God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 275: Shen Ming, your uncle!

Chapter 275 Shen Shenming, your uncle!

Standing on the shooting range, Xiao Yi was chewing on a military energy bar, still holding the hot m200 barrel on his shoulder and aiming at the target 800 meters away.

The sweat drenched her shirt and her fingers were twitching and aching, but she still didn't mean to drop the firearm halfway. Keep popping! Snapped! Shooting regularly.

Although the precision of the intervener was the highest among sniper rifles, and it could even hit targets at a distance of 2,000 meters, Xiao Yi did not even hit the first 50 shots against the 800-meter target.

Sniping is far more difficult than she imagined. The impact of the recoil on the shoulders will change significantly due to the slight movement of her posture, resulting in a very different trajectory.

When she finally learned to fix the posture, the slightest change, continuous shooting has caused her shoulders to swell, and each shot will cause stinging and deform the posture.

However, when the moon was empty, she could finally make the best 7-ring results, but her feet were already covered with hundreds of empty cartridge cases.

Back to the barracks training, the three crickets, pillars, and Li Ba showed three very different states. Habitually used a knife to cut people Waner but was forced to knit a sweater. The loop of stitches and threads made her temper very abnormal. From time to time, she shouted and broke the sweater needles in her hands, as a result, she was on the ground beside her There were all kinds of sewing needles, and the air was filled with resentment to kill.

It was normal for Zhu Zi to watch "News Broadcast" in the room. When he saw Qiong Yao's drama, he burst into tears, and a big man couldn't hold his emotions at all.

Li Ba ’s reaction was more like crazy, looking at the maps taken by satellites, and countless street photos, he had to outline in his mind all the street scenes of a country's major cities ... he didn't have instant memory Pluto, this is hundreds of times more difficult than the entrance examination. It is estimated that he has passed the civil service examination.

As a result, Li Ba, looked at the map for a while and laughed, while crying and suffering.

For everyone, it is the Pluto that dominates the medical profession. Since the sunset, he has been running laps around the school yard for 500 meters without knowing how many laps have been run.

Pluto is not a nerd. In order to maintain physical strength for a few hours in front of the operating table, he also actively exercises, but has never exercised in this way.

Shen Ming didn't tell him how long he would run, let alone stop him. Even drinking and dinner were done while running. After running to it, the inexperienced Pluto spit directly on the side of the road, and before scrubbing clean, the ghostly Shen Ming had come to his side, with only one sentence, "Continue."

In this pure physical training, Pluto's own high IQ. Instant memory and extraordinary medical technology were all ignored, and he found himself completely regarded as an animal, relying on his instinct to drive the body to move forward, the exhaustion and despair of not knowing the end point is estimated to be enough to drive crazy a few normal people . Even if his mind is firm, he cannot bear the weakness of his body.

Finally, after running continuously for 2 hours, 37 minutes, and 58 seconds, Pluto finally fell heavily on the runway. He just felt that the soul had come out, and even the breathing caused the pain in the lungs to twitch.

Based on medical standards, he was already in a collapsed state at this time, and even needed some first aid treatment. But Shen Ming, the devil instructor, just squatted next to him and stunned with the stick in his hand. After confirming that Pluto was really weak, he smiled. My eyes, at least 10 kilometers. "

"Shen ... Ming ... I ... Uh ... You ... Uncle." Hao Ping Wang is also highly educated, and in retrospect he never scolded anyone in such a low language, but today he broke the commandment.

"Doctor, save some energy and take a break, because it will continue. If you want to play fun games, you must have at least a good physique." Shen Ming's first-aid measures for Hades, but made a bunch The ice pile was next to his legs, which helped the legs to relieve pain and swelling, and he put a blanket on his body to prevent him from losing temperature. Besides, he did n’t even have to turn him around. It was also a guide. Xiao Yi shot a gun.

"Ten rings ?!" Xiao Yi looked at the punctured bulls-eye in the sniper mirror, and all shouted in surprise, just like Liuhecai's excitement.

"It's a good shot, it feels like a sniper." Shen Ming's satisfied hands were behind his back, and he came over on the ground full of cartridge cases.

"The bullets were fed for almost a day, and I still couldn't get the feeling. I was going to hang myself." Xiao Yi finally got a chance to lower the muzzle in her hand, only to feel that both arms were broken.

"Very well, I originally planned to give you the second stage tomorrow. It seems to be ahead of schedule." Shen Ming pulled out a remote control and pressed it. I saw that beside Xiao Yi's original target, more than a dozen aircraft 1 The meter-long rotary wing unmanned helicopter flew up and went around like a dragonfly in the air. "That is your new moving target. When can all of them be shot in one shot, we will enter the third stage."

"Your head is pumping? Isn't the moving target on the TV all the kind that moves left and right on the plane? What about the irregular movement like a bug? How can it be hit?" Xiao Yi pointed at the faraway person The helicopter cried, an old blood almost sprayed on Shen Ming's face.

Shen Ming didn't refute. He grabbed the m200 in Xiao Yi's hands, and did not deliberately aim at the gun. It was a blow. An unmanned helicopter in the distance was directly interrupted by the bearings of the rotors, and the smoke fell directly to the ground. .

"Is it hard?" Shen Ming, who is holding the most handy sniper rifle within 800 meters, is simply the evil spirit against the sky. The time from aiming and firing the gun to aiming and judging was just 0.1 seconds. The hit was more than 1 Dime coins are small parts, this is the highest level of sniper level in the world.

"Your sister, do you compare me to you?" Xiao Yi really wanted to pump this male boyfriend who loves to show off.

"I didn't let you compare, I just told you that sniping within the range of the firearm is all possible. The target you need to snip cannot never move and wait for you to aim, nor can you fool you Going to proofreading, the starting hit is equally difficult for you and me. Experience and talent can overcome this difficulty. I admit that you have talent and ongoing training is giving you accumulated experience.

Don't be foolish, try to capture their rules, and calculate the speed and advance of the bullets. The distance of 800 meters is only a 0.75 second delay for the m200 10mm warhead, which is not too difficult. Keep working hard until you are too tired to crawl. "Shen Ming said he returned the gun to Xiao Yi's hands." Xiao Yi, you have been with me for a long time, and you have shown me many miracles. I believe you can do it this time.

I chose you to be a sniper, responsible for cover, which shows that I not only gave my life to you, but also firmly believe that you have the ability to survive in such an environment ... I hope, this is the last time I heard you say that you can't do it Here. "

With a begging tone, Shen Ming longed for Xiao Yi to become strong, because only then could he bring Xiao Yi back to the city alive and back to their home in Linhai.

"I understand, come again!" Xiao Yi pulled the bolt and loaded the rifle, and began the endless sniper training again.

The unmanned helicopter 800 meters away is only the size of a slap from the sniper mirror, and its moving speed is definitely several times that of a human target. Xiao Yi can only shoot continuously! Shoot! Shoot! Use your body to learn sniper. Experience and feelings are not learned by words.

And the last Sui Tao who received training, his training ground is not in the military camp. He was towed by Shen Ming's vehicle to a deserted back mountain.

There is only a flat piece of grass here. This once red brick wall was erected at the back. On the wall, there was a large vermillion red "Frank and wide, resisting strict".

Sui Tao left the vehicle and drove away. It didn't take long for a police prisoner to drive over.

"Shen Ming ... You are too cruel ..." Sui Tao, as he watched the police take the prisoner wearing a hooded handcuff off the car, he already knew his training program ... that is, killing.

In order to train the bloodiness of some special forces, the military sometimes takes its members to visit and kill people, feeling the impact of blood splashing and the end of life.

But since it is a training arranged by Shen Ming, it is certainly not so simple. Sure enough, the execution marshal who was pulling the prisoner came to Sui Tao, paid a military salute to the chief, and then handed the 92-type pistol to Sui Tao.

"Follow the instructions of the superior, please." The bailiff made the prisoner stand in front of Sui Tao, not the traditional execution from behind. Moreover, he also tore off the sackcloth on the prisoner's head. When the death rower and his eyes met, Sui Tao really understood that what he was about to do was killing.

"Don't! Don't kill me! Where is this? Why was the execution executed? Isn't it the injection of death now? Why is he wearing casual clothes? Why is there a gun in his hand! Come on! Someone wants to shoot a black gun!" The death row is more than 40 Faced with such a scene, the old fat man screamed in shock and wanted to resist, but was pressed tightly by two marshals from behind.

"Sorry, I have never completed a mission. If killing you is my mission, it must be completed." Sui Tao inhaled and pulled the bolt, and Bit police pushed the bullet more skillfully.

In terms of marksmanship, Shen Ming believes that Sui Tao is definitely better than Xiao Yi, but the courage to kill is another matter.

Sui Tao held the fat man's eyebrow with his muzzle. The moment his finger touched the trigger, Sui Tao's heartbeat stopped.

"Pop!" After hitting too many targets, he still pulled the trigger inertially, and the blood mixed with this ** splashed his face, the kind of smelly, which made the bodyguards from Zhongnanhai also nauseous and spit. Already.

Killing, the warmth on his face is the blood of others, Sui Tao can't help breathing, far more powerless than any training performed on weekdays, and his fingers are shaking slightly.

But the training was not over yet. One of the two bailiffs dragged the deceased aside, the other returned to the prisoner's car, pulled another death row, and ... was still a woman. Before she could see Sui Tao's face, she was scared by gunfire in the car.

"Shen Ming ... I ... sir, your uncle ..." Sui Tao now thought that it was Shen Ming's **** who was brought to him by the bailiff.

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