God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 319: Determined

Chapter 319 Resolute Decision

If it were normal, it would be more solemn to recognize the father's wine and gold and silver. Generally, you need to find a high-end hotel to buy a place, and invite your uncles on the road, as well as other siblings, to kneel and kneel according to ancient methods, wear red and silver, and finish tea toasting.

Sometimes, the opera team will be invited to sing on the stage, and in the countryside, they will also have a water feast.

But the situation is special, and everything is simplified. Xun Jinyin drank Shen Ming's toast, and took out a red envelope and handed it to Shen Ming. "Come here and give your father a gift."

"Willn't it be my own wallet again?" Shen Ming smiled.

"How can you be so stingy? Look at it."

Shen Ming also opened the red envelope politely, and inside it was a copper long-life lock.

"Each of my children is named after me with a piece of jewelry. I see that you are talented and talented, and call you 'bronze lock'!" The decision to find gold and silver was so pleasant.

"Hey, hey, hey, talented and intelligent, is there a half dime relationship with‘ bronze lock ’?” Shen Ming twitched. Look at this gift from the old digger, even if it is a silver lock, it ’s actually a copper one!

"I have worshipped my righteous father, and I will change my tongue in the future. Now you are going to call me‘ Aya ’. Aya ’s words must be listened to, otherwise, according to family rules, three and six holes, five thunderous.

"Hey, you are really my good dad, how can you kill me after only a few seconds of recognition?" Shen Ming stood on his knees.

"These rules are old dogma. I just casually say that you don't need to take it seriously." Xun Jinyin got up and walked to the kitchen. "Don't look at me for a while, I am also very trendy. Now young and young I have my own thinking, and they are completely obedient. They are all children of other people's homes. My children only need to be of good character. "

"They are all thieves. How to talk about character?" Xiao Yi could not help wondering.

"Thieves also have the conscience of thieves. People who know me know that family rules include 'three no steals', 'three no steals', 'three no frauds.'

The so-called three does not steal, that is, the old, the weak, the disabled, the others who do not help steal, the small business operators do not steal; Deceive, monk practitioners do not lie, those who take money to save lives do not lie, those who travel with relatives and friends do not lie. "Xun gold and silver speak eloquently.

"Stealing ... Is there a difference?" Shen Ming also entered the world of thieves for the first time.

"Of course, in my career, I divided the business into six major sections: stealing, stealing, stealing, cheating, Mongolia, and business.

Stealers take things personally; robbers **** head-on; burglars slid door locks; scammers cheat on others; attracted people attract targets; pedestrians evacuate.

Each of my children has these skills plenums, but only one specialization. The one who was unfortunately killed was the 'stealer'. "Xun Jinyin said that he had come to the kitchen counter," Qian Qiang said that your pry lock technology is first-rate. "

"I've learned it before, the technology is average." Shen Ming said modestly.

"Try this," Xun Jinyin lost a u-shaped lock, Shen Ming took it, took a piece of wire from the belt of the trousers, pushed it in and clicked twice, and then unlocked the lock. 2 seconds.

"Master!" Xun Jinyin admired.

"It's okay, I haven't practiced for a long time, very rusty, in fact, I am better at opening handcuffs." Shen Ming twisted his fingers and said.

"Okay, try again." Looking for gold and silver is like a magician, throwing away a strange wooden lock, this thing is like a cube made of wood, without even a keyhole that can be stabbed .

"What the **** is this?" Shen Ming wondered.

"48 square lock, a type of Kong Ming lock."

"Aren't you pitting me? This is a child's toy." Shen Ming hasn't learned how to open such things.

"The thief can't choose the lock they are facing, whether it's a child's toy or a combination lock in the safe. The only thing that needs to be done is to open him in the shortest time possible." Xun Jinyin said while pouring a bag of flour. On the countertop, a flour ring was placed, the water was poured into the middle, and two eggs were beaten.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Ming asked.

"Aren't you going to make dumplings? The filling is chopped, and you have to make a noodle, and you can see clearly." Xun Jinyin smiled slightly, straddled the horse in front of the counter, rolled up his sleeves, and his hands were spinning back and forth in the water. The hydrated eggs rotate in the flour ring, just like a mixer, quickly scrape the flour from the surrounding flour ring into the water, mix into a slurry, and then change from slurry to solid.

"Tianchao people and warriors pay attention to training the musculoskeletal skin outside and the breath inside. What is Qi? In fact, Qi is also a force, but an extension of force. Those who are good at carrying strength can use Qi as a place where weapons can't touch. , Can also allow the force to spread on larger surfaces, such as the well-known Tongbei Boxing, Seven Injury Boxing, light work water drifting and so on.

But for us, Qi is more of an exploration, an extension of touch. Western society likes to call this "special function". As long as it can effectively diffuse the force, qi can become your eyes, your hands, your ears, your nose, and a wider world than usual.

Just like at this moment, I was just stirring the water, but the gas had penetrated the water pattern, turned into an invisible hand, and blended the flour into it. "Xun gold and silver patiently explained knowledge, a dough had appeared on the counter. There was no drop of water leaking out, and no flour was not in the dough. It was just a good effort, and my eyes were straight. .

"How did you do that?" Shen Ming couldn't explain all this with science.

"I have been studying" Qi Jin Jue "for 10 years with my master, and I have studied it for 30 years before I have such a state of life."

"How long can I learn?" Shen Ming curiously said.

"1 day, because we are leaving tomorrow."

"Your dad is really lazy. My toasting is sloppy, and your teaching discounts me?" Shen Ming tells the truth, I really want to learn, there are many ancient martial arts in the dynasty, but currently 90% on the market Nine are all deceptive. The remaining masters either passed on or hanged up. If they want to learn real kung fu, I can only choose to jump over the cliff to find out if there is a carving brother to help you.

Shen Ming's melee is a short board. Although it is good to have a reverse scale, it is a pity that it is only 15 minutes. Once overtime, it will immediately become passive, and will be killed by human blood 100%, so it is very useful to learn practical melee skills.

"Kungfu is about talents. If you don't have enough talents for a lifetime, you can only use half a bucket of water. If you have enough talents, you can become a generation of masters without mastery.

Anyway, if I try hard to teach today, you will study hard. How much you can learn depends on how talented you are. "Looking for gold and silver stroked with a smile.

"I suddenly remembered ..." Xiao Yi frowned and said, "The old gentleman didn't wash his hands when he touched the chopping board! I didn't eat the dough when it was killed ..."

Therefore, in the afternoon, Shen Ming spent time destroying the eggs and flour, and consumed 3 bags of 10 kg of flour. He finally mastered the technique of kneading the dough without touching the flour with his hands. ,

It took another two hours to learn to beat the water surface into a uniform slurry within the prescribed time. This talent has made Xun Jin look ashamed. To know that he had spent a full year in order to rub out the dough ...

"It seems that you are often said in the movie, there is no one in the world ..." Xun Jinyin smiled and praised.

"What a genius, a genius is right, hurry up and make dumplings! Waner is coming back!" Looking at the old and the young, Xiao Yi was sitting next to making dumplings, not only to count as Waner, she also Called Huang Yibo to come back for dinner. Wangcai alone can eat more than a catty, Xiao Yi's hands are sour, and he has just enough to eat alone.

"Come here!" Shen Ming smiled and threw away the pasta and ran over to help. Looking at the happiness of Shen Ming and Xiao Yi, Xun Jinyin suddenly felt that if their children could really enjoy the peace and cherish the peace like them, maybe they would not be forced to nationalize the jade card. Right?

At night, it was a joyful meal. Looking for gold and silver seemed to be kind and kind to everyone like his grandfather next to him. He gave Waner a bottle of Chanel's premium limited edition perfume as a ceremony, which made her happy. It ’s been a long time, but the anti-theft magnetic strip on the perfume has not been removed. God knows how he got it out of the mall?

Wan'er didn't miss half after learning that Shen Ming and Xiao Yi were about to return to the task tomorrow, holding the old grandpa's hand gratefully and almost cried. The reason is that my elder brother was too noisy, and after leaving, his ears could sleep for a few days, and he could save his dark circles.

In the early morning of the next morning, Xun Jinyin set off with Shenming, and their destination was the magic capital. According to the plan, Xunjin will first bring Shen Ming into the company and introduce it to other brothers and sisters.

Xiao Yi will join the team in another way. Of course, on the bright side, they will play two people who do not know each other. For them who have long been accustomed to acting, this is not too difficult.

Until he got on the flight to Modu, Shen Ming asked curiously, "Speaking of Dad, how many dollars have you made for so many years? Tell me about it."

"Guess." Xun Xun laughed without answering.

"How can there be 100 million?" Shen Ming estimated.

"Actually only 10,000." Xun Jinyin raised a finger.

"Fun me, how is that possible?" Shen Ming one hundred did not believe it.

"Haven't you heard of it? Stealing without buying property or stealing money. The most taboo thing in our business is to get around the money. Almost all the money I spend is done as fast as possible. I have always kept only 10,000 yuan of activities Only in this way can we continue to study skills, earn enthusiasm for work, and earn enough money. "Looking for gold and silver is like educating children.

"Understand, even if you steal, you have to steal it, right?" Shen Ming said.

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