God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 272: The Butcher and the King of War

Chapter 272 The Butcher and the King of War

They are all experts, but Shen Ming can only glance at the man in front of him. Although his straight flight attendant uniform is very formal, he can't cover his mastery.

Shen Ming didn't get up, but instead wondered about the "empty little" who was about the same age as himself, with a simple flat head, a sharp and handsome look, and a 180 figure, which made the sturdy body thin.

"Where do you work? The military? Police? No no no ... They can't learn such awesome hard qigong there, I understand, Zhongnanhai bodyguard, right?" Shen Ming said.

"Sorry, I can't answer your question." Air Young kept smiling.

"So tell me your name, at least?" Shen Ming couldn't help it.

"Sui Tao."

"I remember." When Shen Ming unfastened his seat belt and stood up, he was about to go to the first class with the man in front, but Xiao Yi pulled his cuff.

"Don't be nervous, they are all good guys, good guys won't embarrass good guys." Shen Ming patted Xiao Yi's hand comfortably and went into the first-class cabin with ease. Sui Tao also pulled the curtain after he entered.

The huge first-class cabin is also empty, and there is only one place for guests.

He was dressed in a military uniform, with the rank of Admiral on his shoulders shining brightly. Although the first-class seat was extremely comfortable, he kept upright and kept looking at the files.

See how he looks almost seventy years old. The Mediterranean Sea above his head is either a genetic problem or a hard work. The general and Shen Ming had a big belly in the imagination, and the image of the talk was very different. At a glance, I knew that I didn't relax and exercise on weekdays. Although I was old, my body was still tough like steel. Every time I sat and stood, I brought the soldiers from heaven. Army soul.

"This friend, have we met?" Shen Ming asked directly, sitting directly beside the general.

"I haven't seen it, but you've taken advantage of me." The general closed the file in his hand with a smile, and Shen Ming already recognized him with that voice alone-the heaven of the Nirvana camp. Contact person.

"Uncle, to be fair, I've always done my job to complete the task, but you just gave me the convenience of no pain and no itching. If you want to take advantage, it's you who take mine. I hate it." , Quite the style of the aunt in the vegetable market.

"It seems that you are the one who is not willing to suffer at all. Go ahead and turn the page. Let's talk about new tasks," said the general.

"Wait a minute ... Did I hear it wrong? You just said 'mission', not 'buying', and you dare to say that you are not willing to pull out a hair this time, right?" Shen Ming knew, and the general suddenly chartered When we meet, we must be asking for ourselves. While he was still thinking about what he was going to haggle, the other party broke the deep financial path with a single sentence.

"Who said I didn't pull it? Do you know how expensive it is to pack a plane? These are all money from the military, and they are already in excess! If the Discipline Inspection Commission inspects me, I will sweat my head, I don't know how to explain!" A serious general suddenly rolled up his sleeves and sparred with Shen Ming.

"I rely! Are you trying to keep up with my rhythm? So that means that the aviation diesel in this plane is my reward? Come on! Come on, brother in the cockpit, land quickly! Do n’t burn my fuel anymore Money, I'm still waiting for it to be sold! "Shen Ming got up and walked to the cab.

"Come back and sit down." The general pulled Shen Ming and pressed him back to his place. "Shen Ming, let's be honest, this time the country needs you!"

"Oh, I'm not a party member, and I don't have much dedication. There is a flat-headed ordinary people who earns a lot of hard money by working hard. If you really want to do business, you have enough chips. If you think you are expensive, you can find the Nirvana camp Colonel, do you need a phone? I can give it to you now. "Shen Ming was lying in the first-class seat, lacking interest in unpaid tasks, even if he was asked to protect the world's number one beauty, it was easy. Tasteless.

"No, this mission cannot use the power of the state, nor can it be found in the Nirvana camp. Because this is a major responsibility for the security of the country, for now, the only thing I believe can be done, only you." Shen Ming's equipment is all here.

If it was said that when the colonel recommended Shen Ming, he was still skeptical, but after seeing Shen Ming fighting the black widow with his bare hands, he was completely conquered.

"Hehe, it's like filming, wouldn't a nuclear bomb be stolen?" Shen Ming could not help but be slowly brought into the "mission" by the general's nervousness.

"Did you know the news that a fierce civil war is erupting in Noodle Shop Country in the past 3 months?"

"News Daily, why? Do we have a team to 'intern'?" Shen Ming knows that although Tianchao is a peaceful country, border disputes are basically handled only by urban management → _ →, but in order to maintain the combat effectiveness of high-end sharp knife troops, From time to time, special forces are also deployed secretly to participate in some battles, and strive to keep them sharp and intuitive on the battlefield.

"Not so. Although we supported the noodle shop government army in this conflict, we did not directly participate in the fighting. Just opening the border accepted many refugees and resettled their lives.

In order to maintain border security, we have also increased border security.

But just two days ago, a new J-10b fighter patrolled the border air, was hit by a rebel ground-to-air missile, crashed in the Kokang area, and the pilot was captured by the noodle shop rebels.

What was most unexpected was that the self-destructing procedure that the communication cipher machine that was supposed to start on the plane should have failed, and reliable information showed that the cipher machine had fallen into the hands of Luo Xing, the rebel leader. "

"Big butcher ... Luo Xing?" Shen Ming still knew this person somewhat.

Luo Xing was born in the dynasty and ranked third in the world. His father, Luo Chen, was the commander-in-chief of the frontier army of the National Army, and later became the godfather of the Golden Triangular White-faced Godfather. Powerful armed drug trafficking forces.

At that time, Luo's father voted for the noodle shop government in exchange for the stability of his old age and ... poor. The large amount of funds he carried was confiscated by the noodle shop government, which helped the noodle shop government to fill up the empty state treasury.

At the time of Lu'an, Luo Xing strongly opposed the surrender plan of his father and two big brothers. In the end, he was so troubled that he broke up and broke up. Luo Xing and his family's elite army entered the Golden Triangle hinterland and became a rebel force that burned and plundered. Luo Chen and her two sons lived a life called hermit, but they were under house arrest.

Until the 5th year after Lu'an, the developed Luo Xing Corps came to his father's village. The entire village of 300 villages and nearly a hundred government forces were all slaughtered overnight. Everyone thought he was here to save his father and go back to be king again. But when the reinforcements arrived, they saw the body of Luo Chen and his two sons Ling Chi hanging on the merit monument repaired by the government for Luo Chen.

The name "The Butcher" came from this, and to this day, the Luo Xing Corps is an elite force in the Nirvana camp's task list.

But what Shen Ming didn't expect is that this powerful and brave army unit even joined the Noodle Shop Democratic Alliance, which is the rebel in the mouth of the government`s army, and it was mixed with wind and water to suppress the leaders of all parties. , Became the commander-in-chief of this ally.

In addition, I never expected that the rebels led by Luo Xing would have a British-made "Light Sword" type 2 surface-to-air missile system. We must know that this is a powerful anti-aircraft fire that even the regular troops of the Noodle Shop did not have.

"Why? They have rapier surface-to-air missiles? Wait! Russian-made t-90 main battle tanks, American-made Apache gunships, domestic 203-mm howitzers ... why do they have so many highly sophisticated heavy weapons "Shen Ming unknowingly looked at the documents brought by the general, which contained photos of satellites of the rebel forces. Those who peeped at the photos of the US Ace Division base looked so chilling.

"Yes, this is the real reason why the noodle shop rebels can fight the court with ten times their own government forces. Just last year, they were just a group of guerrillas hiding in the mountains, but until the man joined ... "The general placed a photo in front of Shen Ming.

"King of War ... Yuri?" Shen Ming now fully understood where the rebels' sophisticated weapons came from. The Russian-American, who is almost 60-year-old, is the largest private war trafficker in human history. He started from smuggling Uz submachine guns to the gang, and went to the war zone to handle the remaining U.S. arms. By virtue of his relationship, he smuggled countless weapons to every corner of the world, so that the racists who were qualified to cut each other with a large sword can fight a decent war.

He was arrested three times for smuggling arms, and eventually escaped from prison with his hands and eyes. He was also regarded as the true "king of war" by countless warlords.

I have to admit that the combination of the butcher and the king of war is like a male dog in love and a female dog in hair fleas, which is a perfect match.

"Can't the communication password machine be replaced?" Shen Ming frowned deeply.

"Yes, but you need to replace the cryptographic machine on all domestic modern equipment and use a new password generation module. Not to mention the high cost and huge amount of engineering, but it is not overnight to create a new password generation module. National Defense Communications is likely to have an irreparable loophole in the short term.

In today's world, such mistakes are absolutely not allowed to occur. The general shook his head. "For the present, only by completely destroying the cryptographic machine can we ensure that national defense intelligence is not lost. "

"Oh, you really deserve me. This is far more difficult than assassinating them, because only by ensuring that they are alive can they know where the cipher machine is?

In addition, it is not a city of peace, but a battlefield occupied by rebels. Ten years ago I came out of that kind of place, now you have to throw me back. I only used one sentence, "My country needs me," and it was over. Is it really good? "Shen Ming's liver fluttered.

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