God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 342: Kiss mark

Chapter 342: Kiss Kiss

Late at night, on the dark platform, a man and a woman looked at each other, the girl just reached the corner of the boy, with a scent of a mixture of tobacco and shampoo on the body; the boy used his broad shoulders to resist the cold wind and tried his best to protect The thin girl in front of you, even if the enemy is nature, fight for it!

Jade is tired, leaning forward with his forehead on the deep chest, the scent of the hair tip is more obvious.

"You are a bastard, do you know?" Yuxi sighed softly.

"I'm sorry ..." Shen Ming didn't know why he apologized, but at this moment it seems inappropriate to say anything besides this?

"I lied for a lifetime, and the only truth was my promise to you. After being separated from you, I have been paying attention to your news and watching all kinds of news on the field. You are called a genius in the shooting world. , A gold weapon for the future Olympic Games. Whenever I think of an agreement with such an amazing person, I even collect your photos like a brain residue, your news clippings.

In order to cheer you up at the venue when you participate in the Olympic Games, I have been working very hard to maintain my good identity information and must not be arrested once, because then I will not be able to apply for a visa.

Who would have thought that I worked so hard to see the news about you at the end, but it was the report of the "youth butcher" ... "Yuxi's voice was a bit sad, perhaps because she was only in pajamas, was it a bit cold?

"I'm sorry ..." Shen Ming said sincerely.

"If the apology is useful, what do you want the police to do? At that time, I liked you so much and regarded you as the end of happiness I was looking for. Even naive fantasies when I saw you again, as long as you did not dislike me, I would Go anywhere with you, abandon the identity of the original thief, and live a whole new life ...

I, stupid, even attended your funeral, and cried on the grave without you, and became a teardrop, lose me, my tears. "Yu Xuan gently held his deep chest.

"A lot of things are not my choice, and it is also a luck to live to this day. I know I have failed your trust. If I could never do it once, maybe ..."

"Don't talk about the flirtatious rhetoric of platinum ring. I know a man with only one glance. I know who you are. I was stubborn, tenacious, honest, and kind.

It is this kind of you that will become a demon when your family is killed. Even if you come again, you will not see me in your mind at that moment. "Yu Xuan chuckled.

"Actually ... when I was hit by a bullet, I looked like you in my mind and couldn't fulfill my promise ... I'm sorry, when I thought I was going to die ... the only regrettable thing."

"Even if you're lying to me, I'm very happy." Yuxi shivered slightly against Shenming's body. She didn't dare to look up at Shenming's face, because the **** talent allowed her to easily distinguish lies from the truth. She didn't I hope to understand Shen Ming so well, because if I understand too much, my old feelings will come to my heart.

"I'm not good at lying, especially to you." Shen Ming suddenly felt that the heart that had been hanging after the showdown finally came to the ground. "After that, I experienced a life and death nirvana, and there was no day in ten years. Baozhun saw the sun tomorrow. Fortunately, I came back alive and regained my own life. "

"But you no longer have me in your new life, and the agreement with me has been forgotten by you, even me ... forgotten by you, right?" Yuxi heart pained.

"I'm sorry ..." Shen Ming said softly.

"You're not just a bastard, you're a idiot. At this time, you should say, 'It's not like that. In fact, I always remember you. I tried to find you, but I couldn't find it. I love you, only But good fortune, let's go, let's talk about the last bunch. "Yuxi laughed, but tears dripped into the gap between the two like rain. No matter how much she can cry, there is no way to fill the distance between them with tears, right?

"Sorry, I can't say such brazen words. I admit that after returning to the city, I never thought of looking for you, nor did I have the opportunity to see you again. The kiss with you was my first kiss, and I gazed at you every day. My time is my first love, and my agreement with you is the goal I used to try to achieve, but all this was buried along with my past.

Now I'm covered with scars, and another girl is in my heart. "Shen Ming's frankness was originally a big reason for Yuxi to like him, but now ... it is so annoying to Yuxi.

"That being the case, it is not easy to have a new life again, why not cherish your life? Why take on the task of a dead life? I can accept you and other women into the wedding hall, at least on the surface I can also send you my blessing with a smile.

But do you want me to attend your funeral again? Looking at your relic lying in the coffin, crying again? I can't pretend that it doesn't matter in that state, pretending that I have forgotten you and no longer love you! Don't you understand! "Yu Xuan looked up at Shen Ming already crying with a pair of apricot core eyes.

"Trust me, I will never die, and I will never let you die. What I have learned in the past ten years is how to live. To be precise, there are no living things on this earth that can not give up blood. It cost me my life. "Shen Ming was so confident.

"Can you still believe your promise?" Yuxi begged like a little girl.

"This time, the promise will be fulfilled. If you keep your word, I will accompany you all over the world." Shen Ming assured his chest.

"I believe in you!" Yuxi waved his face's tears with a wave of his hand, and let his smile and makeup touch his confidence.

At this point, the two people were already too close together, and the ambiguous atmosphere seemed to have a magic that made them seem to be separated without doing anything.

"If I kiss you, would your girlfriend mind?" Yuxi asked suddenly.

"I think I'll be killed, right?" Shen Ming clasped his cheeks awkwardly.

"Really? Anyway, you said no one can kill you ..." Yu Yan suddenly took a hold of Shen Ming, and on his neck, he gave him a bite of fierce and soft.

"Yuyu! What are you doing?" Shen Ming's face blushed.

Thirty seconds later, Yuzhen released Shenming, but a bright red and small kiss mark had been left on his neck.

"I wanted to try this for a long time." Looking at his masterpiece, Yuxi laughed happily like a mischievous little girl.

"Oh, if you were really killed by your girlfriend, you would be a murderer!" Shen Ming reluctantly shook her head and sighed, but as long as Yuzhen is happy, in fact, one or two more kiss marks is nothing.

This is also good. At least the two who have recognized their identities can be as calm as sitting and chatting at the beach that day. The new promise replaced the old unfulfillable promise and became a new bond for the two.

Back in the conference room, Yuxi finally raised his watch to support the bilateral action plan. Shen Ming, as an independent branch, sneaked into the black ground on the 4th to complete the theft of Peerless Imperial.

At the same time, the platinum ring side will launch an operation to sneak into the underground Eden, and bring Adie out from the inside in time. Regardless of the result, after the operation, they will completely give up their plans to provoke Liu Qingcheng, and Silver Nail even booked a ticket for everyone to leave the magic city, and evacuated here to avoid the limelight.

The five people who decided to save people had a fierce discussion. Every detail of the plan was analyzed and divided in detail. The synergy was extremely high. As for Shen Ming's plan, he didn't have so many plans. He just held the map of No. 4 Black Land and looked carefully.

It is very dangerous to sneak into the underground Eden. Everyone understands this, but there is coordination and cooperation, and the safety factor is relatively high. The solitude of one person's action is the most dangerous. After all, the 7-story building in the middle of the black land is far from the surrounding residential areas Too far, the action time is likely to be during the typhoon, let alone shooting and killing people, even if they play grenades, nobody should hear them.

And all these troubles will be borne by Shen Ming alone ...

The discussion went from night to morning, and Tianle's employees also started to work normally. They knew nothing about the arrest of the chairman, which was also for their good.

"Shenming." Since confessing his identity, Jade has never called him again.

"What?" Shen Ming turned back.

"Hold it." Jade pushed a small 64-style pistol into Shen Ming's hand.

"What is this?" Shen Ming froze.

"I'll defend you."

"Don't forget, I'm a thief now, and a gun is a bandit." Shen Ming smiled and pushed the gun back into Yu's hand.

"But where you go, they don't care what you are?" Yuzheng was still a little worried.

"Rest assured, when they found me, they were already killed." Shen Ming was still so confident.

"Okay! Alright! Let's go to rest. The action is set for tomorrow. Today we must do our own roles and preparations." Yin Nail pushed Shen Ming and Yuyu toward the company's exit.

No matter how difficult it is, life will continue. Shen Ming and Yu Yan have to play the role of Huixian Yajing. As the typhoon was approaching, the tea house hanged a photo of "close", and the internal staff was busy taking protective measures, such as moving all the tea stored on the first floor to the second floor, cleaning the drainage ditch in the store, and further protecting the tea from moisture deal with.

Of course, all the dirty work of moving and cleaning the drainage canals is done by meditation. According to the habit, after dealing with the typhoon prevention work outside the store, he cleaned up the sewage ditches around the neighborhood, in his words, "Anyway, my hands are dirty, let's do it together!" That enthusiasm and success Captured the hearts of neighbors' aunts.

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