God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 177: Tiaohu Lishan

Chapter 177 Tiaohu Tiger Lishan

The ancient martial arts has always been passed down in the cherry blossoms. Among them, Yi Rongshu is also a compulsory course. Not to mention the world's Xeon, at least it is the most advanced technology. What's more, in the upper hand, there is a fraternity of facial mechanical prosthesis, which can easily transform the entire face into another person by mechanical deformation.

However, in front of An Qi, the easy-going magic skills shown by the 12 high-level killers, including the peacock, were stunned. Instead of using any fake mask, she really used her skin to change the height of the water chestnut and the bridge of the nose, and even mobilized the spinal space to shrink. Her height and shape changed, and her chest bulged like a balloon.

A few seconds ago, the man was still iron-bone, but now he has become a beautiful beauty.

"You ... it's not him, where is he ?!" Peacock asked as soon as he was surprised.

"Guess?" An Qi smiled charmingly. The game of fishing had been going on all the time, except that the peacock and the top killer in front of the team were the big fish.

With a move to adjust the tiger to leave the mountain, Shen Ming introduced a large number of high-level killers from Sakura's headquarters to Osaka, thousands of miles away. Today, there are only 8 high-level killers in his home ...

"Baga! Dare to tease us! Peacocks get away! I want to smash this girl into scum!" Roared the bald eagle manipulating the Serpent Cannon.

"Let me burn her to ashes!" Flamingos scrambled for a 32-round rocket launcher.

A group of high-level killers killed a lot, one after another scrambling to kill the girl in front of them. If it is not possible to determine whether she is a male or a female, it is possible to kill x first.

"Oh, this group of Laogu ghosts are so fat, they really want to kill Yasha, and less knowledge is happiness ..." Suddenly, behind the beam in the corner of the factory building, a smiling little blond loli girl stood up and dragged in her hands. Rising up was a head taller than her, with a half-panel alloy chopper.

"Hey, Meng Na kills me, I said I'll wait for Yasha's signal, and you're breaking the rules!" Behind the beam on the other side, a stunned bamboo pole man also showed a half figure, flipping a short knife in his hand.

"Shadow demon, all this, how can I take care of any rules? Moral, it doesn't make sense with the group of dogs on the opposite side!" A burly white-haired man then stood up from the beam, lighting a cigar, while With that monster-sturdy arm, he lifted up a matrix metal storm killer made of four Vulcan artillery side by side.

"Li Wang, put away your perverted gun, and don't hit the sprinkler family later." A black monk also stood up, holding a hexagonal stick in his hand.

A group of people talked and laughed. A variety of soldiers appeared on the beam one after another. They laughed and scolded, but were kind. Counting casually, there are more than 50 people, so many people are hiding in this factory building, but the upper killers just below didn't notice their existence at all.

Not only because An Qi pulled the sight and assisted well, but also because these concealers are elites with a nirvana period of more than 10 years, and they are humanoid demon who truly stand on the apex of human power.

"Look, we have never lost more Nirvana camps than people." Anqi Lizu smiled lightly. "Suddenly, what are the top killers and the Nirvanas on the shoulder? How can you guys bully ordinary people for money? Stand shoulder-to-head with us nirvana who committed themselves to purgatory in order to surpass ourselves? Funny! "

"You ..." The peacock didn't even think it would fall into such a field. He wanted to bully the little but he instantly became the "less" side. Those nirvanas on the beams are definitely not small fishes and shrimps that have been pulled together, they really started to play, even if they have a large artificial body to help the team, but that is just the ability to fight alone.

Group battles, Nirvana camp experience, attack methods, and coordination are the strongest in the world, and it is not comparable to the independent high-level killers such as Sakura.

"Fight with them." In the silent communication channel, the hummingbird shakes the vocal cords and asks to fight.

"Even if they die, they can't make them look down on the cherry blossoms so much." The Yamato soul in the flamingo's heart was lit.

"Everyone is restless, listen to the decision of the peacock." Turtledove looks at the peacock horse no matter whether it is fighting or retreating.

How has a peacock ever encountered such a state, like a great white shark that is arrogant all over the world, suddenly crossing back to the world of the Cretaceous, trapped in a group of big dinosaurs, suddenly changed from predator to supper ... That taste It's so **** uncomfortable!

"You're enough. When did our Nirvana camp become a bully and a bully?" Just at the scene, the farthest beam, Colonel Kaos in a camouflage uniform, stepped out. The ntw-20 anti-equipment sniper rifle of the 20 mm caliber is in his hand ... or a cannon.

"Colonel!" Seeing Kaos, a group of people shouted politely. This respect does not rely on power but violence. In the world of the Nirvana, only the strong are worthy of respect.

"Mr. Peacock, right? Please meet for the first time," Kaos greeted as a Lao national. "My name is Kaos, one of the leaders of Nirvana camp. I'm glad to meet."

"Captain Kaos, I've heard of you. As an old senior, the president of my family praises you too. Nirvana Camp is admired to do things according to the rules of your management." Then, "But as far as I know, the Nirvana camp should be an organization that cuts off all relations with the Nirvana. So come out with such great fanfare to help Shen Ming help out? What are the rules?"

"This girl's mouth is really owed. I'll smash his stinky mouth with a cannon!" Li Wang said angrily with a cigar, and the colleagues beside him kept laughing.

"Hey, I'm talking about a cannon in your hand, you laugh a fart! I'm not a **** guy!" Li Wang's face was flushed.

"Oh, it seems that Mr. Peacock knows our Nirvana camp quite well." Colonel Kaos chuckled. "Let's explain it to you. We are not helping the stink boy, but we just temporarily came to Osaka in Laos. The content of the military exercise should probably be something like camouflage ambush. You just happened to break into our exercise venue.

May be hurt, let the brother behind you lower the muzzle a bit, and by the way converge on his killing intentions, it is so close that I will blow his head. Kaos smiled and looked angry, like a sickle of death on your throat, and the peacock was so scared that his spine was cold.

"It wasn't us who picked things up. It was Shen Ming who came to us for trouble three or four times. Is the colonel so short-guarded to make Nirvana camp and Sakura fall to fight?" Peacock threatened boldly.

"Oh, afterlife is not bad, can you declare war on behalf of the old man of Hattori Musashi?" The smile on Kaos's face was immediately closed, and his face was cold. "Listen to the boy, I said this is an exercise, it is an exercise, Even if it is clear that you are pitted, you can only be pitted by me.

It's okay to talk back and upset, but if you scare me, you have to weigh yourself.

I don't want to ask the grudges of Shen Ming and your cherry blossoms, and he never asked me for help. Just staying overnight, I want to teach you something. These brothers are just busy and come together.

I do n’t kill you, I ’m not afraid of you, but you are no different from the dead in my opinion.

Who told you to provoke Pluto, that stinky boy I cultivated with Nirvana. I have never seen human beings have such a strong faith. Many tasks that I ca n’t even insist on, he can just accept everything. , Never complained.

I like the dead Pluto who doesn't talk, and almost all the nirvanas who have interacted with him also like him.

Who told him that he had few words and lived beautifully, and never refused to leave any teammates, except his wife was a bit fierce, almost perfect. "

"Hello! Who are you fierce ?! Anqi!" An Qi turned back and yelled, not giving the Colonel any face.

"Enough, stop talking about it! What the **** do you want?" Peacock could not bear it.

"Don't think about it? Continue acting, no, it's an exercise. Shen Ming originally asked An Qi to help you by delaying you for a few days. Now, it should be considered to be overfulfilling the task, right?" Kaos said shamelessly.

"Oops!" The peacock ordered, "Everyone! Quickly evacuate!"

The peacock finally responded. The big pose in front of him was not to destroy himself, but to keep himself.

He no longer cares how many nirvanas are exposed to killing, turning his head and quickly exiting the factory with a group of high-level killers.

The peacock frowned and called to inform the chairman of the situation, but the signal showed a negative number.

"Hey, do you want to ventilate the letter? Why are you so anxious? Only one person in Shen Ming has passed. Why are you so embarrassed, why do you put him in your eyes?" An Qi, who came out later, was still provoking deliberately, otherwise Knowing that there was someone behind her, a group of higher killers had swallowed her.

"You claim to be Mrs. Shen, but your husband asked you to help me and rush to rescue other women. If I were you, I would have hanged myself." The peacock whispered.

"My husband and I don't understand your virginity." The peacock found the object of sarcasm, An Qi sneered. "He can destroy your cherry blossoms for Xiao Yi, and he can destroy this earth for me. . Being affectionate and righteous is exactly the root of my love for him.

Xiao Yi is a good person. I can be regarded as a Primary Three. Listen to the truth from me. You really don't deserve her. "

"Baga! I'm going to fix Shenming's head!" The peacock roared and led the team towards the armored vehicle. The first thing to do now is to leave this signal shielding area and inform Yingluo headquarters about Shenming.

But when they stirred their mouths, no one noticed that above the cliff 90 degrees behind the headquarters of the cherry blossoms, a black giant ant, with a twisted rope tied with a little thumb thick behind his waist, crawled upward.

Imagine that the hemp rope has been over 100 kilograms less, and the heavier it gets, the heavier it gets, but the black eyes crawl along the vertical cliff without any difficulty, and the steps are steady and terrible.

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