God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 192: The princess arrived

Chapter 192 The Princess Wu arrives

Leaving the sweaty cargo ship lobby, the boss took the night watchman to the inner room, the red carpeted office.

"What to drink?" Kind Alice came to the bar.

"Mineral water, thank you." The night watchman sat on the sofa, without any aggression from the murderer, always calm and calm. The boss was sitting on the side of the sofa, the cigar in his hands never seemed to leave.

"I haven't introduced myself. I am the current leader of the daredevil team-torpedoes. It ’s a great honor to have worked with top snipers like you for a long time. I was really honored." It was also very polite.

In order to wait for the night watchman, he changed the timing of his hands again and again, sincerely.

"The former captain of the daredevil team, f22, has some friendship with me. What happened to him?" When the night watchman asked, Alice had brought a glass of mineral water, a glass of whiskey, and a glass of red wine.

Alice herself drank red wine, the whiskey was for torpedoes, and the night watchman drank a glass of mineral water, and took the cross on her neck, put it in the water and prayed silently, then she picked it up and seemed to drink it. This way, the water becomes the holy water in the church.

"F22, that stealth nose?" The torpedo whispered with a whisky. "The old **** let our brother take the lead during a mission, but he hid behind and counted the money. Such an unjust boss, keep doing it Well? I cut his throat with my own hands. I still soaked my head with formalin. Want to see? "

"No need," said the night watchman, drawing a cross symbol on his chest. "Is there a room? I need to rest."

"Go right and go upstairs, 101, is the VIP room." Alice said, throwing the door key over.

"Thank you." The night watchman who picked up the key got up, dragged his luggage and left, with few words, stupid, and devout, this is probably his first impression.

It wasn't until the night watchman left that Alice walked to the torpedo's side, sitting on her torso's thigh with her buttocks around her neck, and said, "I don't like him."

"That is, of course. How can a human stunner like you be satisfied by that little man?" Torpedo smiled slyly.

"I mean, he doesn't look like a killer. He has a good taste and is annoying." Alice, a woman from the KGB secret service in Da Mao, was extremely accurate about people's sixth sense.

"Hehe, you actually say that the night watchman is a good man? He is a Nirvana born in Nirvana camp. In that year, an African poisonous man I served encountered an attack from him and another Nirvana. More than 400 top servants Soldiers, plus more than 1,000 people in a town, using armored vehicles, helicopters, and even short-range missiles. They chased behind their buttocks for half a month, but they did not kill them, and they let them get rid of the poison. It ’s dead, our battle damage is over 90%, and we are all lucky to survive. ”The torpedo said the beauty in her arms and told the past.“ Trust me, the night watchman is definitely the best sniper you have ever seen. Hand, there is no one. Good, go and meet now! "

"You said yes, for your sake, I'll serve this uncle." Alice stood up with a sigh, put down her glass, straightened her blond hair, and went out with a bee waist twisting along the metal stairs to the door. Outside the door of Room 101.

Alice believes that no man can resist his charm, even if he is a curvy man, she can straighten up. But just before she knocked on the door, a voice of rejection came from the metal hatch. "Miss Alice, can you take a break for myself? Thank you."

"Cut, die guy." Alice looked disgusted, but couldn't say any more and turned away.

In the room, the night watchman had taken off his black suit and shirt, took a whip out of the trunk, and knelt on the ground. With the Bible and the cross in front of him, he finally stumbled.

Look at his fruit body, although lean, but full of angular muscles, and there are more scars than the deep. The most terrifying thing was the scars left by the hundreds of thumps behind him, as if the devil's claws had ripped through him.

"My virgin Mary, please forgive the sins that sinners will commit, and continue to guard the devotion of sinners with your kindness and love." The night watchman said, slamming a whip on himself.

That was a real hit, and it was impossible to get half a special effect. The scarred skin was drawn to the skin and flesh, and blood immediately flowed out of the wound.

The night watchman is not a pervert, this is only atonement for the believer. Since joining Nirvana, he has maintained the habit of drawing three whips for each killing to wash away the blood of his hands.

Time passed, the sun set, the dragons and tigers gathered in Linhai City, and their respective tasks were quietly carried out.

The black z4 stopped at the gate of City No. 2 Middle School on time when the school bell rang, and Heimu got in the car earlier than Waner. Shen Ming, wearing black-rimmed glasses, watched Waner's performance for a day. Although Waner has hurt two classmates, the situation is basically within the controllable range. At least the head of the wolf class is still alive, the director of the teaching has not been hung on the flagpole, and the principal has not drowned in the men's toilet basin ...

Waner is gradually adapting to the life of ordinary people, at least she is tolerant of Huang Yibo, and she is particularly pleased.

"How about today? Is it fun to go to school?" Shen Ming greeted Waner, who was on the train.

"Funny girl ... wait, what's wrong with it?" Wan'er suddenly found out that such a curse was bad. "Stop it, walk around! Go home and fight again!"

The black z4 went away, looking at the back of Waner's departure, Huang Yibo sighed softly, "What kind of girl is this?"

On the other side of the city, Linhai City Airport is waiting. The airport security and patrol teams are fully armed. The exit of the special passage is covered with a red carpet. Even the mayor of Linhai, the leadership team, and the businessmen and the civil servants are all together. Go to join the welcome team.

The visitor has not yet landed, and has stirred the hearts of Linhai's municipal and business circles. She is the sister of the current President of the Middle East State of Aragon and Princess Ayatollah, the current Minister of Foreign Affairs. The country of Aragon is only 30 years old. It is located on the coast of the Middle East with a small area and a population of 10 million. However, due to its good deep-water ports and large oil reserves, it has become one of the important foreign ports in the Middle East. It is also a pearl of the Middle East.

The former leader of the Aragon nation, Baki, was once known as the Tiger of the Middle East. He turned the tide and united the complicated religious clans of the Aragon region to establish the rich Aragon nation. However, because this is a centralized government, it only uses a nominal presidential system, but does not give the people the right to vote at all. Therefore, it has been refused by the United Nations organization to join, and there are only a few countries that have diplomatic relations with him.

In recent years, under the tragic end of Zafia Duck, Silly Big Wood, and Basha Bear, the newly-appointed President, Mudlin, the son of Bucky, decided to start the Grand Aragon plan, overthrow the traditional imperial regime, and establish a democratic country. Preparatory work is already underway. A year later, the country will welcome a truly elected president.

The Aragon nation, which has released the friendly information to the world, immediately became an important ally for all parties to compete for diplomacy. After all, its geographical location and rich oil are the dog's favorite bones for the world's great powers, and it is difficult to resist.

The great diplomacy of the State of Aragon has begun. Princess Ayatollah, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, chose the capital of the dynasty, not Washington of the United States. This shows his sharp political vision and the future of the country.

The insatiable bald eagle face has been recognized, and the thriving Tianchao market is a fast boat that can be boarded. Princess Ayatollah has two tasks in the heavenly dynasty. One is to sign a memorandum of understanding to establish diplomatic relations and exchange the basic national conditions and basic positions of the two countries. This is relatively smooth. In the face of interests, both countries have shown full respect and bona fide.

The country of Aragon is willing to support a heavenly dynasty! The old Lai Lama is a toad! Fishing Turtle Island is heavenly! Xisha, Nansha, and Great White Shark have been in heaven since ancient times! Even the Ryukyu Kingdom of Laos is dynasty!

The Tianchao only recognized the legitimate governing power of the current government of Aragon, which can be described as a profitable sale.

As for the second purpose of Ayatollah's trip, it is to find a suitable port city in the dynasty for the Aragonese country, to submit the diplomatic relations between the cities, to sign various trade agreements, and to use it as a breakthrough in the empire's commercial dynasty. The amount of trade this will bring will be calculated in units of 100 billion yuan. Almost all leaders of the coastal cities in the heavens are in the form of "seeking exchanges!"

Some cities say, "Come here! Excavate 2 deepwater ports for free!"

Some cities say, "Come here! Light speed customs clearance, tax free!"

Some cities say, "Come to me! 3 football stadium-sized warehouses are free to use, and you will receive 2 pairs of special Adi Wang basketball shoes!"

Everyone was madly fighting for this ally. Most of the coastal mayors rushed to the capital and used all relationships to attend Princess Ayatollah's banquet. Some even cats were in front of the hotel where Princess Ayatollah lived. Just shouted like a star chaser, "Ayatollah I love you! Just like mice love rice!"

Princess Ayatollah had been in the imperial capital for 7 days. She did not see the legendary traffic jam (she closed the road → _ →), and did not feel the haze (she was there, the outside car was not allowed to enter the imperial capital ... ), It was brainwashing to see the all-pervasive advertising of the dynasty.

However, in the end, which city was selected as the exclusive commercial port of the Aragonese country, she had already planned in her heart, so after leaving the imperial capital, she specially squeezed out 7 days before heading to the United States to come to this city of Linhai. Inspection condolences.

Many mayors of the coastal city are desperate and cannot help but sigh, "Why, why are all the wives who look good?"

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