God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 301: One night in the hole

Chapter 301 A Night In The Cave

This is not the first time that Shen Ming has jumped from a high altitude. At the beginning, he was famous for his kung fu jumping freehand. However, the mountain in front is not a 30-storey building of Dongjing TV Station, with a total height of more than 500 meters. The 90-degree vertical cliff wall is all solid and abnormal granite. Even if he holds a fire axe in his hand, it is impossible. Cut into such a wall.

But Shen Ming knew that he had something better to use than the fire axe, and that was the inverse scale.

The body contracted in the air, reducing the resistance surface as much as possible. Shen Ming was accelerated by gravity in the air like a sharp arrow, and flew straight towards Landie.

The blood spots flowing from Landie's shoulders even hit Shenming's face. She was already in a coma in the air. Maybe this is happier?

Shen Ming finally caught up with Lan Die after falling to a distance of 100 meters from the ground, and carried her into her arms again.

"Inverse scale ..." Shen Ming called softly, as if afraid to wake the child in her arms.

"Here is my king." After answering silently in his heart, Shen Ming's right arm turned into a dark scale, and his five fingers turned into the sharpest fangs, brushed into the granite wall next to him. This natural rock body, which can't hold much crushed stone even if bombed with cannonballs, was easily inserted by the deep inverse scales. The five fingers were pulled by inertia, and just five vertical cracks were torn on its surface. Like a monster, it once scratched its feet on the cliff.

When Shen Ming stopped, it was only 1 meter away from the ground. He seemed to jump lightly down the steps and quickly checked Landie's injury. The bullet cut-in point was the muscle of the shoulder and did not hurt the bones and organs. It's really lucky. However, the penetrating wound formed by the bullet caused blood loss, which coincided with Aunt Landie's period, and the problem of blood loss was even more difficult.

"Cut, I didn't get the package ..." Shen Ming's last little emergency medicine was left at their camping site, only torn his clothes and tied Landie to the wound first.

Shen Ming walked across the dense jungle with the Landie on his back. This is the time for many large animals to hunt, even the huge tigers and cheetahs in the forest. They smelled of blood and thought they could have a good meal, but when they saw Shen Ming's pair of cold pupils, they fled beside him like a kitten.

Animals are more candid than humans. When they find a monster that they can't win at all, they will not lose their lives for the sake of hardening their faces.

Landie needs rest and treatment, especially when it is inexplicably heavy rain in the sky, it is necessary to maintain body temperature. Shen Ming quickly ran for 2 kilometers on foot and found a hidden cave. The original owners of the cave, "Black Bear Big" and "Black Bear II", did not welcome the men and women who stayed there, exposing their fangs and profits. claw.

Shen Ming is also very civilized. He didn't do anything, just exposed the black inverse scale arms, and squeezed a rock in front of them into scum with bare hands. The pair of brothers Ma Yu moved in the rainy night. The black bears are quite hygienic. They never urinate in caves and pile up a lot of hay and fruits. Are these two wise men almost perfect?

Shen Ming lit the bonfire without saying a word, covered the only bit of blood on his body, and covered Landie's body, and rushed out of the cave.

Not long after, Shen Ming ran back to the cave again, and made a simple door with banana leaves to block the wind and rain, and he still had a lot of unnamed herbs in his hands. Shen Ming thanked himself for being in the primitive jungle. The vegetation here is rich, and there are many things that can be used to make emergency medicine. If he is in the desert, there is nothing he can do.

Lack of milling tools, Shen Ming put several herbs in his mouth to chew and stir. He undressed Landie's clothes with his hands, and smeared the herbs on Landie's wound with his mouth. The brow was beating slightly, and the herbal medicine completely made Shenming's tongue completely unconscious, and it took at least 4 hours to restore the ability to speak.

Without waiting for Shen Ming to speak, Landie started a high fever in the middle of the night, and her body twitched and shivered. Shen Ming held the girl in her arms tightly from behind to keep her body from losing temperature. After a whole night, the morning sun was projected into the hole through the banana leaf door. Landie frowned and opened her eyes. She had a terrible headache. She just felt that everything that happened yesterday was her own nightmare. The extreme walking in the jungle, being forced up the cliff, throwing a grenade or something ... It is really a lively and real dream.

It's so good now that I'm not sleeping in a warm bed, and I don't want to lift my pillows comfortably.

Landie lay on the bed and slammed it twice on the pillow. When she looked down, she found that her pillow was a man's arm.

The panicked Lan Die got up, but tore due to the pain in her shoulders, so that she just turned around and fell on the shoulder again. This time she was facing a sturdy iron-like chest, and the man's breath was just a stone's throw away.

"Don't disturb, the wound on the shoulder has just healed just now, don't crack it again." Shen Ming reminded softly.

"What are you doing? Why are you sleeping with me? Haven't we fallen off the cliff? Why are we still alive?" Lan Die's mind was full of more questions than she had at the moment.

"You have so many questions, how can I answer you? Let's just be lucky that everything is God's gift, let us be alive." Shen Ming smiled.

"Are we out of danger?" At last, Lan Die condensed all the questions into one.

"Not yet, but the heavy rain last night prevented them from searching for corpses. For the time being we should be safe, take a break, eat something, and we are about to rush." ​​Shen Ming said as he got up to cook, as for the dishes When he was looking for herbs at night, he also solved it together. A thin rabbit was put on a grill and grilled in the rekindling fire.

Lan Die looked a little scared looking at the animal's mold sample, but when Shen Ming squeezed the lemon juice and other kinds of fruit juice onto the rabbit's meat, the rich aroma made Lan Die's stomach yelling. Up.

In the perfect salt-free field, Shenming only removed the fishy smell of rabbit meat with some natural condiments and seasoned it with fruit juice, making this barbecue game even catch up with the skills of a five-star chef.

In comparison, Pye Yeh, who also lives in the wild, claims that "Eat everything for you" shows not a strong ability to survive, but a lack of knowledge in the field, and an overestimation of his stomach. The lens of the swing will never be shown to you.

Shen Ming, with her knowledge of the wild, like an encyclopedia, can cook delicious food even if she lacks tools.

This wild rabbit is no more than a domestic meat rabbit. It has muscles all over the body, is chewy, and is not fat at all. The scent and taste made the index finger move, Lan Die could not help eating more.

The fragrance drifted into the forest and attracted two other guests.

"Ga! Ga!" Egret Pan Da flapped her wings and flew over, carrying a black-eyed ant on her body. The two babies and comrades in arms did not matter, but the pupil monitoring system on them was completely broken, even The communicator was also scrapped, and for the time being there was no way to join the clan to help.

"You are so fatal," Shen Ming laughed happily.

"Ga! Ga!" The egret opened its wings angrily, showing some burned traces on the edges of the feathers, and complained to Shen Ming. The content of the call came out, nothing more than "艹 你 大爷! 艹 你 大爷Uncle! "These rude words.

"Is Landie full? Would you like to try roasted egrets again?" Pan Da, who was ignorant of the call, turned her head and smiled at Landie.

"Can this bird eat it? It looks fat?" Lan Die really dreamed of Pan Da's taste, and Pan Da closed her mouth immediately.

"Okay, it's time to go." After a rich breakfast, Shen Ming began his escape life again. Although Lan Die was awake, she was still very weak. The gunshot wound on her shoulder made her unable to carry her back and could not hold her heavy hungry neck. So Shen Ming made a hanging basket out of vines and hung it around his neck, so that Lan Die was lying in front of Shen Ming. Lan Die was originally not tall. Similarly, Landie was embarrassed at first.

But after walking for a while, Lan Die also adapted to this restrained perspective of lying down and watching the meditation. He found that Shen Ming's method of observing the surroundings was very special. His eyes could not rotate left and right. He had been looking at the front, but he was familiar with every stone under his feet. Everywhere he needed to turn, he remembered. In my head.

In addition, the man's breathing was also very interesting. Even if he was so close, Lan Die could not feel the excessive undulations in his chest. He carried himself forward with 80 pounds and walked with his hands empty.

This man is his junior and a real evildoer. If not, how can he escape from the enemy camp surrounded by aircraft cannons? How can you save yourself?

While walking, Shen Ming once again connected the communication of the general's command.

"You are still alive ..." Yesterday's Gun Lin Danyu they have watched all the way, basically hanging out when Shen Ming, began to formulate a new plan.

"Disappointing you, huh, huh, I need to evacuate Landie, and Ji Chen, can you arrange a helicopter for me? Coordinate 37." Shen Ming said just as easily as calling a taxi.

"Shen Ming, that position already belongs to the territory of Guogan. Is it the territory of another country? Once such a large operation is discovered, it will be said by the public opinion as aggression!" The general's head was big.

"The location I am talking about is located at the Guogan Noodle Shop and at the border of the Heavenly Dynasty. You let the plane enter the demarcation line agreed by the noodle shop government and the army. After you come here, there is no problem. You are not bringing an international relations expert Is anyone paying such a high salary for a month? Is it for dry food? "Shen Ming taught.

"This is the last time. Where are you?" The general agreed with a sigh.

"Area 24, dispatch aircraft to meet at the designated location within 5 hours," Shen Ming instructed.

"Area 24? There are 40 kilometers of mountain roads from area 38. How can you do that in 5 hours?" In the mountains, if you want to advance 8 kilometers an hour, it is a dream.

"I solve my problem, you solve your problem, that's it." Shen Ming hung up the communication.

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