God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 164: King's knee, you take it

Chapter 164 The King's Knees, You Take It

Shen Ming is very strong. His strength is by no means extraordinary, but his intuition to fight. He can always find the enemy's weaknesses and attack them, no matter what the level of the battle, he will not forget the purpose and purpose of the battle.

He spent 6 days, or sneak attack, or play tricks, or talk, or deceived, to avoid the fatal attacks against the scales again and again, and ensure that his body is not injured, this is the feat of no other ancient people. If the ninety-nine martyrs in the dead's tank were still alive, seeing the performance of the inverse scales in these days, it is estimated that they have been depressed until they vomited blood and died again.

Stupid Stupid's inverse scale was like a dog like Shen Ming, clearly in front of him, but there was no way to kill him.

This is how time came to the seventh day. This is the last chance for each other, and it is also a day of absolute death.

Shen Ming put on a steel bulletproof jacket, and he also had metal protective gear on his left hand and legs, just like a modern knight. He stood in the middle of the room, and the surrounding floor was covered with various spears and cannons, like a cemetery for weapons.

The knife was sharpened, and the bullet was loaded. The time for the decisive battle came quietly. From the right arm of Shenming, black slime kept dripping, just like a waterfall. The slime tumbled on the ground and flowed towards Shenming, then gathered and solidified Until the incarnation became a wingless dragon the size of a truck head, the long black tail was connected to Shen Ming's right arm, and the bright red beast pupil stared at Shen Ming.

"Hey, hey ... Is this an urban novel, or is it a magical novel? Damn, I forgot to learn how to fight!" Shen Ming chuckled at the compressed ration with a chuckle. Today's inverse scale is also noisy. Already hypoglycemia was almost fainting.

"Shen Ming, this is the last time." Supporting the earth with his sharp claws, staring down at the humble Shen Ming with his sharp claws, "Do you have any other moves, make it all out, and the King will accompany you."

After fighting for many days, Ni Lin hated the man but respected the man. Shen Ming may be despicable and shameless every time, but Niu has to admit that this man is very powerful, no matter whether he controls the battle situation or calm and meticulous thinking, doubting his fierce strength, it is worth learning by himself.

In addition, he taught the inverse scale's thirst for freedom, curiosity for the world, face to the enemy, and effective use of power.

Therefore, Inverse Scale will use the name to refer to Shen Ming. From the perspective of Inverse Scale, 100 times of parasitic experience, only this man truly touched his own soul. Compared with him, the body of the host in the back tank is just a bunch of "Xiang" that has not been washed away.

"Today, do n’t sneak attack, do n’t play chess, do n’t talk about your heart, do n’t talk to you ... Use this flesh and blood to fight your inverse scale body. The last thing that teaches you to be a man is the most important thing, that is faith "Shen Ming smiled and pulled out the silver m500 revolver from the holster behind her.

"Faith? What is that?" Niu Yin has 15 minutes of activity time today, so she is not in a hurry.

"It's the reason why people are the foundation of people. In order to believe that no matter how difficult or unbearable, people will live strong. My belief is to conquer you. Only then can I save the person I love.

I can't do it without you, my king, please kneel down to me. "

"Faith? My King seems to have some, too, and that's ... kill you."

One person and one dragon fought in a hunting room half the size of a basketball court. The deep footwork was light, the marksmanship was godlike, and the super high shooting speed made the bullets in any firearm pouring out like a rainstorm.

The huge inverse scale is even more energetic. It moves like a cheetah, flutters like a tiger, bites like a wild shark, waves like a giant bear, the bullet is dodged by it, and the ground of the steel plate is cracked by it.

Zushi, who has observed for a full 6 days, turned off the surveillance probe and stopped looking. For him, regardless of whether the winner is Shenming or Inverse Scale, he is the ultimate beneficiary. The inverse scale grew up and grew more and more like a human in 6 days. This is also what the entomologist wanted to give it at first.

Since the birth of Inverse Scale, the Worm Master has spent 5 years trying to teach these to Inverse Scale, but in the end it was not as much as Shen Ming taught him in 6 days.

Yeah, life is born for fighting, and knowledge is for fighting. Medicine is to defeat disease, technology is to defeat backwardness, civilization is to defeat barbarism, and alive is to defeat death.

Only war can teach everything that life needs, and only living people can become God.

The battle between Shenming and Inverse Scale, even if protected by the thick walls of the hunting room, also transmitted that movement to every corner of the Paradise Lost. The beasts of the beasts looked at the rust like rain, and the people in the world saw the leaves falling, and the management of the fairyland kept calling to ask what happened to the worm. All the answers were like answering machines. " Experimenting. "

The tremor came to an abrupt end at the 9th minute, and there was only a moment of loneliness in the hunting room.

It was only at this moment that the worm division called the monitoring probe, and it was full of sores. The four walls of the hunting room are ragged cracks and the scorched black formed by the explosion. The burning position of the armor-piercing shell is still hot, and the smoke of the smoke bomb is rapidly dilute by the exhaust fan.

And Shen Ming leaned on the dead man ’s tank, and the steel body armor of his body had been torn to pieces, and he was scattered there, and his solid body was covered with cricket wounds, and even punctured wounds.

He had exhausted his last gun and sword, and exhausted his last means and strength. He is good, and the process of fighting made him feel how many times he would be killed by him. But in the end, the difference in life forms has become the key to victory, just like a small ant can never defeat humans.

"You lost, you should know the result from the beginning. King Wang respects you for being a man." Niu Qian put a broken knife in front of Shen Ming, "My King can not kill you, Take your right arm off now, and the king will continue to sleep, and you can live. "

Inverse scale actually learned kindness? !!

"Thank you." Shen Ming clenched the broken knife with blood in the corner of his mouth, and stood back against the glass support, and the blood on the back smeared red on the glass.

But Shen Ming didn't cut off his right arm with the knife to save his life, instead holding the knife up against the scales again.

"What kind of tricks are you doing? Do you really think that the king is a harmless pet for humans and animals? The king will kill you, just like those dead people behind you!" Inverse Scale has a sense of being teased, angrily Road.

"I have experienced the hardest ten years of battles, covering every corner of this world. But the 9-minute battle with you just now is the hardest part of my life. Believe me, I know your danger better than anyone. But I Can't flinch, shrink here, I will never be able to rescue the one I love. Without you and your right hand, I will have nothing.

Therefore, even if it will die, it will never fall, and even if it is painful, it must stand upright.

Come on, I'm ready. "Shen Ming stopped breathing, but her left hand was still shaking.

"That's ... belief?" Niu Jing shocked.

"As you can see, faith keeps us alive and dies for us. Life and death are just the process of life. Only faith makes us different.

come! Fight! I will cut your throat first before killing me!

This is my conviction, for what I die for them, anyway, I should have died ... The night I lost my sister, the night I lost her, my heart, my soul died early.

Can't get them back and lose their lives, why not? "Shen Ming roared.

Probably it is a connection between the mind and the inverse scale seems to feel the deep pain. The feeling is far more uncomfortable than the scale being blown apart, and the self-blame is far more heart-broken than being cheated.

This man needs himself so much, not praying for strength for killing, and longing for living for greed. Faith is so shocking that people are convinced by it.

"Shenming, can you promise to King to take him to see the brightest star in the night sky?" Niu asked suddenly in a low voice.

"More than watching the stars? I can take you through every corner of the world and feel the freedom that God has given us!" Shen Ming felt vitality and felt the lethal intention of Niu Quan.

"King's knee, take it down ..." Niu Yin leaned forward, lowered the tall dragon head, and was convinced by Shenming.

"Finally, I can go home." Shen Ming dropped the broken knife in his hand and stepped forward, embracing the dragon head against the inverse scales, choking up, unable to restrain, "Thank you, my king."

At the hunting ground, the worm's nervous heart was finally released, and his weakness was paralyzed on the chair, and he burst into tears.

"Wife, I succeeded! I finally succeeded! But ... can you see it? Can you and the children in the sky really see it?

Don't worry, revenge is about to begin. I will make the beast feel the same pain as me. I will use his blood to sacrifice your spirit in heaven! "

Black Eyes is still on the Worm Master's shoulder, and gently wipe away the tears on the host's face with that tissue.

When Shen Ming was carried out of the hunting room, he received another first aid. The inverse scale of the dragon-like form consumed his physical energy in an unprecedented way, and the blood loss and scars caused by the battle were enough to kill him.

Zushi used techniques that transcended human traditional medicine for 20 years before successfully taking Shen Ming back from the gate of the ghost gate.

Like the time when Colonel Kaos was shot, Shen Ming spent 72 hours in the muddy world. After waking up, he saw a blue sky and seagulls gliding overhead. The sound of the soft waves was So touching.

"Are you awake?" The zushi sitting by the bed smiled.

"Where is this?"


"Don't make fun, how can a **** scientist like you who is experimenting with others, and a sinner like me with blood on my hands can go to heaven?" Said the mute under the oxygen mask.

"You, I don't have any imagination." Zushi closed the electronic screen of Zenith with a sigh, so that the surroundings reverted to the appearance of a ward.

The black-eyed ant ran to the bed thoughtfully, shaking the rocker, and let Shen Ming lean on it.

"Congratulations, you have become the first successful parasite of the inverse scale, and this feat alone is enough to give you ten Nobel prizes." Zushi applauded.

"Is it inside? Why can't I feel it?" Shen Ming raised his right hand and looked.

"Inverse scales are actually very thoughtful. In the past, it would dormantly absorb nutrients from your body, but now it knows you are hurt, so it suppresses its" appetite "and slows down the pace of recovery, just to let you Get better faster. Of course, you will not notice it. "Worm Master is more and more admired.

"Really? It seems that this guy is not rewarded, it is justified." Shen Mingxin comforted.

"So deep, what do you want to do next?"

"Jailbreak." It was obvious.

"Sure enough." Worm Master Feng turned around at this moment and said solemnly, "Mr. Shen Ming, although I used to lose your life so little, I have to admit that I cured your right hand and gave It is the most important research result of your life.

In a way, you owe me. "

"I know that Lei Feng in the new era does not exist, let's say, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Very good, Mr. Shen Ming, after you go out, please help me to get a first-class."

"Hey, hey, I'm a bodyguard, and I've switched to killer work. Besides killing **** good old friends, can you get a discount?"

"Can't find him." The Worm Division shook his head. "Because it's him I'm going to kill, General Staff of Sakura Fall-Sato Tomoe !!!"

"Eh? Isn't he a good friend of yours?" Shen Ming was confused, and he was obviously the little white mouse that the bald chief officer gave to the worm.

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