God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 321: Female thief wearing 7 earrings

Chapter 321: A Female Thief Wearing 7 Ear Studs

Watching a group of peasants who seemed to be harvesting in the crowd shuttled through the crowd, Xun Xun began teaching again, "Bronze lock, what do you think is the most important thing in our industry?"

"Excellent skill? Unparalleled courage? Accumulated experience?" Shen Ming said three answers in a row, but all were wrong, and the chain holding the steering wheel laughed with contempt.

"No. Stealers, of course, need to be stolen. Just like a fisherman, no matter how good your fishing bait, great patience, and skill, there is no fish in the pool, but it is empty.

Stealers must learn to fish and control the quantity and quality of prey in the hunting ground. People often joke that the fish only has 7 seconds to remember, and they turn around and forget. They do n’t know that people only have the alert period of January. Once they are stolen or the people around them are stolen, they will enter the alert state. Return to the best state of relaxation for the prey. Xun Jinyin smiled. "In addition, in addition to fish farming, we also need to know how to use the surrounding environment to help prey relax. For example, do n’t deliberately choose to stay away from the police and let the prey see the police. They will be more at ease and more relaxed. You just choose to start at an angle where the police can't see the prey, or you are skilled enough to shoot in front of the police. The success rate can be close to 100%. "

"Too high energy, Chen Ye can't do it." Shen Ming asked himself that he had learned everything in Nirvana camp, but in terms of technology, it might be possible to slide the door with a prying lock on his shoulders (to escape → _ →) This kind of stealing philosophy is really out of reach.

While observing, a girl with a flaming red baby head, painted with black smokey makeup, and chewing bubble gum in her mouth leaned against the door.

The girl looked like she was about 20 years old. She wore hot pants, a pair of long boots, a red and black striped t-shirt, punched 7 ear holes in her right ear, and all wore diamond stud earrings. Looks thinner than Xiao Yi's body with a pathological paleness, and nondescript looks are particularly eye-catching.

The girl swallowed bubbles in her mouth and knocked twice on the window. Liang Jinyin then shook the window, apparently knowing it.

"Daddy, it's not that I say you're old, so you have time to take a rest, and finally go out for a lap, and then just came back to inspect the work?" Although the girl was talking with the car, her eyes kept looking at the hunting ground. Every move here.

"Silver nail, Dad's temper is not clear to you? Just can't rest, but today I really didn't come to inspect, just brought a new brother to see our working environment." Xun Jin was called as he spoke The girl with silver nails finally glanced back at Shen Ming in the car. If the thick eyeshadow was wiped out, should it be more beautiful?

"How is this younger brother called?" Yin Nail flowed airily.

"Bronze lock." Shen Ming reported this ugly title.

"It looks very green, isn't it a chick?" Silver Nail laughed.

"I have already said this." Iron Chain also reconciled.

"Sister, anyway, it's all a dad. Why is it so anxious to fry!" Shen Ming said a little bit upset.

"Hey hey, who is your eldest sister? You are the eldest sister, you are the eldest sister in the whole village! We are the same generation, and we do not come in any order. No matter how old they are, the sons and daughters of Yizi only call their names, understand? Silver Spike blew up a bubble and turned back angrily, and at this time, there was a problem in the hunting ground.

Without saying a word, Yin Nai went straight through the crowd and came to the hunting ground, in which the observer had stared at a Chanel leather bag hanging on a lady's wrist. An old man with a squinting spine on his back was ready to start, and felt the blade in his hand, but was caught by the silver nail a second before he approached.

"Are you blind? That bag is a new spring style that Chanel just released. The condition is so good. It costs at least 40,000. How many dollars can you touch with a knife? Thousands? We can never kill chickens and eggs." Yin Nail Like an adult training a child, the old man rebuked in his ear.

"However, the angle is not good, the lock is not easy to open, and the wallet has a zipper on the inner layer, which is more troublesome." The old man was not blind, but he looked very real, because there was no way to move the blade. tool.

"Well, I'm timid but shrinking, let me come and learn something." Yin Nai didn't look at the lady, turned her head aside, and found a little girl who bought flowers.

"Sister, do you want to buy flowers?" The little girl laughed.

"Yes, but I want to buy more. Can you sell it to me with the basket in your hand?" Silver Nail easily completed the sale with a hundred dollars. The little girl wanted to find money and was rejected by Silver Nail. The silver nails holding the flower basket went face-to-face toward the lady, and the weirdly dressed hair and earrings quickly caught the lady's eyes.

Looking at the lady's expression, the meaning of "my daughter has to wear me like this must kill her" was written on her face.

But at the moment when I passed by with the lady, the fingertips of the silver nail suddenly added a single-edged alloy blade, and the strap hanging on the elbow of the lady was cut neatly with two blades, and quickly Hooking the flower basket with iron hooks to both ends of the strap, the whole process took only 1 second, and the work was completed when the lady stared at her hair and earrings.

"Steal the beam and change the column ?!" Shen Ming knew that this was the same game as Jingjing seeking gold and silver to replace his firing pin. He chose an equal weight and replaced the entity, leaving the holder unconscious.

It's just that silver nails haven't found the accuracy of gold and silver with this trick. Looking for gold and silver can control the error in grams, her error is likely to be between 10 grams and 30 grams.

"You can see the idiot so that the bag can be sold as a hand bag." Yin Nai educated the old man, and he had just thrown the bag into the tote bag that he came to, and turned away, and the alloy blade was plugged by herself Into the mouth, she was still blowing this bubble gum, without being affected by the blade at all, God knows how she did it.

And the lady was still holding a flower basket in her hand, standing there waiting for someone, when it was no longer important to find out that she had been stolen.

"This technique is so good." Shen Ming had to obey, dare to love the girl's fancy dress to intentionally show the target. Gathering all their sights on their earrings and face can only let them relax their awareness of the body when passing by, which is a magical skill.

"Silver Spike was the child I rescued from the street. She was only five years old that year, she was arrested for stealing a hooligan's wallet, and was almost killed alive on the street. She saw her posture and turned away immediately It took me 3,000 yuan to save a small life. Looking at her today, she is the best in the industry of stealers. "Looking for gold and silver, I can't help feeling the past.

"And I was also the child saved by Dad. At first I was racing faster with a group of scammers. My car was passive and eventually lost. The other side asked me to take the car to pay the debt or leave one hand. The car is a car dealer. I was just a small worker who pretended to be a competitor.

If it wasn't for Dad, I would have become 'Yang Guo' now. "Iron Chain will never forget this kind of affection, and it is because of this incident that he understands that the pedestrian should never leave the vehicle he has prepared, even if he urinates, he will not finish it with his back to the vehicle.

This is why he did not enter the airport, although he picked up the plane.

"You are all great, much better than me." Shen Ming clasped his back.

"So how did you and Ada meet?" Iron Chain finally said more.

"Oh, I happened to accidentally meet the old man who touched porcelain when I was shopping. I was so defaced that I didn't have a dime. Then I said," If I don't want to be your son, don't ask me for money. " Who knows that it's a snap, that's how I got a father. "

The iron chain listened for a while, but Xun Xun laughed. After having been with Dad for so many years, the chain can see that Dad likes this new son very much, at least no one at home dares to make fun of him.

"Let's go, I have to go elsewhere." Xun Jinyin motioned to drive. When they left, there was a scream of ghosts and crying shouts in the City God Temple. Many prey finally found that they had lost something, and then In a chain reaction, more and more people find themselves missing something, and the hunt for silver nails is over.

Next, Shen Ming also visited a working place, such as an upscale five-star hotel. Young women dressed in glamorous clothes and dressed in international brand names will hook up high-level prey from here. Most of these gentlemen seeking *** are executives of large enterprises. Once they are hooked into the hotel rooms, they will just wait for the prey to be taken off. The trousers, five big and three thick young women's husbands will rush in from outside the house, holding the young woman's neck collar to look like killing.

Executives were so scared that they didn't even dare to wear pants and rushed out of the way to flee. The wallets and mobile phones they left behind became a harvest.

Gold and silver hunting also had a problem in this visit, that is, to let Shen Gu guess what type of hand it was.

"Stealing, stealing, stealing, cheating, Mongolian, doing ... should be regarded as cheating?" Shen Ming affirmed.

"It's wrong again. This is called thief. It's a frontal snatch." The iron chain of the car educated again.

"Stealing? I didn't watch it. The executives ran away by themselves?" Shen Ming wondered.

"Front robbery is to control the target with a sense of fear and then materialize it for your own use. But this sense of fear has never been said to come from the fear of death, nor does it necessarily use force. People and animals are different. One thing is that animals are only afraid of predator's fangs and claws, but humans will be afraid of many things. "Seeking gold and silver tirelessly.

"If it's not a lie, what is it?"

"The scammer, the Taiya and the vulgar, a long-term life, uncertain harvest, how much benefit can be created depends on the richness of the prey, but also to see how deep the predator can adapt to the local conditions." Xun Gold and silver touched the beard.

"I'll show you now, the deceiver's performance." Iron Chain drove straight to the Bund.

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