God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 204: Apprenticeship

Chapter 204: Master and Apprentice

At night, the SUV stopped at the side of the road, Shen Ming got out of the car, leaving the bag with the weapon in his back compartment. Because there has been no time to exchange checks, Shen Ming still keeps the buff of the poor ghosts, so he asked Li Changxiu for 3,000 yuan in cash.

It is said that people are more popular than death, and they are also the work of bodyguards. They are dressed in boss suits, various credit cards in their pockets, and more than 3,000 in cash.

Looking at Shen Ming, in addition to eating grass from time to time, most of the days depend on borrowing money to live, and I feel that I am always living on the edge of selling kidney and selling body.

"You go to the meeting place, turn on the video signal, let me see the internal environment clearly. Xiao Yi, your hand injury is not cured, this time you are responsible for guarding the employer, and let the bad-faced stick be responsible for penetration." Shen Ming ordered With.

"Who do you think is stupid? Pay back the money!" Li Changxiu's brow corners were exposed.

"What do you want? Without a gun?" Xiao Yi wondered.

"The venue is indoors, and there is no way to cover it from the outside with a gun. There is no way but to use a trick to hold the night watchman. Ayatollah, although I took you $ 600,000, my investment today is far more than this Value, you should add money. "Shen Ming sighed helplessly.

"Thank you," Princess Ayatollah said sincerely. After all, her request was so wayward, so that everyone would be in danger.

"Don't say thank you, you gave the money, let's go, pay attention to safety." Shen Ming closed the door from outside, watched the suv drive away, Shen Ming turned and walked into a foreign liquor store.

Tonight, the daredevil team moved their base camp overnight in order to avoid the police's surface inspection, and they were unable to chase the target again. The night watchman was still full of energy. When watching the suv driving into the underground parking lot of a hotel, he was also a bit surprised.

He already had a copy of Ayatollah's itinerary. In his opinion, Shen Ming will definitely delete it, and the Aragonese overseas Chinese will definitely be eliminated at the first time.

The night watchman didn't understand why Shen Ming allowed the princess to go to such a dangerous place to participate in the event, but since he made a move, the night watchman is like smelling a **** wolf and prepared a set of melee equipment to go to the meeting with a single knife.

But just when he was ready to enter the hotel, a bright red flares on the distant high-rise were hit against the night sky, like a shooting star flying upside down into the sky, bright and bright.

"Originally ... is this your intention? Use me to return your life to stop my pursuit?" When the night watchman sighed, anger appeared on his face, "the stupid apprentice."

Although angry, the **** flare was a call that the night watchman could not escape. That year, the pair of mentors and apprentices performed a sniper mission. The night watchman was a sniper, and Shen Ming acted as his observer.

The vigil's condition was great that day, and his sniper vision and conditions were also very good. He originally had the conditions for a one-shot kill, but the moment he pulled the trigger, there was a moment of shaking for the cross worn by the target's chest.

This is also the distraction, giving the guards the opportunity to counterattack. Shen Ming used his body to block a sniper bomb for the night watchman, and his body was beaten into a pair. The night watchman evacuated with guilt on his back.

At that time, Shen Ming could be described as a life of nine deaths. He had been in a coma for 3 days before waking up. I didn't know I made a few round trips at the gate of the ghost gate.

The night watchman was so guilty that he made a life and death promise to Shen Ming. In the future, as long as there was a need for Shen Ming, a blood-red signal flare, no matter where the night watchman was, what he was doing, as long as he saw it, he would go to help.

In the nirvana's world, there is nothing more important than his own life. The night watchman promises his life, all in order to repay the feeling of a shot.

But he never expected that what he regarded as a treasure, but was discarded by others as casual use like toilet paper. What could be more irritating?

Anger returns to anger, and the night watchman believes in commitment, just like he keeps his promise.

Ten minutes later, on the rooftop of the high-rise modern office building, the night watchman kicked the door of the corridor, holding the Bible in one hand and the desert eagle in one hand, and walked out.

"You're really slow, is the old one keeping you from moving?" Shen Ming, who was sitting on the edge of the rooftop, didn't look back, like "The doctor who was found to have leukemia after being abandoned by his first love, or a congenital hermaphrodite doctor, is not handsome I like the death of my parents who owed over 100 million debts, sold the kidney, bought the apple 5s, and the apple 6plus came out the next day.

"I always suspected that my trainees couldn't be so amusing on the way, thinking about it for too long and delaying time." The night watchman slowly came forward, and his dangling eyes watched for traps around him.

"Urban life is like this. No one can continue to do everything they can, and sometimes do something funny to be more like a busy city person. For example, to learn to play guitar for three months, after playing courtship , I found that the girl had been slammed by her roommate. "Shen Ming was so lazy to chat with his acquaintance.

"Do you want to teach me to be a man?" The night watchman sneered scornfully.

"No, I just want to ask the instructor for a drink." Shen Ming smiled and placed two glass glasses of whiskey beside him, and a bottle of the good "royal salute" whisky was opened with a slap.

"Remember the first rule I taught you? Snipers should stay away from strong alcohol, which is a poison that reflects our nerves and will kill us." The night watchman was puzzled.

"Unlike Nirvana, being born in the city, temptation and danger become more invisible. The beautiful wine is not interrupted, and the haze and pesticide residues threaten our lives. Drinking a milk can make you pee, and you have a cold. The medicine can also chew the smell of rotten leather shoes. How can there be so much attention? "Shen Ming smiled and poured two cups." Come, instructor, we have known each other for 10 years, but we have never had a drink together. Tianchaoren Pay attention to the three most important relationships, 'a trench carrying a gun', 'a woman carrying a female ticket over Nvchang', 'a cup to drink a box' ...

The female ticket Nvchang doesn't matter. It's a period of disapproval during this time. You should always try to drink? "

"You used the promise I gave you, just for this?" The night watchman sat beside Shen Ming with a sigh, and there was a urge to make friends accidentally want to jump down.

"I don't have anything to do with the instructor now. If I say you want to let Ayatollah pass, you will definitely be treated as fart. I might as well ask you to have a drink. We haven't seen you for more than a year. How does it feel to return to the city? Is there an observer with a beautiful lady or something? "Shen Ming raised his glass with a smile.

"Also, tonight I will confess it to your grind little goblin." The night watchman no longer held back, and put the silver cross in his wine glass, as if the golden wine was instantly transformed into holy water, "The country of Aragon is no better than the dynasty. There is no such thing as an observer or observation period. I am free."

"You are so cool." Shen Ming was filled with emotion.

"Speaking of a 20-year absence, the country of Aragon is also undergoing earth-shaking changes. The former desert has built a city, and the old villages have erected high-rise buildings. In recent years, it seems that everyone has stopped paying attention to faith, and everything looks at money. Xiang Hou. The people ’s life seems to be getting better and better. There will be no more selling daughters for a few meters, and girls will be able to go to school. ”For these changes, the night watchman is also watching in his heart, and the Bucky regime does not care. How bad and how many people have been killed, the vigil has to admit that the Aragon nation is moving towards prosperity and stability.

"Does it feel like you are in another world? Haha, when I first came back, I also watched the beautiful woman drooling." Shen Ming smiled badly.

"Don't compare me with you. I lament the change of the country, not the change of women's dress." The night watchman used to use the thick Bible to beat the deep head, which was how he used to teach the deep head in the past. of.

"Anyway, toast first." Shen Ming raised his glass.

"Why did you do it?"

"Just for all of us alive!" Shen Ming and the night watchman toasted with a smile, both of them drank, yeah, what could be more celebrated than alive?

"Have you killed Bucky?" Shen Ming sipped the wine, picked up the bottle and poured it again.

"Yes, 3 kilometers away, it's easier to shoot through the heart than I thought." The night watchman did not hide.

"How do you feel about revenge? Are you happy?" Shen Ming disapproved.

"Stupid apprentice, I have said many times that my killing is not for revenge, but for redemption, to redeem every soul that has been persecuted by them, so that the deceased can rest in peace. This is a transcendence of spiritual beliefs, and you Say, you do n’t understand, after all, you have no faith. ”The night watchman smiled.

"No, I have faith." Shen Ming filled his glass, looking at the night scene of the city, and drunk himself. "My belief is to protect the people I care about so that they can live happily. The power of one person It is limited, the arms are only that long, and few people can hug.

I'm satisfied to protect them. "

"Your belief is selfish."

"I want to protect you too." Shen Ming looked at the instructor beside him.

"It's called now, delusional. Why are you protecting me before you are strong?" The night watchman was amused.

"No, this is not delusion. It is the truth that I understand ..." Shen Ming sighed. "Actually, killing is killing, what is called salvation, and what is the whipping for the killing is just an excuse for you to deceive yourself. .

You can't forget the hatred of the genocide, and vowed to let the murderer experience your anger, but in the end, you will get nothing.

I was as angry as you. I saw the enemy who killed my parents. He not only killed my family, but even tied my sister tortured and became his killer.

I have enough opportunities to kill him, and even swallow him. But in the end I let go ...

People cannot hold the past to look forward to the future. Hatred is like the wine in our glass. It can only anesthetize our nerves and make us think that we can taste happiness as long as it is poured into our throat. In fact, it is just a false fantasy. . "

"What a philosophical argument, unfortunately, some people are so greedy." The night watchman sipped it with a smile.

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