God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 188: Older brothers are more funny

Chapter 188: My Older Brother is More Funny

"The sun is shining, and Huaer smiles at me. The little bird said," Early and early, why are you carrying a dynamite pack? I went to the blast school, and I was not late every day. When the bell rang, I ran, and the school did not see the bird ~~~ "

As far as the memory of the school is concerned, all that remains for Waner is this adapted nursery rhyme. Although in the killer career of the next ten years, she also pretended to be a student sneaking into the school to do the goal, but it was not enough for a few days of experience. How is it like now? Not only did he get a bunch of textbooks, he actually went to class.

Shen Waner was desperate, and came to the first-grade office according to the guidelines, reporting to a 40-year-old Mediterranean class teacher. This math teacher wears a pair of high eyes like the bottom of a beer bottle, and leans on the virtues of 3 years of reed silk every day from the age of 18. The small eyes are still obsessed and look up and down. This looks good regardless of appearance or figure. Shen Waner.

If in the past, without waiting for this wretched middle-aged uncle to pull out her lollipop, Waner has cut out his eyes, but now, she can only learn to endure.

"The principal said, you are back from Lao Guo? Do you have the name of Lao Guo?" The head teacher smiled so insignificantly.

"Teacher, do you want to go home and search for my name?" Waner said rudely, raising her hand to loosen the button on the neckline. "What ’s so beautiful, I really want to see it, I ’ll take it off directly to you See the live version? "

"Stop! What are you doing? This is the office!" The class teacher with a sense of embarrassment was scared by Waner. Now after the 90s, you have no idea what they are thinking about. Anyway, this class teacher is scared. Dare to provoke Waner again.

Just as the bell rang, the head teacher took Waner to the classroom of Class One (8). Since ancient times, Xueba has a class, and the end of the class has more scum.

There are also many slags in key schools such as the city's second middle school. They are all arranged in 8 classes, which is a good number. City No. 2 High School used 1 to 7 classes to dominate the province's key university places, and used 8 groups of students to pay for sponsorships to update the educational facilities in the school to ensure that the cafeteria does not show the magical dishes of moon cakes and fried peppers. Buy and sell.

Waner's enrollment was arranged by Fang Shiquan. Naturally, the principal was regarded as the gold master, and she was quickly enshrined in eight classes. This allowed Waner to see the so-called cow herding class in the provincial focus.

The more than 40 people in the class did not see a school uniform. Instead, they had various brand names, various hair dyes, and various small group chats. There was no learning hegemony that a key school should have.

"Since the elder brother is so funny, I really want to let that deep look at my superb class ..." Waner stood on the podium and shook her head and sighed.

"It's time for class, it's time for class! You're all set!" The head teacher pumped the podium with a thick finger, like an animal trainer. "Before class, introduce a new classmate. Come on, introduce yourself. "

Shen Wan'er was helpless and turned to write three Juan Xiu texts on a black back. "My name is Shen Waner. It hasn't been long since I came back from Lao Guo. I started studying here today, but I don't know how long I can stay ..."

It depends on how long she can defeat Shen Ming, and as long as she wins, she will never have to go to school.

"In addition, I don't like to make friends or talk about gossip, and I don't like to find trouble. I'm tired of being far away from me, just when I'm in the air." Wan'er was unique, and after introducing herself, Walking towards the last row of the classroom with a schoolbag.

A winking big sister suddenly stretched out her legs as Waner walked around. Wan'er actually fell forward, but just before the hand was about to fall, her body was flipped in the air with a beautiful hands-free front, and she landed on the ground with a stunning posture.

A group of boys watched the skirt fluttering with joy, looking forward to the beautiful lace inside. The result was exposed black boxer sports pants, and it turned out that the trust between people was long gone.

"You should be satisfied now?" Waner understands that the newcomer is so embarrassed that she can't escape being bullied without any strength. She doesn't find an opportunity to show her strength, but she doesn't know how to be annoyed in the future.

Waner, who stood up, straightened her skirt and continued, "Only this time, next time, that foot will be gone."

At this moment, the elder sister looked at her right foot, her ankle was deformed, and she quickly swelled. She screamed in pain. Several young girls quickly got up and took her to the infirmary.

How did Chennai, including the class teacher, go to see the safety pants just now, and didn't notice what Shen Waner did to the elder sister. I wonder if she could not find the evidence.

Waner ignored the noisy cries behind her and went straight to the last row of the classroom. The two of them sat next to the window with a big fat man, like a grown-up version of a big-headed son.

"Let me guess, your dad is King?" Waner said evilly.

"No ... No, my name is Huang Yibo." The fat man stood up and greeted, a soft persimmon that was bullying at first sight.

"What do you call me to die? Sit over, my window is my place." Wan'er casually threw the schoolbag into the hands of the fat man, and forcibly occupied Master Yibo's position, Huang Yibo almost cried. Now, I looked to the class teacher on the podium for help, but the unfocused gaze of the class teacher has shown that it is "off my fart" and started the class.

Helpless, the first class of the first day, Shen Waner fell asleep on the table. Before going to bed, I still forgot to peep at the black-eyed ants on the branch of the bed to raise a green middle finger, indicating his attitude to school.

On the other side with black-rimmed glasses, Shen Ming sat on the pony in the corner with a smile. There was no way. The room was full of people and it was already kind to not be hung on the wall. As soon as Xiao Jianguo entered the house, he helped Yi Yi's mother in the kitchen, and Xiu En'ai went, leaving the room for the young people.

From the mere chats, Shen Ming was able to understand that the young and old men in this house came to Linhai City to perform their tasks. They arrived one day earlier to get familiar with the environment. Xiao Long was also happy, so he made Dong without permission and invited everyone to go home for dinner. Xiao Jianguo also did not return home for a long time, and readily agreed.

But they didn't hear long before they heard the relationship between Shen Ming and her sister. Especially in the part of the room where the room is not closed and teased, Yi Ma also bluntly said. Xiao Long jumped three feet high. Although she often lost her younger sister-in-law, she waited for her boyfriend, but did not have the consent of her elder brother. There was still something in her heart that was stolen by her mother. The sister and the puppet brother-in-law went home for dinner and checked.

I wanted to reunite with the family, but Yi Yi didn't think much about it, so she called Xiao Yi back with Shenming. Who would have thought that Xiao Long started working with Shen Ming as soon as he opened the door and lost. This is not only the way to open the copy, but also the wrong game, just like a gun dog standing in front of the dark city gate, the laser fanatic gun in his hand yelled on the ground, "people are! Tower is!" Nowhere ...

As for Xiao Yi, she was very annoyed by the strong atmosphere of team dating. In front of a group of special police brothers crowded around her and showed great diligence. Some guys took off their shirts and showed muscles. Some people showed off the two suites of the Imperial Cbd.

Xiao Yi endured for almost an hour, and finally couldn't bear to ask, "Wait, wait, what do you mean? Why all around me? I didn't say to find a boyfriend?"

"In fact, your brother lost the card and said he wanted to match us, brother-in-law, isn't it?" A dark man bluntly said.

"I was your brother who lost the drink and said he wanted to match us ..."

"I'm your brother who asked me to stand on duty for me, and said he wanted to match us ..."

"I was your brother who lost in the wind and said he wanted to match us ..."

The truth was in vain. Xiao Long sold all her sisters.

"Brother, come here, I promise not to kill you." Xiao Yi greeted the exposed blue veins of Xiao Yi's brow.

"What did I do? Our brothers are all special police elites selected by various provinces and cities. One is better than six. I think this should be the case for my brother-in-law." Xiao Long looked at Shen Mingyi Face disdain.

"You like them so much, why do you match me? You just put on women's clothing and get married?" Xiao Yi retorted.

"Really?" A team member blushed.

"I don't like this product anyway." Xiao Long hugged his chest with both hands.

"Big brother is thinking about it, I'm here to eat rice." Shen Ming drank the seeds to show his innocence.

"Big brothers, listen, my little sister, I don't love the blind date. Whoever promises to match you with whom, anyway, you are so energetic, my little sister can't afford it." Xiao Yi showed no mercy.

"Long brother! It's different from what you said! You still gave me the money owed to me!"

"Yeah, yeah, I still owe my two overnight posts, and also helped me stand up!" One or two go, many team members around this Xiao Long to return, which makes Xiao Long helpless, the light all night posts add up There are a dozen or so, this has to stand down, hey, the legs have to be abolished.

"Sister, don't be so impersonal. Brother, don't I know you like special police? I just expanded the way for you and worry about your happiness." Xiao Longfu soft-tunned.

"Thank you for elder brother's love, I can't stand the younger sister. I like to be a special police officer, not a special policewoman's daughter-in-law. You know, the first condition for me to choose a mate is to be a man who can win me." A finger was raised.

"It's easy to say that every one here is a fighting expert who was personally ridiculed by my dad, and is definitely a real man you can't beat!" Xiao Hu patted his chest.

"That's not necessarily." When Xiao Yi was full of confidence, she looked at Shen Ming and seemed to want permission from him.

Shen Ming said nothing, but smiled like a signboard.

"Brothers, it is still early for lunch. If you are interested, let the little girl teach the combat skills of the special police of the Imperial Capital Corps." Xiao Yi also played with her heart and saw so many dream special police at one time. .

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