God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 219: Meng Qi's help!

Chapter 219 Wu Mengqi's Help!

Xiao Yi and Shen Ming had a long experience at dinner. It turned out that people can humble to such a degree ...

Like Wan'er said, she likes Wangcai very much, and will also give him food, and even feed him, but people and dogs can't share chopsticks, so Wan'er is thrown down from above like fishing. Huang Yibo had to raise his head and pick up with his mouth open. Xiao Yi quite had the illusion of going to the aquarium to watch a seal show.

Shen Ming also advised Waner, don't play like this, men have dignity. But Wan'er didn't even care about it, Huang Yibo had a pretty face, and gave Shenming nothing to say.

After their dinner, Huang Yibo took the initiative to take up the work, but Xiao Yi flatly refused, after all, others were guests. Waner reluctantly pulled Shen Ming to continue the Street Fighter challenge. This was for a free counterattack. Huang Yibo naturally became the audience.

In the end, Wan'er still regrets losing and throws the handle to Huang Yibo, who is annoyed, "Wang Cai, you!"

"I'm not very good at games." Huang Yibo said.

"If you want to go up and down, what so much nonsense?" Wan'er squinted.

"You come? Then I don't need to be used to the role, let me let you." Shen Ming smiled and chose Xiaobai instead, but chose Xiaohong → _ → Mama, these two characters have a hairy operation The difference!

"Then I'll choose this, right?" Huang Yibo manipulated the handle and chose a Japanese sumo, and his body was really similar to him.

"Can this role be won? Big idiot!" Waner lay on the sofa and stunned Huang Yibo.

At the beginning of the battle, Shen Ming had already acted like a god. All kinds of big moves were lost and lost, and there was no trace of his brother's release of water. Even Wan'er repeatedly lost in this set of skills. Strangely, Huang Yibo's operation is also super-sound, resisting small moves, dodging big moves, seizing the gap and sneaking in, and after playing the entire game in one game, he uses blood to win and lose. A little more blood than Shen Ming.

"Fake it?" Shen Ming was stunned.

"Too great, can you win with this sneak attack?" Wan'er looked so excited that she was about to jump up.

"Come again!" Three games and two wins, the second game began immediately.

This time Shen Ming even used the extraordinary response of the inverse scale arm. He was so sick that he was about to chop the handle, but it was still played in the whole game, and he was judged by the amount of residual blood. Yibo Sheng.

"Oye! Wangcai you are great!" Wan'er was so excited that he took Wangcai and kissed him on the fat face, and blushed Huang Yibo with apples.

"Hey, are you intentional? Raise your hand and show it to me!" Shenming looked solemnly.

"Smelly brother, do you want to lose your account?" Wan'er despised.

"What do you know, show me quickly." Shen Ming training.

Huang Yibo embarrassedly stretched out his hand and squeezed this big sister-in-law.

"There is such a dexterous hand in the world, the joint can be rotated 1.5 times as fast as ordinary people, and the tactile response is faster than ordinary people. The nerve signal of the brain controlling the finger is 3 times faster than ordinary people, and even faster than mine ... A little bit, "Shen Ming exclaimed," you are also a microevolution ?! "

"My brother also seems to know the theory of micro-evolution." This time, Huang Yibo was surprised. Instead, this is the taller name in the world research discipline. "In fact, I was gifted with data and manual operations since I was a kid, my father said This is a manifestation of micro-evolution, and from a young age, the ability to micro-evolution has been exercised with electric shock and various methods.

In fact, this ability can be strengthened through appropriate methods. "

Huang Yibo was extremely correct in saying that Shen Ming did not use the inverse scale to strengthen the strength of the zero body of the right arm, and upgraded it to zero body. It just didn't strengthen like a normal scientist from an early age.

When talking about the topic of technology, Wan'er was not interested to sit aside and play on her own. The conversation between Huang Yibo and Shen Ming also described her family situation.

He is a single parent family, and his father Huang Qiong is an expert in particle physics, but Shen Ming has never heard of the name. He is low-key, only engaged in his own research, rarely interviews, and does not publish research results. But Huang Yibo knew that Dad's research level surpassed the realm of traditional research theory for at least 20 years.

Huang Yibo has not been short of money since he was a child, and can be regarded as the standard rich second-generation, but his father has no concept of money and has been devoted to research. From a very young age, Huang Yibo must learn to take care of himself, which has also developed him to be good at Caring for men.

Huang Yibo is very talented in research and even surpasses his father in this regard, but he has no intention of taking the road of scientific research dogs. In his words, no matter how advanced the technology is, he must also use his talents to guide him on the right path.

Huang Yibo is determined to go into politics. At the age of 16, he already has a detailed career plan. Only by mastering power can he give science and technology the correct use, avoid waste of resources, and benefit the people.

This is an ambitious and capable boy. At least in terms of responsibility to the world, Shen Ming is ashamed.

Wan Er can make friends with such people, Shen Ming is also very relieved.

After a few hours of chatting in a house, a few hours passed. At 9 pm, Huang Yibo finally got up and went home, and everyone saw him off.

"Wang Cai, remember, come and pick me up tomorrow morning. I will have sausage powder for breakfast, remember to bring it for me." Waner commanded.

"Well, I won't forget." Huang Yibo was used to it.

"Are you so appealing?" Shen Ming flicked Waner's head.

"Did you not call me like this?" Xiao Yi, who had just finished packing, protested dissatisfied.

"In fact, I really envy Waner, your family atmosphere is really good." Looking at the happy family of three in front of him, Huang Yibo was really envious. "Although I live with my father, he rarely accompanies me. This kind of joke is all kinds of research content when talking. Sometimes when I encounter a tough period, I can say nothing for several months. Even on a business trip like this, I do n’t even let me make a phone call for half a month, so as not to affect his jobs."

"Wang Cai, are you sure you are biological?" Waner smiled.

"Okay, because I used to do a DNA comparison in the laboratory myself, 100% of my own son." Huang Yibo hehe.

"I was defeated by you, stupid dog." Waner approached Huang Yibo's chest.

When giving away, Shen Ming's cell phone rang, and it turned out to be the nickname of "Big Star", which was the first guardian goddess after Shen Ming opened the road to bodyguards.

Although Mengqi is very busy, she usually calls "harassing" Shenming when she is busy. Basically, it is trivial and trivial. What I do most is how unprofessional bodyguards around Tucao are now. live.

Sometimes, Meng Qi pretends to have been abducted, deliberately causing Shen Ming to be nervous, but every time she ends up in failure, Shen Ming can only judge the truth from the breath of her speech. Meng Qi regrets that she is a singer and not an actor .

"What's wrong, my superstar, want to talk about life again today, or talk about ideals?" Shen Ming turned and walked aside, smiling.

"Shenming ... Save me ..." At the end of the phone, Mengqi's voice was shaking, and tears were hanging from her eyes. She was hiding in the closet, looking at the scene in the bedroom through the gap of the pleated door. Several big men in black suits and leather gloves were searching the room. Their hands were stained with blood, which was a dream. Qi's bodyguard.

"Don't be nervous, tell me, where are you and what do you see?" Shen Ming's face was dignified for a moment.

"I'm in Hollywood, in the closet of my apartment. They have a knife, and I saw my bodyguard cut his throat, I'm so scared!" Mengqi almost cried.

"Don't cry, don't let tears cover your eyes, open the camera and let me see the scene there, and don't resist, no matter what happens, don't resist, and don't give up hope for survival.

I will save you, no matter where you are, I will save you. "Shen Ming assured Mantian Shenfo.

"Eh!" Mengqi nodded with tears and turned on the video call mode. A picture of a pleated door appeared on Shenming's mobile phone. Through the gap, she could clearly see that three big men were checking the room.

Just three seconds passed, a big man found the door behind the door, and opened the door.

Although she told herself not to cry a few times, Meng Qi was scared to scream. The big man grabbed her head and dragged the small girl out of the closet. The phone fell to the ground, just as Meng Qi was packed into a sack. One of the big men stepped forward and picked up the phone. He didn't smash it. He just closed the video and resumed the call.

Shen Ming listened to the long breathing in the microphone. He pressed the anger in his heart and said in English, "I don't know who you are? I don't know what you do to catch Mengqi? If you want money, please do it now Make an offer, if you die ... believe me, I will make every cell of you regret making such a decision.

No matter where you are, I will find you. "

"There are still 7 days to the festival, and good luck." The man on the phone replied in thick Russian, and the call was over.

"Shen Ming, what happened?" Xiao Yi walked in and found that Shen Ming was wrong, and came forward.

"It's going to be far away again, Xiao Yi, help book the fastest ticket to Luoshanji, I will get a visa for the visa." Shen Ming put away the phone and walked back to Huang Yibo who had not left yet. "Huang Classmate, I heard that there is no one in your family right now. It ’s a coincidence that my assistant and I have something to go out. Can I trouble you to take care of Waner during this time? ”

"Of course no problem." Huang Yibo has been doing this.

"Very good, then you go home quickly to pack your luggage. Starting from tonight, you will live here and stare at Wanwan." Shen Yi's words almost scared Huang Yibo.

"Isn't it ... with ... with?" Huang Yibo shouted in his heart.

"Hey hey, what are you going to do again?" Wan'er was dissatisfied. "It's not fair. Last time, you ran out to play by yourself, which caused me to be kidnapped. Now you go out again? Or Don't take me! "

"Don't make trouble, I'm not in the mood." Shen Ming looked back at Wan'er with a cold face and warned, at that moment, Shen Ming's whole body was about to kill, not against Wan'er, but the provocative kidnappers.

This book was first published from Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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