God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 208: Deal with Generals

Chapter 208 The Deal with the General

After waking up in a night, Linhai City turned into Syria, and armed patrols patrolled everywhere on the streets. The police cars flashing red and blue lights were not enough. Armored cars were already on the streets, away from the 99a2 master wanted by Shenming. War tanks are not far away on the street.

The imperial capital has identified a series of incidents in Linhai today as the most serious terrorist acts. At present, because no civilians have been killed, the incident is still in the unpublished stage.

The superior attaches great importance to this matter, and must ensure the safety of foreign guests at all costs, and also ensure local stability and harmony. This requirement is unreasonable. While letting you fight, let you not be too loud, so as not to make your neighbor sleep, and the child will have a college entrance exam tomorrow!

Director Zhao has n’t closed his eyes for 2 days. All the policemen in the city have been taken off for rest and are fighting on the front line. The front desks of major hotels in Linhai City are almost checked. Almost every guest staying in the city must immediately report to the police. The authorities report that all patrol policemen in the city can also squat two patrol officers, and the oldest rental houses in the old city have also been turned over.

No members of the death squad were found, but many fugitives wanted online were arrested, and more than a dozen old cases were cracked. Director Zhao can do nothing but ensure local stability and harmony. The work on the other side requires another person to work harder ...

In the early morning, when the sun had not yet risen, and the villa was still shrouded in fog, tactical camouflage clothing was worn between the treetops, and the face was smeared into the dark gray darkness. The mobile phone in his arms suddenly sounded and the number displayed was 1".

"I do n’t order any packages and do n’t want the products you sell. I do n’t buy stocks, I do n’t buy a house, I ’m not sick and I do n’t take medicine. I ’m born with bad luck. Please mail the court summons to my house. Do you have anything else to say? "Shen Ming opened up and magnified.

"Shen Ming, how many messy calls have you received?" The old man on the phone smiled helplessly.

"Who are you?" Shen Ming determined that it was not a boring sales pitch.

"You can call me 'General'."

"Nirvana contact person in the heavens?" Shen Ming was startled.

Nirvana camps often need to select special talents from all over the world to participate in the Nirvana plan. Naturally, it is necessary to establish contacts with the official authorities in various countries. Nirvana liaison is such a role. They are basically politicians of various countries and have one of the highest powers. Nirvana camps can attract the talents they want from all countries. They also need to deal with some difficult issues for these countries and build good mutual help and relations, all relying on these contacts.

The Nirvana contact in the dynasty was codenamed "General". Shen Ming had never seen it, but he knew that he could be exempted from the death penalty after killing 104 people. The new identity and the establishment of observers after returning to the city were "Generals" One-handed.

"Since it's easier to get to know and talk, Lin Hai is not quite up to date recently, all because of your instructor, Nirvana night watchman, and the squabble of the death squad.

Last night, 16 special water ghosts were sacrificed in the settlement work on them. Said the general sincerely.

"Don't put any **** on my instructor's head. He doesn't bother to kill these innocents, because your Water Squad can't find him at all." Shen Ming firmly believed in this.

"We are not arguing about this. I have found Kaos. He insisted that no one can deal with the night watchman, and he tried to recommend you to me, so you can become Princess Ayatollah's bodyguard.

I want to ask you, how long will it take you to resolve the battle? "The general desperately needed an answer.

"General, are you mistaken? I am a bodyguard and not a killer. My task is to protect Ayatollah's safety, isn't it to kill?" Shen Ming was amused.

"The heavenly dynasties did not have time to wait for their pranks again and again, and the big nations have to talk about everything, and this time is not a simple assassination. There are other countries' conspiracy and tricks in it, only success and no failure." .

"General, again, I'm just a bodyguard, not your soldier. Although he has his own national honor, he is not a patriot. You have no right to command me." This is Shen Ming's attitude towards absolute power.

"Sure enough, as Kaos said, you are a thorn. So let's treat it like a deal. If you can solve the problem within two days, the investigation of your sister's crime will never be investigated." What the general said was not Trading, but the threat of red fruit.

It should be known that not long ago, Shen Waner had a life lawsuit in the dynasty. Although no one had seen her, but as long as she started an investigation, she basically did not run. Moreover, all personal information of Shen Waner was fabricated by Shen Ming's help from the mouse, and there was no room for refutation.

"Are you threatening me?" Shen Ming's camouflage-filled face was exposed, and he could bear everything except that someone threatened himself with his sister.

"Listen clearly, it is a transaction. A transaction. No one can enjoy social welfare while not serving the society. This is the rule of the city and modern civilization. Say you have done so many businesses in such a long time, and your income is nearly 1,000. Ten thousand, have you paid half a cent of tax? Let the tax bureau check and you are going to jail me for a meal and dare to speak to me like this. "The general pretentiously said.

"Well, you won ..." Shen Ming knelt down, after all, power = Niubi, "But this deal is a loss for me. The night watchman is a sniper. It can have a small impact on society, but it is a death squad. These maggots are more fond of destruction. I have to deal with so many goals at the same time.

"You actually bargained with your motherland?"

"No, I'm bargaining with you, or do you want to represent the country?"

"Stink boy, use words to cover me." Even if you enter the army with great power, you dare not say that you represent the country, because the people who represent it are basically eating hard. The country is the people. Remember at any time. This, this is the way for those in power to survive, "Say, what do you want?"

"Permanent special gun certificate." This is something that Shen Ming has always wanted to do since he returned to China, because in the escalating security task, he has increasingly felt the threat of the disadvantage brought by the equipment gap, even this. The gun-allowing mission allowed by the state also caused him to bear more dangers due to the disadvantages of domestic equipment.

What he wanted was the equipment used by Nirvana to make Pluto truly called Pluto.

"It can be considered, but remember, within 2 days, I will dare to die from the earth forever." The general pronounced as death.

Offending a big country, this is the anger that the death squad should bear. Shen Ming believes that he is just a tool that happens to be in the hands of the general, but it is definitely not the only tool of the general.

Even without him, the general would have the means to make this group of beam jumping clowns disappear from the earth within two days. A great country is awesome.

"It seems that I must work more aggressively ..." On the treetop, Shenming sighed and sighed, untied the rope and jumped down from the treetop.

On this day, Shen Ming arranged an ancient town trip for Princess Ayatollah. It is close to the flowing water towns around Linhai City, and is the top ten tourist destinations in Linhai City. Of course, Ayatollah's planned itinerary here was not for sightseeing. In order to promote the culture of Aragon, she intentionally introduced funds from Aragon to build a Middle Eastern style street and the world's top amusement park here.

The 7-star hotel is a landmark building that spreads to the surrounding area, effectively absorbing the tourism resources of Linhai City and Liushui Town, and achieving the effect of quickly establishing the reputation of the Aragonese country in the Tianchao area.

The total investment will far exceed Fang Shiquan's deep-water port terminal project, and the construction period will also exceed 10 years. This project will also be subject to global bidding, and the segmented building belongs to another century-old project plan invested by the Aragonese country in Tianchao.

Shen Ming chose this flowing water town in order not to see its importance to Princess Ayatollah, but the coexistence of the ancient roads and waterways in this town, the complex landforms, huge traffic, and no excellent sniper point. However, Pan Da was able to dominate the scan of the entire town, basically stifling the night watchman's sniper talent in the cradle.

If you want to complete the assassination mission, you have to discard the idea of ​​long-range sniping and move to close hands. But melee ... Shen Ming's arm inhabiting the inverse scale was already hunger and thirsty.

"Listen well, today's action requirements are how to walk, how long to stay must obey my arrangements. There are many tourists in the flowing water town, and the ancient roads are complicated. Even if you do, you ca n’t use heavy weapons and firearms with mufflers. Not in the car, and carefully introduced the mission schedule in the crowd ’s headset. "Today, neither the assassins nor we would like to cause a stomping event, because once the riots are triggered, not only we may be injured ourselves, they will also be difficult to get out .

Today ’s theme is, ‘Run Wu Silent’. "

"Shen Ming, there is no sniper point today, where will you be?" Li Changxiu also knew the situation in the flowing water town and asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter where I am. What's important is that I have to keep track of where you are all today. Wear all communication glasses today. Remember to turn around and look around so that I can observe the status of your side." Shen Ming will not disclose this information. Yes, "Xiao Yi, your hand is not healed. Try not to shoot anymore. Give it to the stick Ouba."

"I'm fine." Xiao Yi said so, but the bandages wrapped around her hands had not been removed.

"Don't stand up, I will get it. I was found. Can't I just be a driver?" Li Changxiu drove back and smiled.

"Shenming, will you be by my side?" Ayatollah could not help asking.

"Yes, but you can't find me." Shen Ming smiled.

This book was first published from Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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