God-level Bodyguard in The City

Chapter 354: Butterfly on shoulder

Chapter 354 The Butterfly on the Shoulder

The drainage car used to block the road was constantly working, but the blood and blood mixed with it still couldn't help flowing out of it. With the shivering fighting noise, passers-by also noticed the difference.

But no one dared to get close to half a minute, five big and three were rough, fierce, and the construction staff with tattoos on their necks dispelled passers-by, even those with more eyes would be stared at by this group of bad guys.

The good character of modern society is to see bad people turn around, and small life is more important than anything. As a result, no one has raised any objections to the ongoing slash.

The residents in the alleys are all plain-headed ordinary people with family and mouth. In the face of the killings at the door of the home, they can only try to strengthen the door panels to prevent blood from spreading into the house. They didn't even dare to call the police to call the police. The gang's forces are notorious in the magic. Once they offend, they still understand the principle of endless life.

Although they all sympathized with the bosses of Shenming and Huixian, they did not have the courage to reach out and help.

No matter how fierce the battle was outside the house, Liu Qingcheng no longer had a glance at it. He picked up the scented tea pet he had given to Yuyu, carefully patted the stain on it, and put it in his arms.

"Boss, it doesn't seem to be very powerful outside, do we need to help?" The more than 200 brothers have rushed out, but they have been slashed for so long without showing any signs of rest, and Hua Ming's power is worried and asks.

"No need, I didn't intend to stop them." Liu Qingcheng sat on the stone bench aside.

"Do not want to stop? Then you still have so many people hacking outside?" Hua Renai wondered.

"Hua Lei, you must look deeper into the matter, don't just look at it one-sided. I like Jade, of course, I hope she lives well, even if she just lied to me, my affection for her is true.

Unfortunately, the rules do not allow us to have results. In my hands, she only has a dead end. As such, it is better to let her and Shen Ming leave.

It ’s just that you ca n’t leave easily. Although I ’m the boss, there are still a lot of old guys in the gang who are not dead and good-faced. If you let them know that I have done such a shameful thing, I have to cut my tongue. One chopped. Liu Qingcheng smiled slightly, but Hua Lei shuddered just because Liu Qingcheng was holding the number 400 for life and death as a toy in order to clean up his ears, in order to perform a realistic "off-off" play.

It's just that the acting is really realistic. Yuxi always keeps her smooth and delicate back against the one that is about to lose her life. The blood loss makes her whole body lean against the deep arms, and she feels so close. Ming's breath, looking at the kiss marks left by his mischief on his neck, Jade also completely forgot the meaning of life and death, and his heart was full of sighs about the years.

In the ten years, things are different from people. At that time, the adolescent and simple youngster has grown into a tiger-backed waist, sturdy and reliable like a mountain, and hot and warm like the sun. If he really dies at this moment, Yuxi also feels happy, at least he is dying in the arms of his beloved man.

But Shenming absolutely does not allow this kind of thing to happen. He tightly guarded Yuyu with one hand on his chest and leaned against the wall to reduce the number of enemies he faced to a minimum. A group of young disciples surrounded them in the front row. The machete in his guy's hand was in the corner, and the guy who was knocked down in front of him was no longer active. They were all departed directly by the brothers and passed out to the melee crowd.

Shen Ming doesn't have weapons in his hands, but only fists and feet are used to defeat the enemy and do not give anyone a chance to shoot, even if surrounded, the feeling is still that a group of mice surrounded a lion, who is the prey ,stupidly can not tell.

"Jade, talk to me." Shen Ming gazed softly into Jade's ears, staring at the gangsters around him.

"What do you want to talk about?" Yuxi was very weak, but still conscious.

"Anything is fine, as long as you don't fall asleep." Shen Ming just wanted to help Yuxi stay awake.

"Then talk about the past ..." Yuxi smiled involuntarily. "Do you know? I noticed you when you got on the car for the first time. It's not that you are rich, but that you are falling on your shoulders. A swallowtail butterfly. I still remember the look of that butterfly. The blue wings really look good in the sun ... you look good too. At that time, you wore these headphones and seemed to be listening to English. There was such a little guy on my shoulder.

You're too dumb, just take that butterfly all the way and get out of the car. At that time, I only watched a movie called "Butterflies on Shoulders", so I unconsciously remembered you.

The next day, you didn't bring the butterfly into the car, but you already found me. Obviously so happy, just like you found a new continent, but you have no courage to come forward to chat.

I was thinking, is this adolescent child too shy? "Yu Zheng only felt as if she was back in that cardamom.

"Please, I didn't even know what love was at that time?" A disciple rushed up from the side, Shen Ming held the brick wall with one hand, and pulled out a brick from the wall. On his forehead, the guy rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

When the machete in his hand was spinning in the air, he had been caught by Shen Ming, and it had been hit for 10 minutes. This was the first time Shen Ming took the knife.

"Anyway, I'm dumb, I say you're stupid, you have to admit it." Yuxi took a bite of Shenming, but it was very light. "Later, I've been waiting to see when you can come up to chat with me, even that The newcomers I took also noticed you, and everyone even opened the market, betting how long you dare to take that step.

In the end ... your patience exceeded everyone's expectations, even myself. When you told me the word, it just exceeded my expected one day, and you lost me 200 yuan, asshole. "

"It's okay, I'll give it back to you later," Shen Ming laughed.

"I do n’t need you to pay it back. Later, I took your wallet. Although I did n’t have enough money, I did n’t lose much.

I once thanked God for letting me meet you so that I can understand that as a scammer, I still have real feelings. Only by knowing your own sincerity can you not get lost in your falsehood.

The agreement with you is the only thing I want to do in a period of time. How to make you accept me is also a difficult problem that I have been thinking about.

You are the only man who makes me want to give up my thief status ... But in the end you still belong to someone else, this is probably the so-called ‘fateless’ right?

I'm like the swallowtail butterfly on your shoulder, once stopped, but can't let you stop for me. "Blood loss made Jade's skin pale, and she had unconsciously wanted to sleep.

"Listen, I have no time to make trouble with you, and I have no mood to take you down one by one, from now on ... I will not be merciless, the one who blocks me, life and death have nothing to do with me ..." Shen Mingdan Holding the mountain knife in his hand, he walked towards the crowd with the jade pinch.

For the first time he broke away from the wall and left himself in the crowd.

The green gang disciples are like scared rabbits. Look at me, look at what you do n’t know. The two brothers could not retreat, but rushed forward daringly.

They shouted to infuse themselves, and the raised mountain knife was directly cut off according to Shen Ming and Jade's head.

But they hadn't responded yet. The machete flew into the air with their arms together, and the blood that poured out was splashed on the brother's face, and they couldn't even see how Shen Ming shot.

He still walked forward with the hostess, and the crowd began to give way to them. The strong killing intention made these disciples who had participated in many hacking operations afraid of coming forward.

The two behind them planned to sneak attack and rushed up on the standing water, but their hands were just raised, and the arm still flew into the air with a machete, deeper and deeper, removing the entire arm.

Although Shen Ming is still a waste and one person, the visual impact brought by fists or bricks is far less powerful than using a knife to open people. The scream of an attacker after losing his body part is Shen Ming. Weapon, scared the other disciples to stand still and dared not come forward.

Many of them regret not having brought guns, making the situation so embarrassing.

A self-conscious disciple, using the mountain knife in his hand as a throwing weapon, he was thrown away according to Shen Ming, but before the knife touched Shen Ming, he was hit back with a backhand blow. He just thought he was him. The genius' younger brother suddenly found that the weapon he had lost nailed his stomach, and that pair of wounds blew out from both sides, the scream, "Ah !!!" general.

Shen Ming killed him all the way, many one-armed stumps scattered all over the ground, waiting for the water to dissipate, presumably the sanitation workers cleaned up not only their teeth.

Modern technology has reached the point where limbs can be re-operated, but that also requires limbs. After a group of disciples were chopped, they panicked and found their arms in the stagnant water, hoping that they could be rescued in the future.

Using such a tactic, Shen Ming's efficiency in leaving the alley has been significantly accelerated. Only 5 minutes later, he has stood in front of the pump at the alley, and the machete in his hand is full of gaps, feeling that it will break at any time. It's normal, but the blade is already blood-red like splashing red paint. Some fingers, minced meat, and broken bones are stuck in the gap in the blade.

Shen Ming looked back, and the long alley was full of his limbs, and there were young gangsters crying.

In fact, he only brought down one hundred this way, but the other three hundred young gangsters who could still stand had actually been put down by him.

"We will meet again. By then, I hope you have forgotten what I am like today, because when you see me again, you will only be ten times more horrified than you are now." The evil smile will become a nightmare that many young gang disciples will never forget in the future.

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