God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 325: Peerless Imperial

Chapter 325: Peerless Imperial

Time flies, the years are like shuttles, and more than 10 years have passed in an instant. The goddess was still so youthful and beautiful, just as God estimated that her beauty was condensed in the cardamom years, and Shen Ming was born and transformed into the most elite warrior.

What makes Shen Ming unthinkable is that Yu Yu is a jade, and he is still a thief. Meng Yuyu, whose main task is to attract others, has to admit that her beauty has perfectly achieved the task effect. From the moment she saw her, Shen Ming had stolen her heart.

In retrospect, Shen Ming's invisible wallet should have been with her group of people, **** it, thank you for eating ice cream at the beginning, and I dare to pay for it myself.

"You're too slow, I'm almost finished with bubble gum." Yin Nai complained again.

"Sorry, I really can't walk away. There is a table of guests entangled there. I have to make tea, because the prey is also not good for me to refuse, so I came late." Yu Yu lightly explained, a pair of apricot kernels with big eyes They looked straight at Shen Ming, "This brother is very familiar, have we ever met?"

"Shouldn't there? If I meet a beautiful woman like you, I won't forget it." Shen Ming smiled slightly, and the moment when he met he was gone. At this moment, he remembered that his identity was a copper lock, but he was in front of him. It's a female thief named Jade.

"It's a surprise. Our famous iceberg beauties, Jade, actually took the initiative to talk to men and use such old-fashioned dialogue." Platinum ring laughed helplessly.

"Really? Sorry, you look a lot like a friend of mine ..." Shen Ming didn't recognize him, and Yuxi no longer struggled, sitting opposite him with a smile.

"What kind of friend? Is he as handsome as me?" Shen Ming made a disgusting expression on purpose.

"It's too fast to remember, but ... he's dead." Yuxi's words were a bit sloppy, and no one wanted to pick them up.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start now." Xun Jinyin hosted the meeting, and tossed a thick folder to Shen Ming.

Looking over, the photos inside made Shen Ming's eyes light up, "Liu Qingcheng?"

"Do you know him?" The iron chain sitting next to him curiously.

"The chairman of Huangdao Logistics Group, a well-known wealthy businessman, more than 30% of the logistics business in Tianchao is under his control. Even when Ma opened the Soubao website, he personally worshiped him." Shen Ming did not completely ignore it. News.

"That's just superficial information. In fact, he is also the contemporary head of the Qing Dynasty's largest group of gangs. His gangs are spread across all corners of the world, with a total number of more than 20,000. It is definitely the largest underground force in the Chao Dynasty. Road.

"Dare to make him a prey ... Adie, you have a lot of courage." Of course, Shen Ming knows the power of the Qing Gang. Compared with them, what's new in Linhai City is a small fish and a small loach.

"It wasn't that I wanted to provoke them, but it was an accident ..." Xun Xun sighed helplessly.

It turned out that as early as half a year ago, Tianle Company had received a sky-high order for them to steal a piece of Pu'er tea cake. This tea cake is said to have been conferred to the Emperor Qing by Wu Sangui, who was introduced 500 years ago. It was made by the best tea master at the time, using the large Pu'er ancient tree leaves of more than 2000 years.

This batch of Yucha was kept in the state treasury until the Manchu dying and the state treasury was destroyed. Only this piece of Yucha cake was preserved intact.

The oldest “Yupu” market in this history has a conservative valuation of more than 30 million yuan, and the appreciation space increases with the years.

Of course, Tianle Company took the order and arranged everything to make sure that Yupu's position was clear. But just the day before, the original owner of the tea cake sold the gem to Liu Qingcheng. This matter is troublesome. Tianle Xianglai is known for taking orders without returning and zero misses. Unless the goods have disappeared, even in the bank vault, it will definitely help customers out.

No way, despite knowing how dangerous Liu Qingcheng is, Xun Xun still adhered to the usual principles and started an action plan. As a monk, Yu Xuan appeared next to Liu Qingcheng as a tea artist, gaining trust and obtaining intelligence.

Then, as a thief, the steel bar seized the opportunity to sneak into Liu Qingcheng's mansion and prepare to pick up the goods. Who knew that as if it was arranged, Liu Qingcheng suddenly went home and caught one right away. That night, the steel bar was sunk by the Huangpu River, and it has not been salvaged up to now.

At this moment, what is to be discussed in the gold and silver meeting is how to follow up the action?

"My opinion is the same as when I learned that the tea cake was collected by Liu Qingcheng, and I should give up such a dangerous work. The risk is too high, that guy did not kill anyone with a blink of an eye, and even the official did not dare to move this The underground emperor offended him in minutes.

Isn't it possible for us to buy and sell rich money? "Silver Spike took the lead.

"But once the order is returned, Tianle's word of mouth for all these years will be completely abolished, but that is the word-of-mouth reputation that Ade has worked hard for 60 years." Jin Ding expressed support for continuing.

"It's not that we have to do it, but according to the past gameplay, there will be only one end of the Huangpu River to feed the fish. We must change our mind." Platinum ring frowned deeply.

"I don't care, what does Ady say?" The iron chain will always be the most loyal, even if it is stupid.

"In short, the situation is not so bad, my identity has not been exposed, and the actions of Mongolians can continue to help." Yuxi spoke softly.

"What about the copper lock? What do you think?" Xun Jinyin wanted to hear his opinion.

"Me? What can I think of it, isn't Dad looking for me to do a lot of work? Now he can't do it, can he be dismissed from me?" Shen Ming could still say it after reading many Liu Qingcheng materials So easy, I could n’t help making these brothers and sisters look at each other. There are only two types of thieves who are not afraid of death. They are either bold or stupid. I do n’t know which one is Shen Ming?

"It seems that most people's opinions continue, so I will return to the Lord, and this single sale will continue to start the second unit. Not for the 28 million remuneration, just for my dead son, your brother, steel bars. "Xun gold and silver have made a decision, and no other opinions are meaningful, and Silver Nail is very obedient and shut up.

"Yes, we are thieves, but we also have affection and temper. State-owned law, family rules. Steel bars are just burglaries, but they lost their lives. Since Liu Qingcheng dared to move my child, he should pay accordingly. The price.

The scale of this operation will motivate all the departments of Tianle to cooperate with each other, and all of you here will participate. There is still half a month before the deadline for the order. In any case, you must get Yupu back by the deadline. Swear under my name! "Looking for gold and silver also moved.

"A Dad, who will be responsible for this operation?" Shen Ming knew it was definitely not himself.

"I should have been responsible for the layout activities, but the steel bars have just passed away. If I still volunteer to take up this job, will everyone oppose it?" Yu Yu knew very well, and everyone said silently, "You guessed it."

"For the time being, the layout of the operation is under the responsibility of platinum ring, and the bronze lock is handed over to Yuxi to take it, teach him, remind him, and protect him." Everyone couldn't help but want to laugh. . After all, bringing new people in such a big operation is the most dangerous. New people have too much uncertainty. A mistake will not only kill themselves, but also kill them.

"I'm fine, but he doesn't seem to like me too much." Yuxi stared at this dreary, just as he did on the bus more than a decade ago.

"Yu You think too much, you can work with beautiful women, of course, you are happy." Shen Ming smiled, seriously, seeing Yu Min Shen Ming's mind was stirred up countless memories, but has established a relationship with Xiao Yi Later, this emotion only made him feel ... with a sense of guilt for betrayal.

"Very well, you will continue to meet to work out a preliminary plan, and you will not be allowed to go to work without making a first draft." Xun Jinyin said as he stood up, scratching his old waist, many righteous women sighed, like Coquettish, "Don't complain, remember what I said, 200% hard work and 100% work can be successful.

I ’m going to eat first, and I ’ll call you takeaway, but do n’t expect too much deliciousness, yellow rice chicken rice, add a maximum of stewed eggs. "

"I hate the yellow pheasant, and everything I hate makes me hate ..." Yin Nai was about to cry.

"I lose weight, even if I share it." Platinum ring also looked pained.

"I don't care. Just let me blow up the shop after dinner." Jin Ding showed his face.

"Why do they all hate that stuff?" Shen Ming asked the new partner Yuxi in wonder.

"Because that shop used to make Shaxian snacks, but the boss found that no one was eating at all, he changed it to yellow glutinous chicken rice. As a result, the owner did not change, and the craftsmanship did not change. "..." Yu said, lowering his voice, because the store had an agreement with the company, and all the staff's meals were provided by them.

"Okay guys, let's get started. From the character analysis, we have gotten busy." Platinum Ring stood up, flipped the information out of the cabinet, and threw it on the table. The information is full, cluttered as if without any clue.

Conceiving an action plan is inherently very complicated, especially the more people involved, the more complicated it becomes. Every step must be calculated by the organ, and any possible troubles in the operation must be thought of in advance and deal with them one by one. The data to be analyzed is as good as the hair, and in this case, it is difficult to formulate a plan, which is no less than operating a group-level merger and acquisition plan.

Fortunately, the people who can sit here are all experts in the industry.

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