God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 241: Tears in the rain!

Chapter 241 The Tears in the Rain!

The rain outside the window was getting heavier and harder, and lightning mixed with the sky from time to time seemed like a storm was about to appear.

In the presidential suite of the high-end hotel, Waner was sharpening his knife. Two superalloyed Nepali machetes wiped out the flames on the electric sharpener, watching the fat man Huang Yibo shudder.

"Mr. Waner, what are you doing?" Actually, last night, when Huang Yibo watched Waner's blood back, he already knew that this girl was not an ordinary student who returned to study in China. He and she were two different worlds at all. , Leaving her should be the most correct and instinctive choice, but looking at Wan Er's back, Huang Yibo couldn't look sideways, always felt that the thin shoulders may need their own guard.

"Wang Cai, my brother and I only lived together for 6 years. When I was 6 years old, my parents were killed by wicked people. I was also abducted to Laos. Ten years of training made me one of the best killers in the world. . And my brother was also charged with the felony of murder for revenge against his parents. He was forced to join a Nirvana plan and returned to the city after 10 years of fighting in the blood of the dead mountains. He became the bodyguard for the first time. He talked about his family affairs to Huang Yibo, "The two brothers and sisters were reunited only ten years apart. This is a more miracle fate than a miracle.

I have been indifferent for ten years, recognized the thief as a father for ten years, and had been in sin for ten years. I already knew that I was wrong.

To this day, I just want to relive the dull life with my brother, even go to school, and I feel happy to meet you.

I only have such a big brother. Although stubborn, strong, and dead-headed, he hurts me more than anyone. When I need help most, he will definitely stand in front of me to protect me.

But also because of his stubbornness, sometimes he was very pious and couldn't handle the troubles he encountered properly. At this time, it was time for my younger sister to help him solve his worries.

No one can take away the happy life that belongs to me, even if it kills everyone in the world, I will spare it. "The knife was sharpened, Waner got up and put it into the scabbard hanging from the waist. She wore a long red windbreaker on the outside, and she could not see the knife at all.

"Wangcai, you are free. You are no longer my dog. You can go now. I will never get angry or bother you. Even if I go to school, I will sit in another place.

You are really good, except for my brother, I never believe that there are men who know me so well. I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to cheat you, now you know everything, so leave me and wish you happiness ... "Wan'er stepped past Huang Yibo.

One more step, their world will return to its own track again. Huang Yibo is still a good student with excellent academic performance, Waner is still the ultimate killer with killing skills.

But Huang Yibo was holding Waner's hand at this time.

"..." Waner turned back in surprise.

"Tell me ... are you going to kill, is it a bad guy?" Huang Yibo asked with courage. "Are you going to end, is it a bad guy who cannot be sanctioned by law?"

"Wang Cai, why are you doing this?" Wan'er shook her head and sighed. "Good girls abound, why must we be entangled?"

"Because I don't want to ... I don't want to leave you, maybe I can't help it, even if I can only pick you up and go to school, even if I can only serve you as a errand for lunch, even if I can only eat what you hate as a trash , Even if you can only be called into one's wealth.

I don't want to leave you either, no girl ever made me want to follow so much. There are thousands of good girls in the world, but none of them will make me willing to be a rich man. "Huang Yibo finally completed his first confession in this life. His first love, like all the young boys, was at the same table, but his same table was a killer.

"Stupid dog, have you got your head caught in the door? I worship so much, you like this bad heroine, are you a masochist?" Wan'er's joy turned into a smile on her face.

"You haven't answered me yet, is it the bad guy that will end you?" Huang Yibo has pulled his lower limit to the lowest level, and he was so afraid that Wan'er answered no.

"Stupid Wangcai, I'm a good person now, of course, the worst bad guy that ended by me!" Wan'er stepped forward, raised her toes, and gently kissed Huang Yibo's forehead. "This is for you Reward for loyalty, obediently wait for me to return home, everything after today will pass, we will go home tomorrow. "

Waner then made her own dog and turned away from the presidential suite. What she was going to do could not be traced. After all, she was one of the best killers in the world, and she did n’t even know how she really worked.

On the other side, just before Wan'er set out, the enemies on the stone bridge in front of the castle revealed their strong intentions to kill.

The heavy rain poured down, letting the searchlights on the long shore of the bridge emit a lot of steam, like turning the castle into a city of clouds in the sky.

Over 100 high-ranking killers in the audience occupied various advantageous positions. They watched the two on the bridge, silent and silent, only the sound of rain, a suffocating depression filled the audience.

Suddenly, a thunder struck the lightning rod on the top of the tower behind the castle. Shen Ming and the peacock were like the fighting machine whose switch was pressed at the same time. Dragon's Fangs.

The two ultimate fighters rushed at each other, the scene of boxing attacking, boxing and defending, every impact burst into fierce sparks. Inverse Scale Dragon and Black Unicorn are attacking each other like two beasts.

On the contrary, Shen Ming and the Peacock turned into mobile turrets, exerting their maximum power.

The inverse scale dragon screamed, and the rain line that was slammed into the air by the sound wave attack wanted to spread and fly around. The black unicorn engine was fully opened, and the formed air explosion sound shook the deformed rain line back to the ground.

The dragon's head turned into a knight's lance, and Shen Ming struck forward for 3 consecutive rounds. A huge pothole was poked out on the ground, and the gravel and the peacock flew up to a height of 2 meters.

"Come on!" The peacock's black unicorn held a hard piece of gravel in his palm, and threw it in the direction of the sinking, accelerating like a cannonball.

Shen Ming's backflip dodge, the ground on which he set foot just now was blown out of a deep pit with a diameter of 2 meters, and the air wave pushed him out 2 meters before landing again.

Shen Ming resumed the claw stance of the inverse scale arm, and rushed forward by sliding on the ground. The devil claw slipped over and shoved a lot of water on the palm to the palm.

I just came to the peacock in the ground, and flew up and grabbed my head, but was blocked by the black unicorn in a half space, but the claws stopped, but the water in the palm hit the peacock's face like a cannonball, forcing it The guy closed his eyes.

Shen Ming kicked his knee directly to his forehead with one stroke, but just before hitting it, he was peacocked down with his mallet and knocked his foot back to the ground. His instep was sunk into the brick ground.

"Don't I know you?" The peacock closed his eyes with a sneer and sneered at the deep side ribs.

3 The ribs broke in response to the sound, Shen Ming was hit and flew out, gliding a few meters on the ground before stopping.

"Do you really understand me?" Shen Ming smiled lightly, with a grenade bolt hanging between the index finger of his left hand, and the grenade was at the foot of the peacock.

Shen Ming compelled him to close his eyes, not for a sneak attack, but to play more.

A loud bang made the bridge trembled and swayed, and a large hole was created at the foot of the peacock. Although the peacock fled out at a high speed, it was also embarrassed that it was blown up.

"Bastard!" The peacock retorted in anger.

"Without you asshole!" Shen Ming stood up again, supporting the ground with inverse scales.

"Shenming, I admire you for being a good opponent, but you must also die." Peacock's black unicorn split a dozen openings, and the full-open engine turned the entire arm into a black hole, rain and air falling all around All inhaled into it, so that under a heavy rain for a while, there was no rain on his shoulders.

"I'm finally going to use it, my masterpiece! Steam cannon !!!" Ito Tomi, who was watching aside, was inexplicably excited.

I saw the peacock pulled out a baseball-sized transparent glass ball from behind and held it in the palm of the black unicorn. A large amount of steam was poured into it by the steam evaporated by the engine. The superheated steam was as high as 600 degrees, and the glass sphere became red after burning. .

"Who can miss such a good target?" Shen Ming took out the interventionist behind him, alas! Huh! Huh! Fired.

Strangely, but at a distance of 10 meters, with zero body blessing, Shen Ming shot an empty magazine, but none of the bullets hit the peacock.

As soon as the bullet entered the strange circle where the peacock pumped water, the complicated air flow made the warhead fly around his body, and he could not even scratch it.

"Hey, hey, it's irrelevant to open up!" Shen Ming had just replaced the new magazine, but the peacock had already stored energy.

"It's over, Shenming." The peacock swiveled 360 degrees and projected the red glass ball, faster than the cannonball. The rainwater along the way was evaporated by this lightball. Shenming didn't even have the chance to dodge. The inverse scale arm was hard-wired.

The glass ball exploded after hitting his sharp fingertips, and the red shock was like a fierce beast biting his inverse arm, shattering all the black scales.

Shen Ming flew upside down again and fell heavily to the ground, his body smoking white smoke. Looking at his immortal inverse arm, it has disintegrated to lose its original brilliance, and quickly faded to restore the normal state of the human hand. The red skin was like steamed.

"Oh ..." That powerful internally drawn energy, so Shen Ming exhausted all he could only say this word.

"The old bald donkey is hiding again. The old peacock didn't have this kind of cruel ability." In the audience, Canary was ashamed.

"These two are obviously working for women, God knows how many days and nights they have been sneaky?" Phoenix despised.

"Hey, what if that kid hangs up?" Canary asked softly.

"Of course it was a tear with the peacock, do you want to be a dog for him?" Phoenix sneered.

"Of course not. I'm so beautiful and I'm a dog? Is he worth it?" Canary's hand holding the katana also rattled.

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