God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 351: I am a thief, call the police

Chapter 351: I Am A Thief, Call The Police

Peace is the future pursued by all human beings, but peace also breeds many monsters of desire. They greedily pursue fame and fortune, they can't believe in money and love, and they can throw away their wives and children for official positions. Summarizing these symptoms, all can be attributed to peace and peace, and people who live too comfortably begin to die.

For those who have experienced in a war environment, clothing, food, shelter, fame and fortune are nothing but physical objects, and only living is the most fundamental and most worthwhile thing to pursue.

Looking for gold and silver, he could tell Shen Ming such an important place for storing jade cards in advance, because his eyes are clean, there are not so many complicated and dirty desires, and he has only infinite desire for life.

Xun Jinyin ’s evaluation of Shen Ming is that he has met the Dadao. The so-called Dadao is the right way of life, and those who walk along the road will not be polluted by superficial worldly desires. This is what the older generation of proletarian athletes have. It's hard to see this kind of mentality today.

Xun Jinyin dare to entrust such an important thing to Shen Ming because of his spiritual head, and this trust really makes the iron chain in front of Shen An extremely angry.

A sense of loss of "why entrusted to him or not to me" almost engulfed the chain of intellect.

He raised the alloy blade in his hands in anger, and he looked like he was gritting his teeth and peeling himself away.

"Iron chain, if I were you, you would never do that, because your specialty is driving, and my specialty is fighting. If you are on the road, yes, I am afraid of you, but here you just want to get started Pump. "Shen Ming persuaded with sigh.

"Don't do it! Who knows! Give me back my jade card!" The chain shouted and rushed up, and the blade drawn by Fei cut directly to the deep throat.

Iron Chain asked himself among his brothers and sisters, except Jin Ding, his fighting skills were the best. As a result, he couldn't survive Shen Ming's hands at all.

Shen Ming clasped his wrist so easily, he pulled a flip over his shoulder, and the chain had been thrown on the floor before he reacted, arousing a large amount of Yangchen.

The iron chain's hand holding the alloy blade was twisted back, and with a click, the wrist was dislocated.

"Who the **** are you? Police?" Iron Chain acknowledged.

"I'm like you. Now I'm just a thief. I have an important rescue task today and I'll ignore you for now. Please calm down here." Shen Ming dragged the iron chain to a water pipe. Before, he handcuffed his hands to the water pipe.

In order to prevent him from using other tools to pry the lock, Shen Ming even took off his clothes and threw them away. He also buckled his throat to confirm that there were no other tools. As for the chrysanthemum, it was not checked. One was nausea and the other was nausea.

"How do you want to save them?" Iron Chain finally calmed down a bit.

"Peerless Yu Pu is in my hand, he has promised to replace someone." Shen Ming smiled.

"Don't talk nonsense, do you think Liu Qingcheng will let you trade with him with your own things? If you go, you will be killed, you idiot." Iron Chain Chiguo despised.

"Did you send it to death? Do you know if you go there? Also, you don't have to wait for me to come back here. If you feel cold, call for help. There are still residents living near here, and they will definitely help you. "Shen Ming said, writing a few big words on the iron chain's slick chest with oil paint pens-" I am a thief, call the police ".

"Do you find this interesting?" Iron Chain despised.

"It's very interesting. There are only two ways before you. One, when I bring my dads back, call you to his old man; second, you call someone to save you, and then the uncle of the police will take you Accept legal sanctions. "Shen Ming, like a mischievous ghost, throws his pen far away.

"Actually, I have a third option. I bite my tongue and died here." Iron Chain said fiercely.

"In my opinion, there is no such option at all, because suicide is not something a widower like you can do, so let's think about it now when nobody is around. I'll go first." Shen Ming turned and left.

"Hey," Iron Chain suddenly called.


"Although I hate you, make sure that Dad is alive. I am a traitor, but I never thought about Dad's life. Once Liu Qingcheng knew that I took the jade card, he would not touch Dad if he killed everyone. , Because he knows that if he wants to find me, no one can do it except for Dad. "The iron chain has a bit of conscience, maybe pretending, no matter what, Shen Ming still took the friendship for Xun Jinxin. .

"Rest assured, I was a bodyguard before being a thief, and never let anyone die," Shen Ming promised.

"Hello pervert, even the bodyguards ..." Iron Chain frowned.

"I'm talking about the job of bodyguards, shit, I'm too lazy to explain it to you." Shen Ming left the old house resentfully, and locked the door with his backhand.

After going out and going downstairs, Xiao Yi was sleeping in the evacuation of another back alley. Lying sideways in the backseat, she hadn't closed her eyes for a night, and while Shen Ming went to catch the work of the housemaid, she had time to take a moment to catch it.

Looking at Xiao Yi who was holding her arms to sleep, Shen Ming smiled and took off her coat and put it on Xiao Yi's body. I didn't want to wake up the beauty in this dream, Shen Ming gently started the engine to drive on the road.

At this time it was 5:30 in the morning, and there were more cars and pedestrians on the street. Shen Ming drove past the stretch of the Bund, passed the magnificent Oriental Pearl, and finally stopped in a back alley, all in front of the early street vendors.

The most unique characteristics of the magic city are the uncooked sautéed dumplings, cakes, and fresh chaos. Before getting out of the car, the fragrance floated in along the gap of the window, and Xiao Yi who was asleep woke up drooling.

"Where is this?" Xiao Yi rubbing her eyes away.

"I don't know. It just says that the place here is the most authentic and early, so I brought you here. You haven't eaten since last night, are you hungry?" Shen Ming smiled.

"What is‘ hungry ’? I ’m so hungry that I ’m hung up on my chest and back! Today you treat me!” Xiao Yi ’s excited cart door got out of the driveway.

"Okay, not earlier, how much can you eat?" Shen Ming was extremely generous, but when the checkout, the little friends were stunned, and actually spent more than 900 yuan for a breakfast! All caught up to the price of a fine seafood meal in Linhai!

The main reason is that Xiao Yi loves the shrimp dumplings here. There are two in one cage. Xiao Yi came in 10 cages at once, not even half full. Coupled with the abalone crickets, cordyceps, and shark fin porridge ... it's the ideal standard for rich locals.

Fortunately, Shen Ming fisted tens of thousands of yuan from Liu Qingcheng, otherwise this meal will be eaten, and it is estimated that someone will brush the bowl for one month or sell the body to pay the debt.

"So what are you going to do? They were all kidnapped by that hooligan, do you really intend to rescue them alone?" Xiao Yi symbolically cared while eating shrimp dumplings.

"It's not a life-saving or a substitution. I don't have a card to play. The tea cake of Peerless Royal Pu is still in the trunk, rest assured!" Shen Ming was very optimistic.

"But I always think it's not that simple. You better be careful. What else is your first love goddess going to do? If you dare to find a three-bedroom, even if I promise, Sister Anqi will come. Shit. "Xiao Yi threatened with others.

"I know that although I used to love her in the past, it was" Hurry That Year "after all, and now we are just friends and customers who can talk to each other. They will not be involved in the present life. Emotion, Shen Ming has matured and can be treated like an adult.

"That's good. People are good girls. I don't want to see anyone who is killed in order to like you, there will be guilt." Xiao Yi muttered.

"Speaking of it, An Qi's nirvana period is about to end these days?" When mentioning An Qi, Shen Ming immediately thought of important things.

"I really forgot about it, sister Anqi, how do you plan to tell her about the two of us? Let me really share a boyfriend with her ... is it too cheap for you!" Xiao Yiyi Millions are unwilling to say.

"Rest assured, I will deal with this matter, I have planned to show her a showdown, the absolute state of things between us is so unclear." Shen Ming is becoming more and more like an adult.

"I'm going, showdown ?! Did you forget that I was almost hacked to death last time? It was only because he was too close to you to take out his skirt, if she knew I rode her man ... "Xiao Yi hadn't remembered until now.

"Riding? Am I a horse?" Shen Ming → _ →.

"You're a grass mud horse, give me a poor mouth! Say well, I won't play the game of being hunted down with you anymore, I have a bad heart and can't stand it, you're in trouble, remember to wipe your **** clean. Xiao Yi just shook his hands and ignored.

"Okay, you tell me, I'll do it. Rest assured, even if it really started, now I ... An Qi is no longer my nemesis." Shen Ming smiled and said.

"Get it." When Xiao Yi despised, the cell phone in Shen Ming's arms rang again.

Shen Ming didn't even have to look at the electricity to know who it was, "Boss Liu, contact me so early, you don't talk about taking a rest after working hard all night."

"I'm toiled, aren't you harder? You have attacked my black ground by yourself, is there any more tired than you?" Liu Qingcheng sighed with emotion.

"I'm eating early, should I bring you a little? It's expensive." Shen Ming is like chatting with friends.

"No, I'm allergic to one bite of the oil outside the trench. You can eat more if you like it. When I was young, Huixian met me and brought my things, don't forget." Liu Qingcheng reminded repeatedly.

"Rest assured that my head and tea cakes will bring you." Shenming said.

"You have to say that, I suddenly became more interested in your head." Liu Qingcheng said seriously.

"Sorry, people don't sell heads, you want me to give you no whip, I eat early, I'm too lazy to be poor with you, see you later." Shen Ming hung up the phone after finishing talking.

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