God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 229: Love and kill

Chapter 229: Love, Kill, Love

The next day Shen Ming took over the security work, he pulled Gatsby out of bed at 6am, because he promised to accompany world superstar Angelina Judy to run in the morning.

Gatsby didn't know if he had brain drained to arrange such a trip, but Gatsby has a benefit that he promised things will never be broken, even if he does not like things.

After the morning exercises, the real work is not begun. Gatsby will personally choose drinks, taste meals, and make sure that the ice sculpture decoration is the Venus that he wants to restore 1: 1.

In fact, everyone who knows Gatsby knows that such a busy person generally does not organize the party to such a delicate degree. He has to hand over many things to his assistants. There are at least three specialized party companies in the city. More than a hundred professional celebration staff members make a living by connecting with Gatsby.

But this time the banquet was just like he said. Gatsby was in love, and everything was about pursuing the ultimate. At noon, Xiao Yi also went to the international airport and picked up a truck of nearly 10,000 tulips imported from the Netherlands for the purpose of decorating the venue.

And Shen Ming drove Gatsby to the largest imported liquor store in Quanshan, and had a rare lunch in a cellar-style restaurant.

"Mr. Shen Ming knows red wine?" Sitting on the sofa, then the light was not bright, and Gatsby was shaking the liquid in the glass to check the status of the hanging glass.

"Slightly understand."

"Well, let's have a drink together, too much, and my taste is numb." Gatsby was not exaggerated, and at least two different brands of red wine were on the table in front of him, although it was not a price It is rarer than gold, but the price of a single branch is not less than 1,000 US dollars. Moreover, for party use, Gatsby's order quantity will not be less than 200. This is why the market boss can let cover The reason why Zippi opened wine tasting at 50% off.

"Sorry, at work, not drinking." Shen Ming declined.

"Then you think of wine tasting as a job, we can't go anywhere without picking it out." Gatsby can always threaten or guide you with that smile and understatement, so you can't refuse His request.

"I really hate you a bit. If you are on the battlefield, I would like to let go of 10 tanks, and I must kill you first." Shen sat sighing beside Gatsby and took A clean wine glass was raised.

"How do you hate me if you don't like me? Human beings are such contradictory creatures. I haven't paid much attention to such differences. As long as they can sit together, they are friends." Gatsby took the initiative to pick up a branch The red wine just woke up was poured into a deep glass.

"I admit that Gatsby, you are special. I have never met anyone like you. Even religious leaders of African warlords do not know the field and play tricks better than you. I have always felt that people cannot help everyone. I like them all, but looking at you, I think you might be able to do this. "Shen Ming calmly, although Gatsby abducted himself as his bodyguard, but in getting along, he was still right The employer has a good impression.

"Thank you for the compliment. I also like Mr. Shen Ming as a person. Obviously you have the power to yield easily, but you still choose to abide by the rules to protect me in exchange for what I want. Too few people can do this. Gatsby gently cried with Shen Ming.

"Why did you suddenly have a taste of pretending to be mutually comparable? Chat other, what is your plan to drink?" Shen Ming asked.

"Are you particular about this?" Gatsby became interested.

"The wine before the killing with the enemy is as strong as possible; talk to friends about ancient and modern wine, the more mellow the better; the wine with your lover, the softer the better."

"Which kind does Mr. Shen Ming think?"

"You have tasted all the above wines, and you are not satisfied. You can only say that the person you care about is an enemy, a friend or a lover ... a complicated relationship, let me guess, your party tomorrow is a proposal party? The subject is ... k ... "Shen Ming sipped a wine and smiled.

"It's so smart. How did Mr. Shen Ming see it?" Gates admits it very easily.

"You can see the clues at the party last night. You are a casual person. You don't like things or people who will never waste time to entertain. But you obviously hate K's party so much. Happy, either cheap or love. "

"Actually, k didn't look like this in the past. She and I were friends with each other. They grew up together. In the days after my parents' death, my character became very weird and I didn't want to deal with people. Rebellious people only want to do evil things, all day trying to find a fight posture.

At the time when no one liked me, only she did not abandon me, she always taught me what is right and what was wrong, took me to church for worship, and took me to various banquets. I always deliberately cause trouble to make her ugly, so that her parents hate me, but stubborn has to take me to participate, otherwise she would not go.

That's it, I became cheerful, I also knew how to care about the feelings of others, and then gradually began to be liked. Everyone started looking for me to play, and I also started to help organize various banquets and became today's party master.

But after I was liked, she became jealous and even hated me. We all became competitive, and I do n’t know when it started. She no longer wears skirts, no longer likes men, and always has all kinds of girls around her.

I can't get used to it, I'll do whatever she likes, and eventually it will become even more intolerable. "When talking about the past that has never been said, Gatsby couldn't help sighing.

"You know this relationship, you still have to propose? Why do you die?" Shen Ming has seen many innocent reelings thinking that Bai Fumei will fall in love with her kindness, but she has never seen her innocence to pursue an enemy or a **** Girl, this is the latest trick ...

"This is something I promised her, maybe she has forgotten, but I must fulfill my promise." Gatsby wine tasting.

"What if it is rejected? Can the great Gatsby afford this person?"

"What can't be missed for her? But once you get to this step, it's hard to meet each other if you don't succeed. I think I will leave Luoshanji, study abroad, travel, or leave her Life? "Gatsby was so unconfident. Shen Ming also saw it for the first time.

The biggest regret in life is to owe love that should not be owed, and to love someone who should not be ...

"Good luck, just this one, the taste is as complicated as your relationship." Shen Ming picked a wine from a new winery in France from a pile of wine. The jerky was immature, and it was definitely a pile of wine. The most inferior and the most suitable for Gatsby.

"Thank you," Gatsby said sincerely.

At the same time, Xiao Yi, who had given the bouquet, began to run around the city to send invitations. Although the vast majority of people at tomorrow's party will be notified by phone, a small number of specially invited guests will need to send invitations in person.

"Well, I ran into a dog everywhere. Are you two sitting and drinking? Is it really unfair?" Xiao Yi sighed in the corridor of the 5-star hotel, looked at Gatsby's facebook homepage, and refreshed exactly Photos of drinking with Shen Ming.

Look at the invitation name on the invitation card is also weird-the heroine from heaven, obviously Gatsby does not know what the guest's name is? I only learned about the hotel where the guest stayed with the huge network.

Xiao Yi knocked on the door of the luxury honeymoon suite, and when she was preparing to repeat the formulated invitations, the girl who opened the door opened Xiao Yi's mouth.

"Waner ?!"

"sister in law?"

"Why are you here ?!" The two questioned at the same time.

The words then opened up. It turned out that Waner's unhappy brother left her and ran abroad, and she took Huang Yibo secretly to follow her all the way. Smart and cheerful.

"Well, you are so pathetic." Xiao Yi sighed while looking at Huang Yibo.

"It's okay, classmate Waner is very restrained ..." Huang Yibo interrupted his teeth and swallowed in his belly.

"Speaking of this Gatsby, I know that when I was 'working', his internal pricing was very high, almost reaching the value of a senior government official. But no one placed an order for him. It is difficult to imagine such a high class People don't even invite people to hate? "Waner played with a delicate invitation card.

"Waner, let's not go. According to the sister's point of view, your brother is also there, it's not good to meet." Huang Yibo also knows his deep temper, and if he meets Waner, it can be called a world war.

"Go! Why not? A world-class party, a rare opportunity to participate once in a lifetime, of course, to go to see. My brother is not a tiger, and I'm afraid he won't be able to eat it?" Wan Er ended his willfulness and looked forward. Xiao Yi, "I don't understand, why would you ask me?"

"I don't know the general content. It seems that you have educated a female star that Gatsby hates, and you want to make friends with you." Xiao Yi sighed. "I'm not in the business of your brother and sister anyway, I won't tell him when you come, wait for you to meet and settle yourself.

Waner, you ca n’t be too noisy, your brother is really anxious this time. The kidnapped was our two friends and the first girl to protect your brother after being a bodyguard.

She has helped your brother a lot, and your brother's love has not been paid off. "

"Sister Xiao Yi, in fact, you don't have to say good things to my brother. In my opinion, he is a big fool. If I had such a good girl companion, who would he still have trouble to other women? Ming Xiao Xiaoyi So good, isn't it enough to marry directly? Trouble yourself! ”Wan Yi said that Xiao Yi's face was red.

"What does Xiao Nizi say? My brother and I are just colleague relationships! I still have to leave in advance, you go out, pay attention to safety." Xiao Yi fled a bit deserted.

"Why does Sister Xiao Yi like Brother Shen Ming, but she is so afraid to admit it?" Huang Yibo also saw the entanglement between the two men.

"Fear of shame ~~ Wangcai, get dressed and we're out. We have fun tomorrow. We must buy a beautiful dress." Wan'er grinned and revealed her white tiger teeth.

"Buy again?" Huang Yibo's legs were frightened.

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