God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 259: An animal

Chapter 259: Carrying an Animal

God is fair. In fact, he has given everyone a wealthy opportunity, but each person's attitude toward the opportunity is different, and different results appear. During the reform and opening up, some people refused to let go of the iron rice bowl, and at last they were laid off and had to let go. Some people voluntarily gave up the enviable job of 10,000 people, resigned and went to sea. After suffering, they successfully listed on the NASDAQ.

In the face of frustration, some people choose where to fall and where to lie down. Some people become more frustrated and start from the vulgar advertisements of the grandfather and grandmother's square dance.

Shen Ming believes that this is his closest opportunity to being rich. Although he has seen the black gangsters and black gold swallowed privately, it is not like the banknote in front of him, it is clean and can be taken away.

How many people can still breathe normally in the face of two cubes stacked with banknotes? How many people can keep their tongues straight and talk?

"Aunt, our sincerity is really here." He Xun slaps on the sturdy banknotes and laughs. "Although He Xuan is a man of his life, but for the first time to make friends with so much 'sincerity', But you, worth this number. "

"The second uncle really deserves me." Shen Ming stood up with a smile and strolled to the Qianshan. "I don't know how the second uncle made me a friend. What can I do for you?"

"Oh, I only buy you a word." He Yan raised a finger and said, "Admit to the media that you and He Shixin are falsely married."

"Good guy, if I say this, no matter whether I'm married or not, I'm destined to divorce, right?" Shen Ming took a deep breath.

"What are you afraid of divorce? With this money, how many beauties in the world are not rushing to be your wife? At that time, if you change one day, you feel uncomfortable like three meals, and there are no problems changing three days a day. I said, I have more girls on my hands! "He Gu, the third uncle, patted his breast and promised.

"Marriage in a high society is a business. What is so-called love, but a lie used by the poor to tie up the other half. Once the salty fish turns over, isn't it derailed, out of the wall?" He Fang's face Despise the road.

"You all make good sense, I was speechless." Shen Ming picked up a bundle of banknotes and shook them in his hands. The light notes of the new banknotes were also intoxicating. But it was good to smell it, and Shen Ming put the banknote back again, "But no matter how reasonable you say, there are three thousand weak water, so I only take one scoop.

I'm making a lot of money from a few uncles, sorry. "

"Hey, are you a fool? What can that woman give you? At most it's only 100 million, and I have ten times as much money as her. Do you think she really loves you? She just uses you as a tool for power and profit It ’s no different from jumping eggs. It ’s not like throwing a trash can when you ’re finished. Are you really going to wash and use the jumping eggs that have been used by giants? Do n’t dream. ”The second uncle did n’t believe anyone in the world would Money is indifferent. In his philosophy, if you have money, you must kneel to the uncle!

"I can only bring her happiness once. Why not make a discarded jumping egg?" Shen Ming said without any speculation. "I have a great time today. Thank you aunt for your hospitality. Table The money left it on the table, and I was penniless anyway when I came.

Before you leave, I would like to advise you that people will die for wealth, birds will die for food, and you will be forced to play as much as you want, so don't be overly concerned.

If I played the game, I would restart the game with my rules. "

"Your rule? What's that?" Sangu He Gu asked curiously.

"Never allow anyone to hurt my employer, dare to shoot ... you must chop your hands." Shen Ming put his hands in his trousers pockets and looked back and smirked, so that the three uncles and aunts could not help but be surprised. Just kidding.

When Shen Ming walked to the entrance of Junlin Hall, the dog that had been silent for a while suddenly blocked the door.

"This friend, meet again, can you let it?" Shen Ming greeted politely.

"Boss, didn't say to let you go." The dog was still ordered to act, even if the order was to let him die.

"Don't force me to do it? I'm dressed in red, but I'm not afraid of getting blood on it." Shen Ming chuckled.

"Dog." The second uncle waved his hand and motioned for him to step down.

"Thank you." Shen Ming turned back and nodded his thanks.

"Boy, don't say I haven't given you a chance. Since ancient blessings haven't come together, misfortunes haven't been done alone. Blessings can't be enjoyed. Everyone can just walk around and see." He Xuanmu revealed fiercely.

"Second Uncle, you and I are two people from different worlds, don't enter my world, it's a world where you can't buy any more money for more money." Shen Ming waved goodbye and said this, Benevolence is righteous.

Shen Ming is not vengeful, and he understands the code of conduct for these wealthy children to use their money to pave the way, but trying to kneel themselves with money is a bit ridiculous.

"Second Brother, this boy is too shameless." His uncle He Gu couldn't stand it anymore.

"If you don't give face, don't give it. He doesn't take the money. Naturally, some people are willing to take it, but if someone else takes it, it will be someone else's head." He Yan smiled.

While Shen Ming was accompanying the aunts for entertainment, He Shixin who was in the meeting room was inexplicably nervous. She is not stupid. Of course, she knows what the second uncle did to pull Shen Ming away. Although Mr. Shen Ming is a good person, Fang Yuan also promised that Shen Ming is not a bodyguard who will betray his employer for money. Aunt's shot can't be judged by common sense.

In front of Qian Shan Jin Hai, how many people can maintain their own nature? This is an unknown in itself.

He Shixin was in a bad mood and didn't even want to go to the guest's greetings. He came to the terrace of the banquet hall with a glass of red wine and watched Omen's night view alone.

"Xin'er, I haven't seen you for a long time, the longer and the more beautiful you are!" Suddenly, a younger brother came to her, greeted softly with his back against the fence.

"Yan Kai?" He Shixin looked at the younger brother beside him and was startled. "Why are you here?"

"Just, my grandson's son, who wants to come to such a high-end party, how can anyone not ask me?" Yan Kai laughed scornfully. "It's you, but I haven't seen you for 2 years, but you got married? I don't understand What's so good about that kid? No money for money, no power for it, is it possible that he is working **** his bed? "

"Yan Kai, everyone is a man with a head and a face. Please pay attention and don't be so embarrassed!" He Shixin said with displeased expression.

"Oh, yes, you set a shelf for me when you were married. At first you were so shy in my arms, but now you scold me." Yan Kai sneered, "Sure enough, the new one is better than the old one, a little affection I did n’t talk about it. How can I be your first love lover, how can you be a lover? "

"Shameless!" He Shixin raised his hand and drew it to the man in front, but his hand was caught by the man in the air.

"Well, I have been sleeping with so many women throughout my life, and I have always been upset about not being able to take your blood. Although you have been opened by others now, I am not disappointed, and you can still have fun if you have the chance. Well, let me think, what is this called? Yes, 'to understand the suffering of Acacia'! See, I will use ancient poetry! "

"Let go!" He Shixin worked hard to pull his hand back, but He Yankai gripped so tightly that he even made his wrist hurt.

"Don't be so talented. Since you are married, you should be more open. In high society, marriage is a shit, everyone plays each other, and your husband should be used to it. You know, the strength of my family, to your family How much help, I heard that you didn't want to compete for the position of chairman? I can also ... oops! "When Yan Kai was so proud, one ear was choked by Shen Ming.

"Friend, my wife told you to let go, did you not hear with long ears?" Shen Ming said quietly.

"You **** look for death!" Yan Kai threw away He Shixin's hand angrily, and slammed his elbow back to the deep face door.

"Practising your family?" Shen Ming felt a little surprised. From the perspective of Yan Kai's shot, this is not a general martial art, but a fighting and killing method used by the army. It seems that Yan Kai has a good foundation and speed and strength. OK, but in front of Shen Ming ...

With a small smile, Shen Ming blocked Yan Kai's attack with just one flick of the hand. The boy was unwilling to give up, and turned and kicked his feet to half, and was pressed back by Shen Ming on his knees. on the ground.

In more than ten seconds, Yan Kai made 10 moves, all of which were combat techniques used by the military, but he didn't hurt Shen Ming, and he couldn't even get rid of the fingers holding Shen Ming's ears.

Yan Kai was panting, her right ear had been torn open, and blood had flowed around her neck.

"Animals are born! Do you know who you offended?" Yan Kai exclaimed.

"Of course I know, an animal is born." Shen Ming smiled slightly.

"What a big dog! Dare to scold me! Some kind of let go of me, you must kill you today!" Yan Kai growled.

"Really?" Shen Ming didn't believe it, and really let go of Yan Kai's ears, and the boy's firepower started to start.

Ten seconds later, there was a loud bang, and the toughened glass door connecting the terrace and the banquet hall was penetrated by one end, and Yan Kai with blood on his face rubbed and rubbed on the smooth floor, sliding for 2 meters before stopping. The terrible appearance scared the guests around and quickly flew away, and watched by the way.

Passing through the door with only the door frame left, Shen Ming stepped on the glass shard, and no one crouched beside Yan Kai, "Friend, I don't care what your relationship with Shixin used to be, now she calls me With a husband, I have the responsibility to protect her. I care about whether you are a dragon or a tiger, and I must maintain the most basic respect for my wife.

The next time I let you see you make her unhappy, I'll let you disappear from this earth, understand? "

Shen Ming said as she wiped the blood off her fingertips in Yan Kai's white suit, ignoring the frightened faces of others.

"Shenming, I remember ..." Yan Kai said wryly.

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