God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 29: Please eat spicy

Chapter 29: I'll ask you to eat spicy food

After returning home from work, Xiao Yi pushed open the door of the new apartment. In the temporarily rented room, photos of the original owner and children's toys were hung everywhere. Xiao Yi tried not to move these things, hoping that they would stay as they were.

Her luggage only had a box of clothes and simple toiletries, which had been delivered in the morning. By the way, there was another piece of equipment, that is, a high-power optical telescope, which had been placed in the living room's floor-to-ceiling window.

Today's dinner was bread and a cup of yogurt. Xiao Yi, who was too late to clean, took the dinner and sat in front of the telescope on the windowsill, and began "overtime." The direction of the telescope is facing the balcony of Shen Ming and Fang Yuan's apartment 500 meters away. Through the window, Shen Ming and Fang Yuan's every move can be clearly seen.

"I'm in position. What do you eat tonight?" Xiao Yi asked softly while looking at Shen Ming, who was washing vegetables, wearing a micro-headphone in her ear.

"Be prepared to make it easier, after all," Guest "is coming." Shen Ming smiled in front of the dishwasher, plugging the same headphones in his ears.

"Say you are too confident, do you think you can reach the girl just by saying hello? That girl is a wild horse, and your family has no grassland." Xiao Yi Chiguo despised.

"But my family has a shower head. Rest assured, the girls in the rich family are all‘ stars who do n’t take a shower ’.” Shen Ming continued to prepare dinner.

"Cut, if you win, open the door and the Mustang is here." Xiao Yi began to eat her own dinner.

Boom! Boom! Hey! The extremely powerful knocking sounds like a landlord who urges rent. Shen rubbed his hands and opened the door with a smile. A professional actor's surprised expression hung on his face. Fang Yuan dressed in front of him. A pair of pink flip-flops, just around a hello kitty bath towel, with clean clothes and bath supplies in her arms.

"Student Fang Yuan, are you?" Shen Ming asked puzzledly.

"The faucet at home is broken. You can use it in your bathroom instead of using it for free." Before Shen Ming agreed, Fang Yuan had already walked in and patted a stack of hundred-dollar bills on Shen Ming's chest. No need to count, the bank's 10,000 yuan seals have not been opened yet, as far as bathing is concerned, is this too expensive?

"Student Fang Yuan, don't go out of this way, don't you just borrow a bathroom? You do n’t need the money, you take it." Shen Ming politely wanted to return the money, but the glass sliding door of the bathroom had snapped and closed from the inside Then, through the frosted glass, you can see the figure inside take off the bath towel from your body, revealing the fair and delicate body.

"Given the money to go, I won't take it back. I touched your hand, a lot of bacteria." Facing the vanity mirror, Fang Yuan examined the wound on her face. Xiao Yi shot hard enough, I don't know if I will leave a stamp?

The girls' bathing was very slow. Fang Yuan honed for an hour before coming out of the steaming bathroom. The gauze on her eyes had been replaced with a new one, and she had loose t-shirts and shorts.

Fang Yuan, who was about to leave, was suddenly confused by the scent floating in the air. Looking back, a pot of hot spicy sauce had been boiled on the low table in the living room, and the pepper mixed with the aroma of peppercorns filled the entire room.

"I'm ashamed that you have given so much money. You have n’t eaten, just eat a little together. The tableware has been sterilized. We use public chopsticks to ensure we can't eat each other's saliva." Shen Ming sat at the low table, Stir the bottom of the pot with a spoon.

"I ..." Fang Yuan wanted to say "not hungry," but her stomach screamed, "Forget it."

Fang Yuan sighed, put down the basin in her hand, came to the table, and sat opposite Shenming.

"You're so intent, ask someone to eat hot and spicy ... Can you do it 13 times a night?" Xiao Yi, holding the bread at the other end of the telescope, was extremely unhappy, and Shenming just smiled slightly.

Fang Yuan doesn't like to talk or chat, and she doesn't talk to the teacher in front of her when she eats. She didn't like spicy food very much, but the hot and spicy pot in front of her was not very spicy. Instead, she put a lot of spices to make the taste more refreshing. Fang Yuan did not consciously eat more.

"You should be an adult, right?" Shen Ming smiled, took cold beer from the refrigerator, and handed a can to Fang Yuan.

"If you want to slap me after being drunk, I will ruin you." Don't look at Fang Yuan's harsh words. In fact, this is already a kind intention. You can only keep the bad mind of the man in front of you in order to continue to maintain it. This rare opportunity to eat at the same table.

"Rest assured, I'm not interested in your little hair child, or I'm no longer interested in women." Shen Ming sighed back to her place.

"Are you gay? I know some people, and they are also gay. Do I need to introduce you?" Fang Yuan opened the cold beer and gurgle and drank two sips. I couldn't help sighing, let the fried chicken go to hell. It's the perfect match for beer!

"I'm not gay, it's just that the love is over. This apartment isn't cheap. I sold my ancestral house before I paid off the down payment. I was going to be the marriage room for my girlfriend and me.

She has been clamoring to buy a house in the city before marrying, but after I bought it here, she found that she was with an old man living in a villa. Life is so fun. With a tearful grin at the corner of Shen Ming's eyes, he drank the beer in his hand.

"All those who sell their flesh for money are idiots. Is there any fascination with the papers that are not brought to life?" Fang Yuan continued to eat spicy food.

"Life is unequal, just like classmate Fang Yuan. I have read your information. You are the daughter of Lin Hai's richest person, Fang Shiquan. Of course, you have no worries about eating and drinking. How do you understand the distress of ordinary people?" With a little smell of gunpowder.

"My mother tells me that God is fair. If I give you these things, I will take away those of you. Money is what makes me worry-free from childhood, but I have never experienced the warmth of family.

Since I remembered, Dad has been very busy. He is either on the phone or reading information and signing agreements. In the first grade of elementary school, I showed him my award-winning paintings. He actually picked it up and signed his own name on it. He thought it was a commercial contract. Fang Yuan has never talked to anyone about things at home, but once you talk about it, it's like a dam break. "In the last ten years, I have been so busy that I haven't even had time to go home, except to come back at the beginning of the new year Outside the red envelope, it is often difficult to see his figure.

I always encourage my mother to leave, what's the difference between such a man and an ATM?

But stupid mother just refused, she always smiled and said, it's still the original, so as not to find a stepdad to bully me.

I have been learning Muay Thai since I was ten years old, no longer playing the piano, no longer dancing, I have practiced harder than anyone else, I just want to wait for the teacher in the future, tell my mother, just marry, I can protect you no matter who you marry ...

But ... my mother didn't get through that day ... "Fang Yuan's tears slipped across her face and dropped on the plate," It's too spicy! What's wrong, put so many peppercorns! "

Fang Yuan raised her head, trying not to let tears come out.

"I'm sorry, I'm a culinary artist. I won't let it go next time, and continue to eat." Shen Ming hit the round with interest.

"Wine, is there any wine?" Fang Yuan yelled, eating and drinking fiercely.

During a dinner, Fang Yuan, who ate for two full hours and drank too much beer, lay on the floor. The white smile was so red that a pair of slim long legs were naturally slightly bent, just like the world's most No arc.

Fang Yuan has n’t vented the same way as she did today, no matter how cold she is, the emotion squeezed in her heart still needs to be vented. Perhaps an unfamiliar teacher, a large pot of delicious spicy hot, a bunch of cold beer, just Can play the role of a psychiatrist.

"You guys are refreshing, and my saliva has come out." Xiao Yi threw the leftover bread into the trash can, depressed.

"I'll get you some food the other day, so have you dealt with the group of people downstairs?" Shen Ming got up and went back to the bedroom to find the blanket.

"Let the police team's mentors drag their cars back with the car. They said the gangsters were too hard. One of the guys who claimed to be the boss broke his hands and feet, and couldn't stand up for three months without bed." Xiao Yibian He said he stood up and moved his stiff body.

"I want background information."

"Rest assured, it's just a group of ordinary bumpers, not even rogues. It has nothing to do with Xinliansheng. I'm curious now. Who can be such an lonely girl undercover?"

"Let's observe for a few days before talking, we have a better start."

"I'm going to take a shower. Please hurry up and take your time. Don't be sorry for your hearty hot pot." Xiao Yi stretched to the bathroom.

"Don't forget my background. I don't like women now, or a teacher. How can I do this kind of thing?"

"Yes, yes, you guys only love one piece of firewood." Xiao Yi said, closing the communication and removing the small headset from the cochlea.

Shen Ming carefully covered the sleeping Fang Yuan with a blanket, but at this moment, the sleeping Fang Yuan suddenly struck his face with an elbow, the speed was extremely fast, and it was an instinctual self-defense reaction.

Shen Ming's soft, one-handed response, just like a sponge to digest her impact.

"How fragile are you to be so strong? Get a good night's sleep, you are safe today." Shen Ming whispered behind Fang Yuan's neck, and the girl fell into deeper sleep, There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

At 6 am the next day, Fang Yuan woke up from her sleep, looked at Shen Ming who was still sleeping on the sofa, left calmly, then returned and lost 10,000 pieces on the floor, with one The note read, "Meals + Accommodation."

This girl is still accustomed to using money to solve all problems, including owing to others.

Shen Ming, who was not asleep at all, was connected to Xiao Yi's communication at the moment the door was closed, "Going to work."

"You should give me overtime pay!" Xiao Yi replied grievously.


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