Chapter 246: Resentment of the Giants

Shen Ming got married, Xiao Yi said she didn't care if it was all a lie. Although she clearly knew that this was a mission need, and she could become a billionaire overnight, Xiao Yi was still uncomfortable in her heart. She looked at Shenming as if she had broken shoes, and she called her mother to cancel the night. Plan to go home for dinner.

Shen Ming also remembered Yi ’s mother ’s roast chicken, but Xiao Yi just looked down on her face, “How do you tell me to go back now? Mom, this is someone ’s husband Shen Ming, I ’m his junior, but it ’s okay, he ’s going to divorce. Then, I successfully picked up a pair of broken shoes, hehe. "

"In other words, I have given you all the small money. When do you want to mind?" Muttered Shen Ming dissatisfied.

"What is 20 million? When you give me all the rest, I won't be angry." Xiao Yi grinned.

"Then you still hate me → _ →"

"Get off!"

Because he has taken over He Shixin's work, now it takes time to make a pair of calibers, and by the way, to understand the internal conditions of her wealthy family, so He Shixin directly returned to the luxury suite of the Olympic View Hotel and moved his luggage back to the Shenming family. .

"This young lady's luggage ... maybe too much ..." Xiao Yi and Shen Ming helped out in the past. There were actually four full-inch boxes, each weighing 50 kg. There are 2 sets of toiletries, so much so that even the nail care equipment is complete.

As a wealthy lady, you must always pay attention to your image and deal with various occasions, and these things can only be regarded as basic equipment. In He Shixin's words, even more exaggerated ladies will carry a make-up car, 2 makeup artists and clothing collocation divisions, and the lineup is far more ill than He Shixin.

On the contrary, Shen Ming feels that Fang Yuan, who is also a young lady, is not so troublesome. She just cares about the most expensive purchase and can't eat low-quality food. Unlike He Shixin, she is educated as a lady and stays elegant at all times. It is a dogma integrated into DNA, and it must not be forgotten.

Dinner was cooked by Shen Ming, and Xiao Yi was responsible for buying the ingredients. Since I have received a small amount of money, I ’m really embarrassed not to make a good meal. Shen Ming ’s Australian lobster, salmon bream, half-meter long saury… … It took thousands of dollars to buy these alone.

"By the way, will you do it?" Xiao Yi, who was down in the kitchen, worried.

"Try it." Shen Ming smiled mysteriously pretending to be mysterious. Finally, when a dish was out of the pot, Xiao Yi was also amazed. Shen Ming's cooking skills were not lost to the star-studded chefs of the Olympic Games. The material control is accurate to the unit of seconds and milligrams, especially that extraordinary knife skill is as magical as watching a movie. Shen Ming was able to completely disassemble the fish bones from the fish's body without destroying the integrity of the fish.

"Rely on, your cooking skills are so good. Why didn't you show them before?" Xiao Yi knew that Shen Ming would cook, but thought it was just a side dish. I didn't expect the craft to be so bad, and the precision of the sniper was also used by him. on.

"Don't you become a free chef if you don't show it? Are you really stupid!" Shen Ming said.

"Do you think you don't need to be a free chef after showing it now?" Xiao Yi looked like she was dying.

"I have money in the future. I hired 3 chefs to make tricks for you in turn, and still cook with me? Are you stupid?" Shen was so confused, as if the remaining 100 million rewards had already been talked about Got the same on his account.

When Shen Ming almost finished the meal, Waner rushed back early, knowing that there was something delicious and she was not late. It is a pity that Wangcai would not have this blessing if he had to go to the tutoring class of the head teacher.

Looking at a large table, and then looking at He Shixin who was sitting at the table, Waner wondered, "He Shixin? Why is the young lady of the He Group here?"

"Do you know me?" He Shixin was a bit surprised. Although he was also a celebrity, he rarely appeared on TV and behaved in a low-key manner. Basically, except for high-class society and deliberate kidnappers, there were few people who could recognize him at a glance.

"Of course, I know, I will bear the first thousand of the world's most expensive people, don't care, this is my occupational disease." Wan Er's way of explanation, He Shixin did not understand, "Can anyone explain it?"

"Call him Auntie, your brother and other people even rip off the marriage certificate." Xiao Yi said to the table.

"Fuck, has my brother finally sold himself?" Waner said excitedly.

"Don't say that, it's just the task." He Qixin felt embarrassed.

Finally sitting together to eat, He Shixin also talked about the situation at home. Today's He Group does not say that rich countries can be rivals. It is no exaggeration for the He family to control half of the purchases and sales in Omen.

He Hong, the founder of the He Group, began his career in the 1980s. From his successor to sell fish and eggs, he became the head of Omen's largest gambling hotel at the time. His legendary story is enough to write several urban novels. As a result, it has a better reputation as a "king of gamblers".

To this day, the He Group has developed into a rare behemoth in the world, with business tentacles in almost all walks of life, and overseas investments are as good as gains and losses, but Omen, which is the birthplace of the He Group, is even more so called "He Family" World ".

Its main business is divided into: onshore gambling industry; entertainment service industry; maritime gambling industry; city-in-land industry; catering industry.

He Hong's 5 children are responsible for the 5 major sections, and the oldest son, He Chen, is responsible for the land-based gambling industry, which accounts for the largest individual shares of the group, and is also the chairman of the board and the group's chief executive;

The second son, He Yan, is responsible for the gambling industry at sea. It has 4 gambling boats, different from his elder brother. The second child likes to interact with the **, playing the taste of the elder brother. Omen's biggest green dragon gang is under his control. deny;

The third son, He Gu, is in charge of the entertainment service industry. To put it bluntly, it is all kinds of clubs, saunas and massages, but it can't work on the countertop, but the profit is also leveraged. In the high society that loves to play, He Gu's face is higher than that of two big brothers Wider

The so-called urban real estate industry is not actually the development of real estate, but a large amount of land and business districts acquired by the Ho Group in the early years. The turnover is annual rent. Compared with other businesses, it has more stability and has little room for development. This woman gathered arrogance, arrogance, domineering, careful attention to various negative evaluations throughout her life, and was nicknamed "chartered wife" on the island. Of course, this can only be called in the back of the ground. Whoever dares to call this in person is looking for death;

He Shixin ’s fifth uncle—He Qi is the youngest of 5 brothers and sisters. He was 12 years old when he was 4 years old, and he was just 36 this year. It can be described as the fifth old diamond king. Many women who dream of marrying a wealthy man have used him as Over fantasy objects. However, it is known within the family that He Qi does not like women and prefers male faces. This habit makes his relationship with his father He Hong extremely poor. In the words of He Hong, "Even if the family affairs are lost, the group returns to the state, A day when He Qi will not be in power! "

He Qi didn't care. The catering industry he was in charge of was eating and drinking all day long, playing a noisy life, living a leisurely Yunhe Crane life, only looking at the accounts once every two months, and it was him who wrote only one sentence "good" at the end of the year.

"Hearing you say so many uncles of the previous generation, don't you have an older brother and sister in this generation?" Xiao Yi wondered.

"You don't know this." Without waiting for He Shixin to explain, Waner took the stubble while holding the lobster. "The surface of the He Group is calm, but the internal power struggle has never stopped. He Chen is smart, The power to turn the tide into power has always controlled the group's maximum discourse power and dominance.

The following younger brothers and sisters are not fuel-saving lamps except for the fifth child who has no intention of competing.

The power struggle of this generation has not yet been separated, and no one wants to involve their children in it. So many of He's descendants moved overseas, and some people never even visited Omen. "

"This little sister knows us well? Where is your intelligence?" He Shixin was surprised, even if many high-class people can't know this.

"Gossip is my hobby." Wan'er smiled and said, "Her killing is her interest."

"Actually, I do n’t know how many cousins ​​I have. The second and third uncles are both lovers of play, and their wives are changed every day. Many interested people have relationships with them and earn children support. Fourth aunt also loves to play, but he hates children most and has no children under his knees. As for Uncle Wu, I said just now that he likes a very special direction and naturally has no children.

In comparison, my family is the most normal family. My father only took one marriage. My mother and father have been loving each other for 24 years. Only my child is my grandfather. Righteous, leaving most of the family's business to be managed by his father.

But who can think of ... "Later, He Shixin remembered his father's tragic end and could not help but be hurt.

"I understand. It seems that your family is very concerned about the next generation's insertion into the power struggle of the previous generation. Your sudden marriage to fight back for power is a common enemy for your uncle. Probably just describe your current state? "Shen Ming looked at the" wife "on the opposite side, and sighed," Honestly, are you afraid? If the murderer is really for the shares in your father's hands, you come out to fight It will also become a prey. This is not a quarrel within the family, it will really be dead ... "

"Fear, I'm really scared." He Shixin said with tears in his eyes. "But I'm more afraid that my father died unclearly. No matter what the end result is, I must know who did it and let him pay the price!" "

"I have a good look and I'm honest. I like it." Shen Ming smiled lightly. "Rest assured, since you have spent a lot of money to hire me, I'm not just hanging out the display of 'husband''s name, there is me, no matter the killer No one can harm you.

And I will help you investigate the truth and do my best. "

"Thank you," He Shi said sincerely.

"Don't say thank you, you've given money, everything is the" service "you deserve." Shen Ming will always be that customer-oriented attitude.

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