God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 174: Battle of Life and Death

Chapter 174: The War Covenant of Life and Death

Although the Bald Eagle and the Flamingo only took 3 minutes to cross 2 blocks and rushed to the building where the sniper spot was located, after all, they did not catch the deep fox tail. The surveillance video of the surrounding areas was immediately monitored by their hummingbirds. However, he did not see Shen Ming, even if the suspected target left the building.

As if this guy is the air, disappearing out of thin air ... Until now, the 12 high-level killers did not understand why the president issued a squad hunting command for such a target, just because the kid was so dangerous.

Turtledove was quickly evacuated by the staff of the Information Processing Center and was taken back to the internal medical room. Peacock personally wounded Turtledove. After all, the part that was shot was a mechanical prosthesis. Even if you find a major professor in a large hospital, you do n’t know how to start, but as a peacock who has been transforming for 10 years, you have long been against this delicate and powerful mechanical prosthesis. Become familiar with your illness, and you will eventually become a doctor.

"Don't disturb, let me come." Peacock hugged the turtledove on the stretcher horizontally. Kong Wu went straight into the medical room and placed it gently under the shadowless lamp.

It is clear at this moment that Turtle Dove is just a young girl of 18 years old, with a beautiful appearance, and there are little freckles on her cheeks that have not faded. Shen Ming, such a petite and lovely girl, could pull the trigger without hesitation, and she was totally mad.

"Peacock, I'm sorry, I've been exposed." Turtledove's face under the shadowless lamp was flushed. I don't know if it was ashamed or embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. Exposure is normal. Our task is to count by pieces. The guy is slaughtered by groups. Nirvana species are all monsters trained from inhuman battlefields. Maybe their individual combat ability is not as good as ours. , But despicable and shameless we can't reach. "The peacock put on a medical mask and rubber gloves, and came up in a white long skirt with a turtle dove ripped apart, not only showing the injured thigh, but also the hello, kitty print. Pink lace fat times.

The peacock actually stared at the trousers for 5 seconds, and Ikar explained shyly, "It's for the purpose of covering up identity! I don't usually wear it like this!"

"Oh, it's nothing, it's cute. I just wonder if I have overlooked something?" The 5 seconds of Peacock's loss was thinking, maybe give Kawaii something Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi will change her always serious What's your opinion?

At the end of the distraction, the peacock began to inspect the right leg of Turtle Dove's mechanical prosthetic body named Luo Xinfu, leaving two bullet marks separated by 10 cm on the alloy shell on the front of the thigh. One was sunken, the red coating on the surface was shaken off, and the other was stuck with a sharp armor-piercing warhead.

"His technique is going backwards?" Peacock was surprised to pull out the warhead with a hemostat. Although the match between Peacock and Shen Ming was only a few minutes, the shooting talent demonstrated by that guy was definitely among the most powerful in the world.

Although he shot the Turtle Dove with a range of up to 1500 meters and completed two consecutive shots in 1 second, the two bullet marks were separated by 10 cm, which can only be regarded as super-class, and definitely not the Xeon series.

The only reasonable explanation that Peacock draws is that his black unicorn's crushing punch to Shen Ming destroyed his right-hand sniper ability, so he used a left-hand sniper he was not used to, and the gap was clearly exposed. It should be known that if the two bullets' firing points overlap, even the mechanical prosthesis will be destroyed. Turtledove must return to the headquarters to repair it to recover.

"Master Peacock, have you fought against the target character?" Little is known about the entanglement between Shen Ming and Peacock, Sakura Fall. Turtledove supported the upper body and asked curiously.

"Don't call me 'adult'. We are all superior killers. In the superior world there is no discussion of seniority. We are equal, but only for the time being the commander of this operation." Peacock will always be so humble to his colleagues and speak He dismantled the turtle's alloy shell. "As for Shen Ming, there was a certain evil relationship. He fought with me in his worst environment. In the end, I opened my fire and was hurt by him. With my shoulders, it's almost so close that I'm going to be killed by him. "

"Master Peacock is arrogant, and in my opinion you are the strongest being on land!" Turtledo was excited.

What Peacock doesn't know is that Turtle Dove is a very talented staying power killer. At the age of 10, he has only been in the industry for 6 years. He has survived the difficult promotion exams and became a candidate for the upper training class.

How can the median want to be the top so easy to go through only one exam? Even if you pass the promotion exam, you must first participate in the alternate upper-level training class, said to be a training class, but usually there are only 4 or 5 people in a class, and sometimes there are only 1 less. The Turtle Dove's class was much more unexpected, with 10 people.

The peacocks have once guested with their teachers to teach the use of mechanical prosthetic fighting techniques, which shocked the four black unicorns to punch punches, making Turtledove an unforgettable name for the peacock plus the word "adult".

"How about the strongest? Compared to picking up with Shen Ming, I have lost all my body ..." Peacock took a welding torch and started to repair the damaged neuron inside the bride's wife. This part was very painful, and the dentist Without anesthesia, using a power drill to drill your teeth has nerve pain.

Turtle dove gnawed her teeth hardly and did not make a sound, surviving the peacock's treatment.

"Okay." It took a full half an hour, the peacock completed the treatment, and took off the mask on his face with a smile. "It should not be a problem for the time being. When the task is over, you need to check with the General Staff." Stay, the first time you are hit by a mechanical prosthesis is your luck. If he is sniped again next time, he will definitely not hit his right foot again. You must be more careful in the future. "

"Yes, Lord Peacock." After turning guiltily and obeying, Hatoga hesitated again and again, or pulled out a small box from behind him. "Yes, Lord Peacock is about to get married. This is my gift of choice, neither Buy it if the peacock likes it or not. "

"Since it is a gift, I will not quit, thank you." The peacock accepted the gift and turned to leave the medical room.

"How lucky a girl is to make such a good man her husband?" Looking at the back of Master Peacock, Ikar sighed.

Back at the office, the peacock opened the gift, which turned out to be a lock-shaped music box full of platinum and diamonds. When opened, a golden key would spin and sound the "Marriage March".

"Xiao Yi ... how lucky is the key to unlock the lock on your heart door?" The peacock was also in deep confusion.

In the next 3 days, an unknown battle broke out in Osaka City. Twelve high-level killers walked through the streets and lanes of Osaka City, looking for the traces of Shenming. Shen Ming also launched up to 10 sniper counterattacks during the period.

More than half of the 12 high-ranking killers have been defeated by Shen Ming's sniper. Three of them were almost killed, and Turtle Dove also suffered two snipers, but fortunately escaped for the second time. .

As for Shen Ming, he seems to be not only the most powerful sniper master, but also the escaped god-level evil. How many times, under the siege of Bafang's upper killer, he was able to evacuate quietly and quickly. Whether it was in a crowded mall or an empty construction site, he resolutely implemented Chairman Mao's fighting principles and gave him a shot. One place, never stay.

This exposes Shen Ming as the nirvana's strongest sniper technique, and sure enough he is more suitable for killing than saving.

After 3 days, both sides were exhausted, and both returned without success. It is not that the Shenming marksmanship is not good, but these guys' reaction to sniper instincts are like Superman. Once it enters a full-blown state, the mechanically enhanced reflection arc has its own special miss effect on bullets that are more than one kilometer, and even uses the body Hard block. It felt like they couldn't be beaten without a cannon.

Just two days before the wedding, the phone on the Peacock's desk rang again. The peacock doesn't need to think to know who is calling.

"Groom officer, you seem to be unable to keep up with your wedding?" Shen Ming provoked while maintaining his firearm in his hidden spot.

"Do you want to delay time with me on purpose?"

"Please, it was very difficult for me to find you out of the crowd, and every shot I fired was very serious and I wanted to abolish you. Whoever told you to be like monsters one by one, the bullets can dodge the block. , Don't give me a way to live at all. "Shen Ming sighed helplessly, as if he had lost his paradise once, and he became lively?

"Do you think you can stop my wedding in this way? It's too naive to tell you the truth, to this day, the number of top killers in Sakura's headquarters has reached 120. By the day of my wedding, there will be close to 60 people returning. Country, everyone will be fine after drinking and you will team up and brush your nirvana, you have no chance. "Peacock threatened.

"The groom's official is shameless. The girl in the cave doesn't sleep at night, and she brings a group of relatives and friends to brush me? Are you a guy?"

"No matter how proud you are, you can only live 2 more days." The peacock is restless, as if no one else is in a hurry to get married. It is not a bad thing to delay the marriage for two days anyway, at least Xiao Yi will be very happy. Young people don't talk about feng shui, and you are the best day.

"It seems that I am passive now ..." Shen Ming reluctantly sighed. "Then a simpler way, tomorrow morning, I will tell you an address. I do n’t hide or hide. Your manpower may be ten or even a hundred, and one is counted as one, all of them come to besiege me.

Either you made me, or I made you all obsolete, and the old grievances can be solved at once, the peacock, will you make an appointment? "Shen Ming is out of the question.

"Regardless of whether the place you are talking about is heaven or hell, when you tell me, I'll go and pick your head, as a gift for my wedding." The peacock meant, about → _ →

"That's good, take a good sleep first, this is your last sleep." Shen Ming laughed and hung up the communication.

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