated into the legs of snakes, mice, toads, and even hedgehogs.

However, Shen Ming has never seen such a large ant, even in the Amazon rainforest no-man's land.

The giant ant stopped at Shen Ming's buttocks, snapped his pants, and exposed his black head. It looked like Shen Ming was scared of shit, especially disgusting.

The ant was pulling forward. Who could think that the ant even pulled Shen Ming, a muscular man, to sit on the ground with his hands and feet locked together, like a lamb, and was hardened by the ant. Shengsheng peaked.

"Let's go." The worm division turned away with a smile, and the ant held Shen Ming like this, following him obediently like a dog.

"Disgusting old guy, one day will kill you." Nicholas whispered coldly.

For the first time, Shen Ming was held by an ant and walked. It felt pretty good except for itching. The ant lifted it steadily without any vibration.

"Who the **** are you?" Shen Ming asked for the second time.

"I said it. My name is Zushi, a Tatar, a scientist, and a prisoner of this paradise, just like you." Zushi smiled indifferently.

"A prisoner can threaten management? Can other prisoners be used as a test?" Shen Ming didn't know which prison had such kindness.

"Maybe I didn't make it clear that I am still a little different from you. For example, here I am not only a prisoner, but also a technical consultant for Paradise Lost, responsible for the development and maintenance of technology products. Like these electromagnetic brake rings on your body, I developed them The product.

Sixteen years ago, when I arrived, they were still chaining prisoners with iron chains and chains. It was inhumane.

In a way, I am a fighter to help you fight for human rights, but don't thank me. "

"I really want to thank you for eight generations of ancestors!" Shen Ming's heart ran past ten thousand grass horses. You must know that the iron chain shackles are pediatrics for Rose Shenming, but in the face of this electromagnetic brake ring that symbolizes human rights, Kneel.

"Come on, visit my home." The worm division opened the cube house number 1, and led Shen Ming into a science laboratory.

The giant ant dropped Shen Ming on the ground like a dead insect, and climbed up to the side of the test bench, and started brewing coffee with a beaker.

Looking around, this place is the size of two basketball courts, surrounded by a variety of large scientific research equipment, and even a reduced version of the particle ring collider.

Shen Ming tried to use all the knowledge in his head to define this scientist's research field, but eventually gave up. His equipment can not only study God particles, but also clone organisms and even vegetation pots. All kinds of bugs in glass jars are genetic mutants. Cockroaches with mantis legs, pupae with spider eyes, dragonflies with butterfly wings ...

In comparison, the giant ants making coffee are really cute like teddy bears.

"It's been tied for a long time, take a rest." The wormmaster snapped his fingers, and Shen Ming's electromagnetic brake rings on his wrists and ankles were released like this.

Shen Ming quickly got up from the ground, and leaned a little on the test bench unstable, but touched a scalpel backwards.

"How many pieces of sugar do you want?" The worm division held coffee in front of the ants, who were throwing sugar cubes into the coffee cup.

"No need, I lose weight," Shen Ming teased.

"Really?" The worm division came over with coffee.

"What do you study?" Shen Ming curiously.

"My specialty is genetics and genetics of microorganisms, minor artificial intelligence development, and metallurgy. Occasionally boring, I will also develop electronic products, is it complicated?" The worm division smiled.

"Yeah!" When the worm division walked to Shen Ming only 1 meter, Shen Ming suddenly pulled out the scalpel behind him and launched an attack. He didn't want to kill the worm division, but kidnapped him and helped himself to leave .

But his plan ended with the phrase "Sit down!" The collar on Shen Ming's neck suddenly started, and Shen Ming was dragged and hit the whole person on the metal floor, his nosebleed hit and sprayed out.

"Hey, I treat you with courtesy, but you want to stab me with a scalpel. Is this what you call the gratitude?" The Worm Master didn't have any fear, crouched in front of Shen Ming and drank coffee.

"Grace? Well, you seem to have saved my chrysanthemum, but you keep saying that I'm a mouse, I never forget to invite me to coffee, right?" Shen Ming despised.

"If you promise to listen to me, I also promise not to activate the self-explosive function of the electromagnetic brake ring."

"This thing will explode ?!"

"How fresh, of course, the core battery will explode as soon as it is overloaded. At the beginning, I researched this thing as a self-explosive collar. I left it with many hidden doors, which specifically responded to my specific voice. Others need to be controlled by the monitoring center. I only need one word to make you lie down. "The worm division smiled.

"You won." Shen meditation will not work without compromise.

"Here, wipe it." After putting down the coffee, Zushi handed Shen Ming a few tissues and let him wipe his nose.

"How old are you?"

"At the age of 18, I just came out to do it, or a chick ... Do you believe it?" Shen Ming said quietly.

"As a mouse, you are really naughty. In fact, to the scientist, each mouse is a martyr who is brave enough to give life to science and is his best friend. Many scientific inventions of mankind are obtained from mice. Yes, all kinds of methods for treating terminal illnesses have been made by mice. "

"Don't brainwash me, I'm a human, not a mouse or a dog, don't think I'll cooperate with you for research." Shen Ming pouted.

"In other words, you should have seen the old bastard's mechanical prosthetic work? How does the black unicorn taste?" A word from the insect master made Shen Ming's complexion suddenly iron, "I have seen your confrontation with the peacock, black Kirin is indeed the most proud work of the old bastard, whether it is dynamic capture or explosive power can be called the ultimate mechanical.

He gave individual soldiers the ability to confront large-scale warfare machines, and also marked a new era for human warfare.

It ’s not me that hurts you. Now you go out, unless you have the ability to use ballistic missiles to bombard that guy into slag, regardless of frontal confrontation or long-range sniping ... you have no chance of winning at all. "

"What are you trying to do?" Shen Ming wondered.

"Creating God." The Worm Division confessed incomparably. "With the accumulation of science and technology and the extension of human tentacles in various fields, we have emerged a group of the most powerful scientists. Their talents are extraordinary, their IQ is superior, and their strength is All are comparable to Einstein.

However, because they are too good and the methods of pursuing knowledge are too radical, they have been suppressed by the academic community, rejected by the academics, the papers are not allowed to be published, research funding is difficult to obtain, and they are even poor enough to borrow money.

The so-called gathering of things is similar. Until 50 years ago, the mysterious chaebol funded a community to bring these bullied scientists together to provide the funds they needed so that everyone could exchange learning and discussions.

The name of this organization is ... 'Black Technology Research Institute'. Consistent 12 seats, only the best and most cutting-edge scientists in the world.

What Nobel Prize? The honor of an academician of any country is a joke in the eyes of these 12 people. They can lay out their peers for 20 years with just a few research topics, and any results announced will bring about a technological revolution in the world.

Although their research topics are different, everyone's purpose is the same ... that is, making God.

Use your own technology to create a living body that surpasses humans and can be side by side with the gods.

This is everyone's ideal, and the only requirement of the mysterious chaebol behind the Black Technology Research Institute.

As long as you can provide progressing research materials at the regular meeting of the research society every two years, you can get all the research funding and assistance you require. Waking up overnight, with billions more on their accounts, is not a dream for them.

However, the pressure of being a member of a black technology research society is also unimaginable, because the number of candidate members has been maintained at more than a hundred for a long time. As long as the excellent research results are presented at the regular meeting, they will be ruthlessly stripped out of the research society and devoted their lives There is also a blink of an eye. "

"Let me guess, you must have been fired?" Shen Ming despised.

"Hey, if the heart is there, the dream is there." The worm division has put down these old memories. "Although I am not a member, my research has never stopped, and I have been working for God creation.

In my opinion, you have the potential to become a god, and the results of my many years of research may be verified on you. "


"Then you want to defeat the peacock and rescue your sister?"


"Then let me take you to God and take you to fly!"


"..." Mushi was speechless.

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