God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 304: War and sale

Chapter 304: War and Trading

Shen Ming originally thought that a domestic transporter such as the Zhi-8 would come to the rescue. After all, in the Tianchao transport helicopter, the Zhi-8 has always been known for "cheap prices and good technology." Take the lead.

However, Shen Ming underestimated the generosity of the general, because the whistling fly turned out to be an American-made "Black Hawk helicopter". This world-renowned helicopter, although it has been in service for more than 30 years, still ranks for excellent performance The most advanced helicopter in the world.

Even when the Oba donkey attacked and killed Uncle **, he also used the Black Hawk helicopter magic modified stealth version, but it was damaged. It is said that the fragments are still in the secret military research room of the dynasty → _ →

However, the black hawk helicopter in front of it is somewhat different from that used by the US military, because the Bayi Red Star logo is printed next to the cabin. That's right. This was an arms sale approved by the US imperial when the dynasty made good relations with the US imperial in the 1970s. At that time, the US imperial sold 24 black eagles to the imperial dynasty, which was mainly used to transport supplies to the Western Tibetan Plateau. And emergency support.

The dynasty's black hawk still shows excellent performance under the harshest environment, and it is the third most annoying plateau logistics supply tool. In the army, this is also a baby slap, and one drop and one less. After all, based on the current relationship between Tianchao and Meidi, I want them to sell some more. I am afraid these guys will only sell 120,000 electronic watches → _ →

"The general really deserves me." Looking at the slowly landing black hawk, Shen Ming whistled and smiled. Sui Tao opened the door of the plane and jumped down from above.

"I have to admit, your vitality is very strong." Sui Tao said with a louder voice under the roar of the helicopter.

"I hope your vitality is just as strong. It's time for you to play, are you ready?" Shen Ming laughed.

"You know the slogan of the soldiers in the dynasty ..." "Always ready." When Sui Tao was talking, the quad bike also drove to the plane, and Ji Chen, who was unable to walk on her own, carried the plane on her back.

In the meantime, Ji Chen turned her head and said to Shen Ming with a lip, "You're finished, Xiao Yi saw it just now."

There was a cold sweat behind Shen Ming, and he could only try to smile at Xiao Yi silly.

"Here you are, this is your equipment." Sui Tao randomly dragged a heavy metal box from the plane. "Now I can only hit it hard. Are you confident that you can complete the task in the hordes of troops?"

"Don't forget, I also have a team, as long as they are not afraid of death, what am I afraid of?" Shen Ming forever has the attitude of others.

The plane has completed its mission and is ready to take off.

"Shenming!" Kneeling on the edge of the plane, Landie didn't know what to say to her junior.

"What?" Shen Ming stood beside the cabin and asked with a smile.

"Let's ... see each other again?" Lan Die nervously.

"I don't know, but I know that I will see you again. Every day at 7 o'clock, I will see you in" News ". You are an excellent reporter, and you will definitely find your place in front of the screen." Shen Ming Vowed to encourage.

"Shen Ming ..." When Lan Die still wanted to say something, Shen Ming stumbled forward suddenly when she didn't stand still, so she accidentally kissed Lan Die's lips.

It's so annoying, it's the first kiss of others! I like it so much that I don't even want to let those lips separate. Lan Die was so excited to cry.

"I'm sorry! I didn't do it on purpose!" Shen Ming apologized with both hands, looking sideways at Xiao Yi next to her, who had just pushed her.

"Can't you stand still?" Lan Die raised her hand to beat Shen Ming's face, but when her palm fell, she became weak and touched. "Forget it, forgive you, who told you to be young?" What about new people? "

Sui Tao followed the military plane and flew up into the sky, leaving at a high speed in this direction.

"Don't look at it, it will become 'Wangmei Cliff'." Xiao Yi wrapped her arms around her chest, stood beside Shen Ming, was angry for three minutes, and said sweetly for seven minutes.

"I said, why did you push me? I didn't want to be with my relatives." Shen Ming exclaimed, as if he was the one who had been taken advantage.

"Don't you look at the longing in that girl's eyes? If you don't kiss it, it's estimated that you can still linger for a long time, save some aviation diesel, count me as a contribution to environmental protection." Xiao Yi sighed.

"You, this mouth is not forgiving." Shen Ming smiled and pinched Xiao Yi's thin waist.

"What are you going to do next? Hard assault on the city where the army is stationed is no different from killing." Xiao Yi wondered.

"When are we not dying?" Shen Ming looked so open. "Yes, Waner? Why didn't I come with you?"

"She ..." Xiao Yi was asked by Shen Ming.

"Fuck, she won't go to the new street market by herself, right?" Shen Ming also became tense immediately.

"She said she couldn't accept the fact that she was betrayed. She was going to end Hades' life." Xiao Yi couldn't speak to Shen Ming at all, because every time she lied to him, the consequences were serious.

"Funny! Pluto is my suggestion that he betray him!" Shen Ming tried to connect Wan'er's communication in depression, but the other side was unable to connect, apparently because he was afraid of his brother's scolding before closing.

"You instructed Pluto to betray? Why?" Xiao Yi was completely confused.

"Because I need someone to approach Luo Xing and find the location of the cipher machine, I can't do it, neither can you, Zhu Zhu, Li Ba can't do it, only Pluto, that guy's head is so easy to use. They all turned their heads. "Shen Ming reluctantly tried several times, and couldn't connect the two people's communication.

"You play so big, does your sister know? Why didn't you say it earlier?" Xiao Yi also had a big head.

"Because your acting skills are not comparable to Pluto, I don't want to reveal the filling ... Oh, now I can only pray for Pluto's life to escape this disaster ..." Shen Ming sighed helplessly.

"Hey, hey, your sister sneaking into the enemy's headquarters, can't you worry about her?" Xiao Yi wondered.

"Please, Waner is my sister. I am very clear about her strength. If someone rogues her, I will only worry about the rogue." Shen Ming lifted the equipment box on the ground and threw it on the quad bike.

"Oh, I saw your elder brother, and suddenly I thought that my second elder brother was actually quite good." Xiao Yi sighed.

Time passed silently until the afternoon, and Luo Xing summoned Pluto next to him. But this time it was not in the living room, but a hospital in a new market.

This is the largest hospital in the new market. It was originally designed to treat 100 people at the same time, but now it has crowded in hundreds of people. There are wounded soldiers evacuated from the front line, and prisoners of government. But they came here for very different purposes.

Rebel wounded receive more sanitary and effective treatment here, while prisoners of the government are undergoing an unprecedented criminal law ...

With their hands behind their backs, they were held in the corner by soldiers with live ammunition and lined up at a table to sign the same documents.

Pluto picked up a copy while he was passing by ... it turned out to be a voluntary organ donation agreement.

"Mr. Pluto have any suggestions for our logistics guarantee plan?" Luo Xing walking beside him smiled with his hands behind his back.

"You have removed the two kidneys, liver, 60% of the skin, heart, eyes, retina, and even bone marrow cells of the captives. Except for Mi Qingzi, so much can be donated as a person, right? "Although Pluto has a weak idea of ​​right and wrong, what the man around him is doing is disgusting him.

"Mr. Pluto, we are not rich troops, and the area we are occupying is not a rich place where oil can be found everywhere in the Middle East. So in order to fight, we must try our best to obtain resources.

People, of course, are also part of the resources. These organs will be given priority to our wounded soldiers, and the rest will be exported to every rich country in the world in exchange for funds.

The average contribution of a prisoner of war can be sold for $ 50,000, but it can not save the lives of six patients. "Luo Xing didn't exaggerate at all.

"I have to admit that Commander Luo Xing is very business-minded. Such a unique approach to fighting and raising wars should be considered a great initiative all over the world. However, this price is really too much cabbage. You must know that even in heaven It costs at least 50,000 US dollars to transplant a heart. In developed countries, the price is even more expensive. "Pluto's price for human organs is clear.

"You can hear that, you despise this approach." Luo Xing smiled angrily. "The war was not a killing to please people, and I don't need your praise."

"This is not war, it's just killing." Pluto said, discarding the organ donation book in his hand. "Fortunately, I'm still alive, and I can still get the money I want. I don't care about the 2 million How many prisoners of war do you need to sell in exchange for US dollars, as long as the money is not counterfeit, and it does not matter if you have blood. "

"Hey, Mr. Pluto should be a pragmatist like me, and finally understand why I and you are so fateful." Luo Xing happy.

"Say, what does the commander-in-chief take me to the hospital? If it is my job to remove organs, then I will be charged. Internationally, my surgery is clearly marked, regardless of whether the recipient is dead after surgery. It's live, and the price is the same. "Pluto is very thin.

"I was told by Mr. Pluto. I really brought you here for the operation, but it was me who performed the operation." Luo Xing said and opened the door of an operating room. "The money for the operation will also be given to you , Never taking advantage of you. "

"Excuse me, although the Commander-in-Chief is not young, can you kill a tiger even if you look at your physique? It's not like a sick person."

"Don't make a flatterer, come in, this operation is only safe for you to do," Luo Xing pretended to be mysterious.

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