God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 206: Tyrant Way

Chapter 206: The Way of the Tyrant

When Ayatollah was only 6 years old, President Bucky took her to the "Toy House" for the first time. His elder brother has been a frequent visitor to the toy house 3 years ago and will come here to play games almost every day.

For the toy house, the innocent little girl was full of fantasy, but when she was holding a teddy bear and entered this **** and mourning world, her gold and blue pupils stared like bronze bells and hugged tightly. The teddy bear was shaking.

In the roar of a prisoner who was burned by a red soldering iron, Ayatollah closed her eyes in screaming and crying, trying to escape, but was held tightly by Bucky in his arms. The gentle father is usually a devil Grasp her little head, and forcibly opened her eyes, let her see, let her listen, and let her feel the pain of the prisoner.

"Child, my loveliest child, look clearly, see what we are doing, feel our sin as a leader, and remember it.

We enjoy dictatorial power and wealth, wanton killings and tyranny, all of which are sins engraved in our souls.

One day, we will suffer thousands of times of such pain because of these things we have done. This is all the retribution we deserve.

The clothes on your body, the toys in your hands, and every bite you eat are in exchange for their blood and their lives. "

"Why? Why can't we be good? Dad is not like this, you should be the most kind and good person!" Ayatollah couldn't believe it.

"Of course, I can be a good and kind person, give kindness to the country, take care of everyone's feelings, and relax the law. But none of this can save our country.

Aragon is the most chaotic and multi-religious region in the Middle East. In recent years, the people have been sturdy and the firearms have been flooded everywhere. There has been no killing between sects.

Too easy, they will remind them of their differences. Only by suffering the same, and only by becoming victims, can they forget the differences in religion and treat us as demons.

This world does not need a savior, but a demon like ours.

Who is born to hurt similar people? Who has no mercy and mercy? We are equally kind, and sometimes we say to ourselves, that's enough, is it really necessary to do that? Is it necessary to kill them?

When such a voice appears in your mind, and you obey, you can only become a mortal, you can only save the person in front of you, but you cannot save the future kingdom. Bucky claims to be a war mad, killing the president, and those who can unify the chaotic land are not heroes. They are determined to be heroic. The way he uses to educate his children is also true and direct.

"But no matter how cruel the tyranny, there should be an end. A happy life should not just be a delusion. The bad guys will die. This is the same truth." Ayatollah, 6 years old, made this remark, Make Bucky smile attentively.

"Ayatollah, you are a hundred times stronger than your brother Mutrin. When I first showed him these, he would only say, 'I want to be a demon and protect my power. And you, "I have seen the future of the country." Bucky patted the shoulder of Ayatula's shoulder comfortably. "The so-called tyrant must not forget the responsibility of being a king in the cruelty, bringing wealth to the country and the people. Ultimate happiness is the responsibility of the King.

You, like me, will die in the revenge of the people, but I have destroyed the world, and you will put everything on track and set up a new country of Aragon.

This is your destiny that cannot be escaped. It is the brand of the blood of this Bucky family. Do it, become the best tyrant, surpass all curses and abuses, transform into the emperor, and bring this country to prosperity and prosperity! "

You ca n’t expect a 6-year-old child to understand his father ’s good intentions, but the gifted Ayatollah did not live up to his father ’s high expectations. After his father has swallowed the bitter fruits of his hatred, Ayatollah will also establish The plan for the new Aragon State came to the fore.

For many years, while his brother Mutrin was indulged in the joy that power brought to himself, Ayatollah was constantly laying out.

Only then did Multrin Gaoxin finally become president, but within two days, Ayatollah and the elders of 24 different religions of the Aragon nation forced the palace to peacefully change to a democratic election system or sever everything in Aragon. Army supplies oil pipelines.

Let Muterin live and die in this palace ...

In desperation, Mutrin also became a piece of chess for his sister's calculations, but he did not sit still waiting for the name of the president. His pursuit of Ayatollah and his active connection with the United States all worked to maintain the throne.

"Our country is changing. Although it is just the beginning, good things are already replacing bad things. The hereditary system will be permanently erased from our country. You can queue up to the polls and choose your own satisfactory president. There is our governing team.

In the near future, the parliamentary system will also appear in the country of Aragon. All parliamentary members cover all clan representatives in 24 districts, so that there will be no minority and majority in the parliament, and everyone will have a balanced power. If you want to get support, you must learn to compromise and exchange benefits for benefits. Ayatollah told a story of his hometown facing a group of diasporas who hated himself. "Education, medical care, law enforcement, and public service projects are simply religious infiltration.

The school only imparts correct knowledge. The hospital assists all patients only in a first-come-first-served manner. The law enforcement team enforces the crime according to crimes. There is a supervision department that specifically checks for fairness and justice. Public services are not treated equally.

The army will be separated from politics. All officers must be atheists. The muzzle is a mission to fight foreign enemies. It is by no means a tool to suppress the people.

You can use the procession to express your different views, but it must be a rally for legal application. All things can be discussed. Without privileges will be the characteristic of the Aragon nation. "

"What you said are just wishful thinking," Elder Majid retorted.

"Either delusion or display, if you do n’t dare to think, if you do n’t do it, how can you get it?" Ayatollah's question made Majid speechless. "The country is not my own country, nor is the country of Aragon. The back garden of the Bucky regime. All of us with blood of Bucky will eventually die under the judgment of the people. I am willing to be hanged on the highest flagpole of the country of Aragon on the day when democracy, fairness, justice and harmony are established. Yes, as long as I see that the happiness that belongs to this country is returned to you, what is my death? "

The 200-odd Aragonese nationals were stunned. They had never seen such a **** owner of Bucky who wanted death and hatred. Why could she say that she also shed tears? Why is she yearning for death? Why does she have to abandon her power? Why, obviously so hate, but could not help but believe everything she described?

"'I like the way you hate me and can't kill me' ... this is what Ayatula once said to me, and now I finally understand the meaning of this sentence. She may be the best in the world Mt, pulled a good hate. "Shen Ming sighed with a drink.

"Do you believe those ghost words? Those in power are willing to give up their rights to die?" The night watchman sneered.

"What's impossible? As a nirvana, wasn't I just to protect you from stupidly blocking bullets? Childhood education is like an instinct engraved in the bones. My father taught me to protect Others, his father taught her to save the country.

The point is not whether she will do it, but whether you want to believe it. Killing too much, sometimes people forget the beautiful things to look forward to. "Shen Ming is willing to believe.

"The wine has become unpalatable. There is no justice in my heart, and the direction of the country is not something a small person like me can think about. What I can do is just accept the will of God and send the Bucky family to **** for God's judgment.

Starting tomorrow, we will certainly become enemies again. "The vigil put down his glass, picked up the Bible and the desert eagle, and turned away.

"Hey, your ipadmini," Shen Ming shouted.

"Sent you, be a funeral." The night watchman waved goodbye, walked a little wavy, and seemed to drink too much.

"His **** princess, is your big love a hypocritical performance, or is it your inner cry? It seems that only if you are alive can you know the answer?" Shen Ming lay on the rooftop with a smile, looking at the ipadmini Scene picture.

In the end, the meeting lasted for 1 hour, from being arrogantly blown up to the overseas Chinese patiently listening to her, Ayatollah still has not resolved the hatred in everyone ’s heart, but it has made everyone learn to look forward to the day of return. .

Maybe not tomorrow, but as long as you can see the country of Aragorn in Ayatla's portrayal in your lifetime, it will be the happiest thing for everyone.

"Ayatollah, how do you defeat your brother's conservative regime? The military power is still in his hands until this moment. When you launch this revolutionary democracy comparable to you, you, and everyone who follows you How to protect yourself? "Majid asked in confusion.

"The torrent of history is not ak47. It can be blocked by armored vehicles. The train of change has been launched. Neither I nor Multrin can stop it. I urge you to remember your country. In the near future, when your homeland becomes you, When you want it.

I implore you to return to this land where we were bred and to build a strong country of Aragon together. "That's why Ayatollah was at risk of being assassinated and also wanted to attend the meeting.

"We will not forget our hatred for you, but we will also look forward to the world you describe. We can provide limited help to you, but that is only for the sake of democracy, not for your investment as president. "Majid expressed common views on behalf of everyone.

"With Elder Majid's words, I'm very pleased with Ayatollah. At the moment, I don't need your help. I just need your faith to tell every exile in Aragon. When to go home Almost there. "Ayatollah bowed his thanks, leaving the stage with blood and stains.

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