God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 295: Raid to save people!

Chapter 295 The raid saves people!

At 9 o'clock in the morning, while everyone else was resting, the medical treatment of the un humanitarian rescue team had begun, and the Pluto team ushered in an oversized operation. The patient was a rebel platoon leader and seemed to step on the anti-single soldier. The mine was blown to only one-third of its two legs, and the organs were also impacted by shrapnel. The eyes were blinded, and the flesh was blurred to the point where it was not far from death.

This patient is treated without anesthesia, and he feels no pain at all in syncope.

Xiao Yi, who was standing next to Pluto and was handing him surgical instruments, was obviously half-hearted, holding a hemostat in one hand, and watching the signal on the soul-chasing app with one hand, and finally, the small light spot representing Ji Chen began to move, Xiao Yi Yi said coldly, "It's time to start."

"Mr. Pluto, how much time can this operation take?" Waner asked the doctor in front.

"It depends on how strong his vitality is. If it is tenacious, it will take at least 5 hours to complete." Pluto said while pinching the shrapnel from the patient.

"Well, we must be back within 5 hours. Be careful by yourself." Waner smiled and opened the sewage drain on the ground. This kind of drain is only 40 cm wide and nearly half a meter deep. It is used for decontaminating the medical team, which contains a lot of blood and stains left by the operating table.

But for the task, the two girls still took off their nurse clothes and quickly jumped down and moved outside the refugee camp.

"Well, leaving me here is really worthy of me, let's play willfully, anyway, I will never be a supporting role for anyone." Pluto threw a shrapnel into himself when he said to himself with a smile. Next to the iron basin.

The two people who fled the refugee camp received an e-mail, "Sign the parcel at xx-Sui Tao". Quickly rushing to the designated location, they found a dilapidated cabin in the forest, which was a temporary residence for hunters. Everything here is old, only an advanced combination lock hangs on the door.

Using the password attached to the email to open the room door, Xiao Yi and Waner came to a whole new world. It was full of equipment, and a four-wheeled mountain bike, enough to arm a platoon of soldiers.

Sui Tao, who has never been present, has apparently become a porter of the arsenal, providing logistical resources for all members, and it is not an easy task to smuggle so much equipment into Guogan.

Washed off the blood stains with the prepared cold water, Waner and Xiao Yi, who brought various arms, quickly set off. Judging from the path shown by the soul chasing app, they want to cross the Kokang area to "Tati City", where the rebels and government forces had been fighting back and forth, and they had been bombed into ruins There are no more civilians, but it is the largest annexation site for the rebels, with more than 5,000 troops stationed there.

Once Ji Chen was sent in, if he wanted to be rescued, he would need a large army of troops.

Xiao Yi and Wan'er set the ambush site on the main asphalt road between the jungles along the way. This kind of place is actually the least suitable for ambush.

The hard ground floor cannot set up mine-type traps at all. The trees on both sides are evenly spaced 5 meters from the main road, and the attackers will have to be exposed to the intense fire of the convoy. But because of the negative impact on the ambush, the team will also relax their vigilance when driving this route.

In order to save people, Shen Ming also specially assigned Pan Da and Heimu to them. Xiao Yi, who was preparing for the battle, hung a grenade on Pan Da's long feet, and finally wanted to kill. Her mood was still extremely heavy.

"Are you nervous?" Waner laughed, putting the alloy scimitar behind her.

"I haven't killed anyone, and I don't know what it feels like?" Xiao Yi sighed softly.

"Feeling? Probably the strong, 'I'm alive' look." Wan'er tried to describe to Xiao Yi, "What guilt, remorse, etc., actually don't exist when you really kill someone. Only look Only when the lives of others end, can you feel that you are alive.

Just like eating can stop hunger, life and death are two completely opposite states.

My elder brother has always wanted to protect you. If I can, I don't think he will be willing to take you to this battlefield to experience life and death. But not here, you will never understand the complete brother. "Wan Er comforted.

"Real Shenming ... In my opinion, Shenming eating grass at home is the most real, because he is so kind." Xiao Yi smiled, raised her hand, and flew the prepared Pan Da into the air. .

"Sympathy, funny is his essence." Waner smiled happily. "Sister, don't drill into the horns on the battlefield, just think about it, every shot you fire is to save people, save the pilot, save me. You are also saving yourself. "Waner nodded while standing on her shoulder when she was teaching.

"So, let's get started!" Pulling the m200 bolt in his hand, the armor-piercing projectile was sent into the barrel of the gun. Xiao Yi inhaled and became a soldier.

Ji Chen's convoy was composed of a Russian-made btr-80 eight-wheeled armored vehicle and four Hummer jeep vehicles. The armored vehicle did not start, but instead traveled in the center of the convoy. The four Hummer vehicles were equipped with M2 Browning 12.7 mm heavy machine guns. The machine gunner was wearing tactical heavy armor, wrapped around like Iron Man, standing there, holding both guns to kill.

Except for the ground forces, an Apache gunship, with 64 rockets and air-to-ground missiles, was installed not far behind the convoy. It was the most terrifying killer.

Such a **** team can be described as unprecedentedly powerful. No matter how you look at it, it has the taste of fishing. But even so, Xiao Yi climbed up to the top of a large tree and erected the m200 high-precision sniper rifle in a sitting position.

When the horizon became only the round cross sniper mirror, Xiao Yi's nervousness disappeared, and the sniper rifle seemed to have such magic power, making her heart quiet.

Pan Da, who was soaring in the air, filmed the situation on the battlefield. The mighty convoy did not find an ambush at all, and the quacking bird sent the simplest attack signal to everyone.

The first person to act is not human, but the smallest black-eyed ant. This small and exquisite guy stands on the asphalt road and cannot be found by the driver at all. How can a human who is used to crush insects care about the praying man who blocks the car? arm?

But today, Blackeye has given a lesson to all proud human beings. When the leader Hummer Jeep rushed in front of it, waving it with a huge jaw, a large mouthful of ant acid sprayed on the front wheel bearings of the Hummer. The rotating bearing evenly spreads the highly corrosive formic acid on the chassis.

The heading Hummer swayed left and right on the road, like a drunk, with a loud bang, the entire Hummer suddenly flipped over the ballistic mid-air, and the moment the back fell to the ground, the machine gunner had been smashed into flesh, sliding Large trails of blood and splattered metal sparks dragged on the ground. A Hummer jeep in the back braked suddenly and bumped into it.

The wide road was suddenly full, and the battle immediately turned into an encounter. The heavy machine guns on the top of the three Hummers fired wildly into the woods on both sides of the road. Even if they did not see the target at all, they were pouring out ammunition relentlessly.

"Xiao Yi!" Waner called against a big tree.

"Well!" A crisp sound, a machine gunner's goggles were penetrated by armor-piercing warheads, and suddenly lay on the roof of the car in dumbfounding.

The other two machine gunners found the sniper's position and turned their guns to aim. Xiao Yi did not evade and pulled the bolt to change the shell and fire again.

The shot hit a machine gunner's shoulder, and the armor-piercing warhead was flew out by the heavy armor shell on his body, but the impact still dislocated his shoulder and suddenly lost his combat power.

Another machine gunner confirmed the position of Xiao Yi, and the red muzzle was aimed at him.

"Hey! Behold, idiot!" Waner ran towards the team with her mp7 fast-fire light machine gun flat in both hands, and the fire tongue in front of her kept hitting the machine gunner's armor like raindrops. Not fatal, but human instincts let him raise his hand to cover his face.

"Come again!" Xiao Yi was another armor-piercing projectile. This time it hit the chest of the machine gunner with the dislocation of the arm accurately. The luck hit the gap between the armors, and the bullet penetrated one-third. Second, the heart socket was broken, and the machine gunner fell into the car sadly.

The seemingly side-by-side battle reversed after the door was opened, and 20 unarmed soldiers jumped out, firing wildly with various types of assault rifles in their hands.

The red veins on Waner's dew swelled, and the steel heart started. The body ran on the ground until it disappeared and rushed into the crowd of the team. The last machine gunner just put down his face. The arm, before seeing the situation around him, waving the alloy Nepalese machete, swiped across his neck, and the head flew into the air.

The enemy had already rushed in front, and the threat of the sniper was immediately ignored by the soldiers. They relied on the jeep and launched a joint attack on the attacker Waner. The bullets splattered around, and the sound of the grenade explosion came from time to time.

Xiao Yi can only speed up the shooting efficiency and provide Waner with long-range cover. Such a comfortable shooting environment is no different from the shooting range in the military camp.

However, her happiness has not been maintained for a long time. The trailing Apache gunship has quickly flew over, and locked Xiao's position, and the rocket launcher entered the launching state. This dense and indiscriminate bombing requires no precision at all, everything within a hundred meters of Xiao Yi's circle will be burned to ashes.

"Quack!" Just before the driver pressed the launch switch, the egret Pan Da suddenly flew over the side of the helicopter. It could use a pair of feet to delicately cut salmon with a knife and fork, and then feed it into the mouth. Pulling the latch of the grenade and throwing it out is even easier.

"A loud bang made the gunship in the sky exploded into a ball of fire, which spun down onto the ground.

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