God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 202: Brothers and sisters

Chapter 202: Brothers and Sisters Can Tear Each Other

Receiving an alarm from the shooting incident at the Cape of Good Hope, the General Public Security Bureau immediately responded. Two special police units with a total of 80 people, led by 8-round special police armored vehicles, rushed to the market from east to west and divided into two routes.

The patrol officers around immediately rushed to the market to control the situation and do a good job of evacuation. The traffic police department has done a good job of road closure to ensure that the special police forces can rush to the incident site unhindered.

The emergency response of the entire law enforcement department is still very fast and effective. Since yesterday's sniping incident, all police officers have been working overtime to check it out. Special police soldiers are also sleeping with their guns in their clothes. Come forward at this most critical time.

All SWAT team members have written their testaments, and this is a precious moment when the motherland needs them to dedicate themselves.

However, when the two armored vehicles were only one block away from the Cape of Good Hope Market, there was a loud bang. The armored vehicles on the east were smashed to a height of 1 meter by the explosives in the manhole cover and the explosion shattered. All glass windows within a few hundred meters. The fire instantly burned the armored car into a fire, and the people inside the car were not burned to death, but were shocked by the shock wave to the viscera and died.

The armoured car on the other side was even worse. It was plugged into an arrow pig by the decoupled steel bar on a 70-meter-high crane. People in the car must have lived and could not survive the ambulance.

The police cars that followed the two convoys drove too fast. They all crashed into a ball. The scene was chaotic and the siren sounds no longer loud. There were uniform policemen mourning from the car everywhere. They have not rescued the people. The life and property of the masses were safe, but they were dragged out of the burning car by the surrounding masses.

"Brothers, 'Barricades' have stopped us from black dogs, but we can only fight for another 10 minutes at the most. Get the job done quickly and stop playing." Torpedo reminded in the headset.

"Play ?! Captain, try it for yourself! Did that **** open your eyes ?! Shoot without seeing people at all!" One climbed to the ground, using only the pool in front of his head as a bunker, but Xiao Yi's fierce firepower The 9mm steel core armor-piercing projectile still hit the cement pool with a spray on his face.

"Blow up these little girls!" A mercenary hid at the muzzle 10 meters away, took off the latch of the grenade in his hand, and just got up to try to throw, Xiao Yi aimed at his muzzle and opened fire.

The armor-piercing warhead interrupted his hand holding the grenade. The grenade fell behind just 2 meters away.

"Oh!" There wasn't even time to regret the broken hand. The mercenary responded quickly enough to fall to the ground. After a loud bang, it was not known whether he was dead or not.

"Can't fight for a long time, the reinforcements were blocked, and quickly evacuated. Advancing along the alley." Shen Ming saw the encounter of the two teams of police cars, obviously the enemy was premeditated.

"It's not far." Xiao Yi calmed down with the breathing method taught by Shen Ming. He shook off the spiral barrel of the js05 submachine gun and replaced it with a new one.

This is the fourth and last cartridge she used. The js05-type gun barrel has been reddish because it has fired too many armor-piercing shells. It is not intended to be used in this way.

Xiao Yi's hands had been shaken and she was almost unconscious. She relied on her faith to continue shooting with a shocking recoil.

"Let me come and change people." Li Changxiu couldn't stand it anymore. He wanted to change position with Xiao Yi. He didn't fire a few shots after the break.

"It's okay, I'll be fine." Xiao Yi continued to lead the team forward, armor-piercing shells opened the road, like a bamboo shoot. 15 torpedoes were deployed to carry out the siege. Although Xiao Yi's advanced shots did not kill one, they also forced them to complete the encirclement.

Along the back streets, Xiao Yi rushed all the way to the outside of the parking lot. She did it. She saved Princess Ayatolla in the rain of bullets, and did not hurt her.

"Smoke bombs open the way, get in the car and leave!" Shen Ming ordered in the headset.

Several smoke bombs were thrown in front of the suv in a straight line, and the open space was transformed into a fairyland-like appearance in 3 seconds. This is good, and the observer's 3 snipers could see nothing.

"Hurry up, they're in the parking lot! Is he really slow?" Torpedo shouted on the intercom, in fact, he knew that it wasn't the team members that were slow, but that Xiao Yi's three people were pushing too fast. Familiar with every street, every house, when you just think you can close, they have already passed through a house to another alley.

"Ah! It's too late!" A mercenary kicked with a light machine gun carrying class M249.

"Let me come, you idiot!" Alice, who came from behind, kicked his colleague to the ground, took the light machine gun in his hand, didn't aim at all, and didn't pass the person Acetin, toward the smoke. The frantic burst fired, the bullet shredded open the air, and the 200 rounds of drums let the tongue of fire blast out endlessly.

Until the engine's suv started, it flew out against the barrage and drove away from the noisy Cape of Good Hope along the street.

"Fuck!" Alice threw off the machine gun in her hands angrily, and wished to have a shot with the pig teammates, obviously they had so many advantages, regardless of the weapon or the number of people, but let the target run, but she still broke A rib.

"Withdraw, it's not going to work today." The torpedo sighed and pulled off his unshot v-94. What he didn't expect was that until this moment, the deep crosshairs were still aimed at his generous forehead. As long as Shen Ming bends his finger slightly, the captain of this daredevil team will go to see his martyrs.

"Why, why can't the instructor be the same as this teaser?" Shen Ming really wanted to solve this sniper who was obviously in the commander's position. If he was not afraid of being exposed and killed by the night watchman, he would have killed the goods. .

Let alone the Japanese leader, as long as the goal is still alive, he has already won the game. The icing on the cake is good, but the victory is not necessary.

Shen Ming also quickly withdrew from his sniper position and left the right and wrong place.

"Student of Pluto, I thought you would become dull and lose your faith as a bodyguard, just like the stars fell from the dust and no longer glowed." Lying on the rooftop, the night watchman comfortably basked in the sun, "Look Come, I was wrong. You are a bodyguard by nature. Only when you save others, you are the brightest star. "

Li Changxiu, who drove away, avoided the car and asked, "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, Xiao Yi, your hand is bleeding." Ayatollah stared nervously at the opposite Xiao Yi. Her js05-type micro-punching gun barrel and gun machine were scrapped, and the tiger's mouth was shaken open. Blood was flowing. But tinnitus, she has not responded to the shooting.

"Ah? Minor injuries, it's okay." Xiao Yi answered murmurously.

At this time, the suv driven by Li Changxiu stopped by the side and started again in only 2 seconds, but there was already one more person in the car at this time.

"You are not holding the gun in the correct position. You cannot use the conventional gun holding position when you use micro-arms and armor-piercing shells. I will teach you when I have time." Shen Ming held Xiao Yi's bleeding hand and took up a bandage for her. Wrapped up.

"I seemed to have dealt with many gunmen just now." Xiao Yi finally responded. What she could do was a record that the special police couldn't do.

"16 gunmen, all equipped with automatic firearms, you did not kill, but injured 8 people, 4 people lost their fighting ability. They did a very good job," Shen Ming praised without hesitation.

"Shenming, I just saw the skull tattooed on the attacker ..." Li Changxiu looked dignified.

"The daredevil team is a long-established mercenary regiment in Africa. It is currently an elite mercenary organization that can rank among the top 3 in the world. It is well-equipped and has many members who have been fired from special forces in various countries around the world, but it seems to have disappeared in the past two years. . "Shen Ming also recognized the symbol of their team.

"They did not disappear, but became my brother's minions in my country of Aragon." Ayatollah leaned on the back of the chair and sighed longly. "This is still my brother's invisible minions. Many in the country oppose him. The righteous have been assassinated and cleaned up. It seems that the elder brother is so irony this time that I don't want to kiss my sister, and also wants his rotten and stinking throne. "

"You two brothers and sisters are so conflicted that you can't chop them on the street with a watermelon knife?" Shen Ming said sneerly without even looking at Ayatollah.

"Hey, I like to look at you like I hate me and can't kill me." Ayatolla smugly said, "Listen to the bodyguard, politics is not as simple as you think. If you just kill each other, If you can get the other party's things, you don't have to be so troublesome.

The difference between Mutlin and me is that he controls military power and I control public opinion. Public opinion is powerful, but it is at the moment of election. At other times, military power can suppress public opinion.

The country of Aragon has experienced 30 years of imperial rule, and the people's grievances have risen to the extreme. I am the fuse that can detonate it.

Only I can guide the country to democracy and peace. Only I can save millions of people from the country. "

"You speak like your father, General Bucky, who has been named a war mad monster in the Middle East ..." Shen Ming sighed and said, "War teaches us, never feel that the world needs you to save, it has it. Your own rules, the world will continue to work without you.

The nature of the killing will not change, the poor will not become rich, and the rich will not die. Only the dead are buried in the soil forever. "

"No, you are wrong. It won't take long for me to prove that you are wrong. Everything you do changes the world, and I can change the world if I live." Ayatollah's paranoid channel.

"Then try to live and prove it to me." Shen Ming smiled instead.

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