God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 225: I am also a hooligan

Chapter 225 I Am A Hooligan

Shen Ming came to Luoshanji to save people, but inexplicably became a private bodyguard playing the second generation of wealthy. Although it was only 3 days, Xiao Yi was still accustomed to such a development.

However, Shen Ming was more professional. He picked up Gatsby's schedule notebook, looked it up carefully, and asked questions to get more information about his security work.

"Do you have any enemies? Or competitors in the business, those who want you?"

"Hey, I'm the famous party master in Luoshan Rocky City. Bringing people happiness is my talent. Is it too late to love me? Why would anyone want to kill me?" Gatsby took it out of the luxury car's refrigerator After collecting the red wine, I poured a glass for myself, and looked at Shen Ming and Xiao Yi, "Do you want it?"

"I am driving."

"I'm working." Xiao Yi and Shen Ming spoke in the same tone at the same time.

Gatsby couldn't help but smile. The smile resolved the embarrassment, and continued, "As for the business ... I don't do business. The entire money was handed over to a trust fund to manage the investment the day I got the estate when I was 12 years old. I I don't know what they used to do, anyway, it will pay about 100 to 200 million dividends every year.

My job is to spend money. Every day I open my eyes, I try to spend more than 277,972 dollars, so that my country will not be affected by excessive deposits, which will cause economic decline and financial crisis. "

"Oh, you really are a good young man who is worried about the country and the people." If Xiao Yi wasn't driving, she would like to smoke this second generation.

"Your activity schedule is too full, there are a large number of occasions, and your life is too regular. For example, you have to go to the slum pizza shop early for breakfast, and the habit of dispatching in the slums has brought you high risks.

If I were a killer, just put some poison in the pancake or set up a sniper rifle along the way, and you're dead.

I will not help you change the schedule. Life habits must be disrupted. If you want to eat pizza in the future, you can call it a takeaway. You can choose a park with few people for a walk and stay away from high-rise buildings. "Shen Ming took the pen and drew it on the book.

"How boring is that life? The pizza will be cold." Gatsby frowned.

"There is something in this world called a microwave oven. In addition, since you are asking me, you must follow my advice, otherwise, you can get that bald head back." Shen Ming was cold and unfriendly.

"I see, please be happy with you!" Gatsby raised his toast in a smile, and tolerated his cool bodyguard.

Hollywood, one of Luoshanji's many city business cards, was originally a place surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery. It went out around the 20th century. It attracted a large number of photographers here, and gradually formed a movie center.

It has the world's top entertainment industries, such as DreamWorks, Disney, Paramount and other film spoilers, and has its own dedicated photography center in Hollywood. The scale is larger than that of US military bases, and its shooting technology level is also the highest in the world.

Xiao Yi often sees the beautiful street scenes in movies. Today, she can see it with her own eyes, and she feels much better than the movies. Unfortunately, there was no time to stop to walk the real Avenue of Stars. Xiao Yi followed the navigation and drove the car to the entrance of Paramount Studios Photography Base.

I thought this kind of photography place should be well guarded, and the three generations of Zhazu would release it. But the guard did not look at the license plate number of the Bentley car, and immediately opened the brakes to let go. He also ran out of the guard booth to salute the car.

Gatsby also shook his car window half-heartedly and threw out two tips for one hundred dollars.

"It seems that our Mr. Gatsby is a frequent visitor here." Shen Ming closed his travel notebook. Togatsby's, he had just seen Wolverine walking by the car carrying his cigar.

"Frequent customers are not counted, but the divorce party of the owner of the studio was organized by me, and I still remember my love." Gatsby's network in Luoshanji is evident.

"Thank you for divorce?" Xiao Yi was puzzled by this divine logic.

"I found a handsome guy to take a picture of his wife with him, and the divorce lawsuit cost him 200 million less breakup fees ..."

"The relationship is too great, and you are really cheap." Xiao Yi bluntly said.

"Thanks for the praise." Gatsby didn't get angry and smiled back.

Gatsby is going to visit class 16 in Studio 16, where the intensive filming of "Reunion 3" is underway. When Gatsby brought Xiao Yi and Shen Ming into the studio, Xiao Yi could not help but grow his mouth.

Everything here is like creating a new city out of thin air. The smell of smoke in the air is exquisite. The tense photographic plot is a plot in which the new supporting actress Lilian is rescued from the sea of ​​fire by Thor.

But the 16-year-old little girl has already been on the machine 5 times, making the crew of the crew extremely anxious. Hollywood is no more expensive than domestic movies. A few female protagonists wear a little more expensive clothes, sitting at the table and tearing them up, and finally they can make one in reconciliation.

Such a movie, even if 100 times on the machine, is just a waste of meals. Hollywood is different. In order to pursue the fidelity of the effect, the labor cost of the props used in each scene is calculated in units of 10,000. As in this part, the n machine is used 5 times, and the wasted funds have exceeded 300,000 US dollars. art.

"Enough! Lilian, will you act? How many times have I told you that before being rescued by Thor, his face must cling to his chest muscles, do you know where the chest muscles are?" The director was angry. He threw the director's tube in his hand to the ground.

"Director, I know it's wrong! But it's really difficult to hang it down!" Lilian was almost crying, her body in a long white dress was a little thin, her eyes flickered. It was tears, but for a while Shenming had the illusion of looking at Waner's blond version.

"I can't act and don't work hard! I told you to come to me and tell a show after the filming, you just don't listen! What does it mean to release my dove again and again?" The insignificance in the eyes of the director is self-evident and the staff around can only watch Look. Hidden rules are certainly not the patent of Tianchao. Well-known directors have long made such transactions their own bonus-like benefits.

"Director, this pose is really difficult. Why not change individual moves?" Thunder God came forward and said a fair word.

"Yes, yes, you are right, but for the sake of artistic effect, we can't always do everything right?" The director and Thor's big names immediately changed their faces, but the unspoken rules of mind have not let go.

"Each props group, go to re-arrange the props, and each staff member will rest for 20 minutes, then we will come again." The director waved the stick and gave orders.

"Oh, so many acquaintances are here, it's a coincidence." At this time, Gatsby came over from the dark with a smile, and Xiao Yi and Shen Ming, who followed him, were holding a dozen boxes of high-level pastries. These things have been bought for a long time in the trunk. "Come and come, you guys have a hard time eating a cake, take a rest!"


"It's Gatsby!"

"It's really him!"

"So handsome! Can I ask him for his signature?"

Gatsby's appearance made the audience rejoice. It seems that in the eyes of these staff members, he is a bigger star than Thor and Iron Man + Captain America.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time, where have you been lately?" Thor dropped the hammer and smiled and greeted Gatsby's chest.

"Isn't that just the dead house at home?" Gatsby said.

"Hey, hey, it's nice to see you. I'll be free tomorrow, can I have a party to play?" Iron Man came to say hello without taking off the armor.

"I'll call you tomorrow morning, but remember not to come over in that armor again, it's too shitless to have friends!" Gatsby reminded.

"Dead ghost, will you finally show up? Are you deliberately hiding from me?" The black widow wore a leather suit with a hip on her face, charming and charming.

"No, no, it's just busy, sister Sang." Gatsby apologized with his hands folded.

Everyone went to eat the cake after greetings, but Gatsby voluntarily walked in front of Lilian, who was alone and hurt. Suddenly everyone understood that rare customers like Gatsby were not there for them, and today's supporting role is destined to counter-attack to become the protagonist.

"What's wrong? Have you been scolded?" Gatsby stroked Lilian's blond hair like an older brother.

"I ... am I really not acting?" Lilian looked at Gatsby and finally couldn't help crying.

"Stupid girl, who likes acting girls? What the audience wants to see is your truth, just work hard to be yourself, you are so cute, everyone will like you." Gatsby raised her hand and went to Lilian. Tears in the corners of my eyes.

Lilian angrily hugged Gatsby tightly, but unfortunately not allowed to shoot on the phone in this field, otherwise tomorrow's headline will surely be Gatsby's new scandal.

"Rest assured, no one dares to bully you in the future with me. No one can do it?" Gatsby deliberately spoke very loudly to the director.

"That's for sure." The director echoed with a smile, and offend no one to offend Gatsby. This is the rule of high society. When his friends are singing every night, becoming his enemy is definitely more than just not having to play. The people he hates will naturally be completely isolated by those who like him, and then they wo n’t be confused.

"I've done the thing you asked for, but don't forget my brother, let's go!" Gatsby took Lilian and turned away in a whisper in her ear.

In fact, he and Lilian had only one side. At last night's party, the weak Lilian found Gatsby and wanted him to help him off the hidden rules of the disgusting director. She even prepared herself for dedication. . But Gatsby promised to help, just let Lilian have a drink with him.

Gatsby is also known as "Angel" in the world of entertainment. Whoever has trouble finding him will help as long as he can see him. In Gatsby's words, "I never make friends with him by any means, and he must be able to get along with me anyway."

"People like you are collectively referred to as 'Lei Feng' in my country ..." When he passed by, Shen Ming whispered softly, apparently a little more favorably to this young man.

"Do you think I'm a good person?" Gatsby wondered.

"Looking now, like." Shen Ming shrugged.

"Mr. Shen Ming is not young anymore, how can there be a wealthy good man in this world? You will know immediately that I am also a hooligan." Gatsby laughed so wickedly, turned into the darkness, and left this huge Photo studio.

This book was first published from Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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